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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Overall, it a good not overly dramatic boss battle theme, the scattered bits of pseudo-intercom talk is fitting given this is for Gear battles. 7.8/10 Throne of Creation- the final battle theme from the original Etrian Odyssey (also available in Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl if BGM Style is to "Old"). Note that for those interested in the game, do not look at the rest of the soundtrack- certain track names have spoilers in them. Don't look at the comments either of course.
  2. Who is riding her? Every horse needs a rider. Casual phrasing makes for a bit of casual fun. My logic exactly! That and like grandma's cookies, having swimsuited characters around all the time ruins the Feel the Magic XX/XY too. Half off summoning for 20 full sets? Some sort of temporary discount provided it doesn't kill profits might be a solution.
  3. And I'll post it again, we have 37 virtually guaranteed future Axe additions to the standard summoning pool. Plus about 30 more potential additions, although I'd realistically expect only 1/3-1/2 of them going Axe. The major issue with almost all of them is they are male. And they are often old, and often burly- traits that don't appeal to the low hanging Orbs never to be used not on pixels and pictures on those money-wastin' otakus. Although to be fair, they aren't exactly appealing even to non-otakus. However, there are a couple who don't fit the profile of being brainless and or ugly and or old men, and yet none of these select few have been added yet. The list: Must have bought their sunscreen from the world of Xenoblade Chronicles, for some reason over there it offers high Ether Defense.
  4. Drops in the Metroidvania games were on the whole generally too low a rate despite how limited in usefulness many of them are. And if you want to talk bad, the Circle of the Moon DSS Cards- they're such a part of the combat system, but all but the first two are randomly dropped by enemies. And CoM doesn't even have a shop, so if you want more potions and other healing items, you just have to repetitively kill enemies. Random drops do make sense to a degree. Perhaps in most cases the Death Fish's body was too badly injured to have safe-to-eat harvestable meat in a lot of cases? If you smash too many internal organs while killing a buffalo or deer IRL, the contents of those ruptured innards will quickly spoil the meat. And maybe that particular purely hypothetical Stone Scorpion didn't emit during its life enough of the excretions to make a Stone Jewel. Random drops are easy to program, and they can easily be balanced. Guaranteed drops can work as well, but you better make sure the game has an item storage and management system suited for that. Conditional drops are a neat alternative, Etrian Odyssey has a lot of these, but do it all the time for everything and players will be at a total loss as to what you need to do for what with so many drops to memorize the conditions of. Plus not all conditional drops are bound to be easy, I'm looking at you Curse Damage Kill on the Hollow Queen! EO does have Formaldehydes (guarantees all drops on the turn the Formaldehyde is used) to compensate though- yet these aren't necessarily easy to farm and you better pack several just in case the enemy clings on by like 10 HP on the turn you pop the Formaldehyde (thanks EOU Blizzard King!).
  5. Why would you actively seek out a guy in the first place? Why not be lesbian instead? The question here is what would be the thing that most indicated heterosexuality? A literal interpretation would say to be as hetero as possible, you would have to go for the guy. However, if we base things on who you are attracted to and you know your body swap is a temporary state of being, then deep down you are still a cisgender male attracted to females. And therefore to "prove" your heterosexuality, you would go for the girl instead, the difference in plumbing being a superficial matter. If you happen to be stuck in your new female form forever, which needn't be the case in the day and age of reassignment surgery (although that would make you transgender as opposed to cisgender), and you accepted this permanent change, you would realize that now you are a lesbian unless you go for guys. Unless you declared male to be your gender still! The gender-sex divide complicates things here. You could have female anatomy and still consider yourself transgender male even without the changed anatomy. In this case, I guess you be straight if you went for women. The bigger question to me is what would the woman you're having sex with be? How much does that plumbing compared to gender determine sexual preferences?
  6. Here is an article on it that I felt was rather good. http://archive.aramcoworld.com/issue/201304/polo.game.of.kings.htm Well they have plentiful hair down there, which apparently works to explain this away. The same logic is used in Radiant Historia with Aht (but strangely not Gafka the big burly ape-humanoid).
  7. Nils is just so adorable, hence part of my Sig. He also has a little depth and comes off to me as much stronger a character than Ninian. Reyson however is better on the whole. He perfectly blends his rough Tibarn-emulating personality with his frail, beautiful appearance (which isn't overly trappy) and graceful behaviors and Galdrar magic. He has some depth, with significant plot importance and screen time as well.
  8. One, I strongly condemn the Waluigi stuff- nobody deserves that, not even companies/individuals that drive beloved franchises into the dirt and death. Two, Nintendo must have really felt the Wii U was hopelessly doomed if Smash 4's DLC wasn't even finished when Smash Ultimate started. Three, I'm sorry to Rex and Pyra, and I don't like ever building up hope about Smash character additions, or any expectations for any game at all really, but for some reason I'm wrongfully happy their loss might be Elma's gain.
  9. I kinda like the class from a gameplay perspective. Mechanist has Yumis and Shurikens, giving it two weapon types with utility. Yumis kill fliers, Shuriken can debuff foes, that is a neat combo. The problem is Apothecary is a rare class, and Ninjas are pretty much always better going Master Ninja, for me at least. It also has balanced stats with high Skill, and that doesn't work out well. Replicate is the only good thing about it in practice. Golembane at most has some Conquest use, but isn't that available there.
  10. On HHM, let us assume we give him 3 levels in four chapters, maybe five if you count Noble Lady of Caelin since Lyn and Guy won't be directly competing here being on opposite sides of the map. That should bring him to 15 Speed (13.1 base + 2), with a fixed 5 Con (how does this make sense when Matthew has 7 and Lucius 6?). Steel Sword is 10 Wt, so he'll be at 10 AS. Not sure how bad/good that is for that point in the game.
  11. This is FFtF, necroposting and doubleposting are allowed, keeping it alive won't require much. Or undead at least. But I don't think this gives license to be overly necrophilic. I'm always amazed though when somebody brings back a dead topic on other boards from years ago. You can't make that mistake accidentally, you had to actively seek out the topic and delve back pages on pages to find it. Of course, perhaps that is easier than reading the CoC. It's a minor newbie mistake, never intended I think. Although who from the original topic is going to looking at something where they last posted in March 2014? They've forgotten the whole darn thing and moved on and now have a spouse and young child and a middlin job that isn't ideal, but hopefully it is towards something promising, otherwise they'll have a serious midlife crisis even before they get to the midlife point.
  12. So in other words, you're saying they're like most FEs? IS just wants to keep the greater Archer tradition alive. You should be praising them for their adherence to tradition. Also, just thought of an idea for sketching, and actual team making once they all get into the game: Banged Up Heroes (you can come up with a better name). Basilio, Ranulf, Cecilia, and Seth (and or Leila- but she dies). What do they have in common? Getting ripped apart in a scripted battle sequence in their respective games. They would be side by side trying to cheer each other up through all the residual pain, showing their scars from their ill-fated encounters, and maybe if ya want you can have them all covered in bandages.
  13. Having a Dark Magic mother and herself afflicted by the dark arts, Red Bow would outside of Seasonal make some sense. But at the same time she is "Blood and Thunder!", the first is Red, but the second is distinctly Blue and an actual FE magic element. Don't bet and you won't grow attached to being right or wrong. Ultimately attachment is the cause of suffering here and by becoming detached from expectations and desires to be "right" and "wrong" concerning petty things, you'll end your suffering. Such is the salvation of the universe. Alternatively, just dive into your dream world, and pretend Lowen is at the beach cooking away for you and everyone else. He is preparing Roasted Pheraean Sea Trout, flavored with the smoke of Ilian Oak charcoal, seasoned with Bernese rock salt, Arcadian turmeric, and Western Isles grains of paradise; served over a bed of Etrurian greens, with a Sacaean yak butter sauce for dipping on the side.
  14. Don't have an Internet connection for my Switch yet, so I can't try the demo- I'll still be able to look up reviews at least, and they should be the real way of determining whether this game is worth buying. Still I found this article, apparently there are no plans for DLC for Octopath Traveler, it'll be a complete experience without it (good!). http://www.siliconera.com/2018/06/17/octopath-traveler-dlc-planned-complete-game/ Producer Masashi Takahashi also said in this very brief interview for those who don't want to read the article, that the game will not have a New Game Plus feature. That you could challenge yourself and never recruit anyone- not that he was encouraging it or anything. And most importantly, that the expected length is 50-60 hours to get through the main story. Adding everything optional would boost the length to 80-100 hours. So this will be a long and meaty JRPG. If in that time it doesn't address the nonexistent character interaction issues all of you are saying, then I think we could say that the game is seriously critically flawed in that regard.
  15. Death is not permanent in FEH, you chose the wrong game to argue in. Also, would you like cup of coconut water? Maybe Marth can cut you a slice of coconut cake? You sound tense.
  16. Fixed that for ya. Why not have both? Or you can try doing the opposite and give Frederick a very long ponytail.
  17. This game will make a fine Christmas gift! But first, playing the original to completion this time! Hope no system death makes me lose it all over halfway in again. I decided to skip all the plot scenes to speed things up until I get back to Naggiar, where I got cut off last time. Then I can replay the scenes I want to see at my leisure plus watch all of the subsequent plot I had never seen before. My memories of the gist of things is still good. Not like that much really happens in the story- it is a slow mover. So far, I'm up to Chapter 6 again, which I remember is just about skirting the east edge of the desert for a capture, maybe some Lancer use. That and a RNG-frustrating bit of countersniping at the beginning in the process of taking the camp halfway on the map. Sniping can be so frustrating. After this, it is the infamous Chapter 7 again. *Sigh* Not like it is actually that hard since I'm not worried about ranks (they were real mean limiting A to LTC strats), I can grind if I need to. Just have the Edelweiss with an Engineer behind it block the Maxitank until all initial infantry are dead and the side machine guns disabled. After this, Welkin moves out the way, Maxi gets hot under the radiators smashing some ruins. My Scouts go semi-kaze with plopping grenades in those radiators, everyone hides behind a indestructible wall when Selvaria shows up, and I plop the last grenade in. Now if only I remembered which side of the Maxitank Selvaria likes to stay on so she won't kill my semi-kaze Scout before they get to their target.... After C7, it is back to easy battles, and I get a second tank I didn't need nor ever found a use for. C4 by the way was as tight as I remember- that Chapter is definitely misplaced in terms of difficulty- it messed with my noob self before.
  18. Well EOV is on sale right now, and I finally have the money to buy it. I certainly could wait for a sub $20 sale, I don't really need the game at the moment, but despite my hesitations, I think I will. But I think I won't play it right away, I need to play more of other games to story completion to expand my name pool for my characters. I like to wait until I finish a game before naming things after it, as a precaution against me later when I play deciding I don't like that character when I see more of them. My team I decided long ago: Harbinger, Masurao, Pugilist, Botanist, Necromancer. This will be my first time without a dedicated tank unit (at least until my Necro's Wraiths can handle it if I have the points), I'll instead focus on keeping the enemy blinded, paralyzed, petrified, panicked, and bound three ways. That and the Botanist might go Merciful Healer for the most powerful of restores, since sticking to the base races means a Brouni with 3rd place Luck from what I read, not good for a Graced Poisoner. @eclipse, I do agree about the context playing an important role in a game's soundtrack. It makes me not want to listen to soundtracks from games I haven't played, since I'm not sure I'd be able to judge them properly or if when I get the game the magic would be ruined. Though sometimes you don't actually notice great pieces in their context- Unfinished Battle and Once We Part Ways from Xenoblade Chronicles being cases of these for me.
  19. Well there is the issue of the Hector Mode exclusive chapters having 0s for every ranking requirement- like they forgot to or improperly programmed the requirements for these chapters which don't exist in Eliwood Mode. but I don't think there are any bugs beyond this.
  20. Unless you're talking the Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 DLC Bikini Armor, reduces elemental damage by like half and on a panda/brown bear/tiger/wolf with additional sources of resistance will make them next to immune to them, while bodyguarding everyone else on the team. For the banner, will never pull as said before. But Innes is nice and yay Magvel- you get to be degraded in fanservice fun, representation for all! Noire- well it's safe in being Awakening, but at least it is a character not in the game normally yet. Cordelia is just a 100% conservative move on IS's part, although they do have that decently known unmarried Cordelia-Chrom talk in olde Summer Scramble to fall back on.
  21. I'd prefer Garm on Duessel. The Black Axe should belong to Grado's great Obsidian! Don't hand it to foreign pubescent Renaisian scum! From a gameplay perspective though, Ross or Dozla would be better, since I'd expect Garm to have a speed-boosting effect, its stat boost in SS was +5 Spd, and it'd probably be wasted on Duesstank. Although not being able to use Wary Fighter, maybe they'd make him a light tank and thus transfer enough into Spd to make Garm help against slower stuff?
  22. Wow. Who exactly is making this game, a time traveling young Kaga from pre-FE5? *Sigh* They wasted a chance by not giving use Osian for T776. We have no Haar or Jill. There is no excuse for this absence of axes. We have.........: Bord Cord Darros Possibly Astram (nah give him Mercurius I say) Possibly Samson Ymir Dice FE3 Jake Lex Iuchar Iucharba Dagdar Osian Halvan Marty Dalsin Hicks Possibly Machua Possibly Ralph Possibly Galzus (doubt it since Major Odr screams Sword to me) Possibly Xavier Possibly FE6 Marcus Possibly Alen Possibly Lance Possibly Zelot Possibly Noah Possibly Trec Possibly Perceval Possibly Bors Possibly Barthe Possibly Douglas Possibly Dieck Possibly Ogier Possibly Echidna Wade Lot Geese Gonzales Garret The other version of Bartre Possibly FE7 Marcus Possibly Kent Possibly Sain Possibly Lowen Possibly Isadora Possibly Harken Possibly Wall Ace Possibly OsW1N Dart Geitz Garcia Ross Dozla Duessel Possibly Gerik Possibly Franz Possibly Kyle Possibly Forde Possibly Caellach Possibly Gilliam Boyd Kieran Largo Nolan Possibly Jill Possibly Haar Possibly Brom Vaike Basilio Possibly Walhart Possibly Flavia Possibly Libra Possibly Inigo Possibly Severa Possibly Gregor Rinkah Possibly Sophie Percy Scarlet Charlotte Possibly Fuga Possibly Benny Possibly Mozu I think I've burnt through them all. Leaving out maybe a few baddies. They actually have an A support in FE7, both in FFO and CoD and also as Final morphs. Just in case you didn't remember this. Also, sorry to be vain, but anyone like my new Sig addition?
  23. Here I think we have an issue between the Magnolia of the BD post-ending teaser trailer (which they included in BS because they had to) and the Magnolia of Ballad of the Three Cavaliers (although some speculate this isn't actually her and it's Yoko), and the Magnolia that is in the final game. There isn't enough of the strong daring Ba'al Buster to balance Magnolia's Yew love (Yew is okay, although I could use less gravy), and one could say there aren't enough Ba'als in the main plot as well. We could've easily dropped the Hartschild country bumpkin soldiers boss which exists for no reason, and inserted a Ba'al there. A Ba'al during the Florem part of the story, say before or after the dungeon that is related to Altair (forget what it was called, but I remember it was bossless), would have helped as well. As for Edea and Ringabel, I will agree the Vampire Castle scene where Edea's biggest weakness is discovered to be an insecurity of lacking a boyfriend is bad. As for the source of the love, I'm not quite sure on that either. I mean Ringabel does love Edea, for obvious reasons of his past, but Edea, well she doesn't seem to love the Ringabel not Ringabel at all really (I just don't want to use spoilers right now and you should know who I mean). I can't say I ever found Genis angsty/spiteful like some seem to, I actually rather like him. Although to be fair, I tend to be something of a shotacon, though I played ToS as a kid so he was rather relatable, much like Young Link was to my 4-year old self with a 64. And as for his name, well given he is supposed to be shipped with Presea, their couple name just lends itself to jokes. Although mind you, his Japanese name is Genius and Raine is Refill (guess they sound exotic to the Japanese). I did like how DotNW had the RegalxRaine farce, that was an interesting move. From a ToS1 perspective, the most likely of pairings, if you just had to marry everyone playable to another, would be L&C, G&P, Z&S, and since they're left with nobody else and both are mature adults, R&R. That the sequel actually chose to run with this was funny, and also done with a good explanation behind it. I do like Presea, her concern with what is death in one Lloyd skit, as well her concern with lost time, and also loneliness, are kinda dark and depressing, but give her some real seriousness for a Tales game. Her appearance, if it should make anyone bat an eye at first glance as evidence of Japan's obsession with lolis, isn't something she ever wanted, the result of a parasitism that could have killed her, and basically shut away her soul for some years. She is a very mature character without the slightest hint of fanservice or immaturity to her. She is fairly fun to use as well with that hulking axe. Her calculations and cold logical way of speaking is a bit anime, but this is Tales, it is anime and every character has at least one totally anime personality trait, and her's is not that bad. I bought Xillia on sale, but never got to playing it. Since I don't have a Tales currently in my active gaming log, I might break it out and try it. I'm aware people find it weak and rushed compared to ToG and others, but I'll give it a shot. At the least, the characters should probably be better than ToG's dull cast. I know the game gives a choice of whether to start with the guy or girl, who is the better choice? I'm thinking the girl for a change of Tales protags.
  24. Like good old Special mode. As generic as it is, Tiny + Poison Mushrooms is fun, no Invisibility or Fixed Camera though, both making things too cruel on top of the itty bitty size.
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