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About FrenchPotato

  • Birthday 04/28/1996


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    Video games, music, programming
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  1. So if I link more studies than you to prove my point I win? I thought it would take a bit more of logic, like considering the pros and cons. I linked studies that support the theory, you linked others that don't. Anyone who actually care would compare the pros and cons before telling what they think is true. The fact that at least tens of scientific studies support the theory mean that it is a serious matter and that it would take some work to know the truth. Trump has his reasons to think that the theory is true, you have yours to think it's wrong. I don't feel like putting in the work and compare the pros and the cons, but you can do so if you want to.
  2. Welp, this forum is going way too fast for me, so don't expect much activity from me here. Anyway, if you think that the vaccination/autism correlation is bs, check the studies first. Here is a link to a facebook post from 2011 listing 30 scientific studies that defend Trump's claims on the matter: https://www.facebook.com/notes/lisa-joyce-goes/30-scientific-studies-that-demonstrate-vaxes-can-cause-autism/10150278904786311/ Also, "less intensive" means "not giving them all at once", mainly. They'll still get them all, but not at the same time, so that the body can handle it better. Also, Trump is not stupid. He'd do serious researches on the subject and ask several scientists before doing anything about it.
  3. "Pro-nuclear proliferation": If you're talking of Donald Trump willing to give the nuclear bomb to Japan, in order for them to defend themselves, while taking the US military out of the country and let them develop their own army instead, I don't see what the problem is. Japan isn't an enemy. "Anti-climate change": He doesn't want to give money to the many people who pretend that they will use it to be more eco-friendly, whereas they just won't do much good at all with it. I heard he's now taking the whole thing more seriously than just breaking the contract. Let's see how things go. "anti-vaccination": Straight up a lie. He isn't anti-vaccination, he simply wants them to be less intensive for the childs.
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