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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. @Ice Dragon Do you absolutely have to replace Ryoma? At this point I'm wondering if it wouldn't be more beneficial for you to replace Robin with Easter Lucina or something like that.
  2. The lineup is 2 Mystery, 2 Awakening, 2 Birthright, 2 Conquest.
  3. I still intend to back Cherche despite not having her, but since I recently summoned a 5* Minerva, I'll jump onto her team afterwards. I also summoned a 5* Camilla, but tbh I could summon 10 5* Camillas and not back her. Just gonna use her as Brave Axe+ fodder for my eventual Cherche :P
  4. So what exactly are the chances of six different summoning sessions of the wyvern banner having exactly 0 green orbs? I've wasted so many orbs summoning colors I don't even want to and I'm sad. EDIT: Update! I managed to pull a 5* Minerva! Unfortunately though she's +Spd/-Atk, and I'm worried that the -Atk will be really detrimental for her :/
  5. Other skills aside, are you sure about keeping Live for Honor as his final B-skill? I don't imagine it'll be very useful (as in not at all) in Arena, assuming he'll be your bonus unit.
  6. I have Ryoma to take care of greens, so that shouldn't be much of an issue, in which case I'll probably go with Def +3 then.
  7. Hmm, he's probably going to be more enemy phase focused though, which renders those less useful (and more to the point: I don't fodder for either to use, and if I did have a spare Death Blow it'd prob go to Cherche or Reinhardt first). I'm currently thinking either Atk/Def +3 or Defiant Atk/Def but am unsure which of the four would be best.
  8. @TheNiddo @Arcanite @BANRYU @ILikeKirbys Thanks for all the input! Looks like the choice has been made pretty clear for me: Michalis it is! I'm still trying to work out his A-slot, since Fury does take him out of QR range faster, as Banryu said, but I'm having trouble deciding.
  9. It depends on your Arena goal though. I generally try to get into top 5k every week (top 1k if I can, depending on the BST of the bonus characters I have), and I'm not sure how possible that is with a 4*. I suppose I could always just suck it up and accept a lower ranking for two weeks, but that kind of bothers me...
  10. So after looking at next week's bonus heroes, I'm mostly likely going to be 5*ing either Michalis or Alfonse but am unsure which to go for (current Arena team is Ryoma, Julia, Effie, [bonus]) if that makes a difference. The set I'm currently looking into for Michalis is: Weapon: Hauteclere Assist: Reposition Special: Bonfire A-skill: Iote's Shield B-skill: Quick Riposte C-skill: Threaten Def However, since I see virtually no archers at my Arena tier (and Julia has bowbreaker for the archers I do run into), I'm considering replacing Iote's with a different skill (maybe Fury?) that he gets more use out of. I'm also considering replacing Quick Riposte with Renewal or Wings of Mercy, but am currently still leaning towards Quick Riposte. I'm a bit less sure what I want to do with Alfonse, but I'm currently looking into: Weapon: Fólkvangr Assist: Ardent Sacrifice/Reciprocal Aid Special: Draconic Aura A-skill: Death Blow B-skill: Brash Assault C-skill: Spur Atk I'm mostly trying to just turn him into a player-phase nuke as best I can because I figured with his speed I should focus more on trying to OHKO than trying to salvage his speed. Brash Assault is to allow him to double and ORKO the likes of Hector and Michalis (picked Brash Assault over Axebreaker because it's also usable against reds if need be and because the main axe users I'm concerned about don't have the speed to double him anyways, making Axebreaker a little less useful. However, I'm not ruling it out since it would be very useful against Minerva, and I can just let Effie handle reds, which is also why I decided against running Swordbreaker, but I'm of course open to that as well). Ardent Sacrifice/Reciprocal Aid is to get him into his <50% threshold faster for Fólkvangr and Brash Assault, and Draconic Aura for more damage. The main problem with these two is that I'm not entirely sure what role I want them to fill on my team. Alfonse is mostly overshadowed by Ryoma, and Julia is generally fine at handling the blues that I'd want Michalis to. I'm leaning more towards Michalis because there's still a lot less niche overlap overall between him and Julia compared to Ryoma and Alfonse, but I'm also wary about bringing two greens into Arena. I'm at a loss as to what to do with my Arena team next season, so any advice would be appreciated! Calling @MrSmokestack because I recall him being a Michalis advocate and @Sunwoo because he's the only person I remember off the top of my head with a 5* Alfonse. Obviously anyone else who wants to jump in is more than welcome.
  11. Hmm, there aren't really any units in the upcoming focus that I really want to blow 20k feathers on 5*ing, but I'm also not going to be able to rank well while dragging a 4* behind the rest of my team :/ Michalis is at 4* level 40, so he's probably the best candidate, but I've also been meaning to eventually 5* the Askr trio. Maybe this would be a good time to finally promote Alfonse? Anyways I'm mostly rambling to myself, sorry
  12. That's fair. Apologies, I made a general statement without going through earlier parts of the thread to get more context. As for your rep @Thor Odinson, I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I'd personally be more likely to skip out on a team with Olivia than Ryoma. Dancer teams are what give me more trouble than any other team comp. Of the people you listed, Minerva or Klein are probably going to get you more hits than Ryoma, though with the current system it's impossible to tell if you're actually getting more people or not :/
  13. I feel like this really only applies to lower levels of Arena. At higher levels, you're going to click Advanced no matter what the enemy rep is because no other difficulty is worth it for the amount of points you lose out on. The only real reason I can even think of for passing on a battle (pressing give up then using another sword to reroll opponents) is to maximize your points. If the range of the max number of points you can get from opponents ranges from 650-660 on average, you might reroll opponents if you get opponents that only give you a mere 650 or 652 points because you want to maximize your score.
  14. Gronnraven won't negate the flier penalty entirely (but will reduce their normal bonus damage to the amount of bonus damage they'd have if they had WTA over you, which is a 30% decrease), but Gronnraven + Triangle Adept will (you'll take 10% less damage than if you were a regular non-flier unit). EDIT: Added maths Archer vs vanilla Easter Camilla = 1.5x bonus damage Archer vs Easter Camilla with Gronnraven = 1.5x bonus x 0.8 WTD = 1.2x damage Archer vs Easter Camilla with Gronnraven + Triangle Adept = 1.5x bonus x 0.6 WTD (w/ Triangle Adept 3) = 0.9x damage Double EDIT: Calcs with Iote's, if anyone was interested Archer vs Easter Camilla with Iote's Shield = 1x damage Archer vs Easter Camilla with Iote's Shield and Gronnraven = 1 x 0.8 WTD = 0.8x damage Gronnraven + Iote's Shield is the option that negates the most damage. However, I would still recommend taking Triangle Adept over Iote's Shield because while you take 10% more damage from archers, you deal 20% more damage to blues and colorless, which is a much better tradeoff overall.
  15. Oh my, I actually really like the new layout. Like @Arcanite said, I hope it stays a customizable option after April Fool's. Anywho, I don't expect them to add a 4th difficulty level for 5* GHBs, but I DO want them to bring back 2* ones like with Narcian's for a total of 3 difficulty levels every GHB. It doesn't really affect me either way since, but I want the newer people to get a chance to grab them too.
  16. Tfw you sent all copies of Wrys home in your first week of playing the game and never summoned him again :///
  17. I personally try not to sacrifice characters unless I have a duplicate, but if you don't need Robin, then I don't see why not. Robin's main niches are blue mage and anti-colorless, so I'd make sure you have those covered already (based on your second question, you seem to at least have the first covered). Moonbow is a pretty safe choice on just about every character and certainly works better with Ursula than her default skill (especially if she has a -blade tome further increasing the cooldown). As for Blarblade+, I don't personally think it's worth the 20k feather investment as it would only add an extra 4 mt, and -blade users tend to overkill their opponents by more than that anyways, even moreso if you're a horse mage with Hone/Fortify cavalry buffs. I would do calcs yourself on important matchups you care about to see if that 4 mt makes the difference on certain key matchups, but for the most part I don't anticipate it to be a problem since -blade mages can easily make up 4 mt with buffs.
  18. PLEASE let it go to Lute (or at least let Lute get some kind of special fire tome)
  19. I think that sounds pretty great. Quick Riposte and Bonfire are two of the best skills for Gwendy to have imo @Ice Dragon Wrote up a pretty detailed analysis earlier this week
  20. Oooh that does sound interesting. I wonder what other weapon types they'll add in the future. (Still salty that Felicia got a vanilla Silver Dagger instead of magic-damage-dealing Flame Shurikens #missedopportunity)
  21. http://feheroes.wiki/Inheritance_Tier_List You might want to take another look at the tier list.
  22. Ran into this in Arena earlier today, so it's certainly possible :O
  23. Classic glass-cannon scenario, I see. Still sounds like it has a lot of promise, so I'll look into it. I did recently summon a 4* +Spd, -Res Setsuna, so that's a good start :D
  24. I was originally referring to whales (which are indeed mammals), but @Ice Dragon objected, stating that he is a Mega Wishiwashi and not a whale, with Wishiwashis, of course, being fish and not mammals. Just another day of pure Fire Emblem discussion here at Serenes Forest :D EDIT: @Birdy Indeed we are, my friend.
  25. Robin is certainly not as omgwtfbbq amazing as people have made him out to be, but he's still fairly solid. You have a +Atk Robin, which should be able to OHKO neutral Takumi with Triangle Adept, and you can stick a breaker on him (people generally go for Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker) to make up for his speed. From the looks of your team, Camilla deals with lances fine, so I'd recommend Swordbreaker (in which case there is literally not a single sword unit in the game that he does not ORKO, not even a +Res Caeda with Res+3 or Fury 3). I think Sharena is a more solid character overall, but from what it looks like, your team is currently in more need of magic damage than another physical unit (though if you had other non-blue mages besides Robin, you could certainly consider replacing Takumi/Camilla and putting in Sharena instead of upgrading Robin). I think Corrin is an excellent unit as well, but I personally think your team would benefit more from Robin's range than Corrin's tankiness and debuffs. That said, I will readily admit I'm not confident enough in my knowledge of Robin vs Corrin to give you a more in-depth answer, so I'll let someone else pitch in.
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