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Posts posted by Falcom

  1. New Skills:



    First 2: Seal Atk/Spd 2 (After combat, inflicts Atk/Spd-5\non foe through its next action._
    Next 3: Def Ploy (At start of turn, all foes in cardinal directions\nwith Res 1 or more lower than unit suffer\nDef-5 until the end of foe's next action.)
    Next 3: Lance Valor (If unit survives, all lance users on team get\n2x SP. (If similar skill effects also\nused, only highest multiplier applied.)
    Next 3: Axe Valor (If unit survives, all axe users on team get\n2x SP. (If similar skill effects also\nused, only highest multiplier applied.)
    Last 2: Speculated to be tempest trial rewards

    Two other skills that aren't included:
    HP/Def 2: Grants HP+4, Def+2.
    Close Def 3: If unit is attacked by foe using sword,\naxe, lance, or dragonstone, unit receives\nDef/Res+6 during combat.

    Dammit why do the units that I want get the short end of the stick (Lance and Axe Valor)?

    5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    We literally just got done talking about PUTTING DATAMINED THINGS IN SPOILERS an hour ago. Geez, people.

    I don't think replying to that locked sticky thread about this situation was going to help bring attention to people in the first place. Guess I'll stop talking about datamine stuff.

    Also, people are about to get even more furious when they realize the theme for this month's tempest trials...

  2. Spoiler

    I think it's because of the fact that both Frederick and Gaius are colorless, that I rather pass on trying. I would love to have Frederick but I really don't wanna go through the trouble only to get Gaius (Archers. I have too many of them).

    F!Robin's gonna be my top priority since I'm low on lance users. And then Tiki because I'm also low on axe users.


  3. 18 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I know datamining is semi-frowned upon, but are we not allowed to talk about leaks anymore?  I would love to know who's up next.  I've only done a couple Pulls in the last month and got quite an Orb reserve now.

    According to eclispe, we can, but anything that is datamined must be inserted into a spoiler. We're not allowed to talk about it until it is officially revealed (unless it's in spoilers). I can understand why though.

    She updated the thread to include datamining. In case you haven't noticed.

  4. Just now, Arcanite said:



    2 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    ...I summoned once and got Eldigan.

    I also really want the Magvel banner.

    ...(Yes, I do have problems.)

    I hope he's -Atk.

    3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

    Eldi sucks

    Look at his fang in his injured portrait. I don't want someone like that on my team >:(

    I don't care if you think he sucks. I promoted Jeorge and Felicia to 5* even though they aren't that great.

    Also this is discrimination towards people with fangs. #RespectTheFangs

  5. 11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I have no 4* Oboro anymore...

    You mean you sent home your Oboro before?


    (How could you?!)

    Finally, tempest trials are ending. Just in time for the Michalis grand hero battle. Managed to get quickened pulse on the last day. Currently training Legion and I'm impressed at how good he is. Haven't started training Oboro yet. (Soon...)

  6. Finally. I had to burn through 3 stamina potions just to finish lunatic... Yeah. LUNATIC! I was hoping that it would only take a few attempts, but wow was I wrong. Glad I finally did it. I was about to resort to training a 4* Donnel for this. I'm gonna try my best to beat Infernal.

    Meanwhile, Team Sakura is kicking my butt on this map.

  7. 5 hours ago, De Gea said:

    Do you guys summon all 5 or pick specific colors of the heroes you're looking for?

    For me, I only picked specific colors. And it works surprisingly well for me (except when I tried to pull Ephraim).

  8. 6 hours ago, Arthur97 said:

    I imagine the gameplay will be really similar to HW which is fine by me. 

    It does look to be the case. But the fact that you can switch characters mid-battle is cool (I don't believe this was a thing in HW, which is why I kinda got bored of it). I haven't seem much gameplay from Rowan or Lianna but the other characters look fun to play as.

    Chrom is surprisingly the character that looks like the most fun for me. Corrin's moveset is pretty cool as well. Xander is alright. Marth's moveset is not what I expected (but still alright). And Ryoma is eh. That's not to say that any of them are bad though. The gameplay looks promising to me so far. Can't wait to see movesets for other characters.

    However, it's kinda annoying how the mission start continues to pop up and disrupts the battle, prompting you to press a button to dismiss it. I rather have it appear while the gameplay is still going (I can let the level up slide though). Also, I'm gonna assume that Anna is talking constantly throughout battles.

    I don't know why, but I was hoping that Chrom or Marth could defeat Corrin in one blow because of the Falchion.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    You 5 star'd Nino AND Oboro?

    You serious?

    Or am I misunderstanding?

    Yup. I had 40,000 feathers (thanks to tempest trials) but I wanted to save 20,000 for another time. Nino was going to be promoted anyways but I was like screw it! Why not both?! (Oboro would've eventually been promoted at some point later)

  10. So my Katarina is -Res. And I've been seeing so many people talk about strategies for her. And it's making me feel sad but I'm gonna stick with the one I have. So I've been wondering. After I checked up on her final stats, -Res puts her at 29. Is Atk Ploy worth it at this point? I can't really do much about it unless I swap out Swift Sparrow. She is +Spd however. So I can turn her into my 4th mage glass canon by sticking Life and Death, putting her at 41 Spd.

    For those who have Katarina (specifically -Res), what skills are you planning to have her inherit?

  11. 1 minute ago, JSND said:

    1. Its a reference to NMOTE

    2. Characters from NMOTE isn't exactly known for being smart. Its almost as if the world is filled by Sigurd and Quan.

    The story is essentially Gharnef and Hardin making a fool out of everyone.

    NOTHING is as dumb as Elice though. NOTHING

    I played the game but it's been a while so I'm really not sure where the reference was. I know some of the characters can be dumb at times but I didn't expect it to be this bad. Oh well. Also #EliceDidNothingWrong

  12. I'M DONE! *drops phone on ground*

    Here I was thinking that it'd take forever to get Katarina and get Athena and Luke instead. But nope!

    First Pull: 3* Stahl
    Second Pull: 4* Palla
    Third Pull: 5* Katarina (+Spd, -Res) *Ouch! Might have to swap Glacies in order to adjust*

    Only 14 orbs and I got my favorite character. I'm extremely happy. I wanna say my luck has been great lately. Too great. It's actually scary knowing that it won't last for too long.

    Also I got 4* Cordelia after that.

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