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Posts posted by Falcom

  1. 1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    That's what Expert is!

    But this is casual mode. I know that won't be an issue in expert. Oh well, it's just a minor issue that I can live with.

    Also, this mode seriously reminds me of Taiko no Tatsujin. Holy crap.

  2. Alright. Gave this mode a go and thought it was pretty okay. I've already beaten all casual stages on normal and hard and gotten S-rank on each of them (except floors 36-40 on hard). Not willing to try expert at the moment cause I'll get wrecked.

    The difficulty can be quite challenging as it can easily throw you off if you don't pay close attention, even if you try to memorize the patterns. That surprised me, but it certainly made this mode more fun than I anticipated.

    Don't have much to say about boss battles. They're just cool. That's all.

    However, on casual mode, I don't like how the tap button is only at the bottom. I rather tap anywhere on the screen. I screwed up several times because I was too focused and my finger ended up slowly slipping away from the button.

    Also was hoping for a change in music after clearing every 20 floors, but was disappointed instead.

  3. My quick thoughts:

    -Hector and Ephraim were no surprised considering how they both placed in the top 10 last year
    -First instance where having two versions of a character (Marth) screws them from winning. Not sure how I feel about that
    -Reinhardt was a complete surprise, but I'm glad he's getting this much love (even if it's mainly through hilarious memes)

    -Kinda shocked that Tharja placed 10th. Was expecting Tharja to place higher than Camilla cause FEH has given Camilla more attention (via costumes) compare to Tharja
    -Also shocked at how low Corrin placed as well, not sure why though (maybe also given too much attention)
    -Neat that Nino placed higher compared to last year
    -Not surprised that Eirika didn't win, the Sacred Memories banner kinda killed her momentum. Otherwise, I'm sure she could've won
    -So uh, how did Veronica win? O-o (not that I'm angry or anything)

  4. 27 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    literally says in the banner description that Ike and Gunnthra will be back next month, it also says that fjorm will be back in march,  truly the most limited of units, once this banner is over don't expect to see him anywhere other than your wildest dreams and tier 17 arena ya know, till february.

    Of course you can get hector anytime, the likelihood is about 0.16 that you get him and that is the same for 5* boey, 5* sheena, 5* fae, 5* merric, 5* soren, 5* raven, 5* titania 5* hawkeye 5* camilla. I for one approve of spending $2000 on whaling hector and still not getting him.

    Oh neat. Must've skimmed over the part where it says that.

    It's true I can get Hector anytime soon but I found myself lacking any interest in pulling any green orbs. Despite what I just said, I really don't mind much about what hero the community chooses. I merely said Hector if I were given a choice between him and L!Ike. And besides, a 0.16% of getting Hector feels like a 0.0001% knowing my awful luck.

  5. Is it just me, or does this FEH channel feel a bit lackluster? I'm not saying it was bad, in fact it was pretty decent and I couldn't stop laughing at Effie secretly eating Feh's cake. But in my opinion, with how each FEH channel somehow topping the previous one, I think I sorta set my expectations way too high on this stream.

    Illusory dungeon is going to be the end of my life with how many floors there are and how much of a time sink that's gonna be.

    Also, CAMUS WHERE ART THOU?! ;-;

  6. Unlike some people I've seen elsewhere, I'm glad that we're getting new characters (rather than special ones) from the newer games. A bit disappointed that they're children (especially since I didn't really bother much about them in the original), but oh well.

    Midori is probably the only character I would want on this banner. Here's hoping it actually happens.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

    I feel u

    That's terrible. I have 3.5 (almost 3.75) on halloween banner but I'm waitinf for new announcements and new banners. The 8 orbs I currently have are being treasured.

    Yeah I immediately would've spent those 8 orbs in desperation. You good sir have good patience.

    Also fortress defense Azama is either my most genius idea or my most silliest idea.

  8. Welp, going to get no 5 stars from the voting gauntlet banner for the short hair girls. I currently have a 4.50 focus rate and can't spend anymore orbs. Rip me.

    I probably should've continued to hoard orbs instead of getting tempted.

    Also we need those warrior maps to return cause I love to get some easy SP.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Tsak said:

    When and how? seems a bit absurd

    It wasn't too serious. Don't worry. I just knew someone who friended me and that guy got mad because I didn't join Amelia when he kept constantly bugging me. I don't want to talk to that guy anymore. He was too much into gaming. But yeah, even I think getting threatened like this is absurd.

    I'll admit. I kinda exaggerated a bit in that previous comment.

    15 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Who threatens someone over a video game?

    *flashbacks to the Brave Heroes gauntlet and Lyn losing*

  10. 7 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Holy crap

    I just saw your member title
    How long has that been there?


    You need this

    You may not know it yet, but you need this banner in your life. Im secretly only pulling because I need gronnblade for my Cecilia

    I honestly don't know either. Let's just say a few months now (I also finished building my Oboro skillset)
    It would be a shame if I changed it.... oops.

    I wish I could summon but I blew all my orbs trying to get Elincia but got Seliph and Eirika instead.

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