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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Sorry, but Marionette Messiah is so good. I find it hard to believe that this wasn't composed as a final boss theme, but if Levi was recruitable in Alpha, then it can't have been one.
  2. Whatcha askin' for? Hmm... how about... Marionette Messiah?
  3. Technically is one more Arena a little later in the game during Runan's third split (which you have to use if you want to train the 3 Move Wood Shooter (Bow Armor in the forms of a tank)), but that one is very close to a moving boss who makes every other boss in the game lose bowel control due to his supreme stats. Not to mention the 1-2 lance that heals him for damage dealt. Hell he's a monster with the Slim Sword he resorts to after the opportunistic NPC gladiator cannon fodder wastes all of the Canaan Lance's durability. Berwick's growths look worse to me. But on the Str, I think she gets 3 from promotion, plus a 4 base. So that's 7. With the Salia Tome boosting her Str to 20%, that means 7.8 over 39 levels. 14.8, so 1-2 points blessed. It's the same case for her Def. Her Spd is 65% with the Tome, so that's fine, as are Mag and Lck. Skl may be a little blessed with a 40% Tome'd growth. Looking at the Rook Knight Move base of 7, and the Paladin's is 8, her 10% Move growth appears to have triggered 4 times, although she's mounted here and the Move cap is 12 so maybe she got even more if I dismount her. Although speaking of bad TRS growths: I tried to train him for Leteena recruitment, and this is what I got 21 levels later. 6 more Str, 8 more Skl, 3 Spd, and 6 Def. Thanks Kreiss, you and Arkis are Christmas Cavs of the lowest tier.
  4. Her joining fight is the last of Runan's second split. Holmes lets you roam the map and grind, but only on his first two splits, the final third one is linear. Characters killed on Runan's team can be revived by Holmes at the Tower of Morse via the three-use Dakruon. While I could've fed Lina monster kills on other maps, it was faster and gave me money to bring her to Fort Ligria, leave one monster on that map unkilled, and put her through the Arena found there.
  5. Speaking of grinding up weaklings into juggernauts: The two Codexes when both are placed in your inventory give +10% to all non-Move stats. Lina is super-bad, there are no chances to grind her unless you kill her in her joining chapter and revive her with Holmes. I did a whole lot of Arena for this, thankfully she naturally has Paragon- the two-stars skill in her set. She joins at level 1 unpromoted and has a 10% Str growth coming late the game. Also Arena-grinded this: 1 Str base + 15% growth (and yet she gets Astra at level 40- the game's maximum level cap). Although in her case, she's a Thief, so she doesn't want to kill things, considering she has a Skl + Spd = % chance of stealing any non-starred item from an enemy's inventory after combat.
  6. I didn't see this in my earlier post. Honestly, I did not recognize that the fourth Art went unused either, and even dumped WP into some. It's a little odd that there would be a spare Art when you can only have three equipped in the first place. That, and I think playing Torna first where they did away with that made a difference. --- For the 347th time, Devil Survivor 2, like everything Atlus, is on sale on the NA 3DS eShop. I have $50 on my account and not many things to play right now, so I think I'll get it in spite of my little gripe about the new scenario, considering I sold my DS copy of the game. Let's get on with it.
  7. On the second point, I do think there was room for a little more variety within the tropical theme of Sunshine, enough maybe for another two worlds. I want to say there was room for something more mountainous, perhaps with a little snow even at the summit. Bianco Hills is basically a golf course, Pianta Village is atop a giant tree, and Corona Mountain is a short indoors lava level, none of them capture what I have in mind. I'd add some plantations nestled in fertile volcanic soil to the scenery, that is coming to mind as pleasing to me. Not sure what a second good additional world idea based on IRL islands would be, but I'm sure there is one. And now that I think about it, there's water water everywhere, but Noki Bay (with those terrible helmeted stints) and Gelato Beach don't actually have much underwater "fun", nothing really like Jolly Roger Bay & Dire Dire Docks or any of the SMG water worlds. Ironically, SMS is probably be the worst in water levels. Fine by me, seeing Unagi again in the 3D All Stars trailer brought back bad memories. On the third point, the loop on SMS songs comes fairly soon too. And as an aside, while I don't think SMO's soundtrack is bad, for some reason I can't bring myself to listen to it on the Internet very often, it isn't appealing, barring Jump Up Superstar and Break Free (and I listen to both the English and Japanese versions in the same session usually, there's something cross-cultural about doing that which I like). I'm not sure if I ever completed that one. The one Daredevil where it isn't a boss, you'd think it'd be easy. Nope! Although it was Rolling Gizmo that really stopped me from 100%ing SMG1. When the music puts you in a rush.
  8. Now that could be really creepy. If you took the same sentence but had a Micah and a Sothia, that'd be deemed wrong.
  9. Here is a quandary, if God throws you out of Heaven but God is a chuckster, does that mean you were expelled from divine graces, or is wherever God throws you to also Heaven? Because of the trickiness in getting to it, I did the chuckster secret maybe twice, but you don't need to play it once to know how bad those are. Or first day of spring for the Southern Hemisphere, not that anyone who frequents this topic resides south of the equator I think. The cool has already arrived for me, my legs aren't liking it. When does the foliage kick in Canada BTW? I've been told New England here in the US peaks in mid-late October (barring abnormal weather), and then dies come November. And the topic of Autumn/Fall, I'm reminded of this: Auburn Thicket is my favorite of the 2nd Stratums, the music matches the beautiful scenery so well. (2nd best 2nd is Jagged Reach, followed by the Misty Ravine, then the Primitive Jungle comes last.)
  10. Drat, I played the final Shu chapter and made it to Orochi, who, along with Keiji Maeda and Lu Bu who freely serve him, hits very hard even on Easy. I didn't die however, instead, the one allied NPC who couldn't die here, the commander Zhuge Liang, came running into battle against Orochi and died right in front of me. It totally wasn't my fault! And somehow, despite playing on Easy, I wasn't able to escape the interior of Edo Castle on Shu-7 after the fire attack is commenced with all allies in less than two minutes. I suppose I have to let my allies chew on some officers outside, and then blitz Guan Yu on the inside so none of them ever enter the castle and I can run out ignoring every enemy inside, which otherwise I'd have to kill so the AI would get moving. I'll need to replay the chapter a second time to unlock 8X. Instead, I think I'll swap over to another story for now.
  11. Almost finished with the Warriors Orochi Shu campaign. The optional Goemon battle is bad, supposedly I "slowed him down" by breaking open a bunch of special boxes, but that amounted to nothing. Okuni delays him fine, but the moment he comes into your sight, he dashes off a horse so fast that I barely stopped while on my own horse from reaching the escape point. The optional battle with the three peasants saw one of them die five seconds into the fight, luckily I needed to only keep one alive. I need to repeat the Musashi battle because I messed up on how to recruit him, and I need to repeat the Edo Castle battle because the game gave me only a partial clue about how to unlock Chapter 8-X. I've been playing mostly on Easy, because everyone starts at level 1 and I don't want that to hinder my stage progress as I rotate in new characters. It's still the fun Musou is to me.
  12. Urine luck that Cao Pi wasn't made playable until Dynasty Warriors 5. Though when I glimpsed DW2's Wu Zhang Plains battle, he is a generic officer near Cao Cao there. And I know you're thinking "Cao Cao at Wu Zhang Plains"? And so are Liu Bei, Dian Wei, and Guan Yu. They didn't have many officers in the very first game. 8 each for Wu and Shu, 7 for Wei, and 5 for the Other grouping. They had to take some liberties to have enough named people show up for the final fight. The "original 28" DW characters are.: The bolded names have extra-perfect attendance, showing up as part of the 16 from the prior 3D fighting game Dynasty Warriors. The other two who comprised that 16 were Nobunaga and Hideyoshi (under some other name of his- Toukichi).
  13. I typed in "Dynasty Warriors bad voice acting", found this montage of cutscenes from DW3.: You don't know how badly I want to believe the YouTuber edited those voices and that they aren't the real ones.
  14. I don't think that kind of chaos is anything unusual for the franchise, it isn't like the older ones are very accessible nowadays. And they don't exactly have to be, each entry does alter the gameplay and tweak the narrative, but it's ultimately the same Three Kingdoms/Sengoku story. And in case you've never seen it, here is a vid of the game that started it all, DW2, and its first battle, which is, what else could it be, the Yellow Turban Rebellion.: No wonder China went into decline at this time, it'd pretty easy to hide out in the dense white fog and ambush unsuspecting travelers.
  15. I tried the first Warriors Orochi PSP version, runs surprisingly well, I thought a hack n' slash would have bad performance. The opening sequence was interspersed with frame drops, and there was a short freeze once in a while, but otherwise it's fine. Because it was the first listed story, I picked the Shu campaign. Zhao Yun gets out of prison with aid from Xing Cai and Yoshihiro Shimazu, plus an unplayable Zuo Ci and Ginchiyo joins up after the escape, you're supposed to ignore Cao Ren and most of the enemies but you do have to defeat Zhang He. I picked the first optional fight and recruited Jiang Wei at the end of it, after bashing Zhang He again and Da Qiao. Second main fight was rescuing Yue Ying, with Magoichi Saika helping you out, but once you've got Yue Ying, Da Ji shows up with massive reinforcements and you have to flee north (or you can turn around and go for Da Ji), cutting through Mitsunari Ishida and then Zhuge Liang. I lost this battle because Yue Ying perished. I think I'll try a different campaign next, maybe Wu. The flashiness is toned down compared to what I know of DW7 and WO3. The Musou techniques of the Dynasty crew are much closer to the Samurai ones, they're more ordinary and don't suddenly pause the action. Like WO3, it's three characters per mission, divided into several type categories. I'm noticing the visual differences between these incarnations of the characters and their later ones. Yoshihiro has no headband, he doesn't look as strong without it. Mitsunari doesn't have that big fluffy pink wig... hair... whatever the Japanese term for it is, thats a great improvement for him. I see Guan Suo was a DW7 addition, because I fought him, and he was a middle-aged man using a pole arm.😄 Did the characters you weren't using have their Life and Musou Gauges replenished in WO3? I don't remember, but here, they replenish really fast, as in "fast enough that I can be fighting an officer, use a character's musou, wait for the recharge and then reuse them on the same officer". I'm playing on Normal, and the enemy officers can rack up the damage on you, I nearly died to Da Qiao, so I guess it evens out. Archer and gunners grunts can be meddlesome pests, and don't bother trying to mount your horse while enemies are on your tail or you're being shot at it, they're bound to knock you off a quarter of a second after you get on. No camera controls is bad when I'm trying to keep an eye on where I knocked a baddy to.
  16. Provided the unit was an Axe Cav. Mist, on a horse, shoves Boyd into the air straight at the enemy's face axe ready to maul. Because she could shove him in PoR in during Chapter 17, even on a horse which can't shove in actual gameplay.
  17. Phew, finished my first, and probably only, Civ VI Deity level game. I picked the cheaty combination of the Maori on a Terra map. I wound up founding 18 cities, and ended the game with over 900 Culture and 1600 Tourism. I landed on the "old world", right next to the Auckland city-state.🤩 It was probably better that I did, because it meant my capital could be an entrepôt for my Traders early on for getting that +25% Tourism boost for sending out Trade Routes to foreign civs. I got a second city with a 5 adjacency Harbor on the continent, but otherwise laid claim to the "new world", which barring a few little cities stayed free of my rivals. Japan attacked me twice early on, but Toa and Crossbows kept Hojo at bay. The Ottomans took Sendai from Japan, and then went about racking up a miraculous by the AI standards 720 Science per turn by the time I finished the game, how'd he'd get that much? My science lagged and peaked at no more than 260 because I had only two Campuses in my entire empire.A Heroic Age of Wish You Were Here, Bodyguard of Lies, and To Arms! wrapped up the game for me. I was afraid of Suleiman winning the space race before I won, but my spies shut down the spaceport he was using for the projects, his repairing of it was lackadaisical, so he never launched the Moon Landing. Still, I built three Bombers with more coming and selected that To Arms! for a quick declaration of war and subsequent conquest if I had to go to that. He had a Jet Bomber and I think two Jet Fighters himself, highly unusual for the AI, how'd he in his confined area luck out on the Aluminum? Japan eventually lost from loyalty pressure the city of Fukuoka, and then had the unfortunate luck of four cities in a Dark Age surrounded by three neighbors in Golden/Heroic Ages. I acquired one of them, and while a second was leaning to join Indonesia, some Bread and Circus projects pressured them into joining me instead. Not even Kyoto could resist so Japan disappeared off the map, though it and the tiny 3 Pop city next to it didn't join me because I finished the game too soon. Although the Marae are actually rather weak Tourism generators, you need 8 tiles of features and Flight researched to get the effects of one filled Amphitheater, Kupe doesn't have to sacrifice anything for National Parks, I likely had 10 or more of them, one city alone had four. I nabbed both Great Merchants with the +25% Tourism for Trade Routes boosts, one bought with a hefty lump sum of faith, which was no issue because I ended the game with 700 Faith per turn. I never made a Rock Band though, for I wanted to wait for the Hallyu Policy, which I unlocked on my last turn, and I didn't run the +Tourism policies for Art/Artifact tourism because I was using Theocracy as my government and didn't want to remove Republican Legacy for the amenities or the double Harbor adjacency policies for the extra gold and production. This was fun. I like being a builder and I did a lot of it, I got this entirely out of my system for now. Not sure what to play next. With the Age of Calamity announcement, maybe I should return to Breath of the Wild? I never took on any Divine Beast, though my second user profile's file can't screenshot the game for some reason.
  18. Wells that happily ideal -for now. Now if only Khazaria existed in your game (assuming its elite did convert to Judaism). That'd the full Abrahamic unification against the true heathens of Tengrism. --- *Notices there are PSP versions of Warriors Orochi 1 and 2* Hmm... They were also released on PS2 and Xbox 360. I ponder how good the PSP ports were then. However, it's my chance to play as the Dynasty cast in their pre-DW7&8 incarnations, which I'm curious about.
  19. Mongols? They're not until the 1200s. What happened here? And why would the Byzantines side with the Abbasids? They should know the Mongols are led by Prester John.
  20. Next Monday, McConnell will have a bag of flour approved for the job. The courts are doomed. And this could win Trump a contested election in the end.
  21. PoR Double Bow was exclusive to Snipers, Astrid can have it three years later, except then she'd come with Gen 1 BST too because RD Astrid is bad. She does come with an Iron Longbow in her RD version, and Longbows of Iron/Steel/Silver qualities is unique to RD. You could toss her a Silver Longbow or "Damiell Longbow" to throw her family's name on it on her, that'd be sufficiently distinctive. I'd have liked it if Shinon had come with one of the higher-end RD crossbows- Taksh, Aqqar, or Arbalest, but that'd be a wee too much effort for the animations deviating from a standard bow for a non-spectacular weapon
  22. Sothe's old outfit is based on his PoR clothes, though not identical.: I'd like to think the idea was he's simply outgrown what he wore in the Mad King's War. No excuse for the midriff in the new outfit, unless all Yune's magic did was mutate the fabric he was wearing but let's not try to create a logic for promotions, otherwise we're left wondering where Eliwood's horse came from. And regarding the promotion attire, in Japan, translated... Micaiah: “It really suits you. This costume.” Sothe: “Are you sure…?” Micaiah: “Mmm-hmm.” Does Micaiah like male midriffs? No qualms with that, you can act like a saint and dress like one (or however you'd describe Micaiah's actions and personality), doesn't mean you can't have some eros. Why should casanovas and femme fatales have a monopoly on known lust in FE? On a separate note, Ashera and Yune aren't called the Goddesses of Order and Chaos in Japanese. You can read about it here. The point is, the Japanese is difficult to translate, and the intent of the localization was to translate with the spirit of the Japanese- two goddesses who are of opposite traits, but which should be in harmony in oneself and the world at large.
  23. Sorry, I thought there was one, I read some people had played one. For some basic gameplay footage in place of that.: All battle areas (barring the occasional enemy in non-battle areas) are circular, you can run in one direction and end up where you started a few seconds later. Hence the name "Odin Sphere", the Odin half is there mostly to emphasize the Norse aspect to some of the story, though Odin himself is an important character. Besides Gwendolyn seen in the first half of this video and Oswald as shown in the second half, there are three other playable characters, Cornelius, Mercedes, and Velvet, each with their own separate story. Progression in this game goes Chapter Intro-Location filled with battles and rest areas between them-Boss Plot-Boss Battle-Chapter Conclusion.
  24. The artwork there is better than is ingame, considering you can't see it all at once once you're on it. Your normal entrance is the mouth, the insides of the whale being your usual caves. Eventually you come out and onto one of the fins, where you can access the whale from on holidays via a beanstalk at the lake once you've visited this section. Then you head onto the backside, working from the rear to the front, where you go inside the castle. This isn't too enormous and is certainly not all open world-ish or invoking a sense of exploration. It's quaint and gently Romantic, leaves one wondering who made it, but thats it. I forget exactly how much is optional, but I think you need only go to the rear of the whale to see the giant tree twice, The castle itself and the giant kraken boss inside it is not mandatory. Actually the whale could speak, not that it said or did much. The plot of Frontier is very thin and very relaxed. Although technically part of the premise was the villain was trying to drain the rune energy from the whale for its nefarious purposes, which at the same time would make the whale as a side effect fall out of the sky, not that the half-note villain was intending to do that.
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