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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Agreed. And we still don't have a standard Charlotte. Despite normally summonable Axes being something that is really needing of new additions. Plus her outfit, whilst befitting of her gold digger character, is also quite fanservicey already, she has a seasonal's sex appeal sans the limited time only deal. Please no personal axe though, Fates didn't even have a generic -'s weapon in her name (I'll take Cluboma by the way, but only after Rinkah and Scarlet get in). Isn't having someone in a bikini already orb-pulling enough? Why do they also have to be brand spankin' nude to Heroes?
  2. Why do they invent things like -serpent, but then don't have plans for adding one of every color to the pool? It's like they're scatterbrained, leaping blindly from one idea to the next as it attracts their limited attention span. And how does not having any form of Blarwolf or Poleaxe in the standard pool benefit IS? You don't spend for TTs and GHBs. I guess an excuse for personal weapons is that it actually gives a character something that is genuinely unique to them, in a game where beyond BST distributions, everyone in a given color, weapon type, and class has little else definitively separating them. Of course this is undermined by certain skills, like DC, being frequent on personals, which undercuts the uniqueness of personal weapons. More inheritable weapons sounds better to me, and I don't mind characters being samey. Does Pokemon with its hundreds always do everything possible to avoid matching BST distributions, types, abilities, movesets, and making every Poke competitively balanced? Nope. Despite this, every Pokemon is treasured by someone and not worth excluding, not even you Stanley -er Stanler.
  3. So not a shitenno instance, well that makes it less generic in Japan. This makes it apparent to me that the localizing of "horse" to "rider", if not an outright error, was done to make things less awkward I think. Calling a group of humans the "Four Steadfast Horses of Daein" sounds really bizarre in English, and I'm not quite even sure how to joke about Gawain being a horse. "Rider" is an okay localization, but only okay, for several reasons. The first owing to the fact Cavalry classes exist in FE, and as I stated before, very few of the Riders ride horses. There is the second issue of the greater metaphor you point out being lost, since a rider does not necessarily drive a chariot. If we tried something more accurate to reflect on the greater metaphor, we could call them the "Four Steadfast Drivers of Daein", since they drive the chariot that is the kingdom. The problem here is that in modern parlance, "driver" automatically means driver of a car, and not even TMS featured cars! Suddenly, I can imagine the Black Knight putting the petal to the metal of his ebon armored BMW and sticking the Alondite out the driver side window and lopping someone's head off- ridiculous. Still, if I absolutely need someone drunk to drive me somewhere, Tauroneo, I think I'll trust my finite life with you. We could therefore make it clearer and localize it as "Four Steadfast Chariot Drivers of Daein", this makes the metaphor almost perfectly understood. But there are new issues. One, FE doesn't have chariots almost anywhere really, which is a little strange if suddenly we're calling people them. This is five titular words, all but one with multiple syllables, and an "of" tossed in, which is a little too long for me. A good title has to balance description with conciseness, which this choice lacks. I honestly don't know if there is a perfectly good way to handle the Japanese in English here. Direct translation I don't like, and the obvious localization choices are just as flawed. Levail was present, you just didn't notice him because he was laying flat beneath Zelgius, keeping the lone remaining true knight of Begnion's boots from getting muddy. He's a just a Zelgius fanboy ultimately, but not a terrible character. As for Lekain, given he is the villain that drives Sephiran off the edge into "Life is hopeless suffering, Ashera is going to nuke it all later, so let's just get it over with now out of pity", his absence is odd. Plus Astrid needs her arranged husband, he's only 50 you know, still suave and young. When the time comes for Yune's Blessings, he MUST have Ragnell equipped to bless it, for the sake of the Ashera kill later. But I think it is perfectly possible to swap after the blessing is applied to anything you want, like a Wyrmslayer.
  4. Ah yes, his Ashnard battle conversation: Ashnard is so wonderfully talkative, as is every not-Ashera final boss in RD. I wish the more recent games had as many conversations. As for Tauroneo's title, his RD title is "Steadfast Rider", he is the only surviving Four Steadfast Rider, or any Four Rider at all, at the end of RD. Then again, Mist and Soren had their titles changed from their RD ending ones, so who knows? @Ice Dragon Quick question, is "Steadfast Rider" a localization of "Shitenno" here? If so, I can see NoA opted to go for a Biblical equivalent of the Four Heavenly Kings, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are sometimes used in an epic adjectival form like the Shitenno. But the issue that arises from this choice is "Rider" applies only to half of the Ashnard Four Riders (Bertram and Petrine, BK and Bryce are Generals), and maybe Lanvega (we have no idea), one out of the Four Steadfast Riders (the other three being two Generals and a Hero) rode anything. Thus the term "Rider" is a little odd. Wonder what else NoA might have considered calling them- if the Japanese is Shitenno at all.
  5. On the EOV front, after the rough start, the 3rd Stratum wasn't so bad. The day-night hazard mechanics were interesting, but it made me feel sort of limited, despite the ease of obtaining long-lasting Guard Soles, towards doing my serious adventuring at night. The Stratum boss was a complete and utter joke, I seriously thought there might be more after killing it because it was so easy. Took the first few turns taking out its protective goons with Poison Bomb and some attacks to move to the frontline so I could pound away on it. Once it moved up, I had some Overexertion, High Ground, and Armor Pierce applied. Then I in a single turn Cursed and Chain Blasted it (sadly the Curse wore off before it died), after which I went whole hog, dealing 5-hit Leading Blows and Petal Scatters under the effects of Overexertion, plus Frigid Reap. This, as I discovered earlier in the Stratum vs. its FOEs, is my team's bread and butter big bad offense. The boss died so helplessly it never even breathed life into its backline goons (still got their codex entries though). The next Stratum- I appreciated the aesthetic changeover. I also appreciated how easy Amrita farming is going to be should I ever need it (and my Merciful Healer could reasonably pop some when I've crippled my enemy- they have no offense). What I didn't appreciate was the usual difficulty spike upon arrival to a new Stratum, be it the super fast vanishing strikers, the party-wide sleep, or the elemental attacks. It was all so cruel, but I do love my EO and I am driven ever deeper into Yggdrasil. The difficulty will let up a bit as I adjust to the Stratum anyhow. EOV's difficulty is pretty insane. Because it fits EO's general theme (a labyrinth that is as dangerous as it's fascinating.), and because the game design is a real delight.. I had a Dragon, but an offensive version, and a team based on Chains, which makes winning random battles easier. My second team, months from now, is actually going to be a Chain team. My first attempt at a Chase/Link/Chain team, that is the most logical option for a Fencer-Dragoon-Rover-Warlock-Shaman group. Should be fun, interested to see where it will fail and succeed compared to my Pugi-Harb-Masu-Bot-Necro team, I'll miss the Poison and the Binds, that is for sure, but I'll have Dragoon damage reductions and much superior elemental coverage to compensate. I'm in total agreement the postgame is just awful. There isn't even a lore explanation for the Dark Aeons or Penance, they just exist. And why does that Monster Arena not open wayyyy sooner (just include a save point warp there feature) and why does it need so many monster copies? Which is why I'm never going to attempt all that meaningless superboss filth, there is a limit to how much I'll do to fight a superboss, too much of grind, and I won't waste my time. I felt the game was good for its era. It does get MASSIVELY overhyped though as a classic, and this negatively affects the game's actual playability I think, since people come in expecting it to be greatest thing ever and are disappointed when it is less than this. Same with FFVII, and X, and VI, and XC, and OoT, and... . Hype is EVIL! I really should try something like Lost Sphear which claims to be inspired by CT and compare it with CT side by side on as much objective-ish criteria as I can. Wouldn't surprise me if someone did an LP or some other log trying this. I'd want to get this little argument out fo the way. Despite having the game guide for it, I never discovered those special recruits existed until I found out about them online. There is one with the Ultima skill for each race I remember, which given the rarity of Materia weapons and the 999 AP grind, that is significant. I also kind of fondly look back on how awesome stealing was in that game, since new abilities were locked to equips and a lot of weapons and armor were unbuyable, packing Sleep or Stop and stealing anything and everything of value (Steal: Weapon was hard to find early, but Steal: Ability I think was able to take it from someone much sooner than a Swordbreaker was available) made things so much better. The Law system got out of hand later on, and class balance wasn't perfect, but overall I loved the game as a kid. Too slow for me now though.
  6. I'll vouch for flipping Archanea, to be precise, a very alternate version of Mystery. Medeus wakes in the darkness, laying on the hard, cold floor of the Dragon's Table, his naked body is covered in scars, it aches with awful pains. His head is a quagmire of hate and painful confusion and delusion. Memories flash by of his recent slaying by a blue haired prince, the descendant of Anri and just like him, that blindingly glimmering blade made of that lying defeatist Naga's fang in his hands, it feels like, and for a dragon who lives so long, was only yesterday to him. A voice then resounds through the vast chamber, it is Gharnef's. Speaking as if he acknowledges Medeus as his master, Gharnef tells Medeus to wait, he brought him back after his own resurrection, but he is very weak, he will go and bring the sustenance he needs to him. Once he has it, then he will have the strength to devour the world once more. The voice stops, leaving at Medeus's feet a purple robe with which to cover his bare flesh. Medeus crawls momentarily, and then stands and collects his bearings. He knows where he is, for he sees around him, all looking at him, are his fellow dragons, all feral. In him, they place they hope, their future, their desire to see humanity undone and Dragonkind returned. He lacks the strength to as much as transform, simply walking is a chore at the moment, and that in such a place conducive to draconic power. Gharnef told him to wait, but he knows better. He spoke as a servant, but he acts as a master. However Gharnef may strengthen him, it will be done such that the strengthening will put him forever into the Dark Pontifex's shackles. Gharnef is the worst in man, to be alive but his slave is no better than to die forever to the self-righteous Anri. Although it burdens his very bones, he will leave the Dragon's Table, alone for his feral kind lack the mental fortitude to travel with purpose far, and do what must be done. Faced with impossible odds- Altea led by that vile prince, Archanea under the control of Gharnef's new pawn Hardin, and the rest of the continent in shambles including his Dolhr, how will Medeus rise up and restore the rule and sanity of Dragonkind? He must act fast, before Gharnef reduces to his pet for eternity and before Gotoh and Marth catch wind of his return and brandish the Falchion upon him once more. ...Not sure if there is anyone out there who would be willing to support Medeus. Sounds like this would make for a poor FE game therefore; but as a beat 'em up? The Shadow Dragon Rises™ might have potential. Harness with Medeus the power of Fire, Ice, Mage, Wyvern (Wind), Water (those SoV Dagons are hereby Archanean canon), Earth, and Shadow! Nintendo's new nitty-gritty realism antihero(?). *For X price, you can buy the Alterworld DLC. Completion of this unlocks the Astral Stone for Medeus, letting him use the power of the dragons that pervade the multiverse in a new moveset.
  7. Sounds like if they fixed Tina's Thief Staff use, things would be significantly better. Could still cheese via Perne warp recruitment, but you wouldn't have to put up with having a rare staff you'd want to use broken by an enemy. It wouldn't take a lot to fix the Thief Staff either, just invent a new chest and shove it in there right next to her. And speaking of rare staffs breaking on enemy get to this chapter in the first place, don't you have to capture and recruit a guy packing Sleep? Call him the warm up for this? Also, just to say what is actually in those chests, I count a Knight Crest, a Dracoshield (Shield Ring- same thing), and a Charge manual. By the way, a different reinforcement Dancer from the Knight Crest one packs a Warp Staff. So if you burn two uses- one on Safy and another on Lara, you get a net Warp gain of +1 use, at worse, if you need to spend another on getting Troude, then your Warp consumption is neutral here. They appear on turn 30 to be precise.
  8. I would say I like Randal the most. Purely gameplay reasons. He is like a second Mathilda, except with less Luck, can come earlier, and he can be on Celica's route instead, which is great since Conrad joins awfully late. Paladins are never not worth having, even with all the desert and marsh. Shade is the second best, since Physic is great. Rescue a bit later is good too. Emma has flight and Terror utility, and her growths are good, but her bases are poor for a Falcoknight. Still, might find some use with Celica, and everyone loves her Trainee Lance. Yuzu has great offensive bases and great growths, but the combination of a terrible spell selection (no Excalibur when it is named after a legendary sword and this girl is obsessed with learning the way of the sword?), and being stuck as a Priestess. She uses a melee weapon, but is stuck with the horrible Mov of a Knight and doesn't have the durability of one. Yuzu really needs to be Pitchforked to Peg or Cav to excel. Just one problem- EVERYONE gets a bit broken when you Pitchfork them, and Yuzu is nothing particularly special in this regard.
  9. Nope, the Taiping was the one I had in mind. And one of the scriptures I'm aware he dropped was the passage concerning the Lott and his daughters incest, which is admittedly one of the stranger passages which someone might want to change even if they truly believed, or at least acknowledge as divine and then try to forget about. Of course outright changing it is a matter very different from interpreting the passage differently, since interpretation is a matter of determining exactly what God by meant by something, a deletion is ignoring and getting rid of God's word entirely. Still, reading God's Chinese Son, the book never quite explains how Hong went from a handful of wack followers to having an army threatening the very fabric of the Qing state. (This wasn't the first time a cult threatened the empire, the Yellow Turbans (Daoists- Islam was still over three centuries from being born) as any Three Kingdoms fan knows began the final demise of the Han and they too had an army.) Once his cult in full blossom it portrays him as your typical cult leader quite well, but how he went from delusional failed exam student to successful (for a time) cult leader is a gap in the work, insofar as I remember reading it. And I'm going to be rereading for the next few months, as my Master's Degree is going to depend partly on it. As for the stupid question, because you want to emphasize the nightmarish difficulty of that experience. Whether it is a coping mechanism intended to help treat any trauma associated with the nail-biting experience. Or a desire to see your suffering justified via hoping spreading it your achievement on the Internet will earn you applause for it, a small measure of vanitas perhaps. Or you simply love the game. Reflect on these possibilities and yourself. And now mine. Will Pokemon ever bring back the Orre region, with Wes the badass (XD ain't the same without him)?
  10. No, we'll hear the bells ringing on the commandoes. Since they've all taken after a certain Southeast Asian society of old where the men pierced bells onto their seedbags. Because you love the games so much you subconsciously evangelize about them. Nothing exactly wrong with that. How did a thrice-failed exam student who thought himself Jesus's little brother end up being responsible for a civil war that killed millions of Chinese?
  11. I'm thinking they'll stick with Jugdral, since phonetically it can be pronounced the same as Ygg-dra-sil. Changing things to Yggdral would be more accurate, but not all references are of the same level of distortion in FE. Fates gave us Silesse, Agustria, Verdane, Leonster, Belhalla, and Thracia, despite IRL (and myth for Belhalla) these places being named Silesia, Austria, Verdun, Leinster, Valhalla, and Thrace. Macedon, or Medon as NoE calls it, as supposed to be Macedonia. And Elibe is supposed to be Elbe- despite FE7 getting Ostia, Etruria, and Bern all spelled correctly.
  12. By "since with FEH" I meant its own Norse additions, like Folkvangr, Geirskogul, Fensalir, Noatun, Elivagar, Valaskjalf. They also translated the Crusader who Arvis descends from as Fjalar, despite calling her Val or Fala would be more digestible. I wasn't meaning FEH will add Yots/Jorg anytime soon, I'm fully aware Thracia at the current rate would be very very very lucky to at the end of FEH's lifespan to have one third of its roster included.
  13. Well Fates gave us Ginnungagap, something I only know how to pronounce since it is the final dungeon of ToS: DotW. If they're willing to give us such a funky Norse name, and they had before with Fimbulvetr, and since with FEH, I'm certain Jormungandr will gets its full name in translation.
  14. Wouldn't it be Jormungandr? The Norse World Serpent eating the horizon. Anywho, on aesthetic grounds I prefer tomes and spells to physical weapons, particularly pre-3DS, which had lackluster animations for the most part compared to what came before it. Although I will say I like the gold and silver contrast of Ragnell and Alondite, and the holy-dark-eastern/neutral trio of the Tyrfing, Mystletainn, and Balmung. Also, the Poleaxes and Greatlances of RD are cool.
  15. Ease of recognizability I think, no other sign is shaped that way. In addition: Squares are for squares and are never paid attention to. Triangles are just plain weird. Pentagonal signs increase traffic accidents by 666% percent. Hexagonal signs are for squares as well. Heptagons are the forgotten child of the -gon world. Nonagons and Decagons and all thereafter just leave one asking "why not use a circle?", and circles lack the strength to get the attention that a sign with ANGLES gets. Rectangles, Rhombuses, Trapezoids and the like were banned from the sign world after a bloody mass rebellion by the International League of Mathematicians tried to include them. If there is a group of assassins who set out to kill the co-protagonists of FE3H, will they be called the House Hunters?
  16. Is it okay to Aum this topic? Because Matthew and Hector BHB appears to me to be based on FE7 Chapter 11 Hector Mode: Another Journey: It is also worth pointing out this chapter only has Matthew and Hector playable, starting in the upper right corner. The Hector Legendary Hero Battle looks like another FE7 Sands of Time (Chapter 29E/31H)/FE6 Chapter 8: Reunion reference:
  17. Calculations, note I fear my results aren't accurate, so test them yourself to make sure. Constants: level 10 unpromoted enemy, level 1 promoted player unit. Blazing Sword: Experience from doing damage = [31 + (enemy’s Level + enemy’s Class bonus A) – (Level + Class bonus A)] / Class power [31 + (10 + 0) - (1 + 20)]/3 (the class power of almost all classes) = 6 EXP Shadow Dragon: Battle Experience (Preliminary) Property Calculation Level difference = (enemy’s Level + enemy’s Class bonus) – (Level + Class bonus) Experience from doing no damage = 0 Experience from damaging enemy = 10 [if Level difference = 0, -1 or -2] = (31 + Level difference ) / 3 [if Level difference > 0] = (33 + Level difference ) / 3 [if Level difference < -2] Level difference = (10 + 0) - (1 + 15) = -6 (33 + -6)/3 = 9 EXP And this isn't considering kill EXP. Even so, you're looking at 1.5 times the EXP gain just for hitting a foe. For a non-boss kill... (using the same two constants and the damage values from above)
  18. None actually. I tended more to entertain with my mannerisms then I attracted taunts, though I can't tell whether it was laughing with or at, not that I really cared at all. And there are other reasons too, which I won't get into detail with. As for the beer discussion, I've made clear before I don't drink, but I would be willing to try a dip in one of those warm beer hot tubs once. Sure they sound like a tourist trap, and I sincerely doubt they do anything for one's physical wellbeing, but why not? I'd just hope nobody would try to dunk me under or splash me to try to get me to drink. Also, an inquiry of mine own, who here likes the beach? I would say I do. Except for the blazing sun, that I don't like. And I don't like getting sand over my feet either. Nor being encrusted in wet and salty seawater, or encased in sunscreen. And I happen to get a strong whiff of that saline air, my sinuses become a salt lick. It can also be a bit bothersome if the wind is too strong. It isn't great if it is too crowded or noisy. Jellyfish can be another, minor problem that impacts the experience from time to time. I'm not one of those people who can sit and read or use an electronic at the beach either, there are too many little distractions and impediments. So then, what do I like about the beach? Maybe an offseason walk in shoes. Or maybe a visit to see the sunrise when it is cool and empty. I think I actually like the idea of the beach more then I do the reality of it. An opposite weather situation, snow, is the same way with me. I love the falling and the sparkling pure white blanket that endures for the first two days, but the shoveling, cold, cabin fever, ice, and wetness of walking through it are all disagreeable.
  19. Using the Internet, and to be precise Wikipedia: Argentina[edit] Croissants are commonly served alongside coffee for breakfast or merienda, a light mid-morning or mid-afternoon meal. They are referred to as medialunas ("half moons") because of their shape and are typically coated with a sweet glaze (medialunas de manteca, "half moons of butter"). Another variant is a medialuna de grasa("half moon of lard"), which is not always sweet. For my own can't stop eating treats. I tend to get a little addiction to those red sugar coated jelly hearts when they come become available in January until just short of Valentine's Day. I have to restrict myself with those to just two plastic containers' worth, and to like four or five hearts at once. I consider my addiction to them to be derived from being a Legend of Zelda fan, gotta have my hearts. (And on that note, my ears are slightly pointed, they could be one evolutionary step in the course of several hundred towards Hylian ears I joke.) Also, I could really go for some hazelnut gelato and toasted coconut ice cream. The first tastes just like this hazelnut cake I really like, and the second just like a slice of coconut cake. ...And now I want carrot cake for breakfast too. Carrot cake is a giant muffin technically speaking after all- I therefore consider it worthy of the breakfast table, like oatmeal cookies. And there is nothing wrong with putting cookie butter on waffles.
  20. I'm torn between having Asbel rip his face off, and doing the "better" thing and actually recruiting him if they actually go ahead with Michalis'ing him. As for a Deliverance-esque DLC. Hmm... It'd only work for like one battle I'd think, but I might have an idea. Isn't it said somewhere Reinhardt, or at least Ishtar, is working against the child hunts? "In secret defiance of Grannvale's imperial will, Ishtar tasks Reinhardt with rescuing a group of children destined to dragged off to Behalla where their souls shall be taken. To avoid being found out, Reinhardt moves in swiftly at night, without a single of his standard soldiers besides him (maybe Olwen and Fred). Instead, Reinhardt has recruited an assortment of mercenaries and other dubious individuals to accomplish his task." Who is in that menagerie I'm not sure. But we could toss in Lifis, the Dandelion bandits, Shiva, Ralph, Galzus da beast (to be fair, Reinhardt already should make the map easy enough, what could Galzus possibly do to break it more?). If we leave out the Dandelions and need a healer, well Sleuf can be drawn there motivated by some divine force, or Sara can be going on a midnight stroll. Sans Sara, and Reinhardt himself, Homer could be drunk and out by happenstance there, Rein will just whip him into assisting for the moemnt. Or how about the Magi Squad? Then again, give the Magi Squad their own separate DLC battle, and the Dandelions one too. I'm sure there is another group or two that could also use a sidestory battle.
  21. I'm guessing Zelda 1 Zelda if game is finished with the Blue Ring equipped (her dress will always match Link's tunic, so red with Red Ring, green with no ring obtained) Or A Link to the Past Zelda. Her actual Blue alt is too dark to be referencing either of these.
  22. I'm of a mind that this topic has a sizable probability of degenerating into wanton character bashing and thus getting locked. Then again, the Unpopular Opinions one never was. Amongst my least favorites would be Ilyana- RD made some effort to make less one dimensional, but she still ultimately is. Anna following what Awakening did to her is also a least favorite of mine. Excellus has recently joined the group owing to his okama nature. RD Oliver is IS inventing its own meme, and while I do get a kick from some of his lines, I ultimately disapprove of any and all memes coming into contact with FE.
  23. It is going to be weird when FE5 gets an international remake or they could just perpetuate the FE12 mistake, and everyone who has played FEH goes "where is Reinhardt?" and come to realize that for whatever importance he has, he is not all he is cracked up to be. Same to smaller extents with Ursula and Karla. Eliwood with Aureola sounds like he's joined the priesthood, wouldn't be totally out of character for him, he has a personality that works for a monk. And they could base his outfit on this FE7 epilogue appearance, it is priestly white enough: And I could totally see Eliwood with Maltet, not like anyone important in FE6 has much to do with it.
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