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Everything posted by Korath88

  1. Actually both Alm and Ryoma have vantage. Maybe that's it?
  2. Echoes hype is helping me avoid pulling now since I really want Celica. 98 orbs now. If I pull her without having to burn too many orbs I will spend the rest of those orbs trying to get Julia though.
  3. They can datamine character artwork and chapter icons though, so it just means that the data for the next banner is not in the game yet. Not too sure why the boat map data was thrown in with the last update.
  4. Brave effect is player phase only. Abel should not be tanking too many hits on enemy phase since brave lance drops his speed by 5.
  5. Alright, why is this working? Apparently 3 swords and a dancer makes an excellent defence team? Red stacking new meta?
  6. Ryoma and Hinata do not have those animations either. Just Navarre, Karel and Lon'qu
  7. I believe Navarre shares his "myrmidon" animations with Karel and Lon'qu. The other myrms don't get those animations because they're not edgy enough.
  8. So thanks to the new defense scoring system, I've been struggling to get a defense victory with Zephiel on the team for the bonus points. So earlier I decided to just throw him in with 2 other swordies and Ninian and I have a defense win now, against a swordbreaker Ike lead no less. I don't really get it but I'm not complaining.
  9. Anna vs Ursula was easily completed on 9-3 normal. Yes, it works. Ursula vs herself was done on 9-3 lunatic so I could do it without the no death requirement. The rest was pretty easy, Ninian/Kagero/f!robin easily 3 mans the map thanks to SI
  10. Gravity is technically discount freeze. Actual freeze would probably be too broken for this game. (Infinite kiting, anyone?)
  11. Defense challenge map 5 on normal is an excellent way to grind HM, with 3.10 HM per battle for only 5 stamina(you get less if you rout though). It doesn't stay forever so if you want to grind HM, now's the time to do it. Also, current status:
  12. Real question though, how many orbs have you guys saved up for the next banner? I currently have 81, and with the 10 omikuji orbs, paralogue orbs and daily bonuses, I should have more than 100 by next Monday. (The most I've ever saved up thus far) And then there's still the 20 gauntlet orbs that will arrive later.
  13. Bulky units just become ridiculous. Zephiel with effective 49/31 defences and wary fighter is totally fair and balanced. Having him tank a hit from Linde was probably the highlight of today's arena run.
  14. Actually, I think all the old maps are gone. There's another set of 5 arena maps (with forts) that are not in this season.
  15. Defense maps are quite fun. The optional rout objective is also nice for when you don't want to spend too much time on the map. Also, sitting on 81 orbs feels good.
  16. First run with the new maps! Can I just say that these new maps are really fun to play on? Even the bridge heaven one. Also, Zephiel+fort tile=GG
  17. Maybe it's IntSys acknowledging that Tharja was a mistake
  18. Reading through the update notes, the defense tiles reduce damage taken by 30% of your unit's def or res depending on the type of attack which means that glass cannons will not benefit from these tiles as much as bulky units will. Interesting. get wrecked Lucina
  19. step up your game I focus on just a few characters at a time.
  20. Hidari's a guy. We've also had past FE artists like Senri Kita and Sachiko Wada do art for Heroes so it's not unlikely that Hidari may eventually do some art for this game as well.
  21. Give them Mjolnir then, because why stop at thoron?
  22. Probably blue. We still have yet to get a mage with Thoron+. If anything, she's most likely going to get it.
  23. Omikuji ends tomorrow, but the rewards will likely arrive on Monday, after Hero Fest has ended.
  24. There's nothing on Lloyd except his voiced lines. I'm expecting the rest of his data to be added in with the maintenance update on Monday, alongside the gauntlet stuff, Veronica event stuff and maybe even the Celica banner.
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