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Posts posted by Falcom

  1. 1 minute ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Getting heated in battle is inevitable, but afterward one should just forgive and forget in name of good sportsmanship.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Disappointed that Robin didn't win but it was certainly a battle that Tharja had to work hard for.

    Good game in the end.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Looks like the multiplier's been turned off for some reason. Robin is behind by nearly 1 billion and I know we had the multiplier with a smaller gap. Stupid game. And this makes me hate Tharja more. I will never understand why anyone likes her.

    Ok sorry if this sounds harsh but, more people wanting to support Tharja does not give a valid reason to hate on her even more.

    I'm not on team Tharja (or even give a crap about her) but I wouldn't go out of my way to hate her just cause she won a popularity contest. Her fanbase hasn't even done anything majorly wrong so far in this gauntlet (unless you're willing to share me a 'Let's insult everyone but Tharja' thread).

    Anyways, I'm not gonna bother explaining the rest. You should understand that by yourself. Also, it's fine if you don't understand why people like her. So long as you don't make it sound wrong to like her.

    On to other stuff, here I am, just waiting for that 3x multiplier so I can spend some flags again...

  3. 4 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

    Since we are talking about Felicia, let me show you this blasphemy that is on reddit: 


    I sent it to MaskedAmpharos yesterday too. IT MAKES ME SO UPSET

    Actually, that's quite an amazing skillset. Though I think Threaten Atk would've been a better option over Threaten Spd. Just my call. It's a shame that I'm never tempted to do such a thing.


    Or am I? *rubs hands maniacally*

  4. 1 hour ago, Tenzen12 said:

    It's not really about being arrogant, I said team Julia should give up,because... I really hope they would give up and making some sudden upset. Good morale is bitch, so appropriately lower it is desirable. I am not underestimating  anyone not Julia whose guts I hate nor Robin who I don't care about.


    In case of need I will deploy same tactic again.

    I admit, I assumed you were talking about all the other mages. So I apologize for that. But the second part of that where you said your team had more flags kinda draws the line of arrogance for me.

    I can't really understand much else about what you're trying to type but forget it. Anyways, may the best team be victorious.

  5. Said this once, saying it again. (Except more simplified)

    -Fingers and Mouth have proportion issues
    -Lack of vibrant colors (making him look dead)
    -His pose for the damaged art looks lame

    But other than that, I think he's fine. Also saw that edit. It looks incredible, it's a shame that I'm not confident with modding it (since you need to root your phone).

  6. 13 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Just give up, even if you try spend all of your flags, we have more :p

    While your team is likely to win against Julia, realize that you're gonna go up against Robin after. I hope you don't keep up that arrogance in that round. For indeed, that will be your team's downfall. Cause trust me, Tharja has, in my opinion, quite a niche fanbase. Meaning a lot of people will side with Robin since they don't really like seeing Tharja to win. Therefore, a bunch more flags. Just for the record, I got plenty of flags that I'm dying to instantly spend.

    I can't say for certain that Robin will win. But it'll certainly be interesting to see how this plays out. At this point, I'm coming for the feathers.

    I apologize if I sound slightly harsh, but I actually get irritated of seeing arrogant comments and can't help it. Don't mind me.

  7. 11 minutes ago, r_n said:

    Did anything from the datamine give a hint to more stuff about the vortex/permadeath mode?

    Not really. I believe people found quests that may be related to that however if you didn't notice.
    The dataminer said that it was the only thing so far. The other files are more difficult to crack. We'll just have to wait and see...

    Speaking of which, one of the datamined banners is the 'Weapon Triangle'. Wonder what's up with that.


  8. Uh hi Ninian? You're not Linde but I'll gladly have you on my team!


    It's hopeless.


    I'll never get Linde... ;-;

    IVs: -HP, +Atk

    Other Pulls:
    -3* Sully (Wished it was Abel so I can get Swordbreaker 3)
    -3* Gunter
    -3* Draug
    -4* Sophia

  9. 14 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    They usually update on mondays.  Therefore, sunday night they like to upload the new game assets to make sure everything goes smoothly the following day. 

    14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    An update was pushed a few hours ago.

    Oh. I don't play the game for a few hours and stuff already happens while I'm away. (At this point it's just gonna turn into a bad habit...)

  10. 1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Or Celica?

    But I'm too focused with trying to summon Linde... (Besides, I have bad luck with getting good rolls with red orbs. So I've been avoiding them).

    57 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    Datamine time bois!


    Wait hold on, how did people datamined this? I don't recall any updates from the last few days, so surely he would've been revealed before then. Oh well.

    Actually I kinda like it. Nice pose. Sure the face could use work but it's not bad. To be more specific, eyes are fine. But the mouth seems a bit too big (very noticeable in the attack pose). Also those fingers. I didn't notice them until someone pointed them out but wow that's long.

    I'm curious to know the artist. Seems like someone I might add to my list of favorites. The style is really amazing. But would love to see improvements on proportions overtime.

  11. I'm expecting more info about him through datamining once the Celica banner is released. So I can't wait. I really wanna see his artwork. Also, his voice sounds amazing.

    Going to commit completely to making him my next 5*. Besides, Lucina is surprisingly my only 5* red unit. I definitely need more of those (unless the game is willing to give me Eldigan).

  12. 1 hour ago, Hawk King said:

    We had it in hour 3. You should have been there.

    Leo should get the bonus after the next score update. He will most likely shoot way ahead of us giving Robin the bonus in two updates from now. Be ready. That will probably also be the last time Robin gets it.

    Drat! I missed it. ;-;

    Oh well. There probably won't be too many multipliers for Robin this round compared to Linde vs Tharja like you said. So I think I'm gonna hold them off on spending much til the final round.

  13. Damn. It kinda sucks that Team Robin is never going to get the 3x multiplier. I wasn't able to spend many flags from the first round and it seems I won't be able to do so here either. Going to sound selfish for a bit, but I kinda want Tharja to win so I can spend all my flags. I get irritated if I still have any left.

    (But still, go Team Julia!)

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