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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. It's hard to give a good answer without knowing what the rest of your roster looks like, but I'd say they're all pretty solid. Abel's going to see less use now that swordbreaker can be freely distributed and Reinhardt/Blarblade Ursula negate the need for another blue on horse teams. Cherche is solid if you need a good physical green nuke if you can get her Brave Axe and Death Blow. Robin is amazing after inheritance, completely negating Takumi and other colorless with Triangle Adept and a being able to double despite his speed via a breaker of your choice. I personally think Tiki is more useful for giving Lightning Breath to her younger self, but she's also a decent unit on her own. Of the options you listed, I personally would go with either Cherche or Robin. Alternatively, since you said you're planning for the future, you could hold onto your feathers for a while and maybe promote a future bonus Arena unit of your choice to 5* if you don't have a 5* for the bonus to ensure you rank well.
  2. I do have Vantage on Ryoma actually, but I appreciate the suggestion nonetheless. Putting Vantage on Ryoma was actually my very first skill inheritance haha. EDIT: I'm a complete fool though. I can't believe I didn't think of literally just standing there and letting Vantage kill an attacking Hector to negate Hector's own Vantage. Thanks for the tip!
  3. It doesn't help for the first round of combat, but it does for the second if Hector has Vantage and hits Ryoma again on player phase (also my Ryoma's -Def, so I personally need the boost to Def). Also, until the April update rolls around, it helps to boost my BST, which is always nice. EDIT: That said, I'm perfectly open to alternative suggestions for his A-slot.
  4. I'm personally in favor of taking advantage of Fury's self-damage rather than trying to cancel it out (though that's perfectly viable). I find it quite helpful for getting Ryoma into the HP threshold of Vantage or Desperation to take advantage of Raijinto or his high speed.
  5. Yes, I am. I find that Ryoma's usually tanky enough to survive a hit against Hector, which is all I need, generally (tank a hit, then kill him on player phase if he isn't already dead). I've given him Fury to deal with Hectors with Vantage, as he should now be able to survive attacking him again to finish him off.
  6. I just meant that my team is pretty generalist and isn't built specifically for the coming season (like how one would make a horse team for Ursula) but just has units that work in any scenario haha
  7. I personally feel that to use Ursula to her full potential, you would need to inherit Odin's Blarblade tome and stack Hone/Fortify Cavalry from Gunter and Jagen so that she essentially becomes a better Nino (but blue. Actual better Nino would be Cecilia with Gronnblade). This also solves the problem of vantage Takumi because Takumi just dies in one shot. Now, if you don't have the resources/time to pull off Horse Emblem or simply don't want to, I think the proposed Julia, Marth, Effie, and Ursula is a pretty decently balanced team. As for how I plan to approach the next Arena, I currently have a pretty vanilla team of Ninian, Julia, Ryoma, Effie used to test the waters (Julia has bowbreaker for Takumi). If the maps favor Horse Emblem though, I intend to give that a shot as I have all the prerequisite pieces and just need to build up SP for inheritance shenanigans.
  8. Probably sword since he uses one in Awakening. But okay cool that sounds pretty exciting. I just hope they distribute the costumes in a way that doesn't feel like pandering to the most popular characters. Don't get me wrong: the most popular will almost certainly get costumes, but I hope they also make sure to give some to less popular characters from older games.
  9. Oooh nice to get some confirmation on that. What I want to know though is how it'll work. I wonder if it'll be a new unit entirely or a skin we can apply to characters we already have :O
  10. I personally wouldn't mind whether Ike got two costumes or three, but I hope they're spread out over a decently long period of time to avoid overwhelming people. I also hope to see new variants of other characters already in-game not because it'd be "fair" for them to since Ike probably is but simply because I think that'd be interesting. There's already talk of a datamined Christmas outfit for Robin (though I can't speak for the validity of the claim, of course). Can you imagine other events for other special skins? It'd be cool to portray characters in new ways as that's really something only Heroes can do atm.
  11. While that sounds really promising on someone like Sanaki, I feel like it would just be a waste on Julia since that'd mean having to get rid of Naga.
  12. Videos like this and the Ursula battle are really humbling and make me realize just how much I have to learn in regards to strategy. I have trouble beating these maps with full 5* teams, and this guy keeps beating them with 3* free units smh.
  13. It's good to know that I wasn't crazy about getting SP +3 in Arena.
  14. I don't have any physical green units except for Anna and a 3* Narcian (whom I'm considering training up for this map), so I can't tank the side with the lance peg and Michaelis very well, nor do I have any units that can one-shot him RIP.
  15. Welp. Didn't manage to beat Lunatic before time ran out, despite all the stamina potions I wasted. Anyone who did beat it figure out any strategies that worked for them?
  16. I think what you currently have in mind (LoD and Desp on Nino, Fury on Marth) sounds good actually. Defiant Attack also goes pretty well with Reprisal. As far as Cherche goes, I think she really shines with a Brave Axe (she has the second highest attack in the game, only beaten out by Effie) as well as a special like Draconic Aura or Dragon Fang to take advantage of her high attack. Death Blow is going to be the best A-skill for any Brave nuker post-inheritance, and Cherche is certainly no exception. However, if you can't get that, her default Attack +3 is fine. Her B-slot is rather flexible. I personally like Wings of Mercy to teleport around the map, but other options are Renewal to take advantage of her tankiness or Drag Back to bring enemies in range of your backline mages/archers if you don't kill them with the initial brave hit. There isn't anything she particularly needs out of C, so really I would just give her an aura to help her team. As for Oboro, her main role is to be a physical tank, so I would build her accordingly. Bonfire is, as you said, a good special to take advantage of her massive defense. I think Oboro is a decent candidate for Fury for her A-slot, but she also works well with Defiant Atk/Def. Most of the defensive passives (HP +5 or Def +3) also work well with her. Armored Blow is another decent option, as it lets her soften up melee units you can't quite kill via Seal Def while keeping yourself relatively healthy. For her C-slot, I'd go with Threaten Atk as that's probably the best option to help her continue tanking, which is what she does best. Now for Robin. Before Skill Inheritance, that might have been a pretty bad nature. However, that might actually be really good post-inheritance. First of all, his speed was never anything to write home about, so I don't think it's a huge deal for it be lowered now. In fact, you can take advantage of it. Slapping Triangle Adept on Robin makes archers and thieves do essentially nothing at all to him while he one-shots them or comes close. Since his speed is low, he'll be getting doubled for single digit damage, allowing him to charge up Bonfire faster. You can also give him a breaker skill (he works well with just about any of them, but Swordbreaker and Lancebreaker are common ones I see on Robin) to help him double and kill certain weapon types regardless of his speed.
  17. Two others have already spoken up about Harsh Command, so I probably don't need to. For Nowi's skills though, I actually think she's fine as she is (I personally think Def +3 and Vantage work better on her personally than Death Blow and Desperation). However, if you have a unit that can pass it on, I'd recommend giving her Triangle Adept or Swordbreaker (both would probably be overkill, but you can go for it) to deal with Falchion units.
  18. Oh damn I forgot about dancer Inigo as an option, but yes please.
  19. If you're using a Nino team, I'd do more to maximize buffs. Since Olivia already has Hone Attack, you could replace Sharena's Rally Atk with something like Rally Res/Spd. Likewise I'd recommend replacing Lucina's Spur Atk with an aura covering the stat Sharena's Rally doesn't buff. As for other skills, I personally like Swordbreaker on Sharena so she can ORKO any sword lord. Drag Back is also another option though, to pull an unwitting victim in range of Nino without putting the cinnamon roll in danger. I think her default Spd +3 is fine, but you could always go with Fury to make her tankier. Moonbow/Bonfire are good options if you want damage, and Aegis/Sacred Cowl are also options to help Sharena tank red mages that might otherwise be dangerous to Nino.
  20. They could have a bunch of gen 1 parents with their gen 2 children once they start adding in more Genealogy characters. Also yes, I need my Awakening/Fates children (speaking of which though, I hope Owain/Severa/Inigo are added with the other Awakening children even though Odin/Selena/Laslow are already in Heroes. I need Owain with bootleg Mystletainn.)
  21. 6:15am isn't the worst time in the world (compared to like 4am or something), but honestly is it even worth it...
  22. Unfortunately, you actually need 4 this time instead of just "an entire team" like with the weapon quests. I wish it were like the weapon quests, but alas.
  23. You monster. Honestly that seems like a lot of fun. Shame I don't have a Hector to try it with. Also, if you weren't thinking about it already, I'd recommend putting Pivot on him, which helps immensely with his movement problems.
  24. Perhaps I just thought some of the +1s were +3s. I'll pay more attention when I do more Arena tomorrow at the reset.
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