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Posts posted by Falcom

  1. Finally managed to beat this with no deaths for my first time. I was actually excited to get my first perfect run (the first time I get maximum points).

    And then I completely forgot to use a bonus ally and ended up with 504 despite having A rank for speed and survival. Dammit... :(

  2. 12 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

    Imitate the triangle attack? That's like completely pointless

    Just spam Tempest Torture!

    Better than me sitting around and doing nothing all day. :P

    Tempest Torture has also broken me in many ways.

    9 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    That... actually has some skill potential...

    Triangle Attack 1/2/3

    "When 3 units with this skill surround an enemy, damage increased by 1.5x/2x/3x" anyone?

    That would be cool. But triangle attack would have to be for infantry since cavalry, armors, and fliers have Goad skills. I can also see it being abused. Then again, I see horse emblem every now and then in the arena.

    I think Triangle Attack would be a B skill?

  3. 1 hour ago, Oboro! said:

    Arcanite wanted me to share this with you people :)


    This is why everyone needs a Nino in their life!

    As well as an Oboro, but that's beside the point :)

    What happened to Arcanite? What did you do to this glorious person?!

    Also why can't Nino be real and solve all my life problems (while doing her best of course)?

  4. 26 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

    My theory on things like addiction isn't that you should stop being addiction, but rather you should be so good at making money that the addiction doesn't matter:

    You can afford to spend 10k/month on gacha games if you make 100k/month, after all, and it should be less, proportionally, than the guy who spends 1k/month but makes 10k/month. (Since, unless you're utterly terrible at financial management, your expenses grow slower than your income.)

    In this, as in everything else, the solution is the git command 'gud.'

    I think what I meant to say is that I'm too addicted with the skills from the summer banner but the costs outweigh the benefits.

    I have to struggle with even pulling the right unit (which who knows how long that'll take). On top of that, some of the I'm making choices are pretty stupid in my opinion (right now I'm trying to put Close Defense on my Ninian when I should probably put triangle adept because she's +Atk).

    So in conclusion, none of this is benefiting me that much. I'm not entirely sure on your theory though.

    12 minutes ago, r_n said:

    echoes did get a lot of content up front. Japanese release+world wide release. It's probably still getting play (Tempest, special battles with Alm & Celica, etc) to constantly keep it in everyone's minds during the 3ds' off months. I suspect that any other game would have gotten the same attention had Heroes released near them

    I suppose. I was just thinking that it's been two months (nearly three if we include Japan) since the game released, so I thought discussions for the game have died down a bit.

  5. I need to stop living under a rock. I nearly didn't know about this until now (yes even when notifications popped). It's weird how Echoes is getting a lot of attention. You'd think it'd be when the game releases but I guess not. I ain't complaining.

    However, I screwed myself really badly. Fell for the temptation to summon for skills from the Summer banner. If I do get the chance though, Gray and Mathilda are my top priority. I don't plan on summoning from the banner for Celica's army (I say that now, and then I'm probably going to summon from that banner anyways).

    I don't think I can make much use of the new skills sadly. (Help me. I'm too addicted to inheriting skills)

  6. Geez. I slacked off a bit, but then picked up the pace with stamina potions. Now at 30k, and got 5* Tobin.

    As for Tobin himself, it's a shame that he has an armorslayer. I've yet train him, so I'll see if he ends to be a decent unit. Either way, I'm not benching him.

  7. 13 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    I'm not sure what you mean. Phantom Sweep (or was it called Phantom Speed?) only applies if there is a Sweep skill on either side of combat. It does nothing otherwise.

    Yeah that's what I was asking. Worded that question weirdly.

  8. 5 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    Alm has Windsweep 3. The enemy he is attacking has 31 Spd to his 30 Spd.

    Windsweep 3 applies its effect if Alm has at least 1 more Spd than his target. Phantom Sweep treats him as having 5 more Spd than normal for the purpose of calculating Windsweep and Watersweep's effect only.

    If he has Phantom Sweep, then he is treated as having 35 Spd and can thus apply Windsweep since he has at least 1 more Spd than his target.

    Phantom Sweep can work both ways, both to apply your own Sweep skills or prevent enemy Sweep skills.

    With that in mind, if Alm's target also had Phantom Sweep, they would be treated as having 36 Spd to Alm's 35 Spd and prevent Windsweep from applying its effect.

    Here comes the ninja...

    This is unnecessary since enemies can't counterattack but will phantom spd still activate even if windsweep occurs? Just wondering if phantom spd can be triggered no matter what when you have a sweep skill.

    Other than that, I get the gist of it. Thanks.

  9. My mage squad has been doing extremely well. They typically reach map 7 easily before falling apart.

    M!Robin- Can tank both red and colourless due to triangle adept.

    Nino and Katarina- Are both powerhouses. Often will make quick work of the enemies. Nino's drawback also saved me a couple of times.

    Ninian- Ensure that the glass canons are out of harm's way and also speed things up. If she falls, my team is screwed.

    Each run on this tempest trial so far has netted me at least 500 points thanks to them. (Can't forget Mae for bonus multiplier)

  10. 4 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

    I started typing how it's not that bad with arguments and stuff, but then realized "lunatic". What happened, friend?

    I honestly don't know. I had 20 potions. I didn't really care at the time when I kept losing. Then when I finally realized, I was down to 10 potions.

    The best reason probably was that I just wasn't thinking. I kept making dumb choices. My team was Felicia, Nino, Ninian, and M!Robin. One of the dumb choices was placing Felicia right in front of Alm or the cavalier. I kept ignoring them thinking that I could kill the mages while staying safe.

    That aside, I finally beat the map at least. Onto infernal!

  11. 4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


    She's at level 40. I just haven't given her skills.

    5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    .. you do realize he doesn't win as much matchups with silver sword on player phase as much as Brave sword right?


    I'm very aware of that. I just like more skill variety for my team (since I plan to have some of my other units get the brave sword). If it really comes down to it, then the brave sword will be my last resort. But I'll settle with death blow Laslow over bulky Laslow.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


    She's at level 40. I just haven't given her skills.

    5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    .. you do realize he doesn't win as much matchups with silver sword on player phase as much as Brave sword right?


    I'm very aware of that. I just like more skill variety for my team (since I plan to have some of my other units get the brave sword). If it really comes down to it, then the brave sword will be my last resort. But I'll settle with death blow Laslow over bulky Laslow.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Why Laslow?



    Are you sure?


    I'm warning you...


    Fine. Here's my reason.


    I don't know. (Or in other words, I just like promoting more common 3* units)




    The only issue I have with death blow Laslow is replacing the Silver Sword. Don't get me wrong. I like Laslow to double, but I can't make up my mind.

  14. Im considering about sacrificing both Luke and Hawkeye (both are 5*) to get brave sword+ and death blow for my +Atk Laslow. I don't use either, so I figured why not? On the other hand, I want to make him bulky and try to roll another summer Robin for that HP & Def+ Skill. Or just get +5 HP.

    Any ideas? Bulky Laslow or Deathblow Laslow?

  15. 15 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    Have anyone finished the squad assault? if you do, is the map randomixed or fixed?

    All maps are fixed. So if you won a stage with specific units, use those same units and repeat so that you don't waste time.

    13 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Two stamina potions!?!!?

    Why it take so long?

    Reason 1- Had a bit of issues trying to get a consistent plan for the first map since both Marth and Caeda are able to double my party.

    Reason 2- As I mentioned, the last map is a pain. The thieves have very high resistance and speed. Doubling even a 39 Spd Lucina. Getting rid of one is easy enough, but when the other thief approaches, it becomes difficult to beat him without someone getting killed. (Also little space to work with)

  16. Phew. After many attempts (aka 2 stamina potions), I finally beat the first assault.

    Map 1- Summer Robin managed to tank everyone. Meanwhile Jeorge picked off the enemy.

    Map 2- Bride Caeda fought off Leo while Oboro fought off Xander. Masked Marth dealt with Camilla.

    Map 3- Mae and Lukas dream team (and Hector helped too).

    Map 4- Nino and Tharja easily defeats the Sheperds.

    Map 5- This one was a pain. I kept losing to this map and struggled to find anything until I realized that I had Triangle Adept Robin. Made things much easier.

    Glad that its only one assault for now so that I can focus on other things.

  17. 22 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    Beat squad assault after 2 failed attempts. It's definitely challenging but I didn't find myself short of units. Breaker skills really help here, especially daggerbreaker on the last map.

    I still had quite a few 5*s left available on the final map due to me playing it safe by using my 4*s first.

    Nice job. I got a few questions though.

    Are there more after this one or is that it for the time being?

    Also what are the last 2 maps? Does it go up in order of chapter? (1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, and finally 5-1)

  18. 2 minutes ago, r_n said:

    Squad Assault, man, I don't even know. I lost at Map 3 because I could not overcome the stat inflation. And one death and that's it for your run. Defeinitely need a solid game plan for team composition.

    Wait you've gotta be kidding me. I just noticed that when I started. And I can't use my mage squad to clear the entire thing either. So that's what they meant when they said the "enemy will capture your team".

    And stat inflation. Oh dear... I also lost on map 3 because those inflated atk stats. Not even Oboro was spared.

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