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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. SD has generally pretty low growth rates. Most characters only have good growths(Above 40%) in one or two stats, depending on their class. Quite a few don't even get that.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the game nerf you at more like 3 or 4 levels difference? That was one thing that put me off more than probably anything else. Like, the general combat and Monado use worked for people, even if they bothered me. But the way they dealt with keeping you from fighting stronger monsters was just one of the worst things I've ever seen in a JRPG. Part of the fun of JRPGs, for me, is trying to fight strong enemies as you come across them, potentially getting some nice rewards earlier than intended for your efforts. But XC flat-out stops you from doing that(I'm aware that there are some monsters you can beat even with the gap, but it doesn't excuse the rest).
  3. Since Resident Evil 2 is getting a remake, might as well round-out the original PS1 RE trilogy and get an RE3 remake, too. Similarly, once the Final Fantasy 7 remake is out in 2069, I would like 8 and 9 remakes, too. Especially 8, since outside of 7, I always felt that was the FF that would most benefit from a remake. And adding on to PS1 Square RPGs, remakes of Xenogears to give us a proper last quarter, and a remake of Vagrant Story would be nice. Also, if Sony ever wanted to do anything with the franchise ever again, a remake of Legend of Dragoon would be a good place to start. Basically a lot of really neat, early 3D games would be great for remakes. As for remasters: I'd laugh if the old Drakengard games got remasters after Nier: Automata kind of made the franchise mainstream. I wonder how many people who played Nier even realize it's a sequel to a spinoff of the Drakengard games. They're janky and busted, though, which is partly why I think it'd be funny to remaster them. Dragon Quest 8 getting a proper remaster would be great. Even just one of the HD touch-ups that they do for the PS4 would be enough. HD remaster on Switch is my ideal scenario, though. The Kingdom Under Fire games would be nice to be playable on anything other than an original Xbox(I think Crusader is backwards compatible on the 360, but that's still just old-ass Crusaders).
  4. Creamy, for ONE SUPER SIMPLE REASON: If I want the texture of crunchy, I can simply smash and add peanuts. Making creamy out of crunchy is not nearly as simple.
  5. I'd say the jump from FE10 to 11, then 12 to 13 were pretty drastic. But that's due to FE11/12's artstyle being so... weird. I'd also say the design sensibilities for Kozaki's games are super different from anything before it.
  6. Those were all what were burning me out. The story was keeping me going, but one huge plot point completely turned me off of the plot
  7. By the time I was getting near the end, I was getting pretty burnt out by the game. My party composition for Lorithia just couldn't handle the fight feasibly without grinding(I was still running Shulk, Reyn, Sharla, with Reyn continuously just running into the damage areas, effectively making him worthless), so I took a break from the game. Like, a week or so later, my Wii bricked, losing ALL of my 70 hours of progress in the game. It was a bad experience that had made some negative feelings I was developing for the game even worse. Every time I've tried to go back, I think about how I didn't really enjoy getting to that point, and I quit.
  8. As big of a fan as I am of the 2D games, 8(And from what I hear, 11) did SUCH a good job with the world that I would prefer that to be the typical style of the series from now on. But the way they handled 11 blew my mind, too, so it'd be cool if they could keep doing both.
  9. I'm a huge fan of Xenogears. Xenosaga's a series of games that tried to do too much with way too little, and it can be a rough time. I'm not a big fan of the Saga games. I'm also not a fan of Xenoblade Chronicles(I flat out hated my experience with it, but that was punctuated by one really shitty thing happen when I was right at the end), either. Never bothered with X because I didn't have a Wii U, and the name "Xenoblade" turned me off.
  10. I'd kill for the Switch version. I keep pulling up stuff to play and thinking "Man, it'd be really awesome to have DQ8 on this thing." Hell, even the touched up ports of DQ1-3 would be great to get over here.
  11. He's also one of the more noteworthy Camus archetypes and he's so powerful that people in his game call him the reincarnation of Tordo.
  12. Go in order. Personally, I wasn't a big fan of IX. 50% of my love of these games is the charm in the worlds. IX just... had no charm, IMO.
  13. Well, it might be a bigger collab than just DD. But Suda was part of DD's E3 mock conference, and Hotline Miami's OST was the one used for the trailer. Also, Shovel Knight is in everything these days. Also, just realized that Bad Dad is saying "Charlotte, I'll be seeing him soon enough. Be patient."
  14. To be fair, Suda's last major release(Killer is Dead) was ripped apart by "SJWs". But yeah, it seems like Travis is mostly going to be going through Devolver Digital games, with Hotline Miami being the one picked for the trailer. I'm sure the similarities between NMH and HM contributed to that. Transcript seems to be: Bad Dad: Charlotte, I'll be seeing him soon enough. Be patient. Bad Dad: Alright. Time to play ball. Travis: Take one more step, and you're dead. Bad Dad: It's too late. Travis: Now you're screwed, old man. You wanna play? Let's play. Bad Dad: Bring it, nerd. Pay your debt in blood. Travis: I've been away for a long time. There's a new generation of gamers out there. Let me at least introduce myself. Bad Dad: Travis Touchdown! You murdered my daughter! Don't pretend you've forgotten. Travis: Now you're just going to confuse people. They need to know about the most hardcore assassin in video games. Bad Dad: You bastard! Quit trying to butter up the gamers! Your fight is here in the real world! Travis: Nice work Mickey Mantle. Travis: What's happening? Bad Dad: The Death Drive mk II, the phantom game console... So this is where it's been hiding.
  15. The collaboration with Devolver Digital explains Suda's bit during DD's E3 "press conference".
  16. Not really huge on either. Nergal's easier to understand, with him being driven mad over his pursuit of resurrecting his wife, and he effectively loses his mind and soul to the dark arts. He has a sympathetic backstory, we know how unhinged and gone he is, and his actions are an extreme extension of his original goals, just as warped and corrupted as he is. But he does some dumb villain things(Letting the heroes live all the time, even though he could have easily wiped them out any time prior to the final fight), he's a pretty disappointing boss, and the portrayal of his powers is inconsistent as hell. Zephiel, meanwhile, has no real proper build up. Everyone loves him, except his dad, so he decides humanity's gotta go. I know that the whole "My daddy didn't love me" is a very, very, VERY, VERY common villain(And hero) motivation, especially when trying to go with a sympathetic villain, but most of the time, it's developed a bit better than Zephiel's case. Desmond is so over the top, and Zephiel's response and development is even more over the top. His Gary Stu portrayal in the prequel didn't help much, either. I mean, if FE7 wasn't trying to show us that Zephiel is a tragic character pushed by a bad man, but instead was trying to show us that the men in Bern's Royal family are batshit insane and unreasonable, then mission accomplished? I don't think that's the case, however. But as a boss, he's one of the best "final human" bosses in the series. His boss fight is reasonably tough, and unlike Nergal, he actually lives up to the hype that's been surrounding him the whole game.
  17. No. The history of weapons they have in the franchise is more than enough.
  18. This is true, but I will add, as well regarded as Shin Kibayashi is, the series he was known for were either detective/mystery series or shounen battle manga(GetBackers, one of his longest running, probably most well known series, was basically both). Not really great crossovers with Fire Emblem. I'm not leaving it off the table that they could get a good writer, but they'd probably have to hand-pick one like they did with Kibayashi, and even then it's not a guarantee for a good adaptation. Nintendo's got deep pockets, though. I'm sure they'll have a lot of writers to pick from.
  19. Let's be real here. A lot of the reasons IS has been struggling to write passable stories recently is because of their new-ish habit of imitating anime-style writing. Handing off the writing to another writer in the anime industry isn't going to fix anything.
  20. The problem with saying Lyn is a supporting character like Lucina is that Lyn is ALWAYS there in the story(Well, once she shows up again), even after her arc. She may not be the core focus, but she's always there. Lucina becomes a lot less prominent after she's born in real time, whereas everything leading up to chapter 13 has her in more of a Lyn role. After that, though, the supporting spotlight character starts to switch around.
  21. Anime projects based on visual novels tend to be pretty good from what I hear(Steins;Gate, Fate/Stay and it's sequels, etc.). The Persona animes are also solid. But aside from Persona, video game based anime that aren't VNs basically have nothing. Almost all of them are trash. Pokemon is only successful because of how massive that franchise is. I guess Digimon would technically qualify, but even that series has its ups and downs.
  22. I honestly don't trust IS anymore when it comes to doing decent character development when waifus and husbandos are on the table. AW would be 10x more popular with waifus and husbandos, but the integrity of the series would plummet.
  23. Favorite - Thracia 776 - 24x - The recruitment of a few characters is bullshit. Nobody in a blind run will recruit Homer, and damn near nobody in general will recruit Xavier - Supports being innate bonuses rather than being something built up and seen - Veld's a pushover - So many units in general only getting a line or two, with very little characterization Least favorite - Sacred Stones: - A lot of solid support convos - The branching promotions added enough flexibility without taking away any of the personality of the units - The Creature Campaign was a fun, albeit repetitive, piece of post-game content, and probably the best any FE game has done at a post-game - The relationship between Lyon, Eirika and Ephraim is the best any FE game has done between its protagonists and main antagonist - Several solid map designs
  24. Doesn't Tiki sort of act as the voice of Naga in Awakening? So even if she's basically a walking telephone to Naga, that's still more than Caeda does.
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