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Everything posted by CappnRob

  1. Jamuka is great for me. Again, infantry has its role in FE4, and Jamuka comes with great stats for his level, great skills, and makes a great dad for a few kids. Killer bow is overkill on him but he can pass it on to Midayle and do just as well with a steel bow. Pursuit as a class skill limits his usefulness as a dad (namely limiting himself to either bow-inherited children or children who already have pursuit) but the options he does have are great, particularly Ayra. His major flaw is his heinous skill growth though its compensated by his good base. A solid and dependable unit either way though, 7.5/10.
  2. I like almost every Fire Emblem continent but I think my most favorite does have to go to Elibe or Tellius with a slight bias in Elibe's favor. Elibe is almost as well written out as Tellius is, but its main advantage is that it has the most sensible geography of the series, partly owing to the fact its basically an expy of Europe. Other FEs tend to have less realistic landscapes which kind of annoys me but never gamebreakingly so. That said there's something I like about all FE's continents almost: Akaneia has a great and mysterious atmosphere due to all the weird places you visit in FE3 relating to dragons. Judgral had great internal politics in its story that showed how these nations gelled with each other and I dig the holy empire vibe it gives off (and later unholy vibe pft).
  3. Adean is alright. She's a powerful healer held back by her low movement, but can circumvent this in some ways, namely through physic/libro and making good use of the warp/return staves. Her higher staff rank means she can perform better duties than Ethlyn, but positioning is tricky. Her kids typically turn out alright, Ullur blood means Lester can use Silver Bows out the gate provided his dad can pass them down, but her two best husband candidates are both bow users who also get the heroes bow as well. I really don't have much else to add onto her. She's a utility unit that has good, easily accessed, easily useable, well, utility. She's also around a chapter longer than Ethlyn so she gets a little more mileage in that regard. 7/10 for me, more useful than a burden in the end.
  4. Bah, what a shame. I'd love to play Binary in English :T
  5. I only do semi-casual runs and Dew has never proven himself to be exceptional for me lol. I manage my money just fine with town visits and lover sharing mostly. Sure Dew does help but not in a way that ever struck me as super essential. I wish you could set the amount of gold you give away too, its annoying to juggle full wallets.
  6. So I was browsing the google when I came across this image: It gave me a giggle, but something also caught my eye - Arthur's damage is wrong. At 20 magic, he should be packing 50 damage with Forsetti, not 45. All divine weapons do 30 damage base in vanilla FE4.... but in Binary, that damage is dropped to 25. So.... is this an english patch of Binary I never knew about? DOes anyone know anything about this? I always wanted to give Binary a whirl but can't be assed to remember what the commands are in moonspeak.
  7. mfw all these people talking shit about my waifu Ayra i don't even recognize this fandom anymore i swear jokes aside though, Ayra is fuckin' amazing imo. She has fantastic bases and solid growths all around, and has some of the most obscene skill combos G1 has to offer: pursuit of course is essential class skill or no, continue on promotion racks up the hits, nihil means she's great at nullifying OTHER people's skills, and meteor sword while not totally reliable allows her to fucking devastate basically anything she runs into. She's one of the best arena running characters so she rarely has trouble keeping up in levels imo, and while she does fall behind the cavalry which IS a pain in Ch2's first half, she more than easily carries her weight for the rest of G1 imo. She can travel through forests easily which makes her essential in recruiting Jamuka in the later part of Ch1, as well (double so due to her Nihil skill). Infantry DOES have its place in FE4, typically on defensive roles, and despite the games reputation for huge maps unless you are speed bombing the game it is NOT the All Cavalry All the Time Show. Plus, she has 6 move instead of just 5, so she is a little more mobile than freakin' Arden is. And for kids? A quote from the legendary Superbus of FESS fame sums Ayra up quite nicely: That really says all that needs saying. But seriously, Ayra almost doesn't HAVE any bad pairs. She falls for Arden? No biggie, Ulster's a big boy anyhow. Azel decides he likes intimidating warrior princesses instead of waifish clerics or childhood thunder mage friends? Just dump your magic swords on 'em. To say nothing of her actually good pairs: Dew and Finn make both kids hilariously well rounded. Holyn lets you exploit the Balmung to be used on Larcei or Ulster. Lex makes them into fast leveling foottanks and is the hottest pair. Noish lets them crit all he time with dat Odo blood. Jamuka gives them both continue out the gate so 1: Larcei doesn't need to promote to get it and 2: Ulster doesn't trail behind because of it. Its crazy. Ayra best mom of all moms. Also, she nets you the brave sword. Yes, her promoting makes it redundant, but you still HAVE IT. Slap it on someone who needs it more once she hits swordmaster, its still an important and valuable weapon to have! 10/10 for me, with bias because I want to fuck her. AS FOR MISTER DEW. I made an argument for Azel that he's really good and just has a hard time reaching his potential. Dew is a character that I would feel similar about if he could somehow naturally reach that potential. Dew has AMAZING growths, well balanced in all fields. Dew has an AMAZING promotion, getting obscene +5s in almost everything when he hits Thief Fighter, plus an A rank in swords (from a C!), and much needed pursuit. If you can get Dew to promote, he is easily an important and irreplaceable, valuable asset to your team. The problem is I can never get this knucklehead to promote without boss mashing on Gondolf for 100 turns! Dew starts out WEAKER than weak, a level 1 thief with ONE defense and THREE strength. Sure he's fast and lucky, but early on his dodging isn't THAT good and most enemies he'll face he will do 1 damage to. Azel might need to be spoonfed kills to hold up, but at least Azel is shooting atomic fireballs that do 40+ raw damage over two turns with pursuit so all he needs is to be set up for the kill. Dew needs literal baby sitting or boss abuse to be truly great. He's infantry, so he falls behind - and yes I said infantry has its place, which they do, but Ayra unlike dew does NOT need to be babysat to survive. Dew needs a wall around him at all times so he doesn't get picked off and feeding him the kills is extra tedious to boot. Stealing gold is useful, but only if the guy stealing it can survive the round of combat needed to make off with the cash. If thieves had more overall utilitarian design in FE4, ie unlocking doors and chests and stealing was a command that didn't involve direct combat, maybe his use would go up. As it is, Dew is a character that needs promotions to shine, and getting him there in any timely enough manner to take advantage of it is generally unfeasible. Oh, and I guess he can fix the bridge in Chapter 4. Eh. He's also a great dad, which is a point in his favor: Ayra and Briggid being his top potential wives, but like Noish and Alec he's more of an asset husband than a great one. Gives good balanced growths and solar sword to any infantry sword wielding kids (which is really niche honestly) and Bargain is great for holy weapon maintainence as well as being your pawn shop launderer for easy trading... but they're ultimately not too essential. 3/10 for me. Starts awful, can be amazing, has no practical means of achieving it, but what little use he has can't be totally denied. I always boss mash him on Gondolf to 20 for fast promotion so he can hold his own for the rest of G1. Makes great kids with a few right pairs too.
  8. tbh I rather liked the mag = res stat for how weird it was but I'm not totally sure I'd want it back. For one is basically undermines any character fulfilling the niche role of a physical magic tank ie modern Pegasus Knights, but on the other hand yeah it opens up some crazy possibilities - pure water boosting attack for a short while, mages basically being impervious to one another, etc. I'd like to see it TRIED again at least in some fashion.
  9. no! if i can't fantasize about arya and lex having hot and heavy swordgirl on axedude sex in between battlefields then WHATS EVEN THE POINT OF FIRE EMBLEM mfw though i actually go out of my way in every FE7 run to pair Ninian and Eliwood together
  10. The DS games pre-set save points are also a good feature, yes.
  11. Honestly I liked FE4's saves: you could save at the start of every turn, but only if you hadn't moved anyone yet. Granted, FE4 with its wildly OP stat variables and single digit RN kind of made this a necessity, but I still liked it. Also yes pls bring back fuckhuge FE4 maps :V
  12. Midayle is a poor guy who doesn't get much of a break and sadly performs better as a dad than as a soldier. His growths are just only ok at best, bows are moderately heavy in FE4 so he doesn't dodge too well early game, and he doesn't get his own special weapon, the Brave Bow, until the second last chapter. However, he can also make good use of the killer bow, and I always drop that on him because Jamuka is enough of a beast out of the gate to not need it for himself. Hell, with Midayle's average skill and FE4's bows being pretty inaccurate, the killer bow's 100% hit rating is nice too. As a dad though, he is THE choice for Adean, really. He's essential for a Lester that functions, and while on his own his growths aren't that amazing, combined with half of Adean's and her holy blood, they really pull through for her kids. The only other bow using kid in G2 comes with a divine weapon that may as well be a rocket launcher, so why not shack Midayle up with Adean and give him the full arsenal of other bows? Ultimately, Midayle is a 6, maybe 6.5 for me. He's got utility, for sure,but its narrow in scope. He hits and runs from a distance and never really dominates the battlefield, but he's unarguably the best dad for a great Lester and is never -bad-. He's just ok. He gets the job done.
  13. Irish lore is the second major influence in FE4 next to Nordic so that would make sense, too. And that's also true about the weak French kings ruling over ambitious lords as well.
  14. Augustria simply struck me as a less powerful Grannvale tbh. Both of them are nations of lords serving under a superior lord, it just seems Grannvale is the vaster, larger, more powerful one with a stronger crusader lineage. They seem to be mix-matching the French and German themes: Augustria certainly SOUNDS more French and Granvalle is where most of the blatantly Nordic borrowed crusader nations are from. Grannvalle however totally outshines Augustria in terms of apparent power and ability, which is kind of the opposite of France and the HRE: France being a central powerhouse for most of European history and the HRE mostly tripping over its own ass most of the time. Augustria seems to ultimately be a weird mix of a league of equal nations under the authority of an even greater king than their own, idk.
  15. Miletos is a Greek derived name, so that makes since. (Derived from Miletus) Manster being something like the Lycian League makes sense, except I'd imagine they're less united than Lycia is (as Lycia had an implicit sense of nationhood and the nobles were all marquess and not kings). Granvall is very HRE-ish, hell, Barhara is even called the holy capital, lol. The lords of each state have their own ambitions but are sworn to the throne of Barhara.
  16. Maybe I'll just try and get use out of him since I grinded him to general. His move sucks but he can basically facetank all of G1 short of Langobard and Reptor now.
  17. So its safe to assume both are, pre-Empire, nonunified collections of city states working together in collaboration then. I know Miletos is a republic, I think. Manster might be too, idk, would have to check the wiki. So they're both just "regions" and not unified nations, hence the monkier "district" for both, with close ties to Grannvale. I wonder if they're protectorates of old Grannvale or not. I do wonder why if Lenster is the "head" of the nation states why the district is named after Manster though :V
  18. I should make a montage of every time Arden fights in my playthrough set to that music. Except I'm already at the end of Ch1 so his usefulness is already over noooooo
  19. So I was just wondering, what's up with Manster and Miletos in so far as the grand scheme of Judgral is concerned? We know in G2 they're both just extensions of the Grannvale Empire, but in G1 I'm... not sure. Lenster is for sure allied or at least at peace with Grannvale in much the same way Augustria was pre-Verdane invasion. But the fact its called a "district" where as Augustria is clearly a kingdom with a collection of lords under one crown, Manster and Miletos are.... not clearly anything. Are they a collection of independent lords with city-states under autonomous authority? Are they vassals of Grannvale, but if so why aren't they just a part of Grannvale? Cuan and his father are mentioned to have been the primary authority that keeps Thracia out of Manster due to the Gae Bolg, but Lenster is far from the Thracia/Manster border, to say nothing of the fact its called MANSTER district, not LENSTER district. So yeah, any hidden lore tidbits out there to shed the light on the Manster/Miletos situation? :Y
  20. Larcei with the heros sword is definitely one of the safer bets. Ares with the Mistletyienn might be good too. If you have Forsetti!Arthur then he's the safest bet I think.
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