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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. My vote goes to Dark Flier Sumia, which is who I thought the first flying mage would be anyways.
  2. I have no idea, but I really hope so because they're going to get stale quick otherwise.
  3. Oh good, I was wondering if there were any more of us out there. It will be a tough battle against Camilla, but I believe we still have a chance!
  4. I feel like a not insignificant portion of Lucina's supporters (and the reason she had so many) was because a large portion of people who don't even care for her flocked to her side because they perceived her to be the most popular. This ended up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy because the more people went to Lucina because they THOUGHT she'd win by a landslide, the more likely it became that Lucina would ACTUALLY win by a landslide because so many people supported her just for "easy feathers". That's not to say she would or would not have won by a landslide regardless, but I don't think anyone can deny that people jumping on the bandwagon played a huge role. And now the same thing is happening with Camilla before the gauntlet even begins...
  5. There's something ironic about asking us to unite and encouraging us to compete with each other in the same post haha But yes, I'm looking forward to it :)
  6. That's certainly fair. I get so caught up in optimization that I sometimes forget to consider that many players simply don't have the best options (which is funny bc I'm one of them).
  7. Atk +3's a perfectly solid option too, especially since I believe Cherche is the only one that gets Atk +3 at 4*. I'm personally of the opinion that any unit that would benefit from Atk +3 would benefit more from a different A-skill like Fury, Life and Death, or Death Blow, but Atk +3 works fine.
  8. I've gotten 10 defense wins already, which is about as much as the last 3 seasons combined .___. I haven't really changed my team up much (Ninian, Reinhardt, Ryoma (with Vantage), Julia), so I guess the bridge and lava map just make it harder for people to deal with Dancer + Reinhardt.
  9. Caeda + Sophia basically confirms that at least one of the enemies will be an armored green. Effie's probably for Navarre himself while Kagero is just kind of all-around good for infantry, so it doesn't tell us much as far as colors are concerned.
  10. Awesome thanks! Guess I'll definitely be spending on wyverns. I've been wanting to build Brave Axe Cherche for a while, and this potentially lets me get a Brave Axe+ and a 5* Cherche all in one go :D
  11. Would you mind linking the source? (I don't doubt you; I just want to read up on it myself) EDIT: I like pegasus knights a lot more in general, but Cherche is one of my faves (whereas none of my favorite pegs are up there) soooo
  12. Welp. Tried pulling on the Spring banner and got 5/5 3*s. Guess this is a sign :/
  13. Can you even inherit the Binding Blade? I assumed it was like the Falchion or Armads in that it couldn't be transferred to other characters through Skill Inheritance. As for merging, that really depends on how useful the current Roy you have is. If he's a core member of your team then yes, I would merge (but check both natures to see whether or not the new one is better than the old to know which Roy to merge to the other). Otherwise I'd keep him around for inheritance fodder (Triangle Adept 3 is in high demand on a lot of builds).
  14. @Vitiulia I agree with @Arcanite and say you should promote Nino. Right now your team is pretty poorly equipped to handling blue units, which are becoming more and more common in Arena. She may not be as amazing as she could be with proper team support (and your team isn't very buff-heavy), but she's still a solid unit. I would also recommend promoting Sharena next to replace Peri. Tharja is fine as 4* because the main green threat you'd need to be wary of is Hector, and neutral Tharja with no buffs can still ORKO neutral Hector.
  15. How do you feel about giving Leo Raourblade and running him on a cavalry team? With offense like his, he should be able to OHKO the likes of Hector no problem (a single Hone Cavalry buff and no other buffs would be enough to give neutral Leo with Raourblade+ enough of a boost to OHKO neutral Hector even without Triangle Adept). If you can only afford Raourblade and not Raourblade+ you would miss out on the OHKO without another buff, but you only need one +4 buff of any stat to have enough, which isn't a big deal. Most cavalry blade teams run both Hone and Fortify, which would definitely be enough to OHKO any variant of Hector even with just Raourblade and not +. However, if you only have access to vanilla Raourblade and only Hone Cavalry, then running either Triangle Adept 3 or Death Blow 3 will still be sufficient to OHKO any variation of Hector (in fact, even Triangle Adept 1 would be sufficient). These numbers are all for neutral Leo, so obviously if you had a +Atk Leo, your requirements would be even lower. EDIT: Because I'm a failure who can't math and had to redo calcs. Numbers should be accurate now though (but feel free to double check). Double EDIT: Added additional numbers Triple EDIT: All of these sets listed that kill neutral Hector are also exactly what you would need to kill Julia as her effective HP against Leo (HP + Res) is 70 while Hector's effective HP against Leo is 71. The calcs are the same.
  16. My +Spd/-Atk Effie says hi EDIT: Agreed though. +Res/-Spd isn't ideal by any means, but it's far from a "horrible" nature. In fact -Spd is probably the best possible bane for Effie to have since Wary Fighter renders speed irrelevant anyways.
  17. @Snowy_One There are 3 main methods for dealing with Takumi. 1) Have a unit tanky enough to deal with multiple hits while capable of killing him in return. As many others have said, a neutral male Robin with Triangle Adept takes literally 0 damage from all Takumis except for +Atk (+Atk Takumi deals 1 damage to neutral Robin. Big whoop) while Robin OHKOs or comes close. This isn't exclusive to Robin, of course; you can do this with any mage that has a -raven tome, either naturally or inherited. Hector also trivializes Takumi, or any armored unit with Distant Counter. Even without Distant Counter though, many tanky units like Iote's Shield Michalis or Effie can just tank a hit on enemy phase and smack Takumi on player phase. 2) ORKO him Pretty self-explanatory, but what units can do it? Well, any mage or archer with Bowbreaker for one, but also many mages are fast enough to double and ORKO, such as Linde (provided she isn't -HP or -Def). This can also be achieved by any -blade tome user, such as Nino, with enough buffs, who will outright one-shot him. Another unit type that's capable of this is a strong Brave weapon user, such as Brave Axe Cherche or Reinhardt. Kagero also gets an honorable mention for being able to OHKO most pineapples. If you have a mage that is capable of killing him in two hits but isn't fast enough to double him, Quick Riposte is another option in addition to Bowbreaker that would let you tank a hit then kill him on enemy phase. Alternatively, if you have a unit that IS fast enough to double him but is so frail that they cannot get their two hits in because Takumi's counterattack kills them (so Linde for example), consider getting Desperation on them to allow them to double him before he gets a chance to retaliate. 3) Vantage Fight Vantage with Vantage. It's pretty straight forward, but if you cannot tank through multiple hits but also cannot ORKO him, you could stick Vantage onto a ranged unit (or someone with Distant Counter like Nowi or Ryoma). Just attack him on player phase and let him suicide against you on enemy phase. This also works on Takumis with Vantage since Vantage doesn't activate if they're the one attacking you. These are some tips off the top of my head, but if you wanted a more in-depth answer, it might help to show us what units you have. EDIT: Bonus calculations time! Double EDIT: Put calcs in spoilers to avoid clogging up the thread.
  18. @Anacybele I think a lot of times you just forget to check enemy stats (which I think everyone here has done multiple times, certainly myself), and that's why you get caught off guard. If you get into the habit of checking all the enemy's stats before your own, it will save you quite a lot of trouble in both Arena and Training Tower. Since there are no random crits or misses in Heroes, you can always know with 100% certainty whether or not a unit will double you or how much damage they'll do to you before you even enter combat. I get that doing all the calculations are cumbersome; I'm not always going to bother with a calculator for every little skirmish. But at the very least it should take no more than a few seconds to take a quick glance at all the enemy's stats and see which of them have 5 or more spd than your units (and if they or their allies have anything that would boost speed unexpectedly, like Darting Blow or Spur Spd) so you know who doubles whom. I still get tripped up every now and then in Arena or Training Tower, but I've found that more often than not it's because I didn't look closely enough at enemy stats or skills. If you get into the habit, it'll save you a lot of grief in the future :D
  19. I would actually love them to flip stereotypes if they did something like that. Like having the stereotypically "pure" characters like Elise dressed up in a devil costume, for example.
  20. Omg how did I not think of Fae! Now I wish we had her popping out of a colorful Easter egg, the beautiful hatchling that she is~
  21. That's perfectly fair. If you're low on SP, I'd recommend filling in his B-slot first and then changing his special second (needless to say, priority as you level him should go towards upgrading his weapon whenever you can). Changing up the other skills are less important, so they can be left until later.
  22. It just means you've been playing in Arena for 9 weeks. Tiers aren't so much a measure of skill as they are a measure of how long a person's been playing.
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