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Everything posted by Altrosa

  1. This is actually how I felt about Corrin as an avatar..... It felt like Corrin was made as a lead lord, and then it was decided later in production that Corrin needed to have some customization since so many new fans were hooked by the avatar concept with Robin. I still find it jarring to see how badly Corrin treats Odin, especially since Owain was one of my favs in Awakening. Although, the writers ignoring his backstory, which explained his quirks were a trauma coping mechanism, despite Selena and Laslow being open about theirs, didn't help :/ Corrin's behavior so clashed with my own take on Odin that it DESTROYED any sense of immersion I had prior. The closer we get to release, the less I am okay with an avatar insert. I'd rather a good story in a fantasy setting than trying to insert myself into the setting at the cost of the story.
  2. Honestly, it was the character depth and world building details in the supports that made me enjoy them, so even restricting it to small talks between characters will satisfy me since so many Gaiden characters have canon spouses. Though I hope we earn battle bonuses with supports and can play around with it, I'm okay with a different system from Awakening and Fates. Also, please give Alm his guaranteed Criticals in that final boss with Celica at his side just so I can watch hilarity ensue.
  3. I don't think it will be censored. There is no gore or sexual connotations, so it wouldn't throw up red flags beyond a Teen or Pegi13 rating, just as long as their is no red blood. *shrugs* Isn't Alm being overly brutal in combat a major issue with his character? Like, he's so desensitized to violence and was basically weaned on combat that he lacks any feelings of mercy or guilt in battle? I haven't played Gaiden, yet, but that's what I've gathered that the devs were attempting to convey with him from what I've read. Like, "this is what war does to our youth."
  4. Anti-panty window. You stare at my butt and just see more fabric! But, in reality it's probably just a stylistic choice that's just a alternative flourish of fabric like a big bow serves as Kaze put forth above. It puts me in mind of Edwardian Era dresses that had the style of putting huge gathers of fabric at or above the tailbone to give ladies the illusion of having a huge rump. It's just a fantasy world take on that kind of clothing.
  5. Well, we've seen that characters now chat before and randomly during battles with the recent gameplay vids, so it seems supports are in, but are back to the older GBA style of occurring in battle. Honestly, I'm gonna miss the My Castle system, both for the customizable home base with side goodies and the multiplayer aspect it brought.
  6. I have not, and currently don't plan to as I'd rather wait for SoV.
  7. No, he has red eyeliner on. I really love Genny and Silque's new looks~
  8. That's because Alm is left handed. :P I don't know who else said it, but while I adore the visuals so far, man do the cutscenes look janky, like they are running on 20FPS janky. I'm not one of those psychopaths that expect no less than 100FPS, but it just stutters a bit too much. It'll probably look fine on a 3DS in real time but, ick.
  9. I saw this and immediately assumed it was going to replace Phoenix Mode from Fates, which is literally cheating. It sounds really broken.
  10. I agree with Silas. If Vow of Friendship is up, you've made some mistakes, but I think the situational nature of personals renders many of them moot in the long haul. Even if they fit their character. Charlotte's one of my fav units as she makes a great glass cannon, but her personal get's little traction as most enemy units are males. Although, I found it funny to learn that she's popularly relegated to Xander's pair-up as she boosts all the right stats for him and is a good mother for Siegbert. So, Charlotte just rides around with Xander and he steamrolls the junk you don't feel like dealing with. Good stuff.
  11. Did i post this to wrong thread? I was answering with why Garon may want to hold Sakura hostage despite otherwise wanting to murder the Hoshidan royals. Basically, the Hoshidan court would have some ISSUES if their Queen was stuck in the enemy's pocket by being wife to the enemy. Even worse if she started popping out babies. I mean, marriage between nobilty as passing around power contacts was kind of the things to do in the past IRL. That, and keeping a well loved royal as a political pawn may help calm some of the otherwise vengeful Hoshidans less likely to rise up if one of their own at least appeared in charge. Just theory crafting.
  12. No, I'm pretty sure Odin's limitations come more down to needing to heartseal to put astra/vantage on him through his sub-class of samurai and investing in the forge to abuse the crit boost from his personal skill. While it can make him a crit monster, that's too much investment in some cases with CQ's resource struggles, and with Luck being his key growth despite otherwise decent stats, he can end up, as stated, "mediocre." Nyx is probably the glassiest unit in the game. Full stop. Breath on her wrong and she can die, despite her very high mag growth. Marrying Odin to the right wife can give Ophelia growths more suited for the Dark Mage job, and her personal is easier to utilize. Basically, Leo and Elise outclass them by a huge margin as units as their growths fit their default classes on top of being more versatile royal units. Just level them for your mage needs.
  13. This is total speculation, but the only possible reason I can see for keeping a Hoshido royal alive is to force a marriage between them to a Nohr royal as a legal means to put themselves into power over Hoshido. They DID keep Sakura, so it's possible Garon could force her to marry Xander (or Leo) and force a merger of the kingdoms but putting her and his son in power. And mind, concubinage and polygamy are a thing here, so even if he's married, it's still an option even then. Shoot, what am I saying. Garon could marry her himself! This type of merger is something hinted to happen between New Valla and Nohr if Xander is Corrin's husband at the end of Revelation, as it mentions the kingdoms joining together. (Can't confirm if Ryoma works the same, but I'd assume so.)
  14. Yep, and since the game let's you continue as long as someone alive is on the field, he'll be stuck trying to fight with underdeveloped units that may not even be able to hit the last boss or enemies in the area.
  15. HOLY CRAP I FORGOT ALL ABOUT LILITH. Now SHE deserved more. Lilith's vow of silence from guilt over her time with Anankos was such a bizarre plot point. I mean, I understand she felt the need to serve and watch over Corrin as penance, but yeah. It amounts to very little as she really just acts as a story to gameplay device to explain the astral realm My Castle system. The devs apparently wanted her to the My Castle mascot, but since she has no proper supports or special dialogue, and only shows up in three scenes in the 3 paths after becoming her betta fish dragon self, she's pretty much been forgotten by the time she's murdered. She seemed like she was supposed to be a sort of virtual pet unit, with the food you had tweaking her growths, but that's only a theory as she only has the barebones of that kind of system. And, honestly, I don't think I've ever once had Lilith do anything in a castle battle. She just sits there the whole time, even in layouts where she's directly in the path to the throne. I don't even know how her two weapons work! Even giving her the caretaker role Felicia and Jakob (or Flora, Gunter, generic NPC) have at the outset would be an improvement since she'd be actively helpful and always in the open verses hiding away in her "temple" waiting for food offerings. Then we could talk to her as with other units in the realm. She's such a waste of potential on all fronts. She just ended up being another death to push Corrin foward that rang hollow since we never got to get attached to her.
  16. Well, it's not too terribly difficult, but Corrin's Yato has a very useful damage bonus on the last bosses in all the paths. He's got a bunch of maids chilling around him that will harass you, so it helps if you have some buds to clear them out.
  17. So he's ignoring supports and not leveling side characters? I mean, he'll just crash and burn on later fights since there is a level cap (which you can break with an expensive item, but for the sake of argument here, let's ignore that), so if his avatar is the only one maxed, he won't have anyone help to protect him or clear his path. Basically, the final boss requires the avatar to deal damage, but said fights have so many baddies you will be swarmed and you will have a dead avatar before you can even get to the boss. Also, supports mean better stats and more units. Is he not into the dating sim aspect? If anything, just tell him to grab the girl he likes best/thinks is cutest and have her follow him around or pair-up. Otherwise, just let him struggle. Maybe show him how much better your army is after using the support systems and leveling up everyone. He might change his tune when you show your wife/husband/children demolishing enemy teams.
  18. No, Spear, it wasn't you who made frankly unnerving comments. That's a far more objectively fair argument. Azura had the stance that Valla was far too dangerous to try to get people to visit, and only took Corrin by choice when refusing to take a side meant everyone wanted them dead and they had no option but to try to hit the puppet-master verses bolstering one side over the other. It's a major flaw in her character that she didn't have the confidence or fortitude to try take matters into her own hands and do this on her own, but I guess if she did, the Yato would've landed in her hand, instead. After taking a moment, I realize I inadvertently fed the troll by getting heated over intentionally gross language, and made a bit of an ass of myself. For that, I apologize.
  19. I never said that. Plot hole or not, I just frankly find the hate given to her for not commiting suicide to simply attempt to explain Valla to her allies in horrifically bad taste. Especially when she does sacrifice herself to give the armies a fighting chance against the Infested Takumi and Garon's dusk dragon form. Especially, especially when other characters also that knew of Valla like Mikoto, Gunter, and Lilith get no such shaming. Yes, it's a plot contrivance to give Azura more screen time, but good lord.
  20. Azura had to stay alive as she was the only living person able to sing the Anankos calming song. She couldn't completely reveal Valla until after that, but she dies while singing before she can in both Birthright and Conquest. There is also the simple fact that attempting to explain Valla to anyone was constituted as the ravings of a madman. Was Azura really going to get far trying to rapidly explain that she's the lost princess of an underground kingdom that you can only get to via lake magic or cliff-diving that been taken over by a dragon driven mad by old age who murdered her dad and is now using Garon as a pawn to make the kingdoms war becuase he hates people for being afraid of him? Also don't repeat any of this because you'll turn to mist okay bye *melts* Like, really. Azura wasn't selfish. She just knew she was more useful alive than she was dead!
  21. I don't know, the DLC answered a pretty decent amount of questions regarding Corrin and Lilith. I just wish that there was a hint or some follow up to them either realizing Corrin was their intended leige or their failure to find said leige, verses them apparently resigning themselves to being stuck in this world for a few years. I'm on the fence with them overall, however, as the Awakening children are more matured and worldly versions of themselves, but their supports with other units make it seem like they never really fit in, especially poor Odin, who's bullied in half of them, even by Corrin. But the other three? I wonder why they bothered. Rhajat is so different in her mannerisms and treatment of others, she may as well not be Tharja at all, and instead just be an achetype of what the "cute stalker" was. Caeldori's got motivations, and the lack of a Chrom figure to contantly pine over removes half of what Cordelia was about. Asugi, however, is just a lesser Gaius. Great unit, but doesn't bring anything different save daddy issues with Saizo.
  22. Lol, I feel like most of his supports give actual development to whomever he's harassing verses him, thus his whole character being "basic."
  23. As someone who initially chose BR over CQ based on the info dumped in the opening chapters, I can at least explain my logic. There is a lot to unpack here, but here goes. For one, Garon's monstrous personality. He's more than just an ass, my friend. He forced me to fight prisoners to the death then told my elder brother to assault me for not wanting to execute them. Elder brother did so, begrudgingly, but did physically assault me right then and there for standing my moral ground. Second, Hinoka's tears of joy over getting me back. It was her first reaction to having her long lost sister safely returned, so inspite of Ryoma's cool reception, it felt genuinely loving. Also, she never made a fuss that she spent her ENTIRE LIFE trying to rescue me, but I just sorta dropped in without her doing anything. It wasn't a pride thing, she was just happy I was finally safe. Third, the Hoshidans gave me space to think and breathe verses smothering me. There was a whole swath of abuse that came to light that Corrin was completely blind to due to circumstances. The intense isolation and conditioning to think it was fine to live that way, along with learning that I was a little pawn for Garon to hold over Hoshido's terrified royal family. (I mean, did they know how Corrin was treated during the imprisonment at the fortress?) Fourth, Azura, despite being a Nohrian princess, wanted nothing to do with Nohr. Also, despite being a Nohrian princess, Corrin didn't know she existed, because Garon and elder Nohr siblings apparently didn't care or were kept in the dark, unlike the Hoshidans, who full on adopted her and gave her a happy childhood while still working to one day save me. Then, as we know, Mikoto dies protecting Corrin, and Corrin remembers everything. The whole ordeal got a really nasty reaction from me IRL. So, here I am looking at my old family of "siblings," all working under the thumbs of a man who at this point is basically the devil, wondering how much they knew about my situation, how they could follow his orders, and how they could so casually murder Hoshidans. And then my new, old family that has shown nothing but kindness and patience for me learning the truth, have treated Azura as a member of the family to save her from abuse, and despite not having spent time with them, do care about me and are opening their arms up to loving home. Yeah, I told Xander to put his sword down.
  24. Ahh, I've gone through every support in Hoshido, and if we go for "flat" or at least the most "samey" and predictable in their supports, I'd have to give it to Azama. Almost every support with him begins with him trolling whomever he's with and seeing how his victims react. He's so casually abrasive and high-handed, and just apathetic most of the time, despite being outwardly bubbly. Also, sucks that he's the only default Great Master unit, is fabulous one at that, but promoting him renders his personal skill moot as it only activates if he has no weapon to equip. Although, I give the writers credit in that he acts loving to Corrin as his wife in My Room quotes, and is unendingly bewildered by his falling in love and caring about the well being of his wife and his child/ren. But, yeah, Assama. Easiest guy to summarize.
  25. Ahh, what is wrong with my artistic eye! I love Gwedolyn's and Eliwood's odd styles! Gwen may be the only unit I burn all my feathers on! Anyway, a few bother me, but it's petpeevy. Takumi, for one, as his hair looks way too oversized for his head. Odin's tiny head gives the illusion you are looking up at him. Or that he has a really tiny head. Subaki just cut your bangs, son. Can't be perfect if you can't freakin see. Olivia's artwork is really gross looking to me. The dirty lining is off, but I never used her, so I never grasped how weird her costume was. Also, I'm pretty convinced it's just tumblr being tumblr with a combination of cellphone brightness, but I've seen a startling amount of whitewashing complaints over Niles's art. I don't really see it, but his skin tone is different in Heroes. Most edits to correct it severely over correct and make him go from olive to chocolate so I don't know what is going on.
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