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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. The way I play is to go through the game once on Hard, mostly to get a feel for the story and characters, and then play it again on Lunatic afterwards. I actually prefer Conquest characters by a decent margin, but I'm not going to get into an argument over that here haha. And anyways it's not like I dislike the Hoshido characters (not at all, in fact I love several of them), so I respect your tastes.
  2. Bunny Xander doesn't have Distant Counter on his weapon though. I mean I'd still at least go for the 3* version because that'll probably be easy, but I can understand not wanting to bother with the 4* version unless you really want it (and it doesn't sound like you do).
  3. I'm still holding out hope that Ryoma will be on the eventual Battling Xander battle because it would be perfect for the same reasons Minerva was in the Battling Michalis banner. It's actually really funny how different they are. Birthright is one of the easiest games in the franchise while Conquest is one of the most challenging. As someone who's played both games, I can say that Lunatic on Birthright is easier than Hard on Conquest. That's how different they are. I already posted my thoughts above, so I assume you don't need that. I'd recommend giving it a shot either way though. If you only play one, I personally recommend Conquest (but I guess you can pick based on characters too...in which case I'd still go Conquest, but if you like the Hoshido characters more then more power to you).
  4. The plot did, sure. But a lot of individual characters and character designs were quite solid, Conquest's level/map design was phenomenal, and the soundtrack is quite possibly my favorite in the franchise. And even ignoring all of that, Ryoma's one of the best sword users in Heroes, so...
  5. I didn't want to do this, but now I want to build up a +Spd Lon'qu and have him as my rep just to see how you respond <3
  6. It's funny because that's not even a +Spd Ryoma (he's +Res/-Def. Not optimal, but hey I have a +1 Ryoma I'm not complaining) :P I almost want to strap Life and Death on him just to see him be even more ridiculous, but I'm pretty happy with Fury 3.
  7. @MrSmokestack So I did some new calculations of my own, and Chrom can actually go even higher than what you posted. If, instead of Kindled Fire Balm, you had an enemy afflict Chrom with Seal Atk, you could use Harsh Command (credit to @eclipse for the idea) to give him +7 instead of just the +4 from Kindled Fire. The rest of your calculations seemed solid to me, but just to review (calculations are against a level 1 -Def 4* Fae suffering from Threaten Def for a total of 0 def): +Atk Chrom merged to +10 will have 60 attack Giving him the Atk +1 seal will bring that up to 61 Using Harsh Command on Seal Atk will give him +7, bringing him to 68 Stacking 3 Spur Atks on him via teammates will give him +12 for a total of 80 80 x 1.5 (eff vs Fae) will be 120 damage Multiply that by 1.4 (Triangle Adept and WTA) for 168 damage Multiple THAT by 2.5 from Astra for 420 damage In conclusion: EDIT (to avoid double posting): @SatsumaFSoysoy Isn't he great? <3
  8. I honestly was not even considering using Harsh Command on an enemy thief for +7 def/res to a blade user :O Unfortunately though, I still couldn't get a blade user to go higher than the scenarios on the previous page (Chrom's still the only one to pass the 400 mark like damn son).
  9. I'm really surprised no one else above me mentioned this (or maybe I skimmed too fast and missed it), but you can't have Renewal (the 10 healing every other round skill) and Vantage on the same unit because they're both B-slot skills. I think there are better skills for both of them, but if you were just picking between Renewal and Vantage I'd probably go with Renewal. As people have mentioned, upgrading Olivia to 5* increases her overall bulk and power (+Atk Olivia with Triangle Adept can actually ORKO a neutral Hector if she's 5*), as well as increases your Arena score because it boosts her overall BST. That said, she doesn't gain as much from the promotion as other units, so it really depends on who you already have. Spring Camilla is good on the right teams. The two most popular builds are to make her a nuke, but this involves inheriting Nino's Gronnblade tome and pairing her up with a dedicated flier team (or at the bare minimum a unit with Hone Fliers). The other popular build makes her less of a nuke but a bit tankier and involves giving her Cecilia's Gronnraven tome to help Camilla take out blue and colorless units (coupled with Triangle Adept, this is even enough to make her lose her flier weakness to arrows). I personally prefer the -blade set, but either works. She needs inheritance to do well though; her vanilla set leaves a lot to be desired.
  10. @Falcom Oh yeah, I forgot to take merging into account. If that same Effie is +10, she'd hit 81 attack, I believe.
  11. Effie can hit up to 79 attack. +Atk is 43, Silver Lance+ is 15, Hone Armor is +6, two Goad Armors is +8, Death Blow is +6, and sacred seal is +1. If I'm missing anything (or just can't do basic math) someone let me know. EDIT: Ninja wishiwashi Only difference is I used a +Atk Effie instead of neutral
  12. 5* Reinhardt is, in my somewhat biased opinion, one of the best possible units to have on a Defense team, so I would recommend 5*ing him soon if you can. Since he's only a 4* though, I'd say Ursula's better atm (in place of Effie. Armored units not named Hector are way better on Offense than Defense) Also, while mono-color teams are recommended for defense, you don't have to have it be completely mono-colored. If you have 3 solid blue units and a solid non-blue ranged that you think would be better than either Ursula or Reinhardt, that's honestly probably better. My defense team is Reinhardt, Ninian, Sharena, and Ryoma, and I consistently get multiple defense wins every week, so just mix n' match till you find something that clicks.
  13. Do you have any ranged characters? Also I'd replace Effie with Corrin (to have both Nowi and Corrin) as armors aren't particularly good on defense. Generally you use armors to bait enemies that rush toward you on offense, but on defense... With their movement, chances are they won't get to the enemies till the rest of your team's dead.
  14. I love Felicia as much as the next guy, but definitely nowhere near as much as this guy: (I question some of the skill choices, but the dedication is real)
  15. Currently rank 1306 with a score of 4770 But some of the wins were from the old system (which offered fewer points per win than the new system), so I intend to do another run but this time entirely with the new system. Hope to break 4.8k at least :D
  16. After hitting level 40, you get +3 per enemy you kill (except in Arena, where it's +1 per kill unless you're killing with a bonus character, in which case it's +3) if the enemies are up to 6 levels below yours (or 8 if they're a Hero and not a generic enemy). It's really not as bad as people make it out to be. I was able to get my Julia to gain +500 SP after hitting level 40 within just two days of grinding. It goes by a lot faster with a dancer or two to back you up. Just keep doing level 8-10 of the Training Tower, occasionally going to level 1 to reset the tower matchups if none of levels from 8-10 are favorable for you.
  17. For training up ranged units, whether it be for quests or for grinding SP, I actually find that things goes by way faster/easier if you use two dancers on your team instead of just one to give your ranged unit up to 3 moves per turn, which lets them reach enemies they wouldn't normally or secure kills they wouldn't normally, as well as being able to go in, snipe, snipe again, and get out if two turns aren't enough to kill. It just adds so much speed and flexibility, and it's great.
  18. Cecilia is one of those units that's meh without skill inheritance but also one of the characters that benefits the most from it. (I know that sounds like everyone, but not quite. Everyone can be made good with inheritance, but she doesn't just become good with inheritance, she becomes one of the best mages in the entire game hands down, which most characters can't accomplish even WITH inheritance). Sticking with her default Gronnraven is a mistake since with a Gronnblade tome and a cavalry team supporting her, she can OHKO every blue, green, and colorless in the game, along with at least half the reds. She turns into a complete monster. But without inheritance, she's definitely pretty meh, unfortunately.
  19. "Armored units aren't too prevalent in Arena" You...you're joking, right? There's been a bare minimum of 1-2 armored units in every match for the past month or so. I mean, I completely agree that armorslayer weapons aren't worth it because it's better to have a weapon/skillset that gets more mileage out of killing all unit types (and you generally don't need an armorslayer weapon to take down armored units, so the niche isn't even necessary), but like... I really don't think you can say armored units aren't prevalent in Arena when they're FAR more prevalent than flying units, cavalry units, healers, thieves, and archers.
  20. So I'm not sure how much this person got right and how much they got wrong (since the system is new and needs further testing), but I found an interesting reddit post on the new matchmaking system: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/64z5bm/theory_and_debate_how_120_arena_scores_your_team/
  21. I mean that's basically what I did with him. He's more or less just my Hone Cavalry mule on my cavalry team (Eldigan, Reinhardt, Gronnblade Cecilia).
  22. I mean he has one more BST than Julia, so if I can score in top 1k with her, you should be able to with Robin (though it also depends on the rest of your team ofc)
  23. They're not from Fates. If I had to guess, the Sweeper bow is IS' attempt at implementing a pseudo-longbow weapon without giving a unit 3-range.
  24. Honestly, +Spd/-Res is probably one of the best natures for Hana, and I would definitely go with it over neutral.
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