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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I can feel your passion for manaketes through the screen haha. Yeah, they're super great units in addition to being really cute, so I really hope I'm able to get some in the future :D
  2. Priscilla was actually my first pull this banner :P (like, not just first focus from this banner, but first unit in general. I was most certainly not expecting a 5* right away, but you'll hear no complaints from me)
  3. I had at least 3 summon sessions with 0-1 blues and just as many with 3-4 reds. If I were pulling for Karel instead I'd probably be having a field day with the orb distribution.
  4. I actually really love manaketes too and would probably be really excited about making a manakete team with Ninian...if she wasn't the only manakete I had.
  5. Not even In-N-Out? Ninian was honestly super elusive for me though. I dropped $40 on this banner for Ninian and didn't get her until the last summon session, even though I was focus pulling blue mostly (I say mostly because I did blues and clears until I got Jaffar).
  6. Oh no don't apologize! I don't mind at all; I just thought it was funny. I'm glad to know someone else out there appreciates Ampharos though :D (also when I was thinking of the username I was imagining Ampharos wearing Lucina's "Marth" mask from Awakening, which I thought would look super cute. Shame I can't draw otherwise I'd make that myself.)
  7. Oh okay I wasn't aware of that. In that case, I'm not sure. Let me know how Wary Fighter interacts with Armads whenever you conduct your research!
  8. If Nowi is your main counter to swords then I'd personally prefer Swordbreaker to ensure she fills her niche, but I would otherwise prefer Quick Riposte. I would definitely be more scared of Quick Riposte (if I didn't have Julia) because I don't have a Falchion unit and generally rely on melee blues to kill her, in which case Quick Riposte is more threatening to me.
  9. Also prevents her from getting one-shot by any Falchion users in Arena if I happened to leave her out of position, so that's a bonus.
  10. Tell me about it. What I did was give her Triangle Adept and refresh for red-heavy maps, and she actually does reasonably well in combat now :D
  11. "That Ampharos dude" though I just love that we somehow managed to have an entire discussion about Wailord and Wishiwashi in a Fire Emblem thread (also Wishiwashi is definitely way cuter <3)
  12. Skill description of Wary Fighter: "Prevents follow-up attacks in combat from unit and foes" I'm fairly certain that Wary Fighter on Hector would also negate Armads' inherent Quick Riposte.
  13. With skill-inheritance, +Atk/-Spd is actually quite good on M!Robin since he doesn't particularly care about the speed drop. Against colorless units like Takumi he takes little to no damage anyways (and low speed means he gets doubled more which means faster charges for his special), and breakers help him do his job regardless of speed. I'm not sure there's any use offensively for Poison Strike since it's better to outright delete an opponent than do chip damage. But I personally have Poison Strike on my Jaffar (and might add Savage Blow too) on my defense team because I'm mean <3
  14. I mean there was that one article a while back about a Japanese whale that spent $1000 without getting a single Hector, so I'm not sure "only 3 Hectors" means much.
  15. Ephraim can't learn Wary Fighter because Wary Fighter is armor-only. Quick Riposte might be nice though (I'm personally giving mine Swordbreaker though).
  16. There's a decent chance it was me actually haha. I've been wanting that to be implemented for a while now.
  17. Your Arena Defense team will always be your leftmost team. I really have no idea what makes a good defense team though. I wish we saw how many people challenged our defense, not just how many lost. That would give us a better idea of what team comps work and what comps don't.
  18. Quite honestly I think the whole Sanaki vs Henry debate is heavily reliant on what other units the person in question has. For example, with Dance or Draw Back support (Draw Back being especially easy to get now), Sanaki is a lot better overall imo. But Henry's much higher defense definitely has merit too. So really it depends on what you need on a team. For me personally, I have the units to effectively deal with most non-green threats anyways, so having an automatic delete button for Hector/Julia/Nino is really all I need Sanaki to do. It's all about the team and not just about comparing units individually.
  19. It'd be nice if they had a system allowing us to convert shards to crystals because I feel like I have way too many shards and not nearly enough crystals.
  20. You, uh, sure you matched the SF person with the correct Heroes name? You have me listed as "Jenn" in Heroes while Yurei on SF got my Heroes name. There are other inconsistencies too like Banryu, Arcanite, and Anacybele to name a few.
  21. I mean I still use shards if I have a unit I want to sacrifice for skills. Takes two seconds to shard and feather 'em, and then they're gone. But if they're a unit I intend to use, then yeah I don't bother with shards and crystals (sometimes I'll end up at level 39 with just a little bit left though, and I'll just top them off with crystals instead of going through another run of 10th Stratum. Also healers. I use crystals on healers.)
  22. Oh wow, that's a lot better than I expected. Also thanks for always following through with the calcs! I should probably start doing more of my own when giving advice to people, so I can help them more than "I haven't done calcs, but this is probably a thing" and so I don't have to rely on other people (like you) to always follow up.
  23. For Lucina, I personally favor Fury over Defiant Speed, both because she doesn't really need the speed boost and because Fury is a reliable way to get her down to Desperation's HP threshold and because of the defensive and offensive boost it provides. As for your assist skills, I think that's fine, but you could also consider Ardent Sacrifice. She already regains 10 HP every third turn from Falchion, so you could use Lucina as a pseudo-healer for your other teammates. Takumi mostly looks fine to me. For support I'd probably give him something like Reciprocal Aid because he's usually in the backline and would be at highish HP. You could even pull off gimmicky stuff like using Reciprocal Aid on a low HP ally to heal them and get Takumi down to a low HP % where could kill with Vantage + Vengeance. For Olivia, Iote's Shield is for fliers only, but I do agree with something defensive. I'd personally go with Fury, but something as simple as Def +3 would be sufficient. The rest is fine. For Nowi, I'm actually personally in favor of Triangle Adept over Def +3 or Defiant anything (especially because running Defiant and running Swordbreaker are counterintuitive since one wants you to be at low HP while the other wants you to be at high HP) as that would most effectively lower damage from reds. I haven't done the calcs, personally, but if you find Triangle Adept also giving you enough firepower to one-shot most reds, then I'd consider switching Swordbreaker out for Quick Riposte. Otherwise, Swordbreaker is good. EDIT: For Nowi's special, I actually favor a healing skill like Noontime since I think she already does enough damage as is and could use more sustain. I don't really think there are many OHKOs she secures with Moonbow that she doesn't already. That said though, Moonbow's generally a safe special option if you aren't sure what else to put there.
  24. You answered your own question. Kagero's effectiveness against infantry is a lot more lethal than you'd expect; she can one-shot nearly any unit that isn't armored or on a horse (flying or otherwise). EDIT: It's hard to give a precise answer without knowing all of the skills she had, as well as her allies' skills. She might have had something like Life and Death or Death Blow, for example, and her allies could have had, say, Spur Attack.
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