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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Idk why I even bother with spoiler filters if everyone's just gonna announce the names anyways smh Anyways, I think Faye's cute so I'm lowkey probably gonna inherit stuff onto her to make her a good archer anyways (unless her stats are straight garbage, but I'll remain optimistic until given a reason not to be).
  2. @immatx Concerning leaks, the new banner's been datamined:
  3. @hunty Congrats :D I admire your dedication. Faves > meta for sure Also, unquestionably Iceberg.
  4. Tbh if you aren't going with a Brave Sword, I would just stick with his prf weapon. Brave w/ Death Blow is really the only thing that beats out his default 16 mt weapon, so if you aren't using that his regular weapon is fine. I would just be sure to give him QR or a breaker skill to let him double despite his speed, and he'll be golden.
  5. That's not unlucky at all. I regularly play in the 4.5k-4.6k range, and I regularly run into teams with multiple +10s despite none of my units going over +1. It's all about BST :/ A +10 Takumi has less BST than a +0 Hector.
  6. @Astellius @Vaximillian I pulled a 5* Brave Axe+ fodder on the Wyvern banner but no Cherche to give it to </3
  7. I've run into a fair number of +10 Takumis, and I imagine they were created before skill inheritance was a thing (back when Takumi was a focus unit).
  8. Ah yes, those are also names I recognize. I believe @Thor Odinson is the primary Ayra supporter on SF? (that I know of anyways)
  9. IIRC Ishtar is the person Reinhardt serves, so I'd actually be pretty easily convinced tbh. If Julia's in a gauntlet though, I'd feel obligated to back her considering how much work she's put in for my team (not to mention I have a +1 Julia I could use for the event). EDIT: I looked up Ishtar. I am convinced.
  10. I know nothing of Jugdral (only games I have yet to play are the Archanea and Jugdral games), so you guys all have an equal chance to convince me to support your cause (should a Jugdral gauntlet ever come to light).
  11. I mean I won't deny that there are undertones, but it's just subtle enough to where it's left up for interpretation either way. In any case, Fire Emblem has never exactly been shy about incest *glances at Genealogy*, so it seems strange to me that people would have problems now.
  12. All I remember is that Leo was jealous of all the attention Camilla gave Corrin, but I didn't interpret that romantically/sexually. If one of your siblings was getting a lot more attention from the rest of the family than you, it's perfectly natural to be jealous and want them to pay attention to you too.
  13. M!Robin would need 49 attack to OHKO a neutral 5* level 40 Takumi without Triangle Adept and 42 attack with Triangle Adept 3. Even a +Atk M!Robin doesn't go any higher than 37 attack without buffs if he's only 4*, so Ana is right. Neutral attack M!Robin hits 40 attack at 5* level 40 though, so a Hone Atk 3 buff would be sufficient if he also had Triangle Adept 3 (actually did the calcs and even with Triangle Adept 2, 43 attack (neutral Robin + Hone Atk 3)) is enough for the OHKO.
  14. Obviously you just have to get your team's BST high enough to not run into Takumi anymore :P
  15. I wouldn't quite say Luna is overkill. With a +Atk nature and Death Blow 3, Luna helps Rein secure the OHKO on neutral Cecilia, Chrom (Spring), Merric, Michalis, Nino, and Raven (among others), as well as -HP or -Res Hector. (Though with a Hone Cavalry buff, he secures kills on every neutral green except Fae, Julia, and Sheena (who all live with 5 or less HP) and the Emerald Axe users.) Also, Blazing/Growing skills are even more overkill, with the primary difference being that they won't activate until Rein's 3rd round of combat (assuming he isn't taking damage, and he really shouldn't be) while Luna activates on the second round of combat, which makes it a lot more applicable to your average Arena match.
  16. In two more months, I'll be ready to run Team Gauntlet Runner-ups :D (I've only ever owned and supported them. Never did own Lucina, and Camilla is nothing more than Brave Axe+ fodder for Cherche).
  17. I'm just gonna tell you right now that if our interests aren't aligned in a future gauntlet, I'd betray you in a heartbeat. Well...I say "betray", but it's not like we ever agreed to be on the same side. It just happened that way the past two gauntlets.
  18. I mean it largely depends on your team and its needs. If you handle swordies just fine but not archers, it makes perfect sense to run Bowbreaker. (Also agreed on #2)
  19. Nope, they aren't! In fact, a lot of the most common B-skills on common mages are melee breakers (M!Robin commonly runs Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker after skill inheritance, for example).
  20. @Arcanite Oh my, you've grown into quite the important figure, huh? It's been a pleasure fighting together with you in every Gauntlet so far, and I look forward to our continued alliance in the future.
  21. Congratulations :D I actually quite like Henry and Niles as characters but have hesitated to promote them in Heroes because of their niche usage. As such, I applaud you and your dedication to your faves! It's honestly super admirable to just promote the people you like regardless of what anyone else says, and I hope to be more like that with my feathers in the future.
  22. You for sure need the + version if you want her to nuke. If you have Raudrraven but not Raudrraven+ (and all other stats are the exact same), you miss out on 10 whole green KOs, even with Triangle Adept, including neutral Cecilia, Cherche, Chrom (Spring), Merric, Michalis, Nino, Raven, and Robin (F). As well as 8 colorless KOs, including neutral Setsuna and Klein. Also, I'd highly recommend swapping out R Tomebreaker for Swordbreaker, as it nets her A LOT more ORKOs. With Raudrraven+ and R Tomebreaker, she can't even ORKO red tomes, like Henry, Raigh, Sanaki, and other Lilinas. She can ORKO Tharja, and that's about it. She CERTAINLY can't ORKO any swords because she's so slow (and doesn't have the firepower to one-shot any of them). However, with Raudrraven+ and Swordbreaker, she can suddenly ORKO half the swords in the game, including common threats like Lucina, Marth, Ryoma, and Karel. It is FAR more beneficial for her to take Swordbreaker over R Tomebreaker. EDIT: Just as a disclaimer, calcs were made assuming your Lilina has a neutral nature and is +0 (and that her opponents are neutral nature and +0). Obviously there will be some slight discrepancies if these conditions do not apply, though you should still be able to get the general idea. Double EDIT: You didn't ask, but I ran some extra calcs for specials. Iceberg is the best special for her, followed by Draconic Aura (they're about the same if she's +Atk), followed by Luna. I wouldn't recommend Moonbow, personally, as misses out on too many KOs that she would have gotten with the others.
  23. I'm going to hold off on making any premature reactions until we see whether or not they add in a replacement with the coming update, but I do agree overall. Idk if the intent was to get people to buy orbs or what, but it's definitely healthier for the game to incentivize players to earn orbs (and 1-2 free orbs per day really isn't much). I'm much more likely to support a game if I think they care about their F2P playerbase. That said, Nintendo/IS has overall shown a lot of care and dedication for their playerbase so far, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and wait things out for the time being.
  24. Julia's definitely a great choice for your team, but I wouldn't bother with Fury on her for BST purposes considering we're getting the Arena update in less than 24 hours. EDIT: Also, I find that grinding for SP after level 40 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I started grinding with Julia on Saturday and amassed over 400 SP within those two days just grinding levels 8-10 of the Training Tower. It goes a lot faster (esp with ranged characters) if you're using two dancers, which is what I did to speed things up. But even using a single dancer speeds things up considerably.
  25. Got a total of 9000 feathers from this whole event :D (was Team Cherche -> Team Minerva) Round 1: 2100 Round 2: 1100 + 500 Round 3: 3100 Overall army ranking: 2200
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