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Ryu Yuki

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Everything posted by Ryu Yuki

  1. Hm... I have to admit, those scenarios are indeed exceedingly common. Yeah, in those cases, I'm probably totally on board with you about finding such behavior rather deplorable. Admittedly speaking, I find myself being a huge fan of certain villains from time to time, even if they're total psychopaths. But I'll be liking them because they're such irredeemable pricks that make the story interesting and compelling. I most certainly won't be doing something like defending their actions like many fanfic writers tend to do. So yeah, I can definitely see where you're coming from about people caring only about appearances. Indeed, I'd rather this fandom avoid such mentality if possible.
  2. I think at this point, it's just that the terminologies have become so memetic that everyone kind of ends up using them to describe a character they like. In fact, I think it's less about attractiveness, and more about Awakening's extensive marriage system that led so many people to adopt the phrase. Particularly, Robin being able to support with anyone of the opposite gender was probably the icing on top of the cake, as the player then got the chance to make whoever they wanted their in-game 'husbando' or 'waifu'. If there wasn't such a marriage system in place, 'waifu' would have honestly been a very out-of-place phrase and not gotten so much steam as a result. And let's be honest, looks are always going to factor somewhat in how much one likes a character. You can make Wrys the deepest character ever, and I'm not going to run him in my team even if hell freezes over. We can all pretend to be above it, and act like it doesn't influence our choices whatsoever, but I think everyone knows otherwise at the back of their minds. That being said, I do agree that liking someone solely for their attractiveness is a rather shallow reason and even I'm not fond of that mindset. Then again, I have a tendency to find dragons cool, so perhaps I'm also a shallow person as well? Well, even if I am, I don't particularly plan on changing that detail about me. But I do like Tiki and Ninian for their backstories; I actually like them more than Nowi, even though Nowi is my fattest unit (40+6) that I spent all my time on because she's the only dragon I can realistically hit 40+10 with.
  3. To be honest, you struck me as the type that would constantly 5* Oboro(s) and merge them together.
  4. Well, I personally don't feel too invested in any of these characters, so I don't feel too offended or anything if I'm considered to be 'apathetic'. So it's totally fine if you feel like using that term to describe such people; at the very least, I myself won't complain about it. Being totally honest, I am kinda hesitant to join Camilla. I don't hate her but like I said, none of these characters really top my charts or anything. The way it is now, I'll probably see how much of a lead Camilla will gain over the 7 other contestants in the first 30 minutes. If Cordelia is somewhat close, I'll probably join her even if she's behind. I have a Cordelia and while she isn't on Tiki's level in terms of my personal preference, I am kind of leaning towards her since bandwagoning on Camilla does feel kinda strange to me. Still, the feather rewards for being on the winning team was like 500 right? Do a lot of people really jump ship for that miniscule amount of feathers? Like, sure, you get 1500 more for being on the winning team throughout, but there's the fact that being on the winning team makes it harder to rank there throughout all three rounds. So that theoratical 1500 will get dropped quite a bit further, to maybe 500-1000 given a rough estimate. Since there's also the fact that other characters can win and grant the 500 bonus during the first two rounds as well. I mean, if a character like Tiki or Ninian was up there, I'd consider it outright blasphemy to go against them for such a pitiful amount of feathers. You can offer me 20,000 feathers and I still would consider it sacrilege to betray them.
  5. If it's any consolation, I dropped $75 total on the game, which was like 140 orbs. And I got absolutely everyone I wanted, so maybe you aren't that far off from those teams either. Granted, I was ridiculously lucky with my Ryoma (I got him in the same pull as one of my Lucina(s), and he was +Spd/-Res to boot), so not sure how long you'll take in that department. Of course, as a semi-F2P player, I must suck it in and skip certain focus summons if I want to have enough orbs for when it really matters. I also researched drop rates to see if controlled pulling can increase my odds while using less orbs. Still, good luck on acquiring those teams; dragon teams are really fun after all!
  6. My defense dream is already achieved: Young Tiki, Nowi, Ryoma and Takumi. Every single one of them has Close Counter, Lightning Breath+ or Raijinto. Slapped all of them with Vantage for good measure (Okay I'm actually still working on Takumi's) and Defiant Atk 3 for maximum damage during vantage range. The amount of defense wins I get is so hilariously high that I couldn't be any prouder. As for offense, Young Tiki / Nowi / Ninian is my dream core, which I already have as well. Now it's just a matter of getting at least my Nowi to 40+10, because I'm not whale enough to do it for Young Tiki or Ninian. I'm sorry Supreme Lord Tiki, I have failed you...
  7. Well, honestly speaking, I feel like there is nothing wrong with bandwagoning (Heck, I'm almost considering it due to a lack of investment in anyone besides maybe Cordelia here) but it also feels like such people lose out on the true enjoyment of the Voting Gauntlet. Sure, they'll probably get a tad bit more feathers due to being secured free wins, but I feel that those small amount of feathers (Like, 1000-1500 more at the very most?) are rather insignificant compared to the enjoyment and fun that can be derived from supporting your favorite character. Heck, I wasn't even on Team Chrom or Team Ephraim, but even I found myself rather jealous of those people that could take part in such a close match-up for their favorite characters. There's also a certain feeling of pride one can feel from championing their favorite hero to victory (or defeat), and there's also a sense of satisfaction in seeing them win when you weren't sure if they could. In fact, if a Voting Gauntlet with Lord Tiki or Ninian ever shows up, I will personally join them no matter what, even if it's the whole damn universe against them. Doesn't matter if they're facing Ike/Lyn at the same time; I will support them just because I personally want them to know I got their backs. (Yes I know they're fictional characters, don't judge) So yeah, I respect people like you that join their favorite characters even if you aren't sure that they can win the entire thing. In fact, I'm almost jealous because of how you get to champion characters that you clearly like a lot. I don't think I can get too into the Voting Gauntlet this time, but do know that I'll be rooting for people like you. In fact, I actually kind of want to see Mineva win just so she can be paired up against Cherche, even if this match-up is incredibly unlikely.
  8. Really fun art of Spring Lucina and Chrom here; the Spring Event is really going full throttle in terms of fan content!
  9. Well, dark horse (or... dark flier in this case...) victories are always interesting. Chrom vs Ephraim was really fun, and I do wish to see a repeat of that if possible.
  10. I wouldn't recommend those unless there's someone you want from them. And yes, I meant Swift Sparrow.
  11. The Spring Heroes will disappear after this focus, so if you want them, it's now or never. Their stats aren't amazing though, so it's ultimately up to you. For what it's worth, Spring Lucina does have a very good skill that's going to be useful no matter what, if you care about inheritance.
  12. Have my respect. I always can't help but admire those that charge into futile battles completely knowingly, all for the sake of their championed hero. No, that wasn't sarcasm, I feel legit respect to people that support a certain side despite it being incredibly obvious that they'd lose.
  13. Sure. He's going to be super effective against most fliers (Seriously, not that many people will sacrifice a only-two-in-existence Michalis for just one skill) which will make it easier for so many players. Not to mention, his Close Counter means that the fliers can't even hit him safely without getting barbecued in response. EDIT: Also please ignore the numerous typos I had in the earliest version of this post.
  14. I would imagine any archer in existence is probably a safe bet. Takumi is going to have a field day with this Voting Gauntlet.
  15. Thank you very much! Also, I see... The equippable item feature is becoming a thing pretty soon, huh... I wonder how we'll be obtaining these 'items'; I sure hope there isn't another gatcha for obtaining them. I also hope they're implemented in a thoughtful way that doesn't break the game or my wallet that I'm trying not to use.
  16. Wow... I came in expecting a deep, complicated, and insightful reason... And I got an even deeper, more complicated and insightful reason than I bargained for. Not that I blame you, I occasionally like cute guys too (I might have actually joined Leo last time if Lucina wasn't a thing) and I'm a pretty big fan of the redheaded Eliwood and Roy after all. Come to think of it, the vast majority of this Voting Gauntlet are redheads... Well, I'm kinda rooting for Subaki to win his round and face Cordelia. Mostly because Subaki's daughter is a literal Cordelia clone, and I just want to see where the fandom would go with that particular detail. I'm also faintly hoping that someone will topple Camilla; while she's the favorite to win, I doubt her power level is the same as Lucina's. Defeating Camilla is a wee bit more realistic than the hopeless boss fight that was Lucina last time.
  17. She alone probably won't be enough. I brought in a 5* +ATK/-DEF Kagero, and while she decimated like pretty much everyone, I still had to use Dance and Reposition on her to keep her alive and secure kills (She had to hit twice on all the non-ninjas). EDIT: If it's just about killing the thieves, maybe she can one-shot them. My Kagero certainly could, not sure about a 4* one.
  18. I heard the Twitter mentioned something about 'S Skills'? Anyone able to elaborate on this?
  19. Wut. How did that happen? My +Atk/-Def Kagero survived him, albeit with literally 1 HP left.
  20. Oh and, I feel like the biggest waste here was not having a Cherche vs Minerva match-up. It's pretty much impossible at this point, but it would have been kind of funny for the memes to see Cherche facing off against her wyvern's namesake. Just to think of all the jokes that would have been possible...
  21. Oh, thanks for the correction. That's one long-term misconception finally thrown out the window. I think what is most amazing is how fast this person churns out these videos. Barely an hour in, and already a video that you'd think would take so much longer.
  22. Out of curiosity, why Tsubaki? I recall you making a comment the other time too, something about people who know you would know why. Meanwhile, I feel bad for Hinoka and Cherche. They're probably #3 and #4 in terms of popularity with this lineup, but they got doomed off the bat. I was almost even considering joining Cherche, but I'll probably stick to Cordelia at this point.
  23. Yes, you totally should be able to do so. This guy is so nice he uses free units with only their default skills. You should have seen him during the Michalis event; he managed to complete it with a 3-star team during the 45 minute sneak peak event, way before it got released for realsies.
  24. They're all three stars. This guy is famous for doing three-star runs.
  25. Holy bleep, you weren't kidding. After seeing your comment, I just went into the map without knowing the layout or the units at all. But I brought my +ATK/-DEF Kagero along, who just deleted everyone (Admittedly she needed a Dance on Navarre and the non-ninja units). She almost died to the axe-user, surviving with just 1 Hp left, but wow she really got work done. F!Robin was the only map that was trivialized even harder than this by Kagero's antics.
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