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Everything posted by Falcom

  1. Yeah, we understand how you feel. Get better soon bud, more crappy units await you. I'm joking, but I hope you feel better and wish you that you'll get Ninian one day.
  2. It was destiny (sacrifice bs destiny). I'd say keep it still but never use that account just to look at your waifu forever.
  3. Paralogue tying in with the story is actually pretty decent. Well done! Also cool to know that characters can also be quest rewards, though it would be better if it was a 1* character from the focus. That's fine if they don't. The quests aren't bad. Though, it's still much harder knowing that it's 1 orb per day (except sunday).
  4. I think you're better off not seeing it cause now I can't stop seeing it. It's not bad, just the artist needs to touch up on facial features. I think i'll stop complaining cause at least she's in the game now.
  5. OH GOD REBECCA IS HORRIFYING (no offense) I'm not digging the enormous spaced out eyes. It looks weird.
  6. What skills do you have in mind for Freddy once skill inheritance comes out?
  7. I'm gonna guess the new tier list: S+- Anyone with Close/Distant Counter S- Anyone else except healers C- Healers Either way, healers are screwed even further.
  8. Like Arcanite said, a world/server chat would be difficult to incorporate, especially on a phone. I'm not surprised if there is some drama, inappropriate stuff, or spam on it. PMs wouldn't be bad, though I prefer if you can just send gifts to certain friends rather than messages. Public PVP would be hard to incorporate (i don't know why but I hardly see gatcha games do this). What would be nice to see and more likely is friend dueling (something I really want but I doubt it more thanks to the gaunlet) As for guilds, it would actually be very awesome to have but as you said, VERY hard to execute. I don't expect the game to add any more modes/features for a while. Especially if they're already focusing with adding new characters and hopefully a better story.
  9. Cute Owls that bribe you with orbs >>> Waifus Damn.
  10. I get that it's a joke but I honestly don't really find this joke so funny. Oh well.
  11. Does anyone still understand why an owl is going against Lucina? Like is this the developers way of saying that all the characters in the gaunlet are losers?
  12. I believe that if the quests are really daily, then the lack of orb daily login bonuses shouldn't be much of an issue. It's only just getting you to play the game more just for those quests.
  13. Oh crap, I didn't even notice the sword in Lachesis' art until now. XD Now I'm more disappointed. I see what you mean (damn trolls).
  14. I know I'm gonna have more than 20 orbs for tomorrow so the question is... Go or no go for the Elibe focus? Not that big of a fan of FE7 but there are some characters that I really wanna go for (such as Ninian)
  15. Hate to break it to you but once a staff unit in heroes, always a staff unit in heroes. I'm also disappointed that Lachesis is a staff user since healers are annoying to level up and I have her.
  16. I'm pretty sure this was mentioned in the voting gaunlet thread, but #TeamFeh for the win!
  17. Family Bonds: 3%/4 Characters = 0.75% Princes: 3%/3 Characters = 1.00% Yup. Your math is correct. I don't know why but I wanted to do that. XD
  18. I'll admit at first I liked Ike but after playing Radiant Dawn I was also confused why everyone loves Ike. Wonder if they'll butcher her seiyuu...
  19. I think I might skip this banner. Don't get me wrong, I like this banner but considering my crap luck, I doubt i'll be getting any of these characters (also I haven't played much of FE7). Priscilla, Jaffar, and Ninian look very tempting. I also like Rebecca but they butchered her artwork in my opinion.
  20. No you're right. Only the prince and princess focuses end tomorrow.
  21. Is physic on Lachesis worth it or mend? Also, I made a mistake in thinking that new characters will come out tomorrow when it's really just the prince and princess focuses ending. It's actually the day after that, so I'm assuming they have 6+ characters if they needed that extra day (I'm asking for too much but I'm too impatient. That extra day better be worth the wait)
  22. I think they should only have obscure characters in the gaunlet for the time being until they add in Ike. Or just have the first 8 focus characters (Marth, Tiki, Lucina, Robin, Lyn, Roy, Takumi, and Camilla) square off against each other if they really want to.
  23. Yeah it is unlikely. I think IS is gonna hold off on releasing the children characters for quite some time (except obviously Lucina, Selena, Odin, and Laslow)
  24. Even if it was just a troll (to clarify it actually wasn't a troll since the person who started that thread stated so), it's so unnecessary to start a massive chain of chaos. Seriously, reading the rest of that thread only made me disgusted, even against those that actually hated Lucina. Anyways, i'm serious when I say that this topic should be dropped.
  25. My Prediction Checklist (I'm betting at least one of these are checked off): Micaiah & Sothe One character from Awakening or Mystery of the Emblem More characters from Thracia 776 Innes & Tana
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