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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Thank you for all this information. And by the way, I read in a recent interview that Tetsuya Takahashi, Mr. Xeno-game, apparently enjoys FPSes- not something you'd expect from a typical Japanese gamer. He actually can't play JRPGs because he has too much of a developer's mindset going into it and spends time wondering why things were chosen to be what they are instead of what they aren't. As for XCX- Elma would have been the most likely of candidates, given she might as well be the MC of that game. Dual Guns + Dual Swords would have been a fairly unique weapon setup for Smash- only Bayo has the former half, and the Pits the latter. Hopefully they'd include Ghostwalker, having a char who can null a certain number of hits without even flinching from them would be possibly broken, but unique. If not that, then at least give her an Aura of some sort. Throw her a Skell (ideally an Ares, but anything works) or Overdrive for her Final Smash. Throw Sliding Slinger, Zero Zero, Hundred Shells, and Sky High somewhere in her arsenal of Specials, Smashes, and Aerials.
  2. Well the AO ranks up there as being no. 1 both in character (as largely explained in my prior post) and in gameplay for me. You'd think his balanced stats would be a bad thing, but apparently his turns come a little sooner than everyone else's all being equal. And any chance of getting 2 turns to everyone else's 1 outweighs stat leads, because every PC has two demons backing them- and most baddies can be torn through with 2x Holy Dance/Deathbound/Multistrike (and Alcor can toss in a -dyne or Megido if he must). Having the highest HP, MP and natural Null Curse are boons too. The rest of my top 5 based on their character in no particular order would include: Jungo, Otome, Daichi, and... Yamato (if only he wasn't arrogant/ignorant he could achieve his ideals). Though I did have to really think about it. Most of the characters are good, or at least okay. If there is anyone who I don't like so much, well Ronaldo is sadly a mess, and like in FE, it's a case where you wish Supports affected the character in the main plot. Question: How'd you learn of the Hittites?
  3. Make sure to get someone else's opinion in advance. The last thing you want is to have to go through the whole process a second time because you were so self-assured you looked great, only to see everyone else fake a smile and make lies expressing the exact opposite of what they really feel about your appearance. If you decide to go camping...
  4. Wow. I'd buy these games if I didn't know I'd in all certainty be utterly terrible at them. I have the reflexes of a cold decaying corpse. Still, if W101 has a shot, maybe TMS does after all, ideally with the grinding DLC packaged in already just to be nice. But I won't get my hopes up, nor rebuy the game barring significant changes/additions.
  5. Thank you for the comment. When I played Devil Survivor 2, I was fascinated by Alcor/Al Saiduq/the Anguished One, who for millennia had been watching humanity grow and develop, taking in the beauty of it all from a place beyond the human world. Around the same time, I played Radiant Historia, and I became fond of Lippti and Teo- the twins who reside in the place between the various timelines- Historia. Here they can offer advice to the time-traversing users of the White and Black Chronicles, but they cannot directly interfere or say too much (at one point they try to tell Stocke something important, but magic momentarily paralyzes them for their indiscretion). I'm considering changing my avi to Teo at some point actually. These are the main two sources of my inspiration. Basically I want to be these characters and those like them in other video games. I deeply wish I could be like Alcor and watch humanity in all its intensity from a distance for a very long time. I'm a scholarly introverted type, who happens to be working towards a Masters Degree in History, which I guess is rather appropriate. I don't actually participate much in humanity actively up close and personal, but I love it nonetheless and never want to cease witnessing and cherishing it in all its depth. The question: What gaming systems do you/have you owned?
  6. Wyvern Lord!Selena (A+ Camilla or Beruka- your choice)
  7. I'm not against dropping characters or adding a new FE one, I'm just saying that people in general will be raging against it. But then again, what makes that different from anything else on the Internet?
  8. "Fierce Deity Blow"? Wheres my double helix sword of darkness and beams up the wazoo on the transformed Christ Child of video games?! And assuming "Fierce Deity" is a translation of the Japanese "Kishin", how long until I pull Bishamonten? I need my wrathful Buddhist gods of justice who scare and beat the excrement out of evil!
  9. I'll agree with this as a whole. The Black Fang is quite atrocious for a group of assassins, and what assassins group would have Knights- the antithesis of assassins- in it? Though I do think, to add to the plot's silver lining a little, that FE7's inclusion of Athos, Bramimond, Roland, and Durbans was kinda cool (mostly the former two)- for once we actually got to see some of the heroes of ancient yore (replicated only later in Tellius).
  10. Going with Beaststones wouldn't be a total cop out given Laguz Stones and Laguz Gems do exist- they just seem to be less their morphin' battery (which dragonstones are) and more energy drinks or performance enhancers. And on the plus side, Beaststones let our two Taguel, Wolfskin, and Kitsune in as well, so it wouldn't be an addition just for the sake of Tellius. It isn't like giving Beaststones to Laguz in this game would at all suddenly affect them in PoR or RD. As for who to let in- I'd pick Lethe (or Lyre) over Ranulf for our first Cat, because she's female and that overrides Ranulf plot importance. Nailah for the Wolf, because female and she speaks in intelligible language, Volug her only competition doesn't. For first Tiger, Mordecai works well with Lethe, but Muarim stands out a little more (and Kyza is forgettable b/c RD doesn't have in-depth supports). For the Lion- Caineghis and Giffca are inseparable and maybe a little too old to be appealing for Heroes, so I'd go with Skrimir instead. Tibarn for first Hawk, because Ulki and Janaff are inseparable. Naesala for first Raven, because nobody cares about old Nealuchi and Vika, though female, is forgettable. Kurthnaga for Black Dragon, Ena for Red, and Nasir is literally the only named White. If we wanted a Heron to expand the Dancer pool, Leanne has sweet female going for her, and both her and Reyson can fly, unlike any other refresher (they can get a weak exclusive Tome/Staff called Sorrow or something for an offense). As for coloration, I don't know. But with Beaststones, it could be on a character-by-character basis. So we can have a Red Hawk in Tibarn, make Janaff a Green Hawk, and Ulki Blue- variety is nice.
  11. I try not to hate on games too much. And while I don't remember the soundtrack that well beyond a few of the major battle themes, I'll say Final Fantasy VIII. Man with the Machine Gun, Don't Be Afraid, and Force Your Way are great, but in gameplay, plot, and characters alike FFVIII has issues. A forced romance (Rinoa should get strangled by a boa), enemies that get stronger than you when leveling, junctions being a bit tedious to stock up on and discouraging magic use, high school garbage with Seifer, and Squall being stupid in the ending like Chrom is in Awakening (it's debatable who made the worse decision). There are still some good things about it though. (And it's still better than Chrono Cross, which I don't really recall the soundtrack of at all. Though for CC I spoiled myself long ago on what the Frozen Flame is thinking I'd never branch out and get as Sony system). As for my question:
  12. I'm not sure if they'd ever make them playable (Idunn and Dheginsea I could see, being they could easily be worked in as plain old breath users). However, using them for more gimmicky battles would be a possibility. Giving Medeus an army of Manaketes and four unmounted female staff users for instance. Or finding a way to replicate Ashera's Aura protection could be another.
  13. It depends on when SSBS releases. This game could possibly fall into a ditch. We haven't heard anything about SSBS (or SSB4S) at all yet. If it's a Deluxe version of 4, that might come out too late for FES. If it's a real SSB5, then it might release too soon to make it in. I can hear the screams right now at this statement! Cutting the roster significantly, while normal by other fighting game standards, would result in a lot of whining with Smash. I mean we the FE community alone would enter a war with such statements as "Marth is ancient- retire him now!" "Attention! It's bird hunting season on Robins!" "Clones we moan, Lucina, never wanna see ya!" "Corrin nobody is mournin'!" "Roy is my disowned boy!" "We dislike Ike!". Then we get to axing the Nintendo retro-ites (Rob, Little Mac, MG&W, Duck Hunt), the characters with dead franchises (Earthbound, F-Zero, Wii Fit, Kid Icarus), and others like Rosalina and Jigglypuff who don't really matter majorly anymore to their series. No amount of actually playing Smash could alleviate all the the rage and frustration.
  14. We already have this basically- it's called Rend Heaven.
  15. Keep Fiore DeRosa away from this game! The last thing we need is him melting half the cast into a cauldron of cologne. As for people expressing concerns about a red mage shortage, more Jugdral or Tellius would be best for fixing this. Tormod and Calill are in RD explicitly Fire Sages (wonder if they'd give the former anything to allude to his Celerity). Jugdral would be the absolute best shot though- Arvis is mega important to the plot and has Valfame, and Azelle could give a red rider. For Thracia, if they wanted to be creative with Saias, they could opt against making him a Staff or Light user and instead give him Valflame too. And Miranda, an Est and thus infinitely lovable by casual standards, starts with her Fire rank being by far her highest (and she too promotes to Mage Knight).
  16. I'm an SMT fan, and while I'd love to have more SMT-styled gameplay via Persona (or EO gameplay via PQ)- the dating sim aspect turns me off from 3-5, and 2 has Hitler thrown in, which I just don't really care for at all. I've been also sitting by the window when it comes to Fire Emblem Heroes. I've been looking through the glass, glancing at whats on the other side. Because I visit SF frequently, I want more FE, and feel tempted to get Heroes for that reason. However, I refuse to open the window and hop into the game because I have what is perhaps an irrational dislike of the character artwork from what little I've seen of it (the chibi map stuff is okay though- I understand why they do it). I also don't need character rattling off little lines, which may inaccurately portray them. I'm also torn between using whoever I'd get by chance and being aloof from fanperson-ism, and using either characters I like or themed teams (pure mage/healers for instance), knowing that the chance of getting the perfect characters needed for such teams/those I like easily is very low (and I refuse to spend money on the game). Plus, given I'm a confessed Tellius fan who hopefully for better, but I can't help but fear for worse skipped every bit of dialogue in Fates and SoV, and is irrationally averse to rereading Awakening's stuff, there aren't many who interest me as of now who are in the game (and when will they add Laguz?). Heroes keeps bothering me- I can't just shut up and commit by saying "I don't want to play" or "I do want to play".
  17. The Turnwheel I originally refrained from using completely, and while I broke and actually began using it, it was only in case somebody died, which wasn't too often given I avoided taking overly risky manuevers. This said, it works for SoV. Witch AI is quite random, and once in a while, the Witches might actually try to gang up on someone and thus kill them, which they normally wouldn't do. We also have dungeons. In normal FE games we get save after almost every fight, but in dungeons you don't have that luxury. While the fights are fairly easy, the dungeons and Mila Statues are often nearby, Duma Tower at least has battles that can get fairly hairy, and since there are no saves on the way up, having the Turnwheel is nice in case somebody dies in one of the later fight (yet, we get 9 Sacred Spring revives, so thats a counterargument). Hit rates on the lower and thus more random side might also justify the Turnwheel to some extent as well. Mitigating the aggravation of fatal random enemy crits was a boon too.
  18. Tiki is just that powerful. She was born with her mother Naga's genes, which obviously have to be incredibly potent. A fully mature Tiki could control herself, and in her teenage years in Awakening she seems able to with just a little ritual precaution. Yet as an infant or young child, she lacks the capacity to do this for extended periods of time. Why Naga in all her infinite wisdom which made a dragon sealing emblem and two swords, couldn't make a dragonstone capable of storing all of Tiki's power, I don't know. As for Mila and Duma- IS didn't think things through completely when they decided to turn Mila and Duma into dragons, but give them humanoid forms at the same time while including dragon degeneration.
  19. Would Amelia even go Knight? I mean she is a foot lancer as a Recruit, and she is the only unit other than Gilliam who can be a Knight in SS, so there are some grounds for it. However, she's always struck me as being more a Cavalier/Paladin on promotion, given her recruitability and support with Franz, at best I could see her being a GK given her Duessel support.
  20. They always leave out the second hit! Aether is not Aether without that second hit! Without it we just have Sol, the second hit provides the Luna, and there being a second hit references Astra's five-consecutive-hit flurry. If Aether is just the first hit, it cannot truly call itself Aether- the Greco-Roman fifth element representing the heavens/celestial world above (in Japan, Aether is called Heaven), and the heavens contain the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. It's the ultimate proc skill because it's all these things combined, and because of this its why Ike and the Great Lord class in Awakening gets it- the MCs deserve the ultimate power.
  21. As if Midia or Arran or Boah or Lorenz has bases worthy of being a prepromote? IS was just being a little too traditional here and didn't buff stats on characters who needed them given all the changes the rest of the gameplay had undergone. Minerva, Midia and Boah et al. were usable in FE1, but that's a whole 'nother game.
  22. Didn't complete the game before my first PS3 died and I lost the data, but I made it to the other planetoid and completed the first dungeon there. The child arc at the beginning was cute, though it was too long for the gameplay it offered- as the children don't exactly have much variety or anything else. The whole time elapse with the characters going their separate ways at the end of the arc was interesting, but I feel the plot once you get past Richard's civil war was wasted potential. Too much friendship and idiocy in not seeing someone was clearly possessed as well. Sophie's outfit was an eye roll from me, and Cheria was, as others have criticized her, not really necessary, she contributes little to the plot besides being a friend of Asbel and Hubert. No terribly unlikable characters or anything though. In combat, the game really shines, I played mostly with Asbel, but did try Hubert a few times- he is more technical than Asbel and harder to use. Never tried the mages, but I should when I play the game again. The CC system works better than traditional TP does, and attributes replacing elements was a unique twist. I played mostly on Moderate and even normal battles could be difficult at times, bosses were very nasty (I went to Easy vs. the one boss in the icy place, and expended lots of Gels and Life Bottles for every boss) and often took several tries (though until I read about it online, I neglected accuracy boosts). Coming off Symphonia and Abyss, the dungeon design was atrocious, with flat and boring layouts, and no brainer puzzles (but I did like the riddle in each town). Titles actually had value in this game, unlike most others. The Eleth Mixer's twist on cooking was novel, as was the use of books in the mixer. Overall, quite good. As for asking something: Absolute favorite of the six Pokemon listed on your trainer card?
  23. I'm guessing it was done to kill any idea Binding Blade would be coming aboard, which leaving it in would accidentally imply.
  24. Boundage Hero Battle. Or, to make a banner out of it: the men of Archanea speedos in the deserts of Khadein. The other trio includes Michalis (for those into slightly softer forms and bad boys), and Ogma (for those who like maturity, scars, and muscles). The last one is either Hardin (with his turban kept on), Julian (young, but still with some physique) or Merric (to have a pale white nerd utterly embarrassed by his lack of physical fitness vis a vis everyone else in the banner). Or maybe an unexpected wild card.
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