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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. It'd also make nerfing mounted units(Something that really needs to happen) a bit easier to swallow if the maps were shrunk like, 25%. Additionally, I think it'd be neat if each time you went to capture a castle, there was a mini-map that you had to fight through before making it to the throne and seizing it. It'd make FE4 more dynamic, and again, hopefully give more use to infantry units.
  2. You JUST described what constitutes 90% percent of what actually makes a map. A map isn't just the assets and a square box. Many maps in the same game will reuse assets. Most of what makes a map is what you put inside the square box. What's inside the square box in FE6 really isn't fun to deal with, and, once again, heavily favors Horse Emblem strats over other styles of play. The time constraints don't help, but it doesn't change that even without those, mounted units still get heavy preference over unmounted units, since moving still takes a lot of time in those windy maps. I'm not saying get rid of them completely, but I am saying change maps so that it isn't virtually every single map from like, chapter 8 onward. ... WHAT?! What the fuck are you talking about? FE6 and FE7 are two separate games, that follow a linear timeline, and follow the same story. How in the fuck is that anything like Birthright and Conquest, which tell two completely different "What if?" scenarios around the same story that use the same cast in different roles? What the hell does people playing Birthright before Conquest have to do with ANYTHING in this context? I'm saying "Make the FE7 remake playable before FE6 remake" because FE7 is the first part of the story. You get to learn about Eliwood and Hector, you get to know Marcus, you can see Rath talk about his father, you can see Bartre and Karla hit it off, you can see Canas mention his son and mother, you can see Geitz mention his little brother. All of which would pay off in FE6. In Japan, these were clearly just winks and nods to the game that came before it, since FE7 obviously wasn't really planned out when FE6 was made. When FE6 came out and Hector died, his death didn't really mean anything. Cool lords die all the time in FE. There was nothing to set Hector apart really. He was mainly just "Roy's dad's best friend." I can guarantee several scenes(Like Hector's death) and characters felt much stronger in FE6 to somebody who played FE7 first than the other way around. Now that FE6 and 7 have been out for a long time, and FE has reached new audiences, repeating that whole deal makes very little sense. I think it would be a much better idea to build up to the events in FE6 by going through the story of Eliwood and Hector first. Things that once were just references to FE6 as winks and nods to people who played FE6 would be proper set-up. So again, how in the world is simply changing the order the games are made/played in ANYTHING like Fates?
  3. By too much, I mean I don't need to hear about his 90th trip to Mar-a-Lago(He goes there basically every weekend. We know by now.), or 3 straight days of the media reporting on him hitting on the Emannuel Macron's. These things are problematic, yes, and if this were any other president, I'd say "Yeah, you news guys keep talking about this.". But this is Trump. There are way bigger fish to fry than how often he plays golf or his pissing contest with France. There actually is a finite amount of time we have, and some things are more worthy of that time than other things.
  4. I made my post in relation to what I've seen in general about FE5. Not so much in the series as a whole. And yeah, while pretty much everyone in FE5 is usable, the stretch of low level units you get from Mareeta to Miranda/Sara all have some of the best growths in the game and generally tend to get a lot of attention. And of them, I see the least about Homer. Even Linoan, who is similarly primarily a light-magic user, seems to get more attention. Homer will likely mainly use Wind until Light becomes readily available, which is why I narrowed down his main competition to Asvel and Ced. Being friends with Shannam is a definite boost. Plus. Look at the guy.
  5. Should there be? Maybe. Like @Levant Mir Celestiasaid, the problem more lies with the enemies being so weak that it allows Seth to steamroll, even in the late game. So it's likely more that enemies need a stat buff pretty much across the board. Will there be? Definitely not. I also can't really see IS ever buffing the enemies. I don't think SS was ever intended to be really up to the series standard when it came to difficulty.
  6. Fucking crazy that we live in a time where the president lobs thinly veiled threats against an entire state because one person representing the state disagrees with him. I know the media really talks about Trump too much, but there really needs to be more coverage over that.
  7. From what I've seen, it's ya boy to the left here. He seems to not be as popular of a unit as many others of his ilk. Why is Homer overlooked? 1.) He's the second in a long string of underleveled, borderline uberunits that you get in T776's mid game. The first being Mareeta, who has too many useful skills in her arsenal to count(Really she has 2, which is a lot for this game). His recruitment is also a bit tricky, so while you WILL get Mareeta, Homer's not a guarantee. Linoan is also automatic, and Sleuf's can't be permanently fucked like Homer's can. Sara's is a bit tricky, but she at least is an enemy on the map of one route, so you can suss out her recruitment, and the other is a basic visit deal. The only one that comes close is Miranda, but there's a chance you won't even get the opportunity to recruit her. But overall, Miranda, Sara, Mareeta, Sleuf, and Linoan to a lesser extent, all generally get more attention than Homer. 2.) He has competition from two major units. Asvel's a solid early-game mage who comes with his own prf weapon that's nearly as good as the Pugi and the Adept skill. Ced's one of the two Gotohs you get, and he comes with a Holy weapon. A proper Genealogy holy weapon. The might is nerfed from 30, but it still has 20/20+(Actually buffed from Genealogy, where it was 20/10) on Speed and Skill. In a game where stats max out at 20 across the board and Ced probably will hit those two. So how can Homer be overlooked? Scrolls+Paragon 1.) The secret to getting most of the mid-game Ests to work usually relies on promoting them late enough to where they'll hit the caps they're gonna hit, but early enough to where their promotion gains will catch them up to the units you're already using. Homer is one of the few units in the whole game who can make relative advantage of going 20/20, due to the insane speed at which he'll grow levels. Sara, potentially the last in the line of FE5 Ests, also has Paragon. But her being stafflocked until promotion slows her leveling capacity down significantly. To add to this, outside of Mareeta, most of your units up until Homer will likely be coming along, having made use they need of the scrolls in your inventory. Combined with his very high leveling rate, it makes Homer a perfect unit to hold on to them until further notice. Added on top of his already very high growth rates. 2.) On his own, Homer will absolutely beat Asvel and Ced in raw stats, hitting caps in speed, skill, luck and magic very quickly(He'll probably hit 20 in luck and speed even before promotion), higher defenses and a good deal more HP on the both of them. On top of this, he has a PCC of 5, effectively giving him a soft Wrath, where Asvel and Ced will only ever have 3. Ced does have 1 Leadership Star and one more Movement Star than Homer. With, just say, one scroll, the very one you get in his recruitment chapter, Homer becomes a Sage tank of death. With the Dain scroll, assuming it stays on him until he hits 20/20, Homer's defense growth skyrockets to 45%, his movement growth nearly triples to 8%, he actually gets a strength growth, while his massive speed growth drops from 70% to 60%, where he'll still cap it at promotion. However, at 20/20, he'll now very likely cap defense, and have a whopping 10 move, while still capping every other stat. With just that one scroll. You could load Dain, Hezul, Baldur and Neir on him for just 10 levels(Which really wouldn't take long at all, and you'd have these scrolls by his recruitment), and he'd be a level 15 unpromoted mage with 35 HP, an extra 3 strength, 1 less luck, an extra 4 defense, 1 more con, and 1 more move. Leveling him to 20/20 with no more scrolls would put him at 52 HP, 15 defense, 9 move, 10 con and all the caps he naturally caps still capped. Still VERY tanky. He'd still face stiff competition from Ced, due to Ced's Forseti, but he'd be head and shoulders above Asbel, who likely is running out, or has run out of Grafcalibur by mid-to-end game, depending on how often it sees use.
  8. Even the stronger enemies have paper thin defense and laughable speed in FE7. FE6 has three types of maps: Straight forward open maps(These become less and less common as the game goes forward) Super windy maps with a ton of obstacles that really just slow you down Super windy maps with a ton of traps that slow you down even more than the other kind of super windy maps It's cool that FE6 more or less makes you have to utilize the whole map, but it's these kinds of maps that make games "Horse Emblem". You basically have to use Cavaliers and Paladins to hit most of the objectives in this game, because your 5 move units can't hope to make it to most of them on time, OR it's the only way to do these maps in any sort of reasonable time. It's really no better than FE4's wide open plains. How in the world does that mean split content? Just remake FE7 before FE6, or remake both at the same time, making FE7 come first this time.
  9. Rebalance units in FE6. Buff enemies in FE7. Fix FE6's map designs. Make the FE7 remake a required play before FE6 remake. Those I think are the really, really general problems that need to be addressed. From there, add skills? More connections between FE7 and FE6(The fuck happened to Lyn)? More support convos in 6? I've gone back and forth on the idea of it all being "one" game with FE7 being Gen 1 and 6 being Gen 2, but it would probably end up inserting too many new characters or retconning old ones. It's probably best if they stay separate.
  10. Speaking of, class growths are something I want to be done away with.
  11. This is why, if I decide to not use Gatrie as my main tanky spear infantry unit, I go with Aran. It helps that Gatrie is also oddly a very fast tank. Nephenee's lack of a clear role in the chapters she shows up in really makes me not enjoy using her. I feel like I force myself to use her if I ever do. Whereas using Aran feels more natural.
  12. Shannam's real lucky that Mareeta's a descendant of Oda. Otherwise she probably wouldn't have been able to learn Sol and he probably would have been found out to be a fraud... by another person. Shannam's a much better execution of Samuel. Probably my favorite comic relief character in the franchise, especially given how dour T776 is. Also, for a more recent example, Gray's pretty good at making me laugh. The more the games rely on humor, the less I tend to be able to put up with, and the harder it is to tell what's supposed to be actual comedy versus what's supposed to be legitimate character traits. Like, Peri. Is Peri supposed to be funny? Is her obsession with blood and killing supposed to be for jokes? Her gimmick is played up in the same manner of every other comedic characters in Awakening and Fates. But I can't comprehend what's actually supposed to be funny about Peri.
  13. I'm tired so I'm not going to go through the whole thing, but that last bit... What? Are you talking about Heroes? Because aside from Heroes and TMS(Which I don't think anyone is going to use to defend FE's sales), Fire Emblem's ONLY been mainline games. Granted, Heroes may as well print money, but I was more asking for the sales of Awakening+Fates+SoV vs. JUST New Leaf, and not side stuff like HHD(Did that really sell that well? I heard absolutely nobody talk about it.). If you include side stuff, then FE gets Heroes, which probably puts FE ahead of AC, since Heroes is again, pretty much just a wildly popular profit generator. Maybe tides will change when AC gets its mobile game next, but as of right now, yeah. EDIT: I didn't expect New Leaf sales to be so easy to find, given the topic. But yeah, New Leaf blows the sales of the 3DS FE games out of the water, so I'll concede that.
  14. Even with the transfer bonuses, the odds are against Nephenee to cap strength. She'll almost certainly cap speed, but that +2 speed bonus is instantly negated by the 2 speed penalty she'll get for the Steel Greatlance. Her other main problem is her squishiness, in a chapter full of axers and Yeardley, who will give her some major problems, and she's even less likely to get any sort of transfer bonus from that than she is strength. And that's assuming you specifically pick Nephenee to make it to 20/20 in PoR, when there are units who would make likely make better uses out of the transfer bonus than she will(The premmie crew in the DB chapters or Ike's Mercenaries for example, would make much better use of those bonuses). Even with those transfer boosts, Nephenee's really still not an amazing unit in RD. She has spotty availability, her stats are nothing special, and she really doesn't have a role among the Crimean Army. Elincia's not really hurting for speedy dodgetanks OR competent lance users. And as good as Nephenee is in PoR, I don't see her hitting 20/20 naturally if you're not giving her special attention. Of course, if you like Nephenee and she hits those caps and gets to 20/20 in PoR, then yeah. She'll be a... fine unit in RD and 2-1 will be a bit easier. But I'd imagine that for most people, whether it be people who don't baby super units, or people going for efficient transfer bonuses, she won't even see these bonuses. Which makes her just a major pain in the ass to use in RD(2-1 specifically).
  15. Smash Bros is REALLY hard to consider its own IP. I mean, it is, but Fire Emblem is a part of Smash Bros, as is Mario, Zelda, F-Zero, fuckin' Ice Climbers, Kid Icarus, etc... It's really weird to put it as part like this, when damn near every Nintendo franchise contributes to its popularity. Animal Crossing sells a lot each release, but there's basically been 1 AC game every gen. It's obviously not as big of a cash cow as the FE series(Or it's not as milkable. Whatever Nintendo's reasoning for releasing 1 AC game every 5 years), which usually gets at least 3 releases each gen. I'd be curious as to how New Leaf sold compared to Awakening, Fates and Shadows of Valentia. Splatoon might be the 4th, though. Game's insanely popular for what it is and the hoops Nintendo makes you jump through to play it in meaningful capacities.
  16. Other M single-handedly scared Nintendo away from making more Metroid games. That game was complete character assassination for Samus Aran. The gameplay was fine. Solid. Nothing spectacular. But everything else about the game drags it down so much that it doesn't even matter. Imagine if Corrin wasn't Corrin, but was Marth or Roy, or some other beloved FE character the whole time. Game was the EXACT same. Fates would get soooooo much more shit than it already does, even though most agree that it's mostly fine from a gameplay and design perspective.
  17. I'd say Other M is straight up bad. Sticker Star, too. Games being finished doesn't mean they're automatically good. Hell, there are several UNfinished games that could be considered downright masterpieces.
  18. Keep in mind, this is $2-8 million of a $600 billion annual budget. There are shitty, obsolete fighter jets that never see use that are literally 100x more expensive than assignment surgeries for trans people. And we still keep buying those jets. The US military is incredibly wasteful. If you want to start cutting military budgets, there are much better options than banning people who are willing to die for the country.
  19. The Transformers game wasn't poorly received, and has a pretty strong fanbase. The other two are true.
  20. Something along the lines of "I'll be the best president for the LBGT community. Hillary will only do damage to your cause." Crazy, exaggerated bullshit that he clearly had no interest in following through on. Pretty par for the course. Honestly it's pretty surprising that it took 6 months before he completely back pedaled on being an ally to the LBGT cause.
  21. I generally don't like axers after 8(After 7, really), but I'm fine with Arthur and Charlotte. "Love those guys" was a little hyperbolic, but I definitely don't really hate them. Usually. Of the 3, Arthur is the one who tends to bother me the most, so ask me on a different day and I might not go to bat for him.
  22. I'd also like to see con and weight return. It was a nice little thing that made some units better at certain things. Like take Oujay and Dieck as a template for Mercs. Adjust them a bit so Oujay has a bit higher speed and strength, but the same shit con. Make Dieck have higher skill while having high con. Now you have two potential Hero units where Oujay is an ideal sword Merc, but has problems using axes, while Dieck has the skill and con to make axes work(Also don't make Axes flat out garbage). Now you have two units in the same class that serve vastly different roles. It'd also be nice if we got the ability to pick secondary weapons upon promotion like in RD/PoR. Armor units with high con can pick up axes, while smaller, speedier armor units can pick up swords. Making weapon rank play into it could be a good plan, too. As you get better at using certain types of weapons, your technique starts to compensate for any weight disadvantages.
  23. It's not even the art style that I have a problem with. If anything, that art style is something that is immediately appealing but becomes harder to deal with as the game goes on. It's more the content of the game and actual game play that I had problems with. It's basically 1 button beat 'em up where you spend most of the game luring and carrying enemies towards the same 5 traps over and over again. The game's only like 3 hours long, and I was fucking sick of it by the end.
  24. Not true. From made Armored Core 5 in between their run of Souls games, and it was... An Armored Core game not on the PS1 or PS2. Aka pretty bland and not as arcadey as it should be. Their Tenchu games run from "alright" to "awful". But they also did Metal Wolf Chaos and Chromehounds, so that's awesome. I really want to see what they do now that they're done with the Souls games. The Souls franchise really changed that company. They changed upper management(The director of the Souls franchise is now president of the whole company) and I think they doubled or tripled in size. They're a proper big-name developer after 15 years of being relatively obscure and niche.
  25. 2-1 in RD is one of my least favorites. You have a squishy Nephenee who suffers a speed penalty because of her greatlance, nerfing her one redeeming quality, a Brom who can't double anything, Heather, who you can miss entirely if you don't have Nephenee make a mad dash through a horde of bandits, a tanky boss who can really only be consistently hurt by Brom that also heals, and a map layout that is just really no fun to move through. It's a very, very tedious map. I know there are some other ones that I really hate, but 2-1 was brought up and I have some particular feelings on it.
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