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Everything posted by Arthur97

  1. If it was IS, do you think they would have kicked Lucina to the curb after insisting she be in it? Unless they really took second (overall without vote adding) place in the CYL really hard.
  2. I listed Marth and Ceada since they probably interacted the most out of any of them. I don't know the numbers, but I do know I don't like Cordelia and Hinoka's support (base game obviously). Somehow, Cordelia of all people gets beat by Hinoka. Someone who can keep Ryoma on his toes apparently. Their choices for supports can be off. Like Cordelia not supporting with Minerva despite the former's interest in the whitewings. Instead we got Hinoka. Even Lyn got a DLC support though. Are the Fates VAs just cheaper or something?
  3. Why did Robin get one with Chrom and Tharja? Why did Corrin get any with the Fates cast? Why did Marth get one with Ceada? There is no rule against having a support with someone they already had one with. Admittedly, Lucina's best match for a Warriors support was probably Oboro. As for why Xander and not Chrom, they seem to lean to Fates if you haven't noticed. Like redoing one of Tharja and Frederick's supports but with Ryoma instead. Why?
  4. It's probably more effective to not save several of the villagers which makes those maps kind of counter-intuitive. Why save the villagers at all?
  5. I found SmashBoards new look...entertaining actually.
  6. https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Sharena_(Hares_at_the_Fair) See for yourself.
  7. Speaking of Loki, check out some character pages on the wiki.
  8. I'll admit, I'm not a fan of Solell as a character. I think I'll run my Atk/Def bond Chrom. At least for a while. Hopefully I can refine his Falchion before it starts.
  9. Wow, apparently Minerva's magic stat is so low (2 at level 114), that amped doesn't affect it.
  10. If only I had more orbs so I could blow some of them trying to get a better IV Lucina. Mine is -Atk/+Res.
  11. Ally Rescue, but it's set to Lv. 128. I didn't find it that hard personally.
  12. The spears only one I took Cordelia and Ceada who both have staves. That one isn't too terrible since they are relatively close to each other. Plus I don't think it was too high of a level. I've had issues with villager recruitment maps before. The problem wasn't really beating them, it was getting enough KOs.
  13. I hope not. It'd be embarrassing for her to lose in the first round twice. Just look at how happy bunny Lucina is. Who would want to make that sad?
  14. A long time ago maybe, but do you really think Sharena has approached anywhere near Lucina levels of popular?
  15. I think it was either a beat the boss or beat the boss with an S rank. Can't tell you which since I beat it with an S rank the first time.
  16. Are other people just a lot more strapped for feathers than I that the 10% bonus really means that much? Hey, I'm not putting a blue for the gauntlet. I'm also going to team Lucina though.
  17. Probably, but probably not enough. Though her story presence as pointed out hasn't been what Alfonse's has and Fjorm is a thing. Of course there is always multiplier shenanigans.
  18. I will be on team Lucina surprising probably no one. Lucina vs. Sharena. Ring any bells?
  19. I got Falchion's opus. I used Lissa and Cordelia. I recommend dracoslayer and wingslayer for this mission. There are some horses too I think.
  20. Don't count Lucina out. She may not have DDs, but she's got more raw popularity and is adorably happy.
  21. People are not always aware of their own bias. Whether intentional or not, she has been given reduced screen time.
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