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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. A couple words of mine own: Chrom can have Aether no problem, because there is nothing stopping Ike from having it too. All three Links have spin attacks after all. Ike, being the original lord to get the awesome marriage of the Heavens above- of the healing Sun and the penetrating Moon, linked by the numerous Stars- can have the Aether of Aethers- the most over-the-top and powerful rendition of it. I profess general agreement with Etrurian Emperor. And add that sadly, depth isn't necessarily something the masses are looking for. Otherwise we'd have in a heartbeat. Based on popular tastes, we'd be more likely to get . Making decisions based solely on popularity can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Excluding characters in one game due to supposed unpopularity, gives an excuse to leave them out from another, because if these characters were popular, you'd think they'd have showed up in the prior game. This creates a cycle unbroken until all the more popular characters at included (this likely won't happen, I'm just giving it as a hypothetical), but. Isn't a point of marketing and advertising that of making things popular when they aren't already? Sure it doesn't always work- Azura flopped despite attempts to sell her as Lucina 2.0, but they could try to popularize Siggy and Eli and Ikey-poo and their retinues too. KT and IS should gamble a little . (Can we have more FEmojis?)
  2. I'll throw myself in, again. Let's get a self-sustaining reaction going!
  3. All I can remember right now is a shiny Solrock I encountered in the 3rd gen while on a school field trip years ago. Why do shinies have to be so rare GF? In other RPGs, recolors are as common as air itself. Only in Pokemon do they take on a glorified status.
  4. One thing we didn't get out of E3 (so far) was a prospectus on the long term console plans of Nintendo. While the 3DS will still be getting some good games this year, and probably a couple next year, nothing has been said of a 3DS portable console successor. Nintendo has said in the past they won't replace the 3DS with the Switch (which is more of home console with some portable hybridity), but what do they then have in mind then? Why haven't they hinted at anything yet? I mean if Pokemon- the Nintendo portable franchise of all franchises, is putting a main title on the Switch, then something is clearly up. I feel the failure of the Wii U is to blame for the murky situation the future of Nintendo portables find themselves in. Due to the Wii U's poor sales, Nintendo took the time and resources which would've gone into developing a 3DS successor, and funneled them into coming up with a successful Wii U replacement ASAP. As a result, the natural rhythm of new portable, new home console, new portable, new home console, was broken. If Nintendo gets the Switch to prosper and their home console future secure again, then they could readdress their portable systems. Until that happens, Nintendo portables might enter a severe drought or hiatus- it depends on how long it takes for the Switch to flourish, and how much the 3DS successor has been delayed by the Wii U flop. Yet, Nintendo's choice to make the Switch a hybrid, an interesting decision as it keeps the Switch unique from its Sony, MS, and PC competition and avoids a raw graphics/processing power war Ninty doesn't want to fight, might undermine the future of their portables. Will it really be possible to go back to two separate systems once everything has been relocated onto one system both home console and portable? I want the division of home console and portable to continue, and hope Nintendo has some solid plan in the works. All I can say for now is that since Ninty has discontinued the original 3DS, developers should make games that push the New 3DS to its limits in 2018- what use are these "Console+"s like the N3DS, the PS4 Pro and Microsoft's XOX if not to prolong a console's lifespan?
  5. On the DLC side of things- how much can we expect? The original Hyrule Warriors gave us: That's 3 weapons and 6 characters. So nine movesets total. Weapons presumably take a little less effort to create than new characters due to not needing to make new models. I'm assuming KT won't give anyone more than one weapon/moveset, because that'd tick off FE fans, and Zelda has far fewer potential characters than potential weapons- the opposite situation of FE. So I'd estimate ~6 DLC characters total. If they wanted to keep people playing over the long term, they could do a Series II of DLC, but I'm doubtful they'd waste so much potential sequel material on DLC. And on that note: as for what HW: Legends added: Legends added 6 new characters and 1 new weapon just for buying the port. While $15 DLC adds another 2 weapons and 4 characters. So 10 characters and 3 weapons total.
  6. You have things about right. Lyon is different depending on whose path you choose. And your portrayals of Lyon are about correct too. Eirika's Lyon is more readily a tragic figure being the victim of possession. Eirika's route lacks any mention of the big earthquake which will destroy Grado in the future- this is highly important for Ephraim's Lyon. But its absence on Eirika's route means that the developers only had Lyon's bond with the Renais twins to work with, and thus that is what is emphasized. Whereas on Ephraim's route, Lyon is still corrupted/possessed, but it's more subtle. The Demon King begins by directly hijacking Lyon, like in Eirika's route, but during C18 this is suddenly flipped on its head. Lyon says he isn't being possessed, and that he never was, and while we can take him at face value (Ephraim ultimately does), we could also assume it's a farce by the Demon King. People (including myself) generally prefer to think Lyon does maintain his own independent agency, and that the Demon King, while still using him, isn't just masquerading as a gentle Lyon at this point. But there is some ambiguity here. Lyon's insecurity is both concerning himself and his bonds to Ephraim and Eirika: it's that he doesn't think he's strong enough to save Grado's people after the big earthquake that he predicts will destroy the country, and that Ephraim and Eirika when the time comes won't help Grado. He tampered with Grado's Sacred Stone for the sake of getting the power to prevent the catastrophe. There is a little jealousy towards the strong Ephraim as well, but it isn't central to him, I think its more prevalent in Eirika's Lyon.
  7. Shame I won't be able to see it. Will it be possible to see a partial eclipse if you're not in the zone? And now for a moment, let us contemplate the wonderful coincidence of humanity existing at this particular time. Had humanity come into being earlier in Earth's history, when the Moon orbited closer to the Earth, it wouldn't be possible see the Moon fitting just perfectly over the Sun- with that elegant thin circle of light surrounding the Moon at the climatic moment. Had humanity come into being later in Earth's history, the Moon would be further away from the Earth, and the Moon would never totally block the Sun's light, and a total eclipse wouldn't be possible (such is the case with the moons of Mars). Appreciate your existence, be it by intelligent design or by natural chance alone, appreciate your moment and all the beauty therein.
  8. How dare you! The dragon is obviously just visiting the neighbor asking if somebody has sunscreen suitable for their sensitive and very fair skin (which is why they only travel at night) and some eye drops plus tips for falling asleep because they've been having insomnia lately.
  9. Not every genre is going to sit well with everyone. It's understandable if you don't end up liking it. When you get a chance to play something Warriors, if you don't feel that empowering catharsis of chopping through the peons while going after officers to complete map objectives, or feel truly immersed in tense grand battle, then it probably isn't for you.
  10. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions! A remake of the original M&L, with an additional and extensive Bowser's Minions mode (which appears to be optional for those who don't want to deal with it fortunately- unlike Giant and Papercraft battles). While the additional shadowing and shading makes things less whimsy and bright compared to the GBA original, the transition to Dream Team/Paper Jam aesthetics looks pretty good. Wonder if they're going to add new Bros. Attacks, boss rushes, or insane reflex challenges like Mad Skillz and Cholesteroad.
  11. I don't recall there being any. But you'd think there would have to have been some conflict in the past for Jehanna to be a land of mercenaries and for Carcino to suddenly gain independence. No dragons, and monsters appear to have been mostly a Darkling Woods thing, with a few elsewhere, but nothing excessive or threatening so as long as the DK stayed dead.
  12. Elibe is probably the best. Ilia is a little short on food (the Western Isles probably doesn't have that much either), and Nabata isn't very inhabitable, but beyond that, what is wrong with it? Politically it's fairly stable, and the dragon threat has been eradicated, plus they don't degenerate even if they're around. The worst? Tellius's race issues and potential for divine punishment remains even at the end of RD. The other games generally have all their big problems resolved by the end, though degenerate dragons continue to haunt Archanea.
  13. Dismounting should have been included. Just make it so that horseback riders like Xander have buns and thighs of steel and cling onto their horses much better than some infantry unit would be able to. Quick remounting with invincibility frames solves that issue.
  14. I'm monogamous. Was considering joining GFAQs, but it's toxic as everyone knows.
  15. I put in for the Diamond/Pearl remakes, but I'd be more interested in a spinoff that capitalizes on the power the Switch has which portables lack. An HD openish world. A vast frontier where very few humans live, just loads of Pokemon waiting to be caught. An ancient legend which drives explorers to come and wander this forgotten land. Include a camera for optional picture taking. No gyms, no Pokemon League, no towns or cities beyond a hub and a few outposts, probably an evil organization. And in this distinct world, how about have the hero and others be suddenly be blessed with limited Pokemon powers? Basically, if someone's inner nature is aligned with the Fire type, they can use Ember, but they can't use Flamethrower without one or more Fire Pokemon in their possession (and they can't use Sacred Fire at all, or without having Ho-oh maybe).
  16. I was a little too harsh. And I get exactly where you're coming from. They do put effort into being quasi-historical- I mean who would bother looking up the names of lowly officers who actually participated in each battle, unless they were motivated by a historical drive? And I did like DW7's archive.
  17. I didn't want the surprise of a character's full moveset shown, but seeing a couple charge attacks from a bunch of different characters would have been good. Like anyone plays Warriors games for the story? It isn't like the game has that many months until it releases. It's 70% done they said, surely they could give us the first stage or three with a few playable characters. Plus this isn't like typical FE, where it's more okay to emphasize cutscenes because SRPG gameplay isn't very fast nor thrilling- Warriors gameplay is awesome- why not show it off? KT or IS or whoever is in charge of the marketing has shown themselves as having a 0 in their Intelligence stat, with a growth of -5%.
  18. Well there goes most complaints a 2D Metroid fan could have. Looks like the Metroid franchise might be returning to Nintendo Silver status yet! (Gold is the holy trinity of Pokemon-Mario-Zelda). Worries about the death of the series after Other M and Federation Force are now allayed. I'm not a FPS/A fan, but I have played all the 2D Metroid games, even though I'm no speedrunner/100% completionist. I'll grab it for sure, at a good price that is.
  19. My comments: Super Mario Odyssey still looks a bit acidic and surreal to me, but I guess that's part of the charm? Still, 3D Mario rarely disappoints (SMS only disappointed in retrospect)- I'll be getting it for sure. Breath of the Wild DLC/amiibo- don't own the game yet, so zoned out during that segment. The less I know before buying the game, the better. And invariably I will being it's Zelda. Fire Emblem Warriors- blocked it out. I took in too much Fates negativity, and now I can't stand to watch or see plot or characters in any FE game from FE13 forward. I'm not happy with this development, I wish this embitterment wasn't happening. Anyone have any advice? Still, I might get this game once my bitterness dies down a little- just like with TMS and Smash 4 and other recent games. Was any actual gameplay shown? I don't want the surprise of a character's full moveset shown, but seeing a couple charge attacks from a bunch of different characters would be good. Xenoblade Chronicles 2- didn't want to hear it (this is something I do with most trailers with someone speaking over it), but I watched it. The game is keeping the franchise's wonderful worlds I see, and though we didn't see much gameplay, I'm hopeful it'll be good, and hopefully less beginner-unfriendly than X. Which reminds me- Yelv doesn't look bad with a mask on. A typical Tales plot won't bother me too much, I can mash my way through scenes I don't like. Yoshi- I don't really buy Yoshi games, but I might consider it eventually. Nice aesthetic. A Metroid Prime 4 should keep some of the Metroid fanbase happy, albeit not the 2D fans. I'm hopeful it won't turn out to be a surprise catastrophe. Also, Phazon is no more with the end of MP3, so it'll be interesting how they tackle the plot. Kirby- so it's the Helper system of Super Star, with a degree of power mix and matching from 64, with what appears to be a trace of buddy system of the canceled Gamecube Kirby game. I love Kirby, so I'll buy it, but I want Kirby to experiment a little bit more, my fears of stagnation have not been assuaged. Please no nostalgia overload this time- TD and PR have done that enough. On the unannounced Pokemon game- I want a meaty single player game, even if this contradicts the essence of Pokemon. The series lost its charm for me when I discovered competitive battling and couldn't get it out of my mind, despite not having an interest in multiplayer at all. And because I'm not into competitive multiplayer, nor am I interested in paying for online multiplayer, Splatoon 2, Arms, Rocket League, and Pokken Tournament Deluxe don't hold much value for me. No to the Rabbids game, they're too bizarre for me to like them. And nothing was said of Ever Oasis- it's destined to die in obscurity, or emerge a hibernation hit (sleeper is too alert a word). I'm waiting for reviews to come in on its difficulty. The cute aesthetic makes me fear that it'll have braindead puzzles and pushover combat- and then the game will be a no buy for me.
  20. Wherever Warp has infinite range, and particularly where it comes early and Seize is the primary objective like in FE1, it is bound to be broken. And while I haven't played FE1, if Shadow Dragon is anything to go by, there are 3 of them for 21 uses total. And if Hammerne works on it as well- then you definitely have far too much Warp. Other games keep Warp powerful and very useful (outside of FE7, where there is almost no good use for it whatsoever), but it has been it down significantly and for the better. And outside of FE2/SoV, I doubt many players actually use Warp due to item hoarding habits/playing the game at a slower pace.
  21. I recall hearing that in the one fight against him, he has 5 Authority Stars, effectively increasing his units' Hit and Evade by 15, add in another +12 Hit and Evade from the boss Coen's 4 Stars, and another temporary +30 from Saias's 10 Stars, and you've got a couple brutal turns if you don't know how to exploit things in Thracia. Nice skills, nice stats, and nice weapons too. I don't believe you have to fight Reinhardt, but you probably will. Capturing him won't kill him, yet I think it's fair to say the canonical thing is that he dies. If you have Olwen talk with Reinhardt, she'll get her second personal weapon the Holy Sword from him, which is nifty, though not incredible given how late it comes, Olwen's physical frailty, and her low Strength.
  22. If they brought back Classic Original LoZ Pantsless Link, then Marth will totally have his harem-ready/feelin-the-breeze-lover retro option available. (As a tangental factoid, ALttP's and LA's were also pantsless, AoL had tights in most artwork, but not in the actual game, it took until OoT Adult Link for tights (but Child Link was left pantsless, despite being underage), and it wasn't until WW that Link started wearing pants.) Artistic Nude/Underwear Only/Swimsuit Mode selectable on a character by character basis please. Let us see how magnificently KT can model the idealized human form. I'd prefer tomes as the norm (though rare tomes can exist too), with HP magic being something more personal. I'd also like Combat Arts, Command Cooldown Skills, and Proc Skills too. The more variety the merrier.
  23. Don't have an opinion on Faye's character, nor that of any other SoV char. I offer just a little musing of how IS could perhaps handle this archetype or whatever you call it in the future again. Perhaps the hero and their unrequited lover start on a promising note. The two work up some relationship, short of engagement, but perhaps with dreams of it being palpable. Yet gradually over the game, the hero outgrows the situation things were in at the start of the game, whilst the lover fails to adapt. The lover tries to pull down the hero, and the hero tries to lift up the lover, but failing that just breaks off the shackles- the great cause for which the hero fights requires they not be bound, and prioritizing this cause, thus they must crush their still dear friend and now former beloved's feelings. Cold, but alas some of the fault lay in her narrow-mindedness. To balance the picture a little and not throw all the blame on the lover, make it so what the hero feels they must do/be for the greater cause, is not necessarily 100% accurate, that there could be a little wiggle room which the lover could possibly, if they were willing to adapt at all, fit into. Of course, this would require that the hero recognize the lover's love for what is it, not be clueless about it. And the hero would have to be responsible for breaking the romance, instead of the lover's failure to confess and or star-crossed romance being the main problem. We just can't have those things! It'd be a fluke for IS to try this.
  24. Well yeah, to say there shouldn't be changes from FE1 would be like saying cars should've stopped improving after the Model T.
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