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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I'm gonna have to stop you there, and tell you that, no, that's not why people dislike SS. People were already saying shit about the game shortly after release, weeeeell before Egoraptor's video, and it's the first time I remember a lot of people saying it "broke the Zelda cycle", because it skipped the honeymoon phase where everyone was absolutely enamored and loved it. Right off the bat, people were split because of waggle(As improved as they were over TP, are still a major hurdle for a lot of people to get over), the constant babying with Fi stopping you from you all the time, lack of an actual world to explore, and the heavy reliance on recycling levels later in the game. Hell, I saw people who were upset that it retconned Minish Cap. I myself don't think SS is that bad, so I might as well say I agree with the sentiment that I like it more than a lot of Zelda fans. Whereas waggle controls(Purely my fault for playing the Wii version, I'm sure the GC version isn't nearly as big of a chore to play), barren, drab world, and the stupid wolf segments absolutely ruined TP for me, I feel like most of SS' changes to the Zelda formula were better than how TP handled them. But, the game has a lot of very big, valid problems that fans of the series picked up on pretty quick. Egoraptor echoed a lot of them, but then ruined any argument he had by stupid nitpicky bullshit like bomb bowling, which is far from the worst part of the game, and is pretty minor. Anyway: Dark Souls 2: Game's got problems. But compared to SS, I feel like you REALLY need to dig deep or play for a loooong time before they become evident. While I disagreed with the Egoraptor sentiment, I do think Matthewmatosis' video is largely a part of this. I say this because I've never seen anybody go "Man, SS sucks, you should watch Egoraptor's video on it", while I've seen tons of people post the MM video on Dark Souls 2 when people ask them why Dark Souls 2 sucks. Pat, from Super Best Friends, even did this IN the DKS2 playthrough when he was all giddy about introducing Woolie to the series with DKS2. And that video is a lot of Matt saying "This is bad", and not "This is bad because this". And when he does actually go into "because this", it usually correlates to "because it's not like Dark Souls 1 or Demon's Souls". Like his complaints on how the game is too many dudes in armor. Which is fair, but I'd argue that some of Dark Souls 1's best bosses are "dudes in armor"(Artorias, Ornstein+Smough), and pretty much ALL of Demon's Souls' best bosses are "dudes/dudes in armor"(False King Allant, the Penetrator. Pretty much it. Maneaters are pretty good, but I hate their arena). IMO, the biggest problem with Dark Souls 2 is something he doesn't even really touch on: Soul Memory. It ruined the meta-game that keeps a good chunk of the Souls Fanbase coming back past NG and NG+. Soul Memory so thoroughly neutered that game's matchmaking that it's aggravating. Which is a shame, because it has honestly the best fashion and build variety+viability in the franchise. But as a PvE experience, it's completely fine. The bosses can get a bit same-y, admittedly, but it's also far and away the longest/most content-packed Dark Souls game, which makes it easier to swallow. It also has some of the best DLC in the franchise. Resident Evil 5: This one seems to get a bit less shit now than it did shortly after release. I think RE6 kind of put it into perspective for a lot of people. BUT, I still see it lumped in as one of "the bad action REs". The game's definitely skimpy on the horror and atmosphere, but I think it's unfair to put it in RE6's camp, and not RE4's. The lack of creepy aesthetics definitely is a major knock against it considering the franchise, but if you look at RE4 and RE5 compared to classic REs, I'd say it does better at the survival horror feel than RE4 does, while RE4 does better at the atmosphere and environments. And by this, I mean RE5 limits you in general resources a lot more than RE4 does, and forces you to manage everything in real time. It stops you from feeling like a complete walking arsenal until you actually start using cheats for infinite ammo and the like. Also you have split everything between you and your partner. Which... Yeah, a complaint I get. The AI is some of the most inconsistent I've ever seen, from extreme hyper-compitance(After 50+ attempts at the Jill+Wesker fight online with human partners, I 2-shot it with AI) to borderline worthless. But on the whole, I find it to be a very fun game, and just as replayable as the REs that came before it.
  2. You didn't just say you didn't like it, you said it was unnecessary. Which could be inferred as being "bad".
  3. No. Christ no. He's a stupid blue hedgehog that eats chili dogs and runs fast. Shadow the Hedgehog is "Edgy Sonic", and he's one of the dumbest things to come out of video games. Ever. Stick to goofy shit. Don't try to make Sonic something it isn't. They've tried that before, and it ended up with Sonic nearly boning a human. SatAM wasn't bad, but that was before the franchise had so much baggage.
  4. Holy shit, how did I never put together that Thracia was liberated and united in 776? It's like Fire Emblem's America. Right down to the flying dragons and child murder cults.
  5. The only ones I bother with are FE amiibos.
  6. The only way to do it now without it seeming shoehorned is to do it how FE4 did it. Time travel worked once, and only once. So unless there's an actual progression in time in the game to justify children, I don't think they'll fly. They could do something weird and left field like the Derprealms, but that really hurt Fates' presentation, characters AND story.
  7. If/when they remake Blazing Sword, they should at least let you pick hard mode from the start.
  8. Fight Club for newbies vs. vets. Settle it once and for all. If you want some good topics, there's probably a lot you could do, looking around here. Like "Next remake?" "Hopes/Expectations for FE: Switch?" "Future FE crossovers/spin-offs ala Tokyo Mirage Sessions/Warriors?"
  9. Because "A noose" is 6 letters, and "I don't even know how" is 16.
  10. If I could possibly know of a way to fix my least favorite character, Gaius, I would have. I could have said "Remove the candy puns", but that's really ALL he has to his character. There's no way to fix that without removing him as a character or just making up a new personality entirely to replace his. As a unit, he's fine. Like every other character in Awakening, there's really no way for him to have awful stats. But yeah, the only way to fix him would be to remove the candy puns, which would more or less be the same as removing him from the game entirely. So for a more extreme way of expressing that, Gaius is unique among my "least favorites". Units like Tharja, Takumi and Xander at least have something worthwhile to discuss about their actions and personalities. Hell, even Vaike, I could say "Go more into why he's such an egotistical shithead", and with a competent writer, something decent could come out of it. But Gaius, expanding on his character would be "Explain why he likes candy", which is one of the dumbest things I've typed out in at least a week. That's not a thing worth expanding on for a serious character. That's a thing worth expanding on for an Aqua Teen Hunger Force character.
  11. You could dual wield Thunder AND Wind, and you'd be matching what Fire wielder have to put up with. But yes, wind is super OP. Genealogy devs were smokin' something when they decided to make swords and wind flat out better than the other weapon types.
  12. The more I think about it, and the more I think about "unorthodox" characters, the more I want the game to do well. Which brings me back around to wanting to buy this. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine Marty going toe-to-toe with Barthe. I mean, there's 0 chance of that, even if they pick super obscure, but trying to imagine those two extreme units and how a fight between them would go down would be so dumb.
  13. Marque There. My friend Jacques(He goes by Jake because people kept calling him "Jackie") taught me that if you want a name to look deceptively feminine, just make it look French.
  14. Favorite - Canas: More con More speed No death by random blizzard Perhaps have his wife be playable Remove the Vaida support Give him more to talk about him in his supports. Pent and Canas fanboying over each other, and Canas and Bartre helping each other by using their interests is fun, but it'd be nice if Canas had like, one more area of interest. Least favorite - Gaius: A noose
  15. As far as opening cinematics go, I think FFVIII's is the best/most memorable. That whole CG scene is burnt into my brain, with that music. For best intro gameplay, if you consider everything up until the opening of MGS3, then that. Otherwise, MGSV's hospital opening works, too. As for WORST memorable opening cinematic? I'll flip it and put FFX's opening on there, purely because I think Otherworld is possibly the worst song in the FF franchise(Barring... well, you know the one. From the XIII games. Chocobos.). The whole sequence is pretty and all, but the song sounds like a mostly deaf person heard muffled sludge metal, and decided to emulate it. This one might not qualify, since there is a small stretch of gameplay where you control Tidus before the cutscene kicks off proper, but I'm putting it there, dammit. Worst opening gameplay segment is RE6. Though it might secretly be a good opening, since it does properly give you an idea of how bad the game you're about to play is. But taken on its own, that opening sequence, where you're slowly walking around as Leon, going through interactive cutscenes at the slowest pace, followed by that awful highway scene... it's bad. Real bad. I'd rather play as Roxas for 3 hours.
  16. Robin and Awakening's story didn't stop it from being the best selling FE of all time up until that point. IS still had problems with it and tried to fix the problems, and arguably broke it more. If they still see the flaws in Fates that they first saw in Awakening, and still want to fix them, I can see them making the shift towards Avatars being more of support characters rather than the leading characters.
  17. IS was disappointed with how Awakening's story was handled, and most of where Awakening's story can be picked apart is with the Avatar. So they hired a renown writer to write Fates... which put even more emphasis on the Avatar, and I think we know how that turned out. I think IS probably knows this. Plus, as it stands the Avatars in these games aren't truly Avatars. They're static characters whose face and body we can pick based on any 3 presets, and can have on of any dozen hair styles. I can actually see a scenario where they keep the Avatars, but HEAVILY de-emphasize their impact on the story. Something in between Mark(Who barely existed) and Kris(Who stole minor story scenes from characters like Marth and Jeigan). Then they can make their lord just straight up static characters, while Avatars play support.
  18. I hope Tekken 7 just becomes "The fighting genre's greatest hits".
  19. On top of the "Japan is waaaay more open about this stuff!", there's also the "Well, I'm a straight male, and the main audience is straight males, so I don't see why fanservice is bad!" I'm a straight male. The fanserivce has turned me off in the franchise so much. It's not what the franchise used to be. It's incredibly gross, distasteful and dumb. And again, it came out of nowhere.
  20. Use Nightmare modules, and put Maltet in Juno's inventory for chapter 20A. Talk to her with one of her sisters, and you will have the weapon.
  21. Since Fates and (moreso)Awakening involve not just multiple timelines, but multiple universes, I think you could probably say both are canon.
  22. Yup. The Isaach swordfighter we used to know as Holyn's official translated name is Chulainn, Aira's son's name is Ulster, and the prince of Isaac is named Shannan. Isaach in general has a Irish naming scheme. There's more, too, but those are the big ones, at least in naming schemes.
  23. I recently went through a bunch of games I have that are crazy expensive now. I forget what most of them were now. My biggest probably would have been my OG copy of Dragon Warrior 7 for the PS1, but that got jacked from me in middle school. My copies of PoR and RD are up there.
  24. As much as I dislike(Relatively. I still like them, but for Fire Emblem games, they're pretty low for me) them now, I really, really liked Awakening and Fates at launch. It took a while for those games to set in with me. So as long as it isn't completely broken and messed up, I'm sure I'll love FE Switch at launch. Ask me in 2019 how I feel about it to determine if it disappointed me or not.
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