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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Looking at stats would give you even MORE reason to like Cherche, who has the second highest base attack in the entire game (second only to Effie). Stick a Brave Axe+ on her and no other axe unit or brave unit even comes close to her damage potential. Cherche's low spd is largely irrelevant because you can just delete an enemy on player phase before they can retaliate while staying out of range of the others (not to mention her HP and Def are more than sufficient to take multiple blue lance hits, double or not).
  2. I just don't understand why they don't have a weaker weapon branch for light magic (Lightning -> Shine) as I don't imagine it'd be difficult to implement. I'm just hoping Micaiah is a magic nuke and not a healer; past that I'm not particularly picky about color (hoping for blue though).
  3. I imagine her support will be larger than you'd expect because of how large the Awakening fanbase is, not to mention how Cherche is one of the more popular Awakening females.
  4. @Silith13 It's funny that you mention Draug bc I actually ran into this in Arena today :P
  5. @BANRYU Given that Nino generally doesn't need a proc bc she can ORKO everything (especially once she gets into Desperation range), how do you feel about a defensive proc on her instead, like Sacred Cowl? She'll be especially squishy with Life and Death, so perhaps she'd benefit from a proc that would let her tank a ranged hit on enemy phase and finish them off the next turn if she can't ORKO straight away?
  6. Holy shit I just ran into my first legitimate dragon team (+7 A!Tiki, +5 Y!Tiki (with Lightning Breath), Ninian, +2 Nowi) with two Fortify Dragons (Y!Tiki also had it). That was actually terrifying. I don't have any Falchion units, so my only dragon counter is Julia, which USUALLY works well except when I run into a goddamn +7 A!Tiki with Triangle Adept and Quick Riposte jeeez. EDIT: Also ran into a 5* Draug with Wo Dao+ :O most interesting thing I've seen in Arena all week
  7. They could have taguels as colorless strike, perhaps? Either way though, I like your idea.
  8. I don't have any of them, so I'm not going to be particularly picky (though I don't imagine I'll get much use out of a 5* Beruka). I reaaaally want to build a Brave Axe+ Cherche eventually though, and this is absolutely the perfect banner for that (provides 5* Cherche and Brave Axe+ fodder). I also won't say no to Minerva though :D
  9. If you have a team to support Nino then Nino would be better, but Camilla is better solo (so really it depends on the rest of your party). That said, I haven't done any calcs, but I imagine a Gronnblade Easter!Camilla on a Hone Flier team would be pretty terrifying if you manage to make a team like that.
  10. I always thought it was really funny that Azama was a healer with a monstrous STR stat in Fates, so that he was arguably the worst healer but became a war demon if you reclassed him (Dread Fighter Azama was nigh untouchable in Birthright). I'm just laughing trying to imagine IS making a seasonal Azama costume but with him as a melee unit with Cherche levels of attack.
  11. Desperation is better on faster characters, and Brash Assault/Quick Riposte is better on slower basically. But yeah that sucks :/ At least you know for future reference now!
  12. You beautiful, brilliant human being. I have never wanted anything more in my life than Santa's Helper Nino now that you've mentioned it. Tbh I'd be happy with just about anything as long as we get more Nino (but I have a soft spot for my cinnamon roll daughter) <3 That aside though, some more general themes I'd like to see (aside from the summer festival yukatas I mentioned a few posts back) include Lunar New Year, Bride/Groom dresses/suits for Valentine's, various cultures represented for International Day (Arthur in an all-American costume complete with Uncle Sam tophat, Lyn in a Chinese qi pao, one of the dancers in an Arabian belly dancing outfit, etc etc), SOMETHING for Henry on Halloween (probably vampire but anything works), or fairy tale themed (Nino as Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White Julia, The Little Mermaid Cordelia, etc) I could go on for days about all the variations I'd like to see honestly, but these are just a few of them~
  13. Oh good, I was wondering if there were any people like you left. Props to you for not selling out for a handful of feathers!
  14. Normally if you can double someone, player phase goes attack -> enemy counterattack -> attack. With Desperation, the second hit happens before the enemy counterattack, so it looks like this attack -> attack -> enemy counterattack. All it does though is make your second attack happen first if you would normally double. If you don't have the speed to double, then Desperation doesn't do anything.
  15. A bit off topic (I can make a new thread if need be), but how would you implement them if you were in charge?
  16. On the contrary, it's precisely because Awakening characters got them that I want other characters to get a chance. EDIT: That said, I have nothing against Awakening, so I'd still be happy if they ended up reusing the dlc designs. But I'd be happier with more variety overall.
  17. I don't think there's avoiding bathing suit fanservice for a summer event, but I want at least some of the summer costumes to be yukatas instead. I'm less picky about which characters get those, but if I had to pick, I'd like to see Eirika or Ninian in a yukata <3
  18. Now I just want a gauntlet with the 4 Easter heroes vs their vanilla counterparts. Who would win out between Lucina and bunny Lucina? :O
  19. Just about everyone's a female in this gauntlet though, so no one's at an unfair advantage for gender reasons (except Subaki. Rest in peace)
  20. I'm so conflicted as to what banner to pull on. I have a 5* Effie already, but she's +Spd, -Atk, so I really want to try for a better nature. But at the same time I really want to pull on the wyvern banner for 5* Cherche and 5* Brave Axe+ fodder. I only have so many orbs though D:
  21. You do, but it's a relatively small bonus (you get a max of 110 points per battle instead of 100, before flags), so you're still encouraged to support your fave whether or not you have them!
  22. Is your Merric 4* or 5*? You may have been looking at his 5* stats when he isn't one, which would throw the calculator off. EDIT: Whoops, Arcanite's extremespeed beat me to it.
  23. Why on earth would you give up Excalibur for Gronnwolf of all tomes though @.@
  24. I personally feel like the people who choose over a paltry 1500 feathers rather than which character they like most defeats the entire purpose of the gauntlet, but who am I to tell them how to play ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In any case, I don't expect Cherche to win the whole thing, but I'm sticking with her ship till the end.
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