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Everything posted by Eckzein

  1. Have been playing FE: Hero's for over a month now, and with the latest update the game runs but redirects me to Google play to update. Problem is, Google play says I have no devices compatible for FE: Hero's so now I can't really play the game anymore. I used an APK to play the game initially, curious if anyone else is having the same issue and has anyone found a workaround? If not than I guess this is as far as I go.
  2. The pricing thing aside, I'd say for the scope of a mobile game, it's pretty dam good. I'd like more content, like characters, game modes and ideally, a feature that takes advantage of using such a huge roster of characters ala a suikoden tactical battle where a unit is made up of multiple characters and the like. It may not be completely faithful to the FE franchise, but it's a good idea for this kind of game. There's a lot of things this could do to encourage play, but meh, it's pretty dam good.
  3. Check their rating and their stats and keep the one with the better high's and lows.
  4. Actually, I think how the game works is that the more bad luck you have, the more good luck you'll have later and vice versa. In theory, if you have the worst luck, eventually you'll get a full 5 star pull.
  5. I feel pretty lucky, I asked for a Lucina and an Effie and got both on the last pull of my two pulls.
  6. The team that's dragging me through Hard and the early chapters on Lunatic. Bless you Nowi.
  7. Probly the female Robin and Azura, and a Camille would be nice too. I actually got all the hero's I'd really want released so far. Effie, Lucina, Beruka, Selena.
  8. OMG, I actually like Eliwoods art, it feels like art from the sega genesis era. Worst redesign has to be Gaius, the face is too stern for a trickster character.
  9. Be sure to click on the fountain at home, than click on the the glowing platinum badge to the right of the "Quests and Missions" Banner, use that to complete your dailies and unlock some nice bonuses.
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