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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Welp, as expected my rank dropped down overnight from 67 to 445. As long as I stay in top 1k by the end of the season though, I'll be happy.
  2. I generally spend the first one or two turns repositioning my units (preparation screen when).
  3. I don't know if it's common knowledge, but I sure didn't know it before now :O
  4. ...how could we have missed something that simple. That actually makes perfect sense though (or at least moreso than the BST theory since my Eldigan got SP +3 last season, and his BST is one of the highest).
  5. I want to believe ;__; Honestly though, you're probably right. It makes me sad though that the tomes designed to beat cavalry aren't even as good as other sets vs cavalry...
  6. There's still a small sliver of hope for Inigo to be a dancer if they add in his Awakening counterpart later with the other future children. Otherwise though I'm mostly hoping for the laguz to be added, as Reyson would most definitely be a dancer/singer unit.
  7. Sounds like the -wolf tomes might see more use this season >:D
  8. For the most part, the Hone/Fortify Cavalry buff units won't be seeing as much combat, so Jagen is fine. For me personally though, I stuck Fortify Cavalry on Eldigan because he was the best option I had out of my team (Frederick has Hone Cavalry, Reinhardt has Goad Cavalry, and Gronnblade Cecilia needs to be the buff recipient, leaving only Eldigan to carry the buff).
  9. Sorry if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if Jaffar's Deathly Dagger stacks with Poison Strike? I'm trying to figure out what to give him for his B-slot.
  10. Got my first perfect run of the season at 4560! Going to bed now, but I'll update with what the corresponding rank is when I wake up. Also got my first defense win already :O was definitely not expecting to get one so soon considering I got nothing until two days before the reset last season, but I'm most certainly not complaining (and it's at 267 so I'm all set for this season's defense already). EDIT: I'm most certainly going to be kicked down several hundred spots once I wake up, but for now I am hilariously rank 67.
  11. You should be fine with normal Blarblade. You miss out on 4 mt, but that's easily made up for with buffs (and an extra 4 mt is not worth 20k feathers imo). Plus, -blade units generally overkill their targets by a fair margin (more than 4 HP) anyways.
  12. I'd probably go with one of the neutral Subakis from his hero battle.
  13. I mean people would probably just start buying units directly instead of buying orbs (which is a big reason this would never be implemented).
  14. Please share the wealth D: While I understand why it isn't implemented (it would be extremely easily abused, for one), part of me will still always be sad that we can't trade units in this game.
  15. I've been seeing some other questions pop up frequently in the "Ask a Question" thread, so I thought I'd add some more here for people to refer back to. Q: Can you perform an action after warping with Wings of Mercy or Escape Route? A: Yes, you can act (attack, heal, or rally) after warping, you just can't move. Q: At what level threshold do you stop earning SP? A: You can earn SP from opponents in Training Tower so long as the unit is no more than 6 levels below you (if they are a generic Emblian soldier) or 8 levels below you (if they are a named Hero) (credit to @shadowofchaos) Q: Do these auras stack? A: If you have two Hone/Fortify auras of the same type, they do not stack. Only the highest of the two goes into effect. The same applies for Rally skills. So for example, if you have a unit gaining Def +3 from Fortify Def 2, and Nowi uses Rally Def on them for Def +4, you will get Def +4, not Def +7. Stat debuffs work the same way. If an opponent gets Def -5 from Threaten Def and is then attacked by a unit with Seal Def (Def -7), they will have a net loss of Def -7, NOT Def -12. (So Ephraim's B and C skill clash with each other, which is lame.) If However, skills that buff "during combat" (such as Spur or Goad skills) DO stack with auras and each other, so if, say, Anna gains Atk +4 from Olivia's Hone Attack and then enters combat adjacent to Lucina (who gives Atk +4 from Spur Atk), then Anna will gain Atk +8 in combat. Likewise, since Spur skills of the same stat stack, an Alfonse attacking next to two allies, both with Spur Atk, will gain Atk +8 in combat. For units with the -blade tomes (like Nino or Tharja), "in combat" skills do NOT add to the damage of the -blade tome, only buffs given out of combat. An easier way to explain this is that if an ability generates a green arrow on the sprite or if it turns the numbers blue in the stat window, it will increase the damage of the -blade tome. Otherwise, it doesn't. As such, Spur skills and skills such as Fury or Death Blow do not add to the damage of a -blade tome. (This might have been worded awkwardly, so if you need images for clarification let me know.) Q: Does Triangle Adept stack with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald weapon? A: No. Triangle Adept is essentially the same thing as having a jewel weapon and vice versa. There is no merit in having both. Q: If my sword unit has swordbreaker and attacks an opposing sword unit with swordbreaker, what happens? A: They cancel each other out and battle proceeds as normal as if neither unit had swordbreaker (doubling will be based on the units' speeds relative to the other, like usual). (Credit to @Ice Dragon) That's all off the top of my head, but if I think of anything else I might add more. Hopefully at least some of you out there found this helpful!
  16. Yes, you can act (attack, heal, or rally) after you warp, you just can't move. Same with Escape Route.
  17. I've always loved Cherche back in Awakening, so I was disappointed that she was pretty meh in Heroes. Cue the advent of Skill Inheritance, and now I can give Cherche a Brave Axe and Death Blow and have her run through people like she used to >:D just gotta pull a Cherche first...
  18. Probably. He's the Totem Wishiwashi at the very least.
  19. @Arcanite I'm honestly pretty excited for you to get into FE7, and I hope you have a lot of fun with it :D (Also get hyped because Hector is just as broken in his original game as he is in Heroes. Except he has just as much movement as anyone else. So even better >:D)
  20. Ayyy Sun and Moon hype! I guess I'm like half a school of wishiwashi but not quite enough to be the full giant form. Edited the original post, but Robin was also promoted to 5* (I was so excited when I pulled him only to get him as 4* RIP. During his focus too). Honestly I'd probably have more, but I've been finding it impossible to save up feathers. I'm fairly certain I've upgraded enough units to 4* by now to have upgraded another unit to 5* (curse you skill inheritance).
  21. You don't have a choice for your first playthrough. You start with Lyn and then do Eliwood's story. After your first playthrough, you can select Lyn, Eliwood, or Hector mode.
  22. I have 17 5*s (3 of which I merged). Robin and Sharena were upgraded via feathers. Lyn Robin (M) Takumi Effie Ephraim +1 Seliph Julia +1 Ryoma +1 Reinhardt Eldigan Sharena Priscilla Jaffar Ninian I'm not exactly F2P though as I've bought 320 orbs.
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