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Everything posted by CappnRob

  1. Fire Emblem Judgral Saga Remastered with an official localization would give me a heart attack of pure joy. Whatever IS is doing right now they're clearly trying to stoke the FE brand name's, well, fire, to garner interest in both old and new properties. A compilation having both FE4 and FE5 with some of the rough edges smoothed out (GIVE ME SUPPORTS REEEEE) while retaining the classic gameplay like Shadows of Valencia is doing would be fantastic.
  2. What gets me about Johan and Johalva is those are obviously German-esque games in a game that has a lot of strong Germanic mythological vibes. There's a lot of Irish in FE4 too, but its secondary to the Norse/German stuff. Plus the fact they're both big manly axe mans.... :Y
  3. Naoise is actually the "proper" spelling of Noish, which is an Irish mythical figure. Also, who wouldn't name their kid wrath? :^)
  4. Gaiden introduced a lot of stuff actually, like branched promotions, a traversable overworld, monster battles, multiple main characters, branching storylines, and the like. FE8 was the big one that reused a lot of this content, but some of its trickled throughout the series.
  5. Gaiden has been on my to-do list for a while now and with the remake announced the time seems right for me to finally pick at this overlooked classic.
  6. Man, Jill's bit with Ashnard gives me such chils, it really is a shame she can't even dent him in game. I get not everyone should be able to take the final boss down, but a little bit of a bone toss would've been nice.... bleh!
  7. Man this thread really makes me feel inadequate in ways lol. I just got 5 of the 7 FE4 figurines in the mail today - only missing Sigurd and Ayra. I know Ayra is rare, but Sigurd is proving annoyingly elusive too. I don't want to buy random blind packs either because I don't have that much money :S Other than that I have hard copies of FE7, FE8 and FE9. Oh, and I guess a copy of FE10 that I found in my sister-in-law's old bedroom that is literally too damaged and scratched to use and has no case. God that made me salty once I learned how pricey Radiant Dawn is. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  8. I don't dock points for lacking a mount on principle because I keep my army generally together. I make more use out of mounted units movements for hit and runs, ie gettting in close and then pulling way back out, than for just running ahead of everyone. Never bothered me save for perhaps the fucking stretch of nothing on your way to Ishtor in Chapter 7.
  9. I have no doubt IS (or at least Kaga) intended these connections albeit probably without thinking TOO hard about these connections. Either way, interesting that laguz stones can be seen as predecessors to dragonstones, I never considered it that way. I had forgotten that mamkutes take on a human form to conserve energy and dragonstones were created to serve that purpose, I forget which game mentions that (its FE6 I think?). This has me wondering though, does it ever mention if Nils or Ninian had markings? I don't think it does, but eh! I never considered the Branded marks being the same as the Crusader's divine markings.
  10. So it would seem Gaiden is exactly that: a side story, lol. Good to know all the same!
  11. Goddamn, I don't know how you people get so many kills on your weapons :Y I balance my exp between my army pretty well and almost always have everyone at level 25+ and promoted (save dancers) but I usually only get the G1 hero sword, Sigurd's Silver Sword, the hero axe and maaybe the light brand to 50+ and that usually takes until the endgame to achieve.
  12. I never played Gaiden (I really should sometime though), but I know it's tangentially connected to the Akaneia Saga in some ways, such as Camus appearing as "Zeke" and I think the Falcion shows up too? Can someone familiar with FE2 give me the rundown exactly on how it fits into the FE1/3 plot?
  13. Azel gets my vote, Vala and Tordo blood means they can use A rank fire and thunder magic, pursuit lets them double, both can use normal Wind (which there's two of anyway in G2) for better evasion, and get crazy good magic, speed and skill with decent everything else. Inheritence isn't a problem either and its easy to get that pairing because of a love boosting talk at the start of chapter 4 and similar movement ranges (provided Azel isn't promoted).
  14. Huh, I had no idea Slayder could grab reinforcements. I always just smoked his ass because he picked fights he couldn't win, lol. And Faval I think has to be recruited after you deal with Ishtar? I forget.
  15. There isn't but 50 kills is still a tall order and it can't be freely traded without dropping by towns. Shanan is canned woopass off the store shelf.
  16. Shanan is great but as far as G2's potential legendary weapon wielders go he's probably the least impressive (except maybe for Alteena for her late join time) because his growths just aren't that great and sometimes puzzling (why is his defense higher than speed? Especially with such a low def cap :Y ). Balmung however is his one true saving grace and boy does it shine. While it lacks a tertiary skill like critical or prayer, it makes up for it with its obscene speed buff, low weight, and high accuracy. The thing is basically an instant kill for anyone Shanan runs into short of another holy weapon user, and that makes him invaluable. The only other problem he may have is its incredibly RNG based how well he and Patty/Daisy can escape the dark mages when they first enter the story. Balmung gives him some great avoid, but it isn't perfect.... either way, Shanan gets a 7.5/10 for me, hes a great help but he does sorta fall in to a support role later into G2 like Oifey does. I think he probably should've had Awareness like Ayra so he could deal better with trickier enemy encounters but eh!
  17. I'm lessso asking if there's a direct connection and more if there's a correlation of some kind. I haven't played Radiant Dawn yet so I don't know what if any lore dragon laguz get that could connect them to dragons from previous games.
  18. I second this to be honest. While I'm not opposed to Fire Emblem being too mainstream, I hope that it doesn't lose sight of its identity in the process. So far things have been mostly ok, though hints of the above have seeped in (namely the fanservicey elements). Its too early to worry now, though, but Nintendo is pretty hardball with game quality so I'm not worried about something like say, annualized Fire Emblem, lol.
  19. That's what I imagined too but I wondered if there was any in-game lore explanation for it in any of the games. I know FE7 sorta glosses over it because NoA translated "dragons" into "wyverns", but there's still the issue of FE6.
  20. So if there are two things that connect all FE games together, its the Fire Emblem itself (albet appearing in multiple forms) and the presence of dragons in its stories. I've been reading some creator notes on FE4 particularly, which explored the origins of Loptyr, Naga, and Forsetti's involvement with the mortal world in regards to Judgral Saga's backstory, and it got me thinking due to some stuff that was said. Apparently the dragon gods of FE4 all came from Akaneia, so does that make Akaneia the homeland of deitic dragons? The dragon's gate from the Elibe Saga, does it in fact lead to Akaneia? I know the dragons in Akaneia Saga all live in this wilderness hell hole up north of the human nations. Then there's the dragon tribe Laguz in Tellius Saga: how are they connected? Are they glorified manakete/mamkutes? And lastly, is it ever explained the difference between a sentient dragon and the feral ones that dragon knights ride? Their evolutionary differences or whatever? Food for thought I suppose.
  21. Fire Emblem Warriors better have some old school rep or I'mma make a pact with Medius AND Loptyr.
  22. Lyn, Hector and Eliwood share the vote for me because their greatest strength imo is how they play off each other as a power trio, and they're my favorite lords in the entire franchise as a result. Lyn is a nomad turned noble woman and she has this strong and feminine character where she is neither too tomboyish nor too dainty (though I don't mind either as personalities), and she plays off well as the middle ground between Eliwood's kind nature and Hector's impulsiveness. Hector is of course awesome for just breaking the typical FE lord mold by being violent and brash, plus basically growing like an armor knight on steroids. Eliwood is at a glance your typical FE "noblebright hero" sort of guy, but what separates him apart from the others is how the game actually goes into his morals and explores them, and a large part of that is because he has Lyn and Hector to bounce off of, so his personality doesn't exist in a void, and that really makes him more relatable and likeable to me. If I had to pick one though, it would have to be Hector: he stands well enough on his own and is the keystone to bringing out the best in Eliwood's character, and the entire idea of Hector's story is fantastic because it lets us see the story of a Noblebright hero through the perspective of someone else. Hector's loyalty and friendship with Eliwood and the extent which he goes for his friend and understanding his weaknesses and shortcomings and trying to lift him up is one of my favorite things in FE7. As for the other GBA lords... Eirika is nice, I like daintier princessy types, and her love story with Lyon was delightfully tragic, but she's generally just not as well fleshed out as Lyn. Ephraim is a boring dullard who has too much plot armor and growths that are too good for his bad stat caps, aside from his supports with L'arachel he's honestly not that interesting of a person and is like a shallow mix of the more superficial elements of Hector and Eliwood. Roy is a boring sack of cardboard shit :V
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