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Herman Bloom

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Everything posted by Herman Bloom

  1. Man I love my team of Camilla, Raven, Kagero and Lucina but it's just depressing to use them in Arena as they get smoked half the time. Really not remotely interested in the new characters though. Guess maybe I just stop bothering with Arena.
  2. Thanks to whoever mentioned Kagero for the Hard Special map. I didn't think she had high enough RES for it, but she took two attacks from mages (after killing one on my own turn) and that allowed me to mop up the next turn.
  3. I don't really agree with Soren's viewpoint either. You play the game any way you want really. I have levelled non-meta characters in plenty of games before, because I enjoyed using them. I never shoot for the top in mobile games, because I could never match the Whales spending power and the stress of trying to be at the top isn;t worth it for me. yet others strive on the stress, even if they are doomed to not hit the top spot. Would never call them out for playing the game the wrong way or anything, it's all personal choice. Plus, with the special quests like needing to have certain teams (like Swords, Lances etc) then I think most characters will have a use at some point.
  4. I'm having fun, been playing since day one. I just like the battle system, and levelling different teams, and I basically do my 3 x Arena battles each day and then ignore that mode so the whole "it's broken" thing doesn't really bother me. Plus I can play one-handed whilst feeding my newborn. Plus they have already added some content and I am sure they will add more. Every game does, every game evolves, can't see this being any different. I have played an awful lot of really bad games over the years, this does not rank amongst them. Each to their own though.
  5. Perfect, I was looking at all the other missions tabs expecting it to be new specific missions. Thanks!
  6. Are the Special Weapon Questions active now? I get confused with different timezones (in the UK). Thanks
  7. Yeah that's the one. Don't recall seeing it before but maybe I hadn't been paying enough attention.
  8. What's the Exclamation mark that appears on characters in-game sometimes? Haven't spotted it before now and seen it twice on Raven in as many battles.
  9. Said Sully when she went from level 5 to 6. And 6 to 7. And 7 to 8. And 8 to 9. And 9 to 10. From what I have read, she'll make up for it later, probably, but it's pretty depressing reading that each time she gains a level! Edit - One mumble about "good training" going from 12-13 but "I can do better than THIS" for all other levels up to 15. Woe is Sully. Edit Edit - Level 16 got me a "Dammit!" which was a whole +1 to Defence and 12 SP. Holy Cow. More Edits - 17-18 and 18-19 "Better than THIS" 19-20 "Good Training". C'mon Sully for crying out loud!
  10. Great, that is two of you saying Nino and Sully so will level them both for sure. Nino goes in for Raven (much as I think Raven is cool) and then I can test Camilla for Sully and see what works out. Won't be summoning again for a while so if I get time I'll then put Fae into that Jeorge team and level them as well.
  11. Ok thanks. Can't seem to find how to alter them to Spoiler links on my phone but will keep looking, sorry for the trouble. Will level up Sully and Nino and then switch around the teams. Edit - got it, thanks.
  12. Ok long post guys but my A team of Camilla and Co gets smoked more often than not, and I don't think I am THAT bad at this game. Two greens and a reliance on Physical is I guess my issue, but I used 60 orbs summon in and got garbage. Screenshots below of the A, B, and C teams I am playing around with/levelling, plus another one showing my roster. Any suggestions? Thanks
  13. Ah OK, I wonder why it was putting hearts on 4* duplicates, now I know. Smart End stays on, saves a precious few seconds I guess! Thanks.
  14. On Settings screen, there is a box for Auto Favourite (currently 4*) and Smart End. What do these actually mean/do?
  15. Yeah like a mug I did another 20 orbs, but got nothing decent at all. Done. Will roll with what have for the next two weeks or so.
  16. Yeah I felt a bit odd doing one summon and quitting out but, though I don't have Hector or Takumi, I am well covered for Red/Green/Grey right now so it's only Blue I really need/want.
  17. Didn't go well for me. Wanted a Blue: First summon, no Blue on the wheel so did one summon (got 3*) and quit out. Second summon, again no Blue on the wheel, did one summon (3*) and quit out. Tried once more, got rubbish for the four rolls and then a 4* Sully as the Blue on the final roll. Which from my understanding is not a great character. So 30 orbs, for nothing I will use. Woe is me.
  18. Ok, just to check I wasn't missing a trick and that duplicates were actually valuable. The Stamina is better spent elsewhere! Thanks.
  19. I see today's character in Special Missions is Virion, who I already have. So I assume they are on a loop? Either way, is there any point whatsoever in repeating those missions? I have two of him at 2*.
  20. Well at least they are changing it so you get some XP for low level kills. No doubt it will be minimal, but better than nothing so I withdraw one part of my complaint from yesterday's post! I think I may get Lucille to 40 today, after a lot of grinding. Woo.
  21. I went up to Tier 3 and I think my score last night was 1.9k, so that would suggest there are an awful lot of people in Tier 3.
  22. Ah ok, that makes more sense. Thought people were talking about different skill trees for characters! Thanks
  23. How do you alter builds on characters? I thought the game just gave you one skill per slot (attack/defense/special etc) and you just use SP to get them?
  24. 80 orbs since the start got me Camilla, Kagero, Raven and Lucille at 5*.
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