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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I'm just gonna warn you here to keep any further comments in spoiler tags for certain people on this thread.
  2. Ah okay I missed that, sorry. I should probably head to sleep pretty soon...
  3. Actual age aside (being a dragon and all) Fae is just way too much like a child for me to feel comfortable shipping her with anyone, personally. I think of her more as a precious little daughter that I want to see play around and grow up happily <3
  4. @MrSmokestack go for it, buddy. I don't even know who to call except Ghostbusters maybe @shadowofchaos and @Ice Dragon.
  5. I'm personally of the opinion that the C-slot is best used for auras that benefit the rest of your team, so I'd go with something like Hone Atk/Spd. For the most part, Threaten Skills are only worth it on tanks like Effie and not so much on ranged units as you really want their targets to be dead after a round of combat (and it's more difficult to maneuver around to get the Threaten effect in before combat, though you can certainly go for it if you want). Savage Blow is decent on ranged units, but again, I think in the long run a team aura benefits you more overall than 7 points of chip damage. In any case, I don't claim to be an expert on the game, so of course take all of my advice with a grain of salt. These are just my personal opinions.
  6. I don't see the need, personally. Neutral Ephraim with Fury and QR already ORKOs every neutral red and blue melee unit in the game barring Donnel, Effie, Gwendolyn, and Nowi (and Moonbow secures all of those except Gwendolyn), so the extra damage of Bonfire would really just be for taking on certain greens, which Ephraim shouldn't be doing anyways. Plus, Moonbow paired with QR makes it so that it perfectly activates in one round of combat, which secures several ORKOs for him.
  7. Honestly, I was exposed to FE6 characters through Heroes, so seeing Klein in-game for the first time really threw me for a loop.
  8. Well shit. If the enemy has TA, meaning I can freely put Death Blow in my A-slot, Chrom's damage output goes even higher :OOO Though if I'm being honest I was really happy about the max potential damage output being calc'd out to be exactly 420. EDIT: New highest possible damage output is still Chrom, with a max of 450 (assumed the enemy Fae has TA 3 and that Chrom had Death Blow 3)
  9. Triangle Adept for sure. It pairs amazing well with both Swordbreaker and Blarraven, letting him completely shut down two colors at once.
  10. So basically we can all agree that one way or another, @DehNutCase is going to make us cry. (Also, are we friends yet? Because I feel like I'd remember if I had a 5* Selena hanging out in my friend rock)
  11. I would definitely cry if I saw someone out there sacrificing Ryoma's Raijinto
  12. Yeah, as easy as it is to complain about the bad art, there's quite a lot of absolutely amazing art in Heroes to appreciate as well. If I didn't love Nino before, her Heroes art probably would have done the trick tbh <3
  13. What about Sharena? She's a very solid unit as a 5*, and there's a high chance she'll be a bonus hero (since Anna and then Alfonse were bonus heroes the past two rotations) That said don't let me discourage you from pulling on the banner either way because it's a kickass banner.
  14. Tbh I would have been significantly happier with many of the characters if they just used their cipher art.
  15. Shhhhhhh Nintendo might take that as a challenge. EDIT: I like that you say "chip" to victory Implying that a well-trained Nino won't just 1-2 shot the whole map
  16. I'm one of the rare few who are quite fond of the Est archetype actually. Most people don't because they can't be assed to train up low level units, and I understand that completely. But there's just something really satisfying to me about raising up a weak unit to be a veritable deity of death. Because let's be real, the only thing holding Nino back in FE7 is that you have to train her up. If you train her up to be up to par with the rest of your party (which, again, I understand most people don't care enough to do), she's just as baller in FE7 as she is in Heroes. It made me so proud to see my little baby destroying almost the entire endgame by herself :')
  17. I feel you on that. I'm so happy that Nino is actually really amazing unit because I love her and would have eventually 5*d her anyways <3
  18. @Arcanite Hey at least she didn't spoil you on the deaths of
  19. I really admire people like you and Ana who save most of your orbs for that one character you really like because I don't have anyone I feel quite that passionately about (though I very much like quite a lot of characters). But it also makes me really glad sometimes because I couldn't imagine waiting that long. In any case, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!
  20. I'm just trying to look out for @Arcanite :/ I don't really feel like getting into a conversation about when it is or isn't okay to spoil things.
  21. A little less so than the Lucina spoiler, I think. In any case, you could be right, but I don't want to take any chances if I'm unsure. I've had a lot of things ruined for me before because someone casually spoiled something, so I try to make sure to not do the same to others. EDIT: @Arcanite Fam if you just looked at their damaged artwork you wouldn't even have to ask.
  22. Don't spoil the game for someone who hasn't played it yet and is thinking about it, please.
  23. I mean Clair does have a pretty nice character design (though I much prefer her Echoes art to her Heroes one). Also pegasus knights are great in general. I'm going to be pulling for Alm because I need a Falchion unit, but after that I'm planning to save my orbs for Celica's banner. I was originally quite keen on Faye because I'm a fan of her character design, personally, but certain spoilers have changed my mind about her, unfortunately. EDIT: Also @Thor Odinson I need that Lloyd for my eventual Black Fangs dream team (already got Jaffar and Ursula) (Nino counts too if Linus never shows up).
  24. I think Ice Dragon already understands that he'd get wins more easily with a weaker team, but he wants to show off his stronger units, which is perfectly understandable. In any case, as far as improving upon the team you suggested goes @Ice Dragon, I'd personally recommend switching out a Lucina for high damage mage, such as Linde, since your team is currently all melee, which leaves it rather vulnerable to being sniped off, as others have mentioned.
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