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Everything posted by Arcanite

  1. Well as long as you have a bunch of chapters to go through I'm sure you're bound to get one. All one can do is wait a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶a̶c̶r̶i̶f̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶A̶n̶n̶a̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶p̶i̶r̶i̶t̶.̶
  2. After you get her up you should start looking at Kagero cause she is pretty grimy if you can use her right. Not to mention she will always be a consistent threat in arena cause of the infantry super effectiveness.
  3. Well if you got a have the game on your phone you can make a new file on your tablet and vice versa. I did the same thing and got a kagero on my phone .
  4. Huh, I guess I assumed everyone here watches star wars, heh heh Anywho, ever consider rerolling? If you choose to do it I suggest u wait for a better focus, obviously.
  5. Don't worry young padawan. One day you will receive a five star yet! And then you can rub it in all of your friends faces! Even so, I'm sure you're close to having 20,000 feathers for one of those synthetic 5 stars
  6. Lyn's high res has bought me out of some hairy or sticky (sometimes both) situations. I didn't think she was gonna be able to tank the damage but the blue mage only did 10 cause I had spur res from Anna XD
  7. *a steaming pile of nuclear elephant poop infused garbage I got a focus from each of the first and b it took me 3 pulls each on both of them. I'm saving up for my 3rd pull and I'm currently at 14 orbs, hoping for a dagger user actually.
  8. Cain at 4 star is definitely good in this game but his five star is absolutely absurd.b his speed is what makes him not very good, also if he had a Lance it would be better cause we already have too many good and fast sword users.
  9. That battling Robin focus is completely useless in my opinion. Better wait for another one.
  10. You spent 1k in this game? Can you hook me up and send me gift card? Please
  11. Exactly what happened to me except I had to do a little more playmaking and sorcery to win. Let's just say, my lyn lived with nine health.
  12. It isn't but the team I did use was basically the same except Catria was in Gordin's place. I basically out tactified the AI and it made for some pretty butt-clenching battles LOL. I did beat the Robin special map with that team you see there though. Took two tries. I used lyn as the lure for the tome users cause she has 29 res +4 from spur res Anna.
  13. Didn't check old posts but check this out in case nobody said anything about it yet, or anybody missed it: http://www.siliconera.com/2017/02/22/whos-waifu-fire-emblem-heroes-next-grand-hero-battle-starts-tomorrow/ Fem Robin confirmed
  14. I'm tier 4 and there are still people who still use their 4 stars and they're supposed to be "advanced". Sometimes you can never really tell what everyone else sees in this blasted arena. Sometimes the advanced is tier 3 and the begginer and intermediate are both tier 4. You seriously cannot be prepared for everything which is why you have probably seen a poop ton of 5 star teams with some random Narshen in there because some people forget their leftmost team is also their defense team but use their leftmost team as their main team as well, even though bonus characters don't apply to defense. We'll see how long it takes for people to realize what's happening. Any who to get back on topic:
  15. That's what Sakura is for if you want a little more longevity on Ef-wad. If you really want to five star anything I'd say Martha cause the only thing you are missing for your 5 stars is your stereotypical, ridiculous attack stat, menacing son of a crip sword user. So now yout can do the ultimate cheese strat of warping around the map like a maniac!
  16. It was my understanding that you only need one character for the hero bonus, is that wrong? Stat totals also influence score too.
  17. Figured this would be the perfect plce to ask but when do arena rankings update cause I got a pretty nice score and it didn't update or anyting.
  18. Bro . . . . . . Get your castle up right now before this 1.5 xp event ends or else I'll get it for you XD
  19. I thought it was that way but you only need one which is fair for people who only have one anyway. Catria is probably better for you, but Narshen's savage blow is pretty savage as well.
  20. Takumi being -Spd really puts a hole in your plans. Your team now isn't bad though Robin, Julia, Tacomi, and Eirika, but you might want to try switching Julia for a defensive ax user that isn't named Camilla for help with the blue magic users, not to mention having 2 tome users and a bow user means you'll have to put Eirika on the front lines which probably won't work out for the better since she is -HP and there are plenty of ephraims and Robins already running around. even if you got a better Camilla, she gets countered way too easily by enemy Takumis anyway, you should think about sending her for feathers since she is -ATK on a brave ax. Robin is basically a magic oriented Ephraim in my opinion so good ol' faithful Eph is gonna have to be benched. Julia being -ATK is a huge bummer but upgrading Nino would just be a waste of feathers. My advice: wait until you get a good bane/boon Kagero or Gordin to alternate with your Takumi and get them to 5 star, or a good ax user if you don't already have one. You already know why I would say Kagero but I say Gordin because he has a brave bow which basically means you still get bad speed but always get 2 hits which makes a difference lots of the time. You could also get a better Takumi too but your team is pretty good. 10/10 would rate again
  21. Based on the meta right now, no. For a long while before I got a good ax user I was able to use a double colorless/red/blue team and it carried me far. But I will say now that I do have one of each color, it helps a lot. The important thing is, though, the type of units you have for each color (knights, tome users, mounted tome users, infantry etc.). Having a team full of non-magic users may not be the best thing to do which is why a relatively good team is: One OP red, (Tiki Lucina etc.) One blue, one green, and one colorless. 2 or 3 need to be physical, no more no less. The only toss-up is the skills that each unit have and what colorless unit you are going to use (Gordon for winged unit destruction, and infantry chip damage or Kagero for infantry destruction and stat debuffs for example), which is why it might be better to not have a colorless at all or maybe have 2 units that are blue and 2 the are red or have 2 colorless and 2 reds. It really depends on your units and the meta.
  22. It only shows the level of one unit. That is why I just have a 5 star or some other level 40 when training to shred everything just in case it has gone 3d/wrong/social experiment/cops called.
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