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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. @Anacybele Actually I didn't realize how ridiculous 40 attack without a weapon was until I compared it with other characters. RD Ike is strong, but literally the strongest character in all of Heroes? More than Cherche and Hector? Maaaaybe not. 37 or 38 would be more reasonable, with the points I took from attack going back into HP. Anyways, I'm getting way too into this considering it's 100% theoretical atm.
  2. PoR Ike seems reasonable enough, but RD Ike having a BST total of 165 without his weapon is a bit ridiculous for an infantry unit. Maybe something like 42 HP and 34 Def instead would balance it out (other stats are fine as is). Also, going off of all of the other legendary weapons (like Falchion and Siegmund and Armads), I'm willing to bet Ragnell and Urvan will both be 16 mt.
  3. A fully buffed +Spd Nino (+4 to all stats) without any other skills can ORKO roughly 2/3 of all red units at neutral. If she has Desperation and Life and Death 3, she can ORKO 30/38 neutral red units in the game, with the only two that can actually kill her on the counterattack being Henry (because of G Tomebreaker) and Sanaki (because of Triangle Adept). Obviously this isn't perfect because I haven't bothered with more advanced calcs like nature variations, taking into account enemy Fury, or enemy skill inheritance (like a unit having Triangle Adept that doesn't naturally have it), but this should still give you the main idea. That idea being that Nino is absolutely ridiculous. EDIT: It should be noted that if you go with Fury 3 over Life and Death 3, you no longer get ORKOd by neutral 5* Henry, but you also no longer ORKO neutral 5* Lon'qu (because you can't outspeed him anymore). Also, these are for calcs against reds. If you're any other color, the LD/Desperation Nino set fully buffed will ORKO you. RIP
  4. It's weird to me because like half my friend list is Team Minerva, but I've just been cycling through the same 2-3 reps for 253550 points so far this round smh
  5. That's alright, I could actually use Takumi more atm since the colorless quest is the only one I haven't completed yet (I'm amazed that I have at least two friends on Team Minerva with a Takumi rep but have yet to get either of them in battle RIP)
  6. Well, I've seen more Michalis than Minerva, but that still doesn't help me very much against the plethora of Lucinas and Takumis I've been running into. Fam hmu with some of those Robins I could use one or two.
  7. I mean, if anyone has the right to assume his own gender, it's the man himself...
  8. Okay sure but 3k flags gets you A LOT less mileage on Team Camilla on the final round than on Team Minerva (not to mention all the feathers you lost in previous rounds from not using flags) Yup, I added you a while back. I guess it's just bad luck that I haven't been getting your Takumi very much :/ I hope my Death Blow Reinhardt's been putting in work for you (but I can switch him out with a 5* of any color if you request it)
  9. I'm on Team Minerva, and I haven't seen anything but greens. If I have to fight one more match with 3 Minervas I'm gonna flip. In other news though, I could really use a colorless ally since I haven't gotten a single one of those yet.
  10. Reinhardt + Dancer is probably precisely the reason I've amassed 20-30 defense wins this season alone tbh (hard to get an accurate count when the game only shows the 10 most recent defense wins)
  11. In the Training Tower, if you kill a generic unit that's 6 levels or less below your level OR a Hero that's 8 levels or less below your level, you get 3 SP. In the Arena, if you kill a Hero that's 8 levels or less below your level, you get 1 SP, unless you're using a bonus character. Then you'd get 3 SP per kill. Healers, like Lucius, get 3 SP per kill just like anyone else in the tower, but they ALSO get 1 SP every time they heal someone. No level conditions apply.
  12. Honestly, Lucina basically is a straight upgrade from Marth. She's speedier and stronger while Marth is bulkier, but the current meta is to ORKO everything before they ORKO you, so glass cannons are favored over bulkier units for the most part (there are exceptions, of course. Hector says hello). Her speed also lets her double people that Marth wouldn't be able to, which indirectly adds to her offensive potential. As for Lucina, there are two main builds you can go with her. One is Fury/Swordbreaker, which makes her a bit more of a well-rounded duelist and lets her take on other sword units in addition to the greens she already destroys. The other build is Life and Death/Desperation, which is better with +Spd or +Atk but can still work with any Lucina. This makes her more of a glass cannon that can ORKO just about anything she doubles (which is a lot of people, as Life and Death 3 get her up to 41 speed) once she's in Desperation range (which basically turns Falchion into a 16 mt Brave Sword). The offside of this, of course, is that she's also easier to kill. In the end, it's really down to personal preference. I'm personally a more offensively-oriented player, so I like LD/Desperation, but Fury/Swordbreaker caters more to more balanced or defensive playstyles. Pick whichever suits you (or whichever you have the skill fodder for).
  13. Oh? I've never played Thracia, so I'm curious why you say Leif. (They could also very easily do this by simply adding in Levin Swords/Bolt Axes and giving those weapons the ability you just suggested). I'm forever salty that Felicia didn't come with Flame Shuriken to hit Res instead of Def in Heroes.
  14. Not in FE7, no, but it still could be one in Heroes. I'm open to discussion though: what other effect do you think it could have? Also, while we're at it, what other weapon effects do you want to see in general? Gonna post now to open up the question but will edit in suggestions in a bit.
  15. Oh man you don't need to tell me twice. The GBA crit animations were some of the most beautiful things I've seen in my life (ended up using both Joshua and Marisa on my runs even though I didn't need more swords just bc I love them so much). My personal all-time favorite is probably Lyn's Blade Lord crit animation (specifically the non-Sol Katti sword one, but they're all dope). Also, getting back on track with Heroes, I really hope the CYL Lyn is Blade Lord Lyn with a bow (specifically Rienfleche). The Rienfleche item description says it "strikes consecutively" so I'm hoping for an amped-up Brave Bow legendary weapon, personally.
  16. @Arcanite Why must you remind me of the painful truth that my boy Joshua isn't in Heroes yet
  17. Fair, fair. But you can do that without dissing my wife, you monster. Also, just in case it's unclear bc tone is hard on the internet, I'm not upset at all, just having fun :P
  18. Definitely +Spd. One of Linde's main selling points is her amazing speed, which lets her double most of the metagame. Sure, the -Atk hurts a bit but not as much as you might think, as she still secures all the KOs she's meant to (the ONLY red she no longer kills is neutral res Hana. Big whoop. She kills all the other reds she's meant to kill even with -Atk). Additionally, if you run Blárblade on her, which is an incredibly common set after skill inheritance, the -Atk almost doesn't matter at all, since her damage will get boosted through the roof and be enough to kill just about everything under the sun anyways.
  19. Oh, sure, I'll grant you that Caeda's a better unit overall in a vacuum, but Heroes isn't played in a vacuum. Caeda struggles to find a niche for herself as she's constantly competing against other reds and other fliers and struggles to find a spot on a team over either of them. As a red sword, she's completely outclassed by literally every popular red out there with her low attack stat and is never going to replace someone like Lucina on a team. As a flier, there's no real point running her on a team except for Flier Emblem for her buffs (which can and should be inherited by someone else) since Brave Axe Cherche, Gronnblade/Gronnraven Easter Camilla, Minerva, Michalis, Catria, Cordelia, and Hinoka all vastly outperform her as a flier. Heck, even as a red flier, Palla is a better overall unit assuming equal investment. Felicia, on the other hand, occupies a completely different role and is a lot more effective overall at providing support for her team. You're comparing apples and oranges. Caeda is a combat unit that's outshined by other, similar combat units while Felicia is a support unit who does her job of debuffing enemies to support her team just fine, even being able to dish out respectable amounts of damage with her special up. And also I find Felicia way cuter, which is the only actual reason I'm defending her if we're being honest.
  20. (Psssst you round down for WTA and bonus damage but round up for WTD)
  21. Laslow does. EDIT: Also Ogma. It's a lower CD Sol that has slightly less heal.
  22. I imagine it's because there are more people in Team Subaki than last round.
  23. I think the issue people have been trying to get at here is that if you or your team are not good enough for you to rank in top 100k (which right now is the same as being unranked), then you get nothing at all. One minor thing they could do to fix that is to just open up another lower tier (like 100k-500k) with something like 250 feathers as a reward. I'll never say no to them increasing the feather rewards throughout the ranks as well, of course, but I find that unlikely to happen. As for the whole "I think feather rewards for defense wins should be higher because it's so hard to get defense wins", I don't think they should increase the rewards because it's hard for a lot of people to get defense wins. People are already upset that they miss out on a potential 500 feathers if they fail to get any defense wins. They'd feel even worse if it were changed to them missing out on 1000 feathers or something if they can't get any wins. Though as far as that goes, it really does bother me that we can't see how many people are challenging our defense team or why our teams lose. I'd really appreciate getting to see how many people challenged my defense and how many of those resulted in my team winning and how many resulted in my team losing. It would also be really cool if they added some kind of option to fight against your own defense team to test it and see how effective it is and what could be done to improve it.
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