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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. The difference between Faye and Leon was that Leon knew he didn't have a chance with Valbar, and wasn't a complete asshole to the people around him, disillusioned into thinking Valbar was the ONLY person who mattered. The closest he really got was him telling Kamui why he wasn't into him when Kamui thought Leon might be hitting on him. Faye's sole support chain besides Alm is two conversations of her telling Silque to fuck off, then one of her saying "Sorry or whatever".
  2. I still think they should bring back the FE4 weapon repair system. Bringing back weapon durability, but making weapons repairable at the cost of money would still discourage overuse of the more expensive/powerful weapons, but you wouldn't be sitting on them for most of the game like people tend to do when they get rare, limited resource items/weapons. Certainly preferable to infinite use forged Iron weapons that are super strong and have no drawbacks compared to every other weapon.
  3. Not unless FE starts taking more inspiration from south/east Asia. But since nearly all of them take place in a mythical magic Medieval not-Europe(And now with Fates, one-time feudal not-Japan), War Elephants would seem out of place. Shadows of Valentia does have the Oliphantier, but they still ride a horse. Just one wearing armor that makes it look like an elephant. I could see it being used by an invading enemy force, but it'd have to stay as an enemy unit. I'd prefer if they didn't start adding in a shit ton of different playable mounts. I'm already not quite sure if I want Griffons to be in the games, and I flat out never want to see the stupid Kinshi bird again. And elephant might be a step too far.
  4. - Kids - Pair-up - S-rank supports(Save romance for the epilogue) - Risk-free grinding opportunities - Fates' weapon system - On that subject, Hidden Weapons - Ridiculous fanservice - Unrestrained reclassing - One single tome rank - The Awakening/Fates skill system where every skill is treated as equal - Avatar worship - Another goddamn dragon as the antagonist Basically a lot of things Awakening emphasized, and to a lesser extent, some things Fates emphasized. Fates was a step in the right direction in a lot of ways, but still stumbled here and there(IMO).
  5. Something new. I'd be fine with something along the lines of the Heroes triangle, where there's a magic triangle and a physical triangle that affect each other.
  6. Slumber


    Nah, it's fine.
  7. Slumber


    Oh my God that avatar of Arnold freezing brought back some bad memories. Welcome.
  8. Nah. I've seen people do it. I chew on straws from drinks, and that's probably weirder.
  9. I said when BotW was brand new, but I'd LOVE a Majora's Mask to Breath's Ocarina of Time. Reuse a lot of the assets and flip everything we saw in that game on its head. Give us a creative, new take on it using already available resources. Maybe touch stuff up a bit and optimize it better for the Switch.
  10. Nothing in the Fates DLC really connects to anything, so I don't think you need to worry about that. Also, I'm not sure if you could say FE6/7, FE8, FE9/10 and Fates are "different timelines" so much as they are "different dimensions"/"different universes".
  11. Nintendo's been revealing stuff closer to release.
  12. I'm fine with it. If there is a place where I'm okay with fanservice in Fire Emblem, it's Heroes. The whole game is fanservice. I'd just prefer they keep it out of the main franchise. If they want to arouse people, let it be through Heroes.
  13. More or less this. Yes, there's investment to get a small army of Sorcerers with Armsthrift+Forged Nosferatu/Aversa's Night in Awakening, but the game does nothing to stop this sort of thing, and the investment isn't that much. Obviously somebody doing an LTC or optimal playthrough isn't going to try those things, but to everyone else, I don't think the investment is crazy, especially when you don't need to go anywhere to get easy, high EXP fights in Awakening. Obviously Fates did a lot to nerf the OP things from Awakening, but it did a hard swing to how much it let you mess around with units' classes. I won't even bring up going to other peoples' MyCastles, which is a whole can of worms in itself with hacked skills and the like. While Seals are more limited than in Awakening, they're not so hard to get that you can't mess with a unit to the point where it's unrecognizable.
  14. Yes, but you couldn't have an army of the most OP class in the game with the same set of OP skills with a little bit of planning.
  15. I concur. I always feel like good strategy games flourish when you're limited in resources. Reclassing removes one HUGE limit on your resources and encourages more meta-gaming. I'm fine with a little meta-gaming, but usually nothing so deep that it completely changes a unit's identity. I understand that FE is ALSO an RPG, where that kind of meta-gaming is more prominent, but I tend to enjoy FE more when it's on the strategy side, and not so much the RPG(Unless it's a case like SoV, where they go so far into RPG territory that it CAN be enjoyed as almost a raw JRPG). The closest FE ever got to having a semi-decent handle on it, IMO, was in the Archanea remakes, where you had a hard limit on what classes you could reclass, and class-specific skills didn't rule a class' viability. And even then I didn't really "like" it, since again, a unit's class, stats and growths almost have as much of an impact on the character as their actual dialogue.
  16. He definitely had control before crossing the plane. It wasn't until his elbow made contact with the ground* that he lost his grip. *this is the big thing here, as these kinds of calls are almost always only done when a player makes contact with another player, and a general rule of thumb to follow this is "The ground can't cause a fumble". This was a bad call.
  17. Maybe it's just because I never had a problem dealing with the hunger pangs at night, and I liked eating when I woke up more than having to wait until lunch.
  18. Green Bay lost, and they're basically ineligible for the playoffs now(There's a slim chance they could make it, but it's slim). Which makes me about just as happy as the Vikings being impossible to dethrone as the winners of the division.
  19. Now that they've removed the restrictions on Omega Savage, my FC has gotten geared up, and we have O1S, O2S and Shin EX down pretty consistently. Now we're working on O4S which is... Hmmm... We haven't even gotten to the real fight.
  20. I know that, but many, many places cite it as something WAY better than more or less maintaining a normal diet/schedule and cutting calories. "Your fasting period is longer, so you're burning more fat." Stuff like that.
  21. I did 20/4 intermittent fasting for a few months. It was alright. I didn't notice a huge difference from just cutting calories.
  22. Troubadours turning into Battle Butlers that could throw shurikens/knives was another one that just felt like somebody came into the office hungover one day and just wanted to fuck with some designers and call it a day.
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