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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Well, even if you do summon the girls, there's the chance they'll be great units :D Camilla's the flying mage, so she already has that going for. And with how good vanilla Lucina is, I wouldn't be surprised if bunny Lucina is the next coming of Linde.
  2. So I've seen people here and there that aren't overly fond of the Easter costumes certain characters will be getting. Some think Lucina and Camilla are too sexualized while others are upset at how ridiculous Chrom and Xander look to them. And so I ask, what kind of costumes would you have LIKED to see instead? Obviously this is more for the ones that aren't satisfied than the ones who ARE excited about the costumes. That said, if you did enjoy the costumes, what other things would you have also liked to see? Also feel free to branch out into the kinds of costumes you'd like to see for future holidays. For me personally, I'm fine with what we got, but I really wanted them to go for more of a "cute/adorable" route with Easter (like a big, fluffy bunny onesie for precious cinnamon roll Nino) than sexy. Oh well, here's hoping for that to happen next Easter!
  3. Just to be sure are we asking if he's sexy or sexualized (because those are similar but not inherently equivalent)? Because I don't think his outfit screams fanservice like Lucina's/Camilla's bunny girl outfits (I was hoping for a cute rabbit onesie instead of sexy casino bunny girl but I'll take what I can get), but damn. DAMN. I'd tap cuddle that. (Serious answer: I don't find him sexy but not really "cute" either. The word that comes to mind is "goofy", which is what I think they were going for in the first place. It's just meant to get a wry chuckle or two out of us, and I'd say it succeeded in that department)
  4. @Anacybele You aren't expressly telling anyone they shouldn't pull on the banner, but sometimes being so vocal about disliking a banner can be discouraging to other people. You likely won't change the opinions of people who are really excited, but some of the ones more on-the-fence might be less likely to pull when others (I'm not just singling you out; I'm aware others do this too. I'm addressing you only because you were asking why SoC keeps addressing you) are so vocal in their disappointment. I don't speak for @shadowofchaos of course (so correct me if I misinterpreted you), but I believe what he's trying to say is that you don't need to share your opinion on every banner. He'd be a lot less prone to calling you out if you refrained from expressing disappointment or exasperation ("can't believe I have to skip the banner AGAIN") on every banner you weren't fond of and instead just wait until a banner you DO like comes up. However, I don't want to repress your voice or anything. You have just as much of a right to share your opinion as the other people expressing their disappointment. The suggestion I have for you then is to make a qualifying statement of some sort. Perhaps instead of saying "I won't be pulling in this banner, and I'm disappointed" you could add "I'm won't be pulling in this banner, but I'm happy for the Elibe fans that wanted X characters" or "I won't be pulling in this banner, but good luck to the people who ARE excited for these characters" or something along those lines. Those may seem like small, maybe even insignificant changes, but I think they would go a long way towards improving the reception you get. Anyways, I hope this doesn't come off as overly harsh or patronizing or anything. It's not pleasant for you or for anyone else on the forum when you get called out and arguments start up, so I'm simply trying to minimize that.
  5. I'd say he's a pretty solid unit, plus he could be your bonus unit for the next Arena season if you don't pull any focus characters on the upcoming banner. His signature weapon is, in my opinion, too good to pass up (16 mt Killer Axe hell yeah), but I'm personally not a fun of Blazing skills, even with a killer weapon, because there's a very low chance you'll ever get to use them in Arena (or by the time it's active, the match is already close to over). Instead I would go for a lower CD skill for damage (Ignis and Bonfire are great choices to utilize his monstrous defense) or Noontime/Sol for sustain. His A-slot depends on your Arena BST range. If you're at the range where archers are relatively common, then of course Iote's Shield is the best option on him. However, if you're in higher tier Arena where archers are essentially nonexistent, I'd actually suggest replacing Iote's Shield with something to improve his tanking, such as Fury. If you don't like the self-harm of Fury, you could also consider skills like Defiant Def/Atk or Armored Blow/Death Blow depending on whether you want to improve his tanking ability or his offensive power. For his B-slot, I would personally recommend Quick Riposte to make up for his low speed and allow him to double on enemy phase more. Alternatively, if blue or green mages are a concern, you could slap B or G Tomebreaker on him to prevent them from doubling him and then allow him to ORKO them on player phase. However, I would only recommend this if you don't already have a reliable way to deal with blue/green mages since his res isn't amazing, and you'd rather him tank physical hits than magical. If you wanted more sustain over damage, Renewal is also another option. Finally, Wings of Mercy is a fun utility option that works on just about any character, and it can be fun to teleport into an enemy's face from far off. For his C-slot, this really depends on his team's needs and should generally go towards a Hone/Fortify/Spur skill that benefits his team. However, if you wanted a C-skill that benefits Michalis most personally, I'd go with Threaten Atk/Def depending on whether you want to improve his tanking or killing potential. As far as assists go, just about any of the positional skills work, though I personally favor Swap. However, Reposition, Smite, and Pivot are all good options if you can utilize them well. In the end, assist skills are a lot less dependent on specific units and a lot more dependent on the individual player controlling them, so it's a harder question to answer since there's no "overall best answer". Anyways, I hope all of this was helpful! If you have any more questions just let us know!
  6. Welp I figured I wouldn't stay in the top 1k with a score of 4576, but I didn't expect to get knocked out by morning :/ Went from 758 to 1068 overnight RIP On the bright side, I've already gotten 5 defense wins, which is a lot more than I'd usually have by this point :D
  7. After seeing a team of 4 Sakuras take down the Michalis Lunatic map, nothing surprises me anymore.
  8. I'm fairly certain if Maribelle's the mother, you can reclass Lucina into a mage. While we're at it, if Sumia were the mother, Lucina could reclass to a dark flier, which still uses magic. So it's certainly possible though an odd choice.
  9. Finally got a deathless run this season :D Score is 4576, will update with rank in the morning. (Also, this might be a silly question, but does anyone know how to upload screenshots from my phone onto Serenes? Every time I try it says it exceeds the max size I'm allowed to upload. I guess maybe a different question would be how to resize/reformat the images so that they go through?) EDIT: Rank is currently 758
  10. Tfw I can't play FGO bc I don't know Japanese (also I should really only be selling my soul to one gacha at a time)
  11. I don't think Selena holds very much sway with Xander, but I could definitely imagine him putting up with this for sweet, pure Elise.
  12. I originally thought they'd just get their promoted class' weapons (like Lyn getting a bow or Lucina getting a spear), but this Easter event kind of throws all of that out the window (Axe Chrom and Mage Lucina???) I'd be down for Roy and Lilina to be fire mage buddies :D
  13. Oh sorry, I should have worded it differently. I don't want season variations of the Askr trio to be legitimate summonable units, I simply want them to have slight costume changes perhaps, like maybe in the paralogue/xenologue dialogue, to get us more into the seasonal vibes. It'd be a really small extra detail, but I thought it'd be a nice touch. Heck I'd be reasonably happy with even a really tiny thing like the Anna at the bottom of the update notification to have bunny ears or something. Just minute little details like that.
  14. I really want Nintendo to release a list of seemingly impossible monthly quests on April 1 and then change them out for the actual ones after that day.
  15. You know I honestly feel like this was a bit of a missed opportunity. If they're going to do seasonal variations of other Heroes, I feel like they should have seasonal variations of the game's 3 representatives. We'd better get bunny girl Sharena in the paralogues or I riot Speaking of missed opportunities, this would have been the perfect time to release Panne but alas
  16. This seemed the appropriate thread to post this:
  17. I can't wait to beat Xander's GHB with...Xander. (Honestly I find it hilarious that Easter Xander has a lance and would, in fact, counter vanilla Xander)
  18. Summer costumes are honestly what I'm looking forward to most. Bikini Eirika and Summer Festival Yukata Ninian where
  19. Now I can't help but imagine a future summertime Beach Party Ephraim with swim trunks, shades, and a parasol sword to whack Easter!Chrom with.
  20. Okay but can you imagine how beautiful Ninian would look in a summer festival yukata? *swoons*
  21. I do, I like green eggs and ham, But not like this, Sam I am. I just didn't think the first aerial wizard Would be some bunny girl on a lizard. I wanted Sumia and her trusty peg, Not Camilla with some arcane egg. In the end, I suppose, I'll take what I get. For if I miss this chance, I'd be filled with regret. So though this strikes me as a sham, I suppose I'll settle for green eggs and ham.
  22. You know, I'd been hoping for a flying mage for a while, but this is most definitely not how I expected the first one to be released...
  23. While the Easter outfits (barring Lucina's) aren't really my style aesthetically, I'm honestly finding this whole thing hilarious. I'm upset that they blew their opportunity to have cinnamon roll Nino in an adorable bunny onesie though D:<
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