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Herman Bloom

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Everything posted by Herman Bloom

  1. I am generally enjoying the game's difficulty. I didn't do Narcian on hard, my guys are level 36-39 and one would always die. I did find it odd though that when they were level 30, the Normal mode Narcian said the AI was level 25, I still got smoked. So I think they could do a better job there of letting you know what sort of level you need to be. Or if it's a case of "If you have the ideal team for this they will win at level 25, and therefore that's what level we are going to state" I think that's far too vague for a game with a bunch of characters in it already, that will only increase over time. Either way, I didn't find the detail before you entered the map very helpful. Outside of that, I have found the grind from level 35 upwards to be sooooooo slooooooow. I have my castle fully upgraded, so have invested what I can to help my guys level quicker. The issue is the training tower is 90% of the time offering AI either at level 33 or below (resulting in no XP gain for winning) or 40 (resulting in, um, death). So it's been a pretty dull past few days slowly inching my way up the ranks taking on level 40 teams and losing 75% of the time. I get you need more XP the higher you are so these things should take longer, but with the training tower they should at least make sure they offer you one level that is in the ballpark of your team level. Not sure how they do that, given the current set up of being able to see the AI level and team make-up before you commit, but currently for me the system doesn't work for the later levels. Up until that though, I found quite a few of the levels challenging and am currently enjoying ranking up a second team via the hard levels. Not looking forward to them hitting level 35 though and having to go through this process again. Maybe I just leave everyone at 35 :-)
  2. I really want to level Hana, but have Lucina already and a 4* Lon'Qu, hana only 2* so not sure she is worth it for now. Anyway, i don't have loads of characters but so far: Red: Lucille (does a lot of damage and boosts others attack) Green: Raven (I have Camilla but I actually enjoy him more, plus Camilla seems to get one-shotted an awful lot) Grey: Kagero (decent mobility and attack) Blue: Odin (I only have him and Shanna at 4*, nothing higher, so this is kinda a duff vote as I don't really like either of them)
  3. Actually do I just have the Tiers all wrong? I assumed Tier 1 was the "best" but I have two friends who had two star characters and they are both Tier 1 (though guess they could be just levelling them and have an all 40's team for Arena. Maybe.)
  4. Just gone into the next season of Arena and the Beginner option was Tier 2, and the Intermediate and Advanced Tier 3. Isn't that a bit odd?
  5. Ok, will follow them (Europe and US, just to make sure I guess).
  6. Was their a press release or something on this? I wasn't on much over the weekend and can't see it in game.
  7. Hi guys, I know the nature of these games is that a new set of characters will be just around the corner. So am undecided on that to do currently. I have 60+ orbs, through the missions etc. I have a pretty decent A team of all 5* Camilla, Raven, Kagero and Lucina (levels 36-38). It is lacking a Blue though, and magic. I pulled Odin at 4* the other day but have him up to level 25 and unimpressed so far. So I have two options. A) be happy with my team (haven't done Hard Narcian yet, or the last training tower level but everything else cleared on Normal and a bit on Hard) and get them to 40 and then level some lower starred characters or B) try and roll a decent Blue character (from the Pull thread I am not sure my chances are that good with 60 orbs?). So are you hoarding your orbs, or pulling every time you get to 20? What would you do in my shoes? Thanks
  8. Yeah maybe it was his weapon. She has 27 Res so not "that" bad I don't think? Just got one shotted and had no idea green on green could to tha (they were both similar levels as well).
  9. Could someone explain magic to me? I get the three colour triangle for normal weapons but my Green Camilla has just been detroyed by a Green Magic user. How can you tell who best against the different magic types?
  10. Ok thanks. Is there a way of refreshing the opponents, or a time until they change? Or if it looks unfavourable is my only option to do the Stratum below, to then get new opponents on all levels?
  11. Ah ok, maybe I have just been unlucky when I've tried. Gone in another three times and one character has gone up one level, and that's it.
  12. Me again! I am in a bit of a tricky spot wrt XP. I have a team that are 26-28 in terms of level. I have a fully upgraded castle. Finished level 9-3 but can't do 9-4. If I do the Fifth Stratum I get basically no xp. I lose most if not all of my units if I try the Sixth Stratum. Is there another mode or way to get XP? I seem totally stuck outside of doing the Fifth tower for about 72 hours* * might be exaggerating. Slightly.
  13. Yeah I just don't have anyone to tank those attacks. Will have to spend some time in Training mode and see if I can get the numbers up far enough that they survive. In two or so days. Might be do-able.
  14. I don't even get to the Archer. I move someone to the first purple danger square and the fighter at the top right comes down and either kills someone outright, or almost does. If they are still alive, the tome damage dealer comes across and finishes the job. Mission ends, archer not even moved. Camilla wouldn't survive those two attacks, nor Kagero, Lucille or Raven (who I tried along the left).
  15. Yeah whoever does the descriptions for these things needs taking aside really. I saw level 25, so went in with my level 28's and whoever was put into that first red danger slot dies first round, after the sword and then mage attack game over. I don't even get an attack in. Don't mind a difficulty spike but at least tell me the right levels my guys need to be to stand a chance.
  16. Being dim, where is the Tier list people keep talking about? Can't see a sticky.
  17. Ok perfect, that gives me enough encouragement to persevere with him, thankyou.
  18. Ok thanks. I have 40 orbs but kinda unsure if I should use them to try and get a better Blue. Seems a low chance I will get a Blue, 5* character in ten rolls from what I have seen in the pull thread.
  19. I rolled Odin 4*. Currently levelling him with the idea of adding him to my 5* team of Camilla, Kagero and Lucina. Was going to get to 20k feathers (currently at 12.5k) and bump him to 5* but I have used him for a while now and am kinda underwhelmed. He is only level 20 though. Does he get better? I also have Shanna as my other 4* blue option, but pretty unimpressed with her as well. Are either of them a good fit to add to the three listed above, or should I use some Orbs to try and get someone else in there?
  20. I rolled Odin 4*. Currently levelling him with the idea of adding him to my 5* team of Camilla, Kagero and Lucina. Was going to get to 20k feathers (currently at 12.5k) and bump him to 5* but I have used him for a while now and am kinda underwhelmed. He is only level 20 though. Does he get better? I also have Shanna as my other 4* blue option, but pretty unimpressed with her as well. Are either of them a good fit to add to the three listed above, or should I use some Orbs to try and get someone else in there?
  21. I got the lowest orb deal, just to support the game as I know I will invest a fair few hours into it. That will likely be it though, orbs way too expensive really. if the price comes down I might get another deal, but if the price stays the same then I won't be spending any more money.
  22. Sorry, another question. I assume the answer is "the 4* dummy" but I have two Odin's. One is a 4 star with Blarblade. One is a 3 star with Elthunder. Now if I list by rarity Elthunder actually comes up as the more valuable. But I assume I go with the 4 star Odin to level?
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