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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Cherche has more than enough atk even without the Emerald Axe as long as she has Lancebreaker. Her main issue was not being able to double, which Lancebreaker fixes.
  2. In case you wanted maths to convince you: on the Lunatic map, Michalis has 60 HP, 27 Spd, 36 Def, and 19 Res. Assuming Hone Flier buffs are in effect, this makes it 33 spd. To ORKO Michalis, you need to either to 30 x 2 damage or 60 damage all in one go. I believe your Takumi is 5* +Res, -Atk while your Tharja is 4* +HP, -Spd. Your Selena is 4* +Res, -Def. At level 40, Takumi would have 43 atk and 33 spd. Assuming no buffs, he would deal 1 damage to Michalis. That's it. If Michalis did not have the Hone Flier buff, Takumi would double for 4 x 2. Now you may argue "I'm not using Takumi for Michalis; I'm using him to take out the other pegasus knights." Fair enough, let's take a look at them. The blue pegasus knight should be taken care of by Narcian at the beginning. The red pegasus knight should honestly be taken by Subaki if you're bringing him, but for arguments' sake, the red flier has 45 HP, 36 Spd, and 22 Def. Takumi, with the bow's bonus damage, would do 42 x 1 damage, failing to OHKO the red pegasus knight (if he were neutral or +Atk he'd OHKO, but such is life :/) Well what about Selena then? Assuming 4* level 40 stats, she would have 31 atk without any buffs. With Triangle Adept 2, this would bring her effective atk on Michalis up to 43. Because of Hone Fliers, she does not double and does 5 damage. Even if we assume Hone Fliers is not in effect (so Michalis has 27 spd), she would be doing 5 x 2 damage. (Seriously why is she on the battling banner again?) Well, what about Tharja? Assuming no buffs at all on her and Hone Fliers on Michalis, she would do 17 damage (she misses the double even with Darting Blow because she's -Spd). What if Michalis didn't have Hone Fliers? Then she would be able to double and would deal 17 x 2 damage for 34 total. If you dance her with Olivia, this will be enough to kill Michalis. (Also, since you have Olivia, I'm going to assume a Hone Atk buff at minimum for +8 damage to Raourblade. If Michalis was not buffed, he would be hit for 26 x 2 damage for 54 total, which is almost a ORKO even before Olivia dances her for the finish.) tldr - I'd use Tharja. EDIT: Because I'm an idiot and forgot that Triangle Adept 2 giving Selena a 1.35x WTA multiplier instead of 1.2x. And also because I was ninja'd by @Sire Double EDIT: Because you'll ORKO the blue peg with Narcian on turn 1, he will not be buffed with Fortify Fliers, so I've removed all calculations including it.
  3. @TheTuckingFypo Of the units you listed, I agree with Arcanite on Narcian and Subaki, but as for the other two, I actually think you'll get more mileage on this map out of Tharja and Olivia. Even without Raourblade buffs, Tharja should have an easier time killing Michalis than Takumi because WTA and because she targets his weak res as opposed to Takumi who targets his high def.
  4. Since you have Lancebreaker available, it would certainly be an option to give it to Cherche or Beruka (I personally favor Cherche), but if you don't want to mess with skill inheritance, then yes, it would help to see your units and maybe figure out an alternative strategy. At the very least though, you have inheritance to fall back on if you needed it. @Arcanite Unfortunately, Camilla can't replace Narcian for the particular strategy you have in mind, even at 5*, for reasons I listed in a post above.
  5. Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. For the strategy to work, you have to be able to ORKO the lance peg otherwise you'll get dragged back into the range of Michalis, and you definitely don't want that. On Lunatic mode, the lance peg has 45 HP, 22 Def, and 36 Spd (and darting blow, so 42 when she initiates). To ORKO her, you either need to do 23 x 2 or 45 damage in one shot. To do 23 x 2, you'd need an axe flier with at least 38 Atk and 47 Spd. No flier has a spd like that, so to double you would need Lancebreaker, which neither Beruka nor Cherche naturally have (now if they inherited that then that's a different story, but I'm assuming they didn't). The reason Narcian works so well is because he has innate Lancebreaker and also Emerald Axe, which lowers his atk requirement. To do 45 damage in one shot, you would need an axe flier with 56 atk, and quite frankly no one has stats like that. Cherche comes close if you have a +Atk 5* Cherche (she would have 53 damage), which you could then boost with an attack buff, but I'm going to assume the person asking does not have a +Atk 5* Cherche. As unfortunate as it is, you cannot substitute Narcian for any other axe flier if you want to use the "bait lance peg with axe flier" strategy unless you inherit Lancebreaker because only Narcian has that naturally. Other strategies are still viable, of course, but if you wanted to use this particular one, Beruka and Cherche do not work as Narcian replacements.
  6. Yeah, I'd say I prefer Stahl as well in this case. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Roy over Palla in general, I simply thought it was misleading to cite Triangle Adept as a reason and wanted to clear things up.
  7. @Arcanite and @MrSmokestack Jeez a lot happened while I was napping, huh... I have my own opinions on Takumi vs Olivia, but I think I'll just sit back and enjoy the show and claim I had the same idea as whomever the winner ends up being :P EDIT: @Anacybele I'm not entirely sure why people are suggesting Roy over Palla and citing Triangle Adept as the reason. A Ruby Sword (or any gem weapon) is the exact same thing as a weapon with Triangle Adept 3 built into it. It's also the reason the gem weapons' WTA don't stack with the Triangle Adept skill if you had both for whatever reason.
  8. Congratulations :D Hopefully the same strategy that got you through Hard will get you through Lunatic with some sliiightly higher levels/stats.
  9. As a premed student I can confirm that it is, indeed, a real thing. Please don't make me relive the hell that was organic chemistry. I still have war flashbacks. Though a quick google of "ghb" would tell you the same thing.
  10. I can't imagine Soren as any color but green, honestly.
  11. @Anacybele Whatever team you go with, I'd recommend doing the 3* one to test out your strategy before trying it on Lunatic (also this doesn't waste stamina, really, since you haven't gotten the 3* version yet, and it's always nice to have another copy. You could give Iote's Shield to someone (or if you reaallly want to, you can send him home for feathers) while keeping the other copy for yourself. Michalis is actually quite a good unit himself, as you can probably tell from this GHB.
  12. Love how you posted this here instead of the Battling Michalis thread lmao Glad to see Alfonse has been working out for you though! I've been pretty hesitant to feather him because I wasn't comfortable with his speed, but I suppose a breaker would fix that (and his attack and bulk are respectable). He'll probably still be the last one I 5* of the trio though. Waifus come first :P
  13. Ah right, I had forgotten about Defiant Attack, thank you. EDIT: I'm aware how Blárblade works with buffs and that +3 atk and +4 spd would result in +7 atk (well, +10 bc the blade tomes double-dip with atk buffs), but I guess I must have worded it unclearly so thank you for explaining it more clearly for other people.
  14. @Anacybele If you still haven't watched the video, I would recommend it, even if you don't have the units. It's possible that watching how the person in the video tackles the map may give you some inspiration as to what kinds of strategy to use. I know it helped me! I didn't use all the units he did, but watching his video was what gave me the idea to have all my units together on the right instead of 2 on both sides as well as use a flier to bait the lance pegasus and/or Michalis. At worst, you'll have wasted a handful of minutes, but you never know what you could get out of it! And if nothing else, I personally find it fascinating to watch a master strategist clear maps with only 3* free units (he also beat Ursula's Lunatic map and Chapter 9-5 on Lunatic with only 3* units that everyone gets for free) when I struggle with a team of 5*s. It's a humbling experience but also a good learning opportunity! Obviously I can't force you to watch it if you really don't want to, but I wanted to at least offer some friendly advice.
  15. Oh okay I think I understand where you're going with this. (Still salty about Lucius.)
  16. Weapon + healing skill is probably gonna be Micaiah if anyone.
  17. 1) This should probably be in the "Ask a Question" thread 2) From what it looks like, your team has decent color coverage but no magic damage to speak of nor any unit to take ranged hits (except Rebecca). What I would personally recommend is to replace Sharena/Rebecca with M!Robin. Robin functions more like your stereotypical mage with the bonus of tanking all archers/ninjas not named Kagero and one-shotting them back if you have Triangle Adept. He can (and in my opinion should) also be given either Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker to allow him to destroy basically all units of either weapon type regardless of speed difference. An alternative option would be replacing Seliph with Tiki (I find Roy better than Seliph, but you need the magic damage and ranged counter more than you need a better sword lord imo).
  18. Still not sure if I should pull from this banner. On one hand, I don't really need or want any of the units. On the other hand, I could potentially get my hands on a bunch of fodder for Brave Bow+, Vantage 3, Triangle Adept 3, and Life and Death 3, all of which would be immensely useful to me. Decisions, decisions.
  19. We don't need a large number of ranged fliers for Flier Emblem to be viable though. After all, Horse Emblem is ridiculous right now, and all you really need are one or two horses with blade tomes. I really do hope they give Sumia a tome though, as the main thing setting her apart from Cordelia was how magically oriented she was (inb4 flying healer).
  20. Oh, I suppose I didn't list my team. For the sake of data collection, I used Ryoma, Sharena, Narcian, and Ninian. It was reasonably straightforward. Narcian baited and ORKOd the lance pegasus, and on the following player phase, Sharena walked up and ORKOd the sword cavalier. I then moved everyone out of Michalis' way (with some help from Ninian) except for Ryoma, who ORKOd Michalis on enemy phase. On the last turn I just danced Sharena up to the final sword peg and ORKOd her. Skill inheritance definitely helped a ton. Sharena wouldn't have gotten the ORKOs she did without Swordbreaker, nor would Ryoma have gotten the ORKO he did without Fury and also Ninian giving him an inherited Hone Atk buff. Swap on Ryoma also made repositioning a lot easier than it would have been otherwise. My team was pretty specifically tailored for this GHB, so I imagine it's not easily replicated. But here it is, if anyone was interested. That said, Ryoma is easily replaced with any sword lord, Sharena with any decent blue with swordbreaker, and Ninian with another dancer. The only specific unit I needed was really Narcian, to ORKO the first peg lancer. EDIT: @eclipse This was on Lunatic. Double EDIT: I recently discovered (well, remembered) that color-coding was a thing, and I'm having fun with it :P Plus, it may help some people with following what happens in larger walls of text.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ4eQHtdW44 Here is a video of a player beating Michalis' map on Lunatic using only 3* free units, in case this helps anyone with team composition or strategy. It might have been posted before on this thread, but I figured I may as well bring it up again so people don't have to go back several pages to find it.
  22. There's a video on youtube of a guy beating the Michalis map on Lunatic with only 3* units, two of which were Subaki and Narcian, so they should be fine at 3* (you might need to get them to level 40 though, haven't done calcs). I did post calcs on what Tharja would need to kill Michalis on Lunatic though, which you should see if you go back a few posts on this thread. Overall though, you should be fine on Lunatic with this same team.
  23. No, there are not. The maximum number of copies of Michalis anyone can have right now is 2.
  24. Odin (and the other -blade tome users Nino and Tharja) are incredibly team-dependent to reach their full potential. His weapon, Blárblade, gives him +4 atk for every buff he has on him, giving him a possible total of +20 atk if he has a full +4 buff to every stat. This allows most of the -blade mages to ORKO basically everyone with proper team support. EDIT: The reason he's rated so highly (and Nino and Tharja as well) is because he has the potential to do amazing damage with the right setup and support. Unfortunately though, he isn't very good out of the box, which is why he did so little for you.
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