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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. There's a pretty long list of playable FE females who are more important to to their games than Caeda. FE2/15: Celica FE4: Deirdre, Julia FE5: Briggid/Eyvel, Nanna FE6: Lilina(Barely), Fae FE7: Lyn, Ninian FE8: Eirika FE9: Titania, Mist, Elincia FE10: Micaiah, Elincia, Mist, Sanaki FE13: Lucina, Tiki FE14: Any of the female siblings
  2. Great. Ever since Nioh did this, I've been saying EVERY developer should do this on consoles.
  3. Can't wait to see Raoh doing karaoke.
  4. This isn't something I would have expected in a million years. I guess you could say I wa shock.
  5. Also, I wonder if there's some sort of Sony deal here. This seems like it'd be a great Switch title(Hell, it was originally on a Nintendo system). It being Sony+PC only seems odd. Maybe Square thinks it'd compete with the Densetsu collection?
  6. Well, say they announce they're remaking Jugdral or something. It'd probably take a few years to get Geneaology and Thracia out the door. Say they did an anime showing the war between the Earth dragons and the rest of the dragons, and Loptyr empowering Galle, showing the formation of Grandbell and then the 12 Crusaders and the dragons they made pacts with defeating the Lopto Sect and Galle(Or, alternatively, Elibe remakes with an anime detailing the Scouring). I feel like something like that could work, and it'd take enough time for the games to come out that an anime likely could finish in that timeframe. Or they could do just a one season type of deal, with 13 or 26 episodes coming out around the same time as an entirely new game. Animes don't have ot be these big, decade+ long things.
  7. Goddammit give us Seiken Densestu 3. It's like they're actively teasing us at this point. All we ever get is localized versions of other Mana games that've been re-released here a hundred times. That said, I'm glad that the Mana games are still getting love from Square.
  8. Pretty much any Nintendo handheld. Of the western releases, Fire Emblem 7 and 8 are on the GBA, 9 is on GameCube, 10 is on Wii, 11 is on DS, 13(Awakening), 14(Fates) and 15(Shadows of Valtnia) are on 3DS. Nintendo's god awful at making older titles available on newer hardware, so unfortunately there's no unified platform to play FE without emulators. But if you want the most out of the systems, get an old DS with a GBA slot, and a 3DS. Though 7, 8 and 11 might be hard to find, so you might just wanna stick with 3DS. No idea. I'm sure tapatalk works, but I don't really bother with forum apps. The usual places. Gamefaqs has pretty comprehensive guides, and the Serenes main site has most of what you need to know in each of the games(Where to get items, how to recruit characters, stuff like that). I don't think so. Like, a 2 or a 3. Just don't post anything explicit, and don't be an asshole, and you should be good on FftF. This forum's pretty laid back, so the rules aren't super strict as is. FftF just removes two of the more enforced rules(Off topic conversation and spamming). I dunno. Magikarp Jump has its own kinda art style, and FE:H has a bunch of different art styles. I don't know if there's really a name for it. Not really layouts so much as themes. And yes, there are signatures. And welcome.
  9. I think you could ask in the member feedback forum, but I don't know the rules there. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/forum/20-member-feedback/
  10. Welcome. New fans are always appreciated. Under profile, pick "Edit Profile", then pick from the drop down menu under "Member Badge".
  11. I was debating on whether I wanted to level Bard or Machinist, and I decided to go with Bard. I needed a new class to level to take my mind off of crafting. I've been going at it for a solid 3 weeks now, and nearly have 4 of them to 50(Weaver, Blacksmith and Carpenter are 50+, Leatherworker is 45), and Miner and Botanist are both 50+. So I'm at a decent spot to where I don't have to spend much to level them. But doing Ixal quests is so mind numbing at times. Can't wait until I'm out from under their oppressive space program and can pledge myself to the fluffy flying pigs in HW.
  12. Yes, despite the many, many, many problems I have with it. I think at the time I even said it was my 2013 GotY, which had games like BioShock: Infinite and The Last of Us(But was otherwise a pretty dry year. I think in retrospect I'd say Metal Gear Rising was my GotY). Thinking about it like food, Awakening is very sweet, rich candy. Great in the moment, but it leaves you feeling sluggish and sick afterward. It's hard to hate candy, it is what it is, but it's also not something I really want a whole lot of(While we're here, Fates is like a fine steak with ketchup on it).
  13. I should probably check them out, since they also seemed to go the more traditional/accepted metal route like Unearth. But yeah, that was another weird thing about metal/mallcore. It attracted a lot of Christian artists.
  14. I used to be down with All That Remains and As I Lay Dying(As well as Unearth and It Dies Today), but aside from Himsa, Every Time I Die and Darkest Hour, my interest in those bands died pretty much as soon as I finished middle school. However, Himsa, Every Time I Die and Darkest Hour had something else going for them that the more... I guess "stereotypical" metalcore bands was that Himsa was heavily influenced by trash, Every Time I Die was a rare metalcore band that leaned much more towards the punk rock side of things, and Darkest Hour was heavily inspired by melodic death metal. I'm actually kind of interested to see what those older metalcore bands did, because from what I remember, Unearth's more recent stuff was more thrash and melodeath than metalcore. I mean, revisiting As I Lay Dying would be interesting just because of the lead singer's arrest trying to get a hitman to kill his wife.
  15. I'll always love Motorhead. Lemmy was the first(And practically the only) musician to blend punk rock and metal together in an appealing fashion. Then metalcore came along and pretty much ruined the entire concept. Not that metalcore is all awful, but man. That genre killed metal in the mainstream.
  16. I do think that if they were to do an FE anime, focusing on stories we've never gotten(Say, Anri's story, the dragons teaming up with humans to take down Galle, Athos and pals during the Scouring, Dheginsea and the others defeating Yune, the First Exalt) would potentially be a great direction. A lot of people want whole games based around these, and I always felt like new games would be the wrong place for these stories. But an anime would be perfect. Trying to make a wholly original story might feel a bit detached from FE, and retelling an already told story will probably just alienate people. Telling one of the legends of previous games gives them an in-between, where they have enough flexibility that it'd basically be an original story, but still rooted in the franchise.
  17. Bayonetta 2 and Konkey Dong: Topical Cream are really the only Wii U games I really have interest in. Between ports and "deluxe" versions, I'd say port. I don't think either is super "deluxe"able. I would be interested in a Smash 4 Deluxe. Like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, it would have all the DLC characters, and some extra bells and whistles(Probably a proper story/single player mode).
  18. Yeah, but Brammimond is part of a different universe from the other 3 examples. Which honestly makes Ninian's revival even more ass-pully than anyone else's.
  19. Then why is it called the "Lucina" and not the "Marth" or "Roy" or "Ike"? Ike's probably an even bigger breakout relative to the popularity of his games vs. Lucina and her game. Either way, don't try to force a popular character. It's a surefire way to annoy a portion of your fanbase.
  20. I mean, it's not that it's not difficult. For vanilla experiences, I'd say Thracia is still the hardest FE game(Obviously it gets convoluted when you bring in extra difficulties from later games, but the standard experience, Thracia's the hardest in my mind). But the people who haven't played it are fixated on things that aren't what make the game hard, and are convinced that's the reason it's hard.
  21. I'd be interested if they tried a new FE anime. I mean, aside from the Fate/Stay/Zero/whatever series and a few other VN adaptations, I don't think there's been a single good anime based on a video game franchise, but there'd be no harm in trying again. It's not like Fire Emblem really does anything that wouldn't translate well. Make it like the original Berserk anime. A big army with a few standout characters that get emphasis, effectively emulating the feel of "player units" from the games.
  22. Best: Ashnard or Julius are probably my favorites as bosses. They're fun to work around, get to, and fight, and both are big threats that can easily kill your units. The set up for Madeus in FE3 is pretty great, too, and seeing him(Potentially) eat a bunch of characters, including a little girl and Marth's sister, is dark and dire as all hell. He's not a super great boss, but a neat set-up. Worst: Idunn is pretty bad as a boss. WAY too easy. The Fire Dragon is bad, too, just due to how generic and anticlimactic it is. I've also never liked the arena for Fomortiis. Putting chests on the final boss fight is absolutely ridiculous, and getting to Fomortiis has never been fun. And unlike Ashnard and Julius having interesting units supporting the boss and sub-bosses, Fomortiis just has... generic monsters. The same old monsters you've been fighting for most of the last 25 hours. As an actual boss, Fomortiis is... whatever.
  23. Yes and no. From a gameplay perspective, Awakening's children were way too over powered, and didn't really help the game much. Fates nerfed them so much that there really wasn't much of a need to ever use them. Genealogy was somewhere in the middle, and they made up 90% of your army in the second gen. If it's handled like Genealogy, then obviously children add to the game. Shipping, meanwhile, pretty much only detracts story-wise.
  24. You flat out dismiss easy games, and pretty much anybody who likes them. You act like your opinion is better because you like hard games. That's a textbook example of elitism. It does nothing to help discussion because it gives a reason for people to not take you seriously. I've been on Serenes for 5 months, and that's the first time I've used the term "elitism", so no, it's not a Serenes thing. If you don't mean to come off like that, then you really need to work on how you word your opinions. For clarification: Part of why I like Thracia 776 so much is because of the difficulty. But it's not just because it's difficult, it's because of the design that makes it difficult that I like it. Plenty of hard games are trash.
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