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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Banned because that is true, unless it was relegated to a special big heal or no heal gamble staff while all the rest were 100% accurate. And I concede to once relying on a healing skill in a game that healed 10 times, up to 2 per character, where using the skill very likely meant you had 6 people on your team and hence it could miss out on healing one character altogether. Staff accuracy = [Staff accuracy + (4 x Skill)] % [maximum value is 99] Staff Accuracy = 60 for all staffs, except Torch. 10 Skill on a staff therefore gives you the maximum accuracy of 99, 100 isn't possible because FE5 does not like 100% guaranties. This is the accuracy formula of status staffs too. Staff double-cast rate = [(Speed + Skill + Luck) / 2] % So a 30% chance at most with all three of Spd/Skl/Lck capped. Only applies to Heal, Mend, and Physics. Can't activate if the first heal restores all of a unit's HP.
  2. I wasn't saying unequipping. All I was saying was end 3-11 with Ike equipped with something other than Ragnell, which of course I know you can't remove from his inventory, but you can make killing him slightly easier if he doesn't begin with that +5 Def in effect. The only other equipment matter was not giving an Archsage Soren a staff, which he won't have if you didn't give him one b/c he doesn't start in that class, all he'd get is a tome. The rest of the GMs don't matter for the situation I was referring to, going for a boss kill win on 3-13, because they show up only on the last turns, and you should've if you're going for a 3rd tier DB blitz, the battle should take only *checks my draft recording* 5 turns.
  3. More stories can do what exactly at this point? He should have sunk in the polls to the very bottom of the universe (if such a thing exists) from everything that has come up already. Nothing really persuades. Too many voters who aren't polarized into pro-Trump are low-information voters not tuned into the news 24/7 and don't realize this isn't "normal" political scandal, just as they don't realize Trump's dangerous damages to the Constitution and chance if reelected of preventing this country from ever having another free and fair election again. And even if you tell them of the serious threat, "America is special, nothing like that can ever happen to us" may be their naive and optimistic undoing. I get love of my country right or wrong, who doesn't feel that way? But no country is invincibly special, if there was such a thing, then instead of the United States vs. China, we'd be talking the Iroquois Confederacy vs. the Shang Dynasty (circa 1600-1046 BC).
  4. A draft admittedly is a special context though, where you're using only a handful of units. And for RD, a draft is especially special because you may want to space your units out for every part due to the rotating availability. Aran was the only DB I drafted, so he could soak up all the EXP not going to M&S (the other units I drafted were Heather, Rolf, Mordy, Ulki, Pelleas, Stefan, Gareth).
  5. Except for the part where the only GMs on the map are Ike and Soren until turns 9-11, and Soren doesn't move and is LOLTelliusMage and slow and fragile. You've got plenty of time before that. 20/20/1 Aran has 46 HP, 27 Def on average, 24 Spd means even the Cats can't double him on Hard. The Cats scratch him for 3 damage, the Tigers can do 14, which is a 4OHKO, but if you proceed carefully or have a stronger Aran he'll be fine. With a Steel Greatlance is 42 Atk. If you ended the prior battle with non-Ragnell sword equipped to the average 20 Ike, he'll have 25 Def and 50 HP. So 17 damage per hit, quadrupled that makes for an OHKO. With 6 more Def between Ragnell and a capped Def stat, thats still 11 damage for a 5HKO, and as long as Ike has no healing items and Soren isn't promoted with a staff, thats fine. Ike has no Aether and unless Spd blessed can't double Aran either. This works. I did a draft and Aran easily soloed Ike. Don't sell the DB short and overrate the GMs out of personal bias. -But then again numbers constituting facts are out of fashion these days.
  6. I believe they meant "Sleep lasts for 4 turns, so you have 4 turns for the one 3rd tier unit to proc their Mastery".
  7. Finished Trials of Mana, in 23 hours including the ending and credits. The game is very straightforward, barely any side content. Final boss was attackattackattack with barely any time for me to react and the ally AI was too poor to shatter one of the three crystals I needed to stop the boss's MASSIVE damage unavoidable explosion spell. I was afraid of running out of Cups of Wishes, but its HP dropped quickly when I could pound at it and it was only a single phase long. The prior bosses weren't so bad though, one was particularly quick to die and its hailstorm of spells weren't a problem. The game is kind enough to show you in red the area an enemy's attack will cover and when the enemy will finish charging and unleash the attack, most of the time that suffices. I've said critical stuff on the plot and characters before that I won't repeat. A promising personal start that fizzles into a generic story, when the personal returns, it isn't by any means amazing. Lack of intra-party interactions. On the gameplay, it is decidedly on the simpler side of an Action RPG, not a whole lot of nuances to it, perhaps this, like other faults of the game, is owed to age. The class system runs into an obtusity, though you could get through the game even with that being the case, I just wanted greater clarity for the sake of optimization. In combat, I felt the camera was another fault, I did have the freedom to adjust it to any angle I wanted at any time, but I needed a second right thumb, adjusting the camera to get a better sense of the chaos meant not pressing attack/charge attack/jump/roll. Even so, I had fun with the fighting, a little light-minded fast combat can be fun in moderate doses. I played on Normal the entire time and got a Game Over only once because of Petrification I had not expected. Music is good though not great and none of it is bad. Graphics are clean and adequately high and bright fantasy. Do I intend to play through this game again? Yes, because the other three characters I want to play as, and maybe I want to toy with the postgame on finished file. But I'm not going to go for any of it now, my memories need to fade a bit before I go through it all again. If I find something dense to play in a few months, this can serve as a side dish to lighten the meal. I'm not one to rate things usually, but I'd say that if this game's faults are big for you, I'd say a 6/10 is fair. If the faults are less of a problem, an 8/10 sounds appropriate. Therefore, a 7/10 is a fair average for this. A 7/10 on my scale of game ratings means the following: 10/10- A perfected masterpiece. You must play it regardless of your interests. 9/10- Supremely great, alas short of perfect, unless you really don't like the genre, play it. 8/10- Above-average good. If you're into the genre, you must consider it. 7/10- Maybe it's average, but it's a good average. Consider it if you're into the genre. 6/10- A little below average, the flaws are unfortunately too big despite its potential. If you're into the genre, maybe consider it if its select strengths are sufficiently appealing. 5/10 or below- Just don't bother with these, there are too many video games out there to mess with these.
  8. Banned because none of those girls in their sig are this one:
  9. I did an extremely wishful once-every-few-months check on an old game I've been hoping for a fan translation of. I discovered that someone early last month put out a request for help on restarting the translation, which they said got as far as translating most menus, UI, and gameplay stuff. Given Luminous Arc 3 is text-heavy and you'd want to play it for the characters, the untouched boatload of story dialogue would take at least a year for devoted fans to translate is a major issue. That said, I'm happy to see any hint of potential progress on this. Not for my current self, but for the kid who eagerly awaited the third back when the DS was in its twilight years, and for that reason the third never got translated, they still want it. They got SRTOGSEF EXCEED late last year, that too was on their wishlist, and so was the long-translated New Mystery. Current me shouldn't get their insatiable hopes up (Persona 2 on this point was a letdown after all), but it wants to see what precedes the Dino ending too. And then there's the other DS game I need a translation of.
  10. Yeah, thats wrong, grind is never necessary. And in some instances I've won boss battles without touching my healing items- that common cheat of cheats. Not to mention Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia both have Level 1 Hard Modes (and Bloodstained too I believe), grind is limited there. The Soul (or Shards in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night) grind isn't needed whatsoever, barring a couple Souls in both Aria and Dawn of Sorrow to get their True Endings, you can work with what you randomly get. For Ritual of the Night, I stuck with the basic Merman Shard you get at the start of the game until the end because it was cheap, appropriately dodging and attacking with your standard weapon is enough, all the secondary weapons do is make victory quicker. I can agree with your Zelda 2 remark, I think there is little to be gained from any Metroidvania having EXP. And thanks for your clarification on the KH fanbase. Though I admit this as a whole is a tangent.
  11. Radianto Dawn gets the top pick from me. But which to choose of the lower two? CT is good, but Ys VIII is a much more recent experience for me, one that did touch me enough to trigger my depression and make me not want to return to it again. CT because I wanted to get every ending I think I played to the point of burnout as well. Rather than abstain, I think I'll pick Dana.
  12. I've never played a single game in the franchise unless TWEWY counts, but I have read of level 1 challenges, so I can see your point there. Though in terms of the hardcore KH fans (in other words, those there for a reason besides "Hey, it has Disney characters in it! Who are these people with weird names in black jackets? I dunno what they wanted, but ooh Frozen world is next!"), what do you think they'd be inclined to play besides KH? The heavy stories of the franchise don't find companions in action or platformers I would think. And there are "FF who aren't their FF-selves characters" in KH, with the spell language and best door-opening sword directly taken from FF, and then you crown it with Nomura. Lastly, the Action RPG genre, which I was placing KH under (with an unmistakable Japanese styling), shouldn't be all RPG, it should hurt if you don't dodge the giant enemy's punch. Although then I guess I have to ask for your definition of Action RPG, do SotN and the six GBA-DS Castlevanias count?
  13. Banned for being too hard on oneself in terms of Fire Emblem capabilities.
  14. Sora would leave a bit of bad taste in my mouth, and make a Pyrex addition taste bad too. DQ Hero, Joker, Byleth, thats three typical JRPG (yes, FE counts, don't argue otherwise) protagonists so far in the DLC. With Sora, we'd be 4/13 Ultimate newcomers being that which is... not that bad. And DQ deserved its slot. Nonetheless, I don't want overrepresentation of this genre I love. It's got a lot of dedicated fans who would rush to buy their favorites in Smash, and plenty of stuff to throw into a fighting game compared to say a platformer. But I still have a problem with too many JRPG characters. Although with Persona, DQ, and FF repped by someone, that limits the number of new other JRPG franchises left. Kingdom Hearts and Tales are the only other major franchises in "need" of reps, if we brush SMT to the side because Persona covers it (although the Demi-Fiend wouldn't be a sword user thankfully) that is.
  15. Because what white old executive man from the West wants to be holding a smartphone with the image of a cutesy girl named "Hatsoon Mekoo" on it who isn't actually real? Sorry Japan but you're just too weird. and advertise it? It's a total clash of everything possible.
  16. Because the idea that Micaiah is snarky and sarcastic adds to her character in a most unexpected way. That and gayships are delicious. Who in FE would make for the best figure-skater? Some of the ones I was watching from one particular game (which basically had ~15 FE CBA support chains of spa scenes) weren't so bad, even when it was opposite-sex, only mild perversion at most in a couple surprisingly. But a few others in the set... ugh! The promise of some made the disappointment of others worse.
  17. Banned because Dimitri never ate his missing eye. You must honor your parents and eat your deceased body parts.
  18. Dull, have you seen the sun rise before? The sky lightens too slowly for it to be sharp. Why did I subject myself to the horror of watching opposite-sex spa scenes?
  19. Because dads, in one way or another, represent one of the first challenges in life a child must overcome. Be it from their absence or their antagonistic presence, the father is a cornerstone of a person's development. Who is the worst video game parent of either sex that you've seen?
  20. That Xenoblade meme reminded me of this decidedly different scene, Luminous Arc 2 character visual spoilers:
  21. Either nerds too busy to be perverts, or a boy and his bro being more interested in each other than the ladies. Or just maybe a joke combining a Makna Forest HtH with the tedium of gem crafting and good duo for the part where you go for Mega Heat.
  22. At the core of it, it's the turn-based strategy RPG gameplay of Fire Emblem that keeps me returning to it. I can make do without characters, I can make do without story, I can bear with old or bad graphics, and I've actually played 3H completely silent. At the end of the day, there is something inherently fun in FE gameplay for me, it's the battles- provided a measure of strategy is included and not too much tedium- that brings me back to it again and again. Other SRPGs in the "Final Fantasy Tactics" mold feel far slower to me, and lean more heavily on the RPG side over strategy I think, FE is perceptibly faster and ends up being more fun for that and other reasons. Instead of (well, in addition to really, too many people would be angry otherwise) another Fire Emblem Warriors, what if we got Dynasty Warriors Emblem?
  23. You could always do worse. Like 100 years I think, whatever the length of Laharl's nap that kicks off the first Disgaea game was.
  24. Nothing wrong with that. I never got into Metroid Prime, though I've owned the first game because I was a child at the time. The furthest I've ever gone is just after Flagraa (the giant plant boss) into Phendrana Drifts, 2D Metroid is more my speed (but I never speedrun). And on the Zelda front, I think I prefer 2D/handheld-originated games over 3D, though I've played both. For Mario, of old 2D, I've only beaten World and of new, the only game I've beaten is NSMB2, but I don't dislike it, I like both 2D and 3D Mario. 3D is just easier to finish. By "safe" I thought you meant in terms of gameplay formula, not reception. A misunderstanding?
  25. Sephiran, easy. I'd like to have a long intellectual conversation with him. Because the calendar system has entered your soul and rather than day-by-day, takes on an hourly form. You should become utterly enthralled with Catherine because it's her birthday hour according ton your internal system in about fifteen minutes. Whats the weirdest video game title you've heard of?
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