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Everything posted by himeki

  1. Is there a list anywhere for what maps are best for grinding individual character materials? I can't find any anywhere and I don't want to keep having to trawl through history mode maps just looking for enemy Niles.
  2. (not quoting everyone becayse it would be too much to quote haha) Ahh, I get it now! Thank you :D And @dmurr I have used crests before, I just never really read what they do....and I only really found out what they were last week haha. I'm also incredibly stubborn.
  3. Oh, I just got the Blessed Lance's scroll. How do I use these?
  4. I'm being honest, I genuinely don't know what you mean by scrolls.
  5. I keep unlocking '[character]'s Opus' in History Mode maps - what are these and what do they do??
  6. Nils would be nice, but part of me has a feeling its gonna be water legendary Corrin / Azura. I swear to god though if they make the colourless dragon a original character and make it a "uwu theyre a 1000 year old dragon but look 12!!! theyre an adult its okay xD" type like Nowi I will actually die.
  7. Oh my GOD I got YET ANOTHER pity breaker Abel from sniping blues for my daughter. TWO FROM THE SAME FOCUS....WHY
  8. Running my usual team but switching out SM!Eirika for BK!Chrom (for that sweet sweet 40% bonus.) I can usually get through Lunatic 6 with no problems in about 5 mins max so works well haha
  9. I hate doing them so much, I spend hours just trying to make them look half decent though I must admit, sometimes I just adjust the lighting so you dont see it haha Thank you! I'm really happy with the turnout given I spent pretty much the whole weekend on it ^^; Thanks - it's a stylistic thing: that's all there is to it.
  10. Thank you!! The armour took almost three hours to get right, so I'm really glad it turned out well! armour is a pain to do haha. and thank you again! I really like using dramatic lighting and effects in my artwork haha (to hide my mistakes) Thank you! I loooove painting hair but I really struggle with hands tbh? anyway here some chrobin stuff because You Know I'll update the OP when I get up haha
  11. Does anyone care about Captain Toad or any of the DS ports?
  12. Also quick question - does anyone actually care about Detective Pikachu?
  13. Yeah, there's literally no reason to hold back a trailer one day after a direct.
  14. Aww, I really liked the Elegy of the Brave idea
  15. Doubt it will be just a port given that the link shown was BOTW link
  16. I mean in all honesty that direct was a big dissappointment....most of the games were already announced, remakes or just plain old ports - and then they spent an unneccessary amount of time on the $20 octoling dlc...
  17. inb4 no fe announcement
  18. It better release early on in the sumer so I actually have something to play.
  19. For some reason there’s no option for the update on my phone? (Haven’t checked iPad since i’m out right now) I’ve tried checking the App Store itself, and there’s no option for it. Anyone know a way to force it to update?
  20. Loss.jpg. Don't worry about it haha
  21. fire emblem: | |I || |_ In all seriousness though, I do like the title. It's unique.
  22. Hi I'm Hime and I never learned how to make a thread. Or draw. Honestly don't know what to put here other than the fact that IIIII draw with CSP or traditional mediums, I'm entirely self taught and I've been drawing for abouuut three years? Honestly don't know when I started. i'll probably mostly post my FE art here since it's a bigger forum than I'm used to and I'm sure nobody cares about my random ocs haha. To start off, here's an Eirika I did for the FECompendium's tarot booklet here's some original stuff if you're interested: psst, my commissions are open if you're interested ;))) pm for info (so i can blow more money trying to make a +10 eirika hA)
  23. Ideal game: FE sacred stones like 500 years on or something. In all seriousness though, I'm excited to see what FE16 will be, and if it really is focusing on death then that sounds wild
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