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Everything posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. So far the best part of this is that we can see full non-cropped attacking art! In any case though, I’m probably going Braver Ike for 12 days, Soren for one. Can’t help myself.
  2. I love it, my three Ikes and Soren can reliably clear lunatic 5 on auto.
  3. I am very happy Celica pulled a win! Veronica making it to second is not at all what I would have expected. Good for her and her fans. Otherwise I have very little opinion on the female side. Do wish Nino had passed up Loki but that’s neither here nor there at this point. For the guys though! Hell yes Hector! Couldn’t be happier there! Ephraim, neat! I really need to finish Sacred Stones so I can actually appreciate this guy. RIP Marth, one day your time in the Heroes spotlight will come. One day... The real shock though! Soren managed to squeeze in there to the top 20!! Had his PoR and RD votes been combined he would have been 14th! And Keaton and Kaden (and Selkie) are there too! Good. Give me beast units. IS needs to can it with the split votes next year or riot
  4. I think I was significantly happier to see Sanaki than you were. Murphy's law was in full effect for you ouch. Waiting for the next Ike banner is probably wise, this one was not kind with the reds. I managed to get the same Sanaki as Rezzy too. It's one of those banners apparently lol.
  5. Well Soren’s still married to PoR Ike, so presumably that one, but I wouldn’t blame him for going with beefcake Ike.
  6. Other than the Hone Atk seal the rewards for this one are a bit underwhelming, but I’m not really complaining. This means I can go ahead and upgrade the Atk Ploy seal finally. What is a lot of fun this TT is getting to play with my new favorite meme team.
  7. Oh boy oh boy I had a wild time summoning on this banner last night. It was not kind to me, I went in with 138 orbs, I left with four. Let me share the nonsense! I dive headfirst into the hypocrite pool, I’m not happy what they did with Erika but damnit I want that Vangaurd Ike! Free summon, my free summon was good! A +spd/-def Sanaki, awesome! I have a soft spot for the gremlin emeperes and my original was -atk so I’m happy with her, and the free summon too! That was the point where my luck hit the pits for a long time. The only thing of note to come out of the giant pity gap was a 4* Seliph. That was a nice pull, I now have a +6 Seliph! Then I got two circles in a row with no colorless and the inevitable happened. My least favorite character on the banner. Woopee. Yeah that was disheartening. Especially since this is yet another dagger unit with a nature I would really have loved for my poor Jaffar to end up with, +spd/-hp. That is a moot point now though because that Fredrick has immediately fulfilled his purpose and now Jaffar has silly daggers! At this point I was down to about 50 some orbs, which was originally going to be my stopping point. I have no self control. Right after that Fred I got Siegbert, much happier about him as a pity breaker even when there was not rate to break. +Atk/-Spd, the speed loss stinks but I can make attack, attack, attack! work on him I think. And so I just kept going because I don’t know when to quit all the way down until I had four orbs left and ho boy I could have cried. Ike you dick, thank you for taking pity on me in the end! He is neutral nature, that was also a huge relief. Ffffffff these 8% banners are terrible terrible sinks. Thank goodness there’s the TT and anniversary stuff to replenish my stockpile of orbs. @Rezzy(sorry, I’m dead and can’t think of anyone else to ping)
  8. I'm not overly surprised, I forget exactly how long it took but it was at least a week or two before we found out the results the first time.
  9. Well I for one am super excited about Vanguard Ike, now to wait with glee for the salt to poor in about that. Yeah the lack of 3* pool adjustment is not good...
  10. There are not any male characters that are like those two. The thing is, there really isn’t a way to make a male version of a fanservise character like Camilla or Loki because the male body has not been and is not sexualized the way the female body is.
  11. Maciah and Sothe just strikes me as an awkward relationship to turn romantic. I’m not a fan. I am partial to Maciah/Pelleas, still a bit awkward but I feel like they have way better potential romantic chemistry. My second choice would be to pair her with Volug even though he’s not an option here. He’s who I’ve had Maciah support in my first RD run.
  12. @Rezzy She is looking goood! No idea how they would ever implement that sort of thing but it would be amazing.
  13. Alrighty Judgy-McJudgerson, tear me to pieces! :D
  14. I wonder if it’ll take as long as it did last time to get the results. Hopefully they’ll be quicker but I’m not holding my breath.
  15. People love a good meme, and it’s hard to get much memeier than dead last in a poll of over 700 characters. That’s why he got one of my votes.
  16. Last day had to vote for my #1fave. Apparently voting Soren was a good call today since I unknowingly had two Soren cipher cards sitting in the mail box all day. Poor Glade all alone amongst the Tellius people
  17. Ha that is hilarious! I’d be surprised to find another team like my so in all likelihood there’s my boys and the bonus girl of the week. This would be the second time someone I know from my friend list found me in the arena.
  18. And that's two votes for the best dragon girl. I wonder how she'll do compared to last year. PoR Ena got 587 and RD got 649. These split votes are killing me.
  19. Mountain is a lie of a word. Huh Ee-fray-um rolls off the tongue pretty well.I'm pretty sure the first pronunciation of Ephraim I tried was Ee-Fur-em, which prompted my friend to laugh for far longer than nessesary. She then could not give me a satisfacyory pronunciation of her own so I've been "??????" ever since.
  20. Well if you're giving up on day one then that's on you friendo.
  21. And here I've had two people say my video helped them beat infernal. Not everyone is making videos specifically to help people ether. That's not why I did mine, I just have fun clearing things with only Soren doing damage and its fun to share stuff like that. The thing about a lot of the videos is you usually can't follow them step by step because not all of the units are exactly the same. You need to mess around with what you have when there's a strategy that might work for you.
  22. I fought twitter every step of the way to get this uploaded I am absolution 5*ing Lyon in the morning.
  23. Honestly all the Tellius games need is a good Virtual Console re-release/remaster. The main things I'd like to see would be: -A way to skip or at least speed up enemy and ally phases. -A redo on all the voice acting, other than the narrator, love that guy -Correct the Radiant Dawn difficulty translation screw up.
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