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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. @TheTuckingFypo Oh my, don't keep us in suspense :O
  2. Huh. I can't believe I didn't think about hair color, but that's such an obvious way to theme your teams :O I'd be down to make a Team Purple-Haired Ladies (will think of a better name later): 4 of Camilla, Fir, Florina, Julia, Sanaki, Sophia, Ursula
  3. @Skids Adding on to Iris' strategy: if you wanted to save feathers, a 3* Narcian is sufficient to bait and ORKO the lance peg at the beginning as long as he has up to 33 atk, which he can get as a 3*.
  4. I personally think he's just fine with his natural Killer Bow. Niles has incredibly low attack, so the majority of his damage comes from activating his special. What you COULD do to improve him imo is to exchange Glacies for Iceberg, as @eclipse suggested, because he would benefit greatly from the lower CD.
  5. @ExpendableExtra @Skids @Arcanite I did some maths on the previous page, but in case you missed it: You either need to have an axe flier that has 56 atk (which even a 5* level 40 +Atk Cherche cannot hit without buffs) OR get Narcian up to 33 Atk (which is easily attainable at 3*). Alternatively, you can transfer Lancebreaker to another axe flier that does not have Emerald Axe, but that flier would need to have at least 38 Atk.
  6. Cherche cannot, unless she inherits Lancebreaker from Narcian. The reason Narcian is recommended is because of Lancebreaker allowing him to not get doubled and double back regardless of speed. Otherwise you'd have to get another axe flier to outspeed the lance peg or have enough atk to OHKO it. EDIT: The lance peg on Lunatic has 45 HP, 22 Def, and 36 Spd (42 if she's initiating because of Darting Blow). You'd either need to be able to do 23 x 2 damage (and that's impossible without Lancebreaker because no natural unit has 47 spd) or 45 damage all in one go. Assuming WTA, you would need a unit with 56 atk to OHKO the lance peg (56 atk x 1.2 from WTA = 67 atk. 67 atk - 22 def = 45). Assuming a +Atk 5* Cherche at level 40, she'd hit 53 atk, which still isn't good enough without buffs. Double EDIT: On the other hand, Narcian would only need to have 33 atk to ORKO the lance peg (33 x 1.4 from WTA and Emerald Axe = 46 atk, 46 atk - 22 def = 23. He would double with Lancebreaker for 23 x 2 for the ORKO), which is easily attainable at 3*.
  7. I would recommend a team of Narcian, Lilina, Olivia, and Abel. Send all of your units to the very right except for Narcian, who'll be just barely in range of the lance peg at the bottom. No other units should be in range of anyone else. Narcian should be able to ORKO the lance peg on enemy phase and not get dragged back. Then, send Abel up to kill the sword cavalier and use a combination of Lilina + dancing w/ Olivia to kill Michalis. Narcian can then kill the remaining lancer.
  8. I'm not sure this has been posted already or not, but the person who beat Michalis' Lunatic map with only free 3* units posted a new video on how to beat the map with free 3* units even if you do not have Narcian. I realize that a lot of people either started playing after Narcian's GHB or simply didn't have a strong enough team to get him at the time, so I hope this is helpful to those people (the team was Sophia, Virion, Gunter, Subaki). No skill inheritance was used. EDIT: I realize I have made a mistake. This particular video is for Hard mode, not Lunatic. The reason he posted this video is because, if you don't have Narcian, you can substitute Michalis for Narcian on the Lunatic map after you get his 3* version on Hard using this team. The video of him beating Lunatic with Michalis instead of Narcian is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l90fk_lk-28 (skip to 1:55)
  9. A friend of mine saw Mike in the shower once, and he said Mike had an 8-pack, that Mike was shredded. Bonus points if you get the reference
  10. I originally thought so too until I played Michalis' GHB. (Selena doing 7 x 2 damage to Mike even with Triangle Adept, geez)
  11. Can you imagine if Falchions were effective against wyverns like in the actual games. EDIT: I see @Vaximillian is a man of good taste. I've always enjoyed roasted pineapples :P
  12. I personally think your best team for the map would be Minerva, Ephraim, mage of your choice between Nino/Tharja (probably Nino or Tharja, but I would need to know their boon/bane), and a unit of choice to buff Nino/Tharja (or bring both if you think you can get Michalis into the range of both of them). Ideally the 4th unit would be a dancer, like Olivia, but I don't see one on the images you posted. Minerva is great for baiting and killing the lance peg at the beginning. Ephraim should take care of the sword cavalier on the right and then the sword peg. The mage(s) kills Michalis. EDIT: If you give me boons/banes of the units I listed, I could give you more exact calculations.
  13. It would, of course, be optimal to have the full +4 across the board, but with the limited team space I have, I think +3 Atk and +4 Spd/Def/Res is the most optimal setup for me (unless I get Hone Atk on my 4th member, which I very well may). I admittedly haven't done too many calculations just yet, but I don't think there are any real threats to my team that +2 damage would make much of a difference on. This is especially true if I manage to get Desperation onto Nino, letting her hit twice before any retaliation (assuming I'm faster, which is what the +Spd helps with). I'm not sure there's a unit in this game that survives two direct hits from a buffed up Nino. In all likelihood, I'll just have the fourth unit be someone that covers the rest of whatever isn't covered by Nino already.
  14. Oh yeah, that Hawkeye banner was the one banner I didn't pull on too. I'd completely forgotten about it. I spent way more money on the Blazing banner trying to get Ninian than I had intended to, but I did finally get her so I'd so worth :D Yeah, I love Tellius as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to save up my orbs forever with no promise of a banner coming in the near future. I'm actually a new fan (my first game was Awakening and then Fates), but since then I've gone back and experienced most of the older games through emulators and such and was just completely sucked into the franchise somewhere down the line. Though I don't know anything about Gaiden, I've been keeping up with SoV just on the basis of it being a new Fire Emblem game, and what I've seen of the gameplay and presentation looks quite well done so far so I'm very excited.
  15. It's a pretty standard setup: Nino, Eirika, Ninian, filler (if I use this team in Arena it'll just be a bonus hero). Ninian comes with Fortify Def, so if I give Eirika Rally Res, I'll be able to buff all four stats. It's been done many times before, but it's just something I've always wanted to try myself. Mostly because I really love Nino as a character and just want to make her shine (of course, other teammate suggestions are more than welcome).
  16. I've made at least one pull on every banner so far, so I have plenty of units already. These 3 pulls basically were my "yolo" pull sessions for now (because honestly I didn't particularly need or want anyone from the banner; I just wanted to pull). I'm definitely saving orbs for Tellius but not as religiously as some people are (I can't imagine making little to no pulls until he arrives). I pull on every banner with at least one or two characters I like, but I like a pretty large chunk of the cast so there's yet to be banner I didn't want to pull on :D Also, I personally know nothing of Gaiden and its characters, but I've been super hyped for Shadows of Valentia and can easily see myself getting sucked into the game once it comes out in May, falling in love with the characters, and blowing my orbs on a Valentia banner.
  17. Though her time has passed, with everyone focusing instead on a certain green-haired horse lady, it's always been my dream to eventually build a perfect Nino-centered team. As of today, I finally have a new +Spd, -Def Nino (I've been trying to pull for Nino for so long), so I now have all the prerequisite units :D Now I just need enough feathers to 5* everyone (really just need 42k more feathers for Eirika and Nino). I do also eventually plan on having all of the Askr trio 5*ed and on a team, but they're a more long-term project.
  18. I wasn't originally planning to pull on this banner but gave in simply because I couldn't resist the temptation (there's just a certain thrill that comes from pulling. I might have a gambling problem). Anyways, nothing particularly worthy after 3 pulls (by which I mean no 5*) BUT I got a nice and shiny +Spd, -Def Nino :D (which I think is the best nature for her) Sure, she's only a 3*, but I've been wanting Nino for a very long time so this makes me quite happy (plus, in a way, this means I'm getting more SP by the time I hit 5* level 40) I limited myself to only 3 pulls no matter what I got, so I still have a decent 70-80 orbs saved up for whatever the next banner is.
  19. Very nice write-up! Ephraim is one of my favorite FE characters, so I was sad he didn't see much use in Heroes (primarily due to his speed) relative to other lancers like Sharena. I'm excited to use skill inheritance to make him into a beast though! Question: What are the pros and cons of running Quick Riposte for his B-slot on Set 1 over Lancebreaker? My only unit with Lancebreaker rn is Narcian, and I'm unwilling to sacrifice any GHB-exclusive characters. EDIT: Also, I'd like to hear your thoughts on Ephraim's role on a team (mostly interested in the first set), taking skill inheritance into account. In what scenarios or team comps would you be more likely to take Ephraim over another lancer, like Sharena?
  20. Almost but not quite. I switched out his Defiant Atk for Fury and am planning to switch out Astra for Draconic Aura, but otherwise we match :D I think my most amazing moment was a low health Ryoma vantage-tanking and one-shotting 3 ranged units in one turn when I thought he was going to die. Skill Inheritance is great~
  21. I second this. I run Swap on Ryoma (lol Thor do we have the same Ryoma skillset?), and it's definitely saved me several times.
  22. Most Robins post-skill inheritance run Triangle Adept and a breaker (sword or lance), which fixes his speed problem because he'll double that weapon type regardless. Also I agree that Sharena is better in a vacuum but iirc @Anacybele has primarily physical melee units, so a ranged mage would help her more than another physical melee unit. EDIT: Oh yeah I never answered the thread. Not sure yet but probably either Eirika or Nino (working towards a classic Nino team. Yes, Gronnblade Cecilia is better and I actually have all the units to make Horse Emblem work, but I just really like Nino as a character).
  23. Okay so in terms of teambuilding: I recommend a team of Cherche (with Lancebreaker), Sophia, Olivia, and Subaki (interchangeable with Catria, Sharena, or Effie. The important part is that they're able to take down the two sword units). In terms of strategy, this team is actually nearly identical to the one used by the youtuber who beat the Lunatic map with 3* units (they used Narcian, Sophia, Olivia, and Subaki), so you could look there for a battle plan (the link is somewhere on this thread). Turn 1, your Cherche goes up and waits at the edge of the lance peg's range and ORKOs on enemy phase. Sophia with dance support should be able to take care of Michalis, and your lancer of choice will take care of the swords.
  24. Yeah, I'm in. I cast my vote for Tharja. EDIT: Suuuuper minor preference, but I slightly prefer 'Ampharos' to 'Masked' if you're going to shorten my name :P
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