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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. That is just how the system works. The term "proof" originates from mixing spirits with gunpowder, if the gunpowder could still be lit after having the spirit dampen it, then the alcohol content was "proved". Also, at one point in Russian history, the government controlled vodka production. When rumors began spreading the government was diluting the vodka, which may have had some truth to them, the people rioted and the government monopoly was afterwards broken.
  2. I'm not sure if they'd ever give out real serious rewards like that for Theatrerhythm Fire Emblem, since you need reflexes for it, unlike every other mode. Then again, if the rewards were obtainable on the easiest settings, then maybe it'd be okay. But then it sort of defeats the point of attaching to the mode I guess. ...And I'm overthinking it now.
  3. This will lock Corrin's Heart class, but Sorcerer!Izana. I've been curious about his Nostanking potential.
  4. Oh I'm not. I was simply pointing out DP is not a perfect piece of evidence to use. He neither confirms nor denies how the new Echo Fighters will play out. I was taking the more cynical avenue in the last sentence there, but it doesn't have to be so.
  5. It's possible yes, but Brad Pitt happened to have been in Smash 4 with his differing Final Smash. So while he has been turned now into an Echo, he wasn't exactly beforehand. Daisy and other new characters will be Echoes from the get go, there won't have anything unique to lazily pass on to them.
  6. Do we even know if Echo Fighters will be getting alternate Final Smashes? Seems like a lot of work for a more detailed glorified palette swap. I'm going to severely doubt it until the contrary.
  7. The fuss is an aura of mystery, taboo, and other stuff which has been cast around it. Some literary and artistic minds in the 1800s and early 1900s loved it, including the eccentric Oscar Wilde. Then you had French winemakers, who were severely overreacting to the growth of the absinthe industry in France in the same time period roughly, enacting a propaganda campaign to brand it as EVIL and extremely toxic. Thus, the spirit got wrongly banned for several decades in some European countries. And what is forbidden takes on an allure which may defy its real quality. Like Cuban cigars, I heard once Castro nationalized the cigar industry, the actual quality suffered, but in the US because of the whole trade embargo with Cuba, the cigars being contraband made them more reputable than they presently should be in the US. And then there is the art of absinthe with that green color, the slow pouring in of water over a sugar cube that causes it to get all foggy. And the optional, and very much against the spirit's flavor's best interests actually, setting it on fire.
  8. I like XD, I just think that Colosseum was a bit stronger in its feel, that and I didn't like how XD got rid of The Under- I liked that place! Although neither game did I actually complete as a kid, and I only have XD now to compare with, Colosseum was sadly sold by a scumbag leech of relative after their host died, and the host just so happened to have my Colosseum copy. If I ever find a computer that I can use for emulation, I would probably run Colosseum on it just to replay it in full this time, made it as far as Lady Venus. I've tried my own hand at a Orre fanfic, a rewriting of both Orre games set at the same time, parallel to my Kanto-Johto Saga, with an emphasis more on the Colosseum crew than the XD one. Orre, outside of Agate, Mt. Battle, and Professor's Krane's lab (which alongside Mt. Battle now have towns with them just to add a few more human residences to the region) have been conquered by Cipher completely. Evice takes care of internal Orre affairs, while Greevil leads the Cipher Expansionary Force aboard from Citadark to Johto and Kanto. At first glance, I thought it was the singular or something of putti, in which case, no! That is digustingly criminal! Just a steamed rice cake? Sure. I'm perfectly open to trying rice cakes. And now for a question: Why do Mixologists have a title that sounds far cooler and scientific than their job actually is?
  9. Agreed. Just not Masked Marth, because they would be a horrid pull for anyone who doesn't like them owing to no natural skills. Mostly everyone else who isn't Seasonal or really recent, like Canas (even his stats are quite bad), yes.
  10. Very much so. If I've been on the Internet too much in a day, it makes it harder for me to play certain games, namely JRPGs with actual plots. In fact, that genre I'm so finicky with my mood and atmosphere for, that I progress through them so slowly much for that reason. EO I can play anytime, but something where story matters I need to clear my head and get immersed for a nice long while. I certainly can't play them portable in noisy public.
  11. Micaiah would probably have met Sephiran and been kept in the Tower against her will unless Sephiran truly relented on seeing her protest otherwise. She would remain there and survive Ashera's second judgement. That the BK can't chat with Sanaki in the same chapter and express the same sentiment is probably to keep Sephiran being the one trying to keep them alive a secret. The Herons it too seemed like Sephiran suggested that, given they are so heavily aligned with Order, they might have had a chance of avoiding such a fate as not chaotically flawed beings needing to be expunged from existence. Or they might not have. I'm not so sure.
  12. Isn't it seasonal? I remember reading when seeing Pikachu had a Pokemon Shuffle artist variant, that it was inspired by some saying in Japan "The Fall of the Arts". Which to me suggests that Performing Arts, ran in the Fall, was wholly Seasonal in nature, it was just lost on us non-Japanese.
  13. Good to know, and a positive step with them. Towel I assume is folded on head like for a guy bathing in an onsen and not around the waist? Since fitting one around the waist would be difficult given the width of differing characters, heads stay the same. To have something to play with when in the bathtub. Not exactly sure why they caught on though as opposed to other things. Alternatively, to test the durability and buoyant properties of rubber. Apparently a container ship carrying rubber duckies once sank off the coast of Alaska, one rubber ducky was found washed up in Scotland, fifteen years later. The eyes have built in cameras that let Feh see the combat from a first person perspective up and close and intense, without actually having to get hurt.
  14. So the Datamine... And while this is too early to say, random thought, what do you think the rate of accessory additions is going to be? Glacial like they forgot about the feature? They haven't added any new ones yet right? Or will come September, if that is when 3.0 drops, they'll during Viva La CYL2 Celebratione! add a couple then? Then I'd love to see you rage, cry, and laugh at the really bad gaming stuff, if a lone comma is enough to infuriate you.
  15. I wasn't intending to be stern or anything, just a little kind possible advice for their sake to avoid a little reprimand, I wasn't trying to reprimand them myself. I know better than not to be the rules police when it isn't my actual job- I learned that sometime in my mandatory schooling when I WAS that at times, to ill-effect for myself more than the people I tended to police. Still, perhaps it is for the best I just let the mods come in and do as they must without others getting a little, intended to be friendly, heads up. The only heads up they need if any, can be said to be that code of conduct always viewable at all times. *Sigh* While I wouldn't love it, giving Rolf a super trappy appearance, with a matching unbroken voice VA- Actually no, change that thought, I'm not willing to THAT far to get him in. They really missed an opportunity when they didn't do a FEW-themed banner with Bolt Axe Lissa, Moonlight Elise, and Spellbane Yumi Sakura; Peerless Sisters would have been a fun banner. The TT could have gone to whoever. And I hope they do choose a good club for Rinkah, would be disappointed if she got a physical axe. Armors, like axers, tend to be male, sometimes old, and with boring personalities that don't have any appeal. Which is why FEW probably had no playable armors- nobody really stood out in this category, and adding Effie would likely mean a parallel Hoshidan addition in the form of Hana or Subaki. Draug is only in because he is the first, and he was in the initial FEH release, unlike say Gwendolyn or Effie, he never would have otherwise made it in. Dolph and Macellan might as well not exist as characters, Roger hardly less so. Lorenz, Hannibal, Xavier, Douglas, Tauroneo, and Horace are all old traitors. Tauroneo is an actually good character, but is just too old on the surface to be real popular. Xavier has the World's Most Infamous Recruitment, but Thracian obscurity dooms him (as it does Dalsin). Wallace has zest, but is also old. Bors, Barthe, Oswin, Gilliam- all boring. Gatrie- well as an outgoing philanderer he is different, but sadly for him, Tellius has so many better choices for additions. Brom- again, old, and FAT! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Only Duke Tanas is memely beautiful and of volume (Arden also got in on memes), Brom is certainly not. Meg might be fat, but she is a girl, which makes all the difference. Sadly though, she is a Sword Armor, so no new Lance here. Kellam is one of the worst cases of Awakening making a character around a lone gimmick, I can't see him being very popular. Kjelle? She is female, Lance, and from Awakening, but just how popular is she amongst the kids, I don't think she is particularly well-loved for some reason (although she does have some drunk homoerotic lines with Severa or something I do remember if they really want to pander her character). Benny, maybe he has some popularity? I'd like him as a mixed wall by the way. But his son Ignatius I believe was in one poll shown to be the least popular Fates child. Garcia is too old and masculine. Caellach as GHB sounds feasible, but I'm feeling Selena Fluorspar would be the next SS one. Ross is young, and a trainee, that should mean a good deal of popularity, not to mention he was great as a Berserker. SS already has its outmost popular layer in: the royals of Magvel, plus Myrrh, Amelia, Seth, Lute, Marisfu, and Valter. There are still more girls than SoV has left to add, but not too many and none too popular, SS's next banner, sans Gleipnirika 2- Laton'archel, will have to be male dominated. Ross stands a decent chance of getting in here. Or, they can take the rather popular Greil-ish figure of Gerik and pull a Raven on him and throw him an Axe, his Con was so massive (11/13 in Japan, 13/15 in International) that he was even more than Raven a primary Axe user on promotion.
  16. Only three non-limited availability Lance Cavs? For all they break many FEs, natural Cavs on the whole are lacking in FEH in popularity. For all their gameplay goodness, are their personalities and appearances just lacking? Othin/Orsin/Osian/Oceania/Ossification is not an Axe Cav, he is Fighter/Hero. Isadora, who was apparently the least popular FE7 PC on the old poll, would be a way of getting Axe Cav and a female. A little weird though, since a Steel Axe in FE7 inflicts -9 AS on her due to her tiny 6 Con, the minimum she suffers is -4 from Iron. Not at all a good thing when her durability is *achoo!*, oops, she is off to a first responder for treatment.
  17. Ranulf being a Cat isn't essential to why I like him. Is it neat to me? Yes and that he is a Cat and not Tiger is a way of saying he isn't the manliest around. But eh, at least he wears pants, Yarne and Panne being able to relieve themselves freely is the real issue with FE non-draconic shapeshifters. And @silveraura25 what a shame then. I don't want another banner for that when so many other games deserve it more, and it makes this summer even more junk than it already is for FEH additions to me. But...
  18. @silveraura25 And my hope is that 3.0, coinciding with CYL2's banner, is followed in the coming month or two by Strikers, consisting of Ranulf, Tibarn, Selkie, and somebody else. Going a full number update sounds to me like the perfect time to do the big thing of adding a brand new weapon type. Ranulf might be the bait I will finally bite on.
  19. Technically speaking, she is just sucking/licking her own power (assuming she didn't get the stone from somebody else, it being a popsicle means she maybe took it from a friendly ice dragon). While Child Tiki is a fragile creature whose mind and body could easily be crushed by the weight of her own immense power, a little absorption of it via the digestive tract must be bearable for her.
  20. Eclipse might not be happy with your exact choice of language, anything like "Am I the only one who..." did receive her criticism when the FE3H trailer was revealed. Not to minimod or anything. This said, the dearth of Axe Cav has been noticed plenty before. Only three of them in the standard pool, and one is the victim of a scrapped Jagen BST idea, so it amounts only to two viable standard picks. Not sure how Awkward Bunny Bulge and Garth are, but at least the latter was free to all. We don't have too many canon Axe Cavs we could add: Walhart, Kieran, Lex, Iuchar, Brighton, and Hicks. Duessel also has a high probability of being an axer, but he is not popular. Of these, only Walhart and maybe Kieran have any popularity. We do have all the GBA Cavs/Pallies, some of whom could go Axe since they can use them there, but none are too popular either.
  21. Technically speaking, a Dragonstone is just solidified draconic essence/magical energy, I don't think it necessarily needs to take a perfectly round form, but it's the simplest naturally I would hazard to guess. Provided the energy was distributed properly, or the Dragonstone was formed around the popsicle stick and it wasn't just shoved into it afterwards, there should be no issues. Although if it wasn't, the worry would be the stone being unstable in its power and potentially exploding, likely sending Tiki to... well Naga don't die, so I can't really say death for our little totem pole. A temporary Alterspire coma then.
  22. At least we have Seasonal Breath for the first time. Now IS can make the leap to Seasonal Breathing non-Manaketes. Trick or Defeat Delthea eating so much candy she turns into a dragon temporarily must happen. Call it a Dragonfruit Lolipop if you must. Why? Except you have what is called "a life", which otakus do not, and thus they can outdo your spending by several orders of magnitude. Having children to them is just burden that denies them 10 +10 5* Tikis for this month.
  23. T'would be more unique than another Bow Flier. But part of me wants the Bow Flier just to halfway include FEW Sakura and her Spellbane Yumi. I'd like a more RD-like Elincia alt as a Staff flier, but given Ike just got the same old Ragnell for his second self, and Armads keeps wielding Hector, Elincia would just get Amiti again or Better Amiti. Interesting you point that out now. Well Innes goes with Tana as Magvel reps. To call Takumi "male Camilla" is inaccurate, but he is highly popular, from Fates, and is apparently quite attractive to some female fans. Maybe for the same reasons Mitsunari Ishiida is so crazily loved in Samurai Warriors despite him being so acerbic. Also, Takumi already had a swimsuit self from Fates DLC, they didn't have to take an 15 minutes to invent one for him.
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