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Everything posted by Arthur97

  1. I would almost say Sigurd even if Seliph needs an upgrade worse, but I wouldn't hold too tightly to that precedent. They actually have different C-A supports for certain characters (Chrom, Lon'qu, 2nd gen, Tiki, most if not all of the spotpass characters).
  2. I doubt Seliph of all people is getting one next. And the Robin's are considered separate entities according to the catalog (so people can stop complaining about six Robins). Besides, we still need a grandmaster.
  3. Maybe, not sure on the exact definition, but this one has better movement and a handy exclusive skill. Largely though, I'm probably more upset that this is another Grima so soon and a legendary to boot, and that female Robin is not only the first Awakening legendary, who know when or if male Robin will get to be a legendary. Though hopefully he'll be a grandmaster if he does. Like I said above, I'm a bit salty about female Robin being the legendary. They didn't even go the grandmaster route, but maybe that means male Robin will get it.
  4. Do you even math? Besides, CYL2 is grossly inaccurate anyways.
  5. It is an accomplishment since 44 came from 2 games of a series of (not counting remakes) 13 games.
  6. A. They should have waited and used this Grima for the Tempest. B. Guess I can skip since I really don't like female Robin. C. Why couldn't they do something different with her?
  7. Lief being in the top ten males seems to support that as well as Tharja doing so relatively poor. Also that information could be taken as 44 of the top 100 came from 2 games.
  8. No, she only saw the world slowly starving to death as well as being hunted by the undead and being responsible for trying to keep them alive. And you don't know how young she was. She mentions having memories of Chrom in a manner that seems to indicate that she was rather young when he died and everything came crashing down. And really, how could it possibly be as painful to lose someone you never knew compared to someone you did? I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt, but faceless individuals usually hurt less than those who you knew and loved.
  9. It's already been mentioned that they aren't her real parents, but let's also remember that this is about backstory. Also, there is a case to be made about having something, about having parents who she loved and loved her, only to have those ripped away at a young age as opposed to not having them at all like Lief who did not have that so how would he know what he was lacking?
  10. I mean, people are probably going to hate on Lucina one way or another. And bunny Lucina isn't top tier even if she's great. And, no, unless she's an armor, she shouldn't have armor stats. Plus, if I get another Lucina, I can take masked Lucina off the Lucina team since she's my least favorite Lucina.
  11. Going with the waifu terminology, huh? I want another version of one of my favorites and she hasn't gotten a seasonal in about a year despite massive popularity. Plus, she didn't get powercreep stats in any of her versions. Just don't let it be in a second bride banner.
  12. I honestly really want one. Masked Lucina isn't much, and she's only had one seasonal. Plus, I want a Lucina with the powercreep treatment.
  13. Lyn apparently only had to deal with it six months prior to the game, but Lucina was in a post apocalyptic wasteland for years. At least Lief had a living world and protector. Lucina had to lead a hopeless battle and had the responsibility of keeping humanity alive. Most lords deal with the loss of family (Lief didn't even know the parents he lost though, but Lucina did. You say that makes Lucina's easier, but she knew what she lost) and/or country, but Lucina had to deal with the loss of the world.
  14. Doesn't mean they actively like most of the characters. That's hundreds of characters. Look at SD, it had so many throw away characters, but apparently you think we should be rooting for them. A lot of characters probably fall into the "I don't really care" category.
  15. I believe Nah does mention the food issue to male Robin.
  16. A few (I'd like most Awakening characters added, but only a few make the must have list and one will almost certainly be a GHB), but for the most part I'm good. Sumia is the only real big one left. So, yeah, bring on the alts.
  17. Why get new characters you don't like when you could get more of your favorites?
  18. Not that I subscribe to this theory, but I think you got it reversed.
  19. Right, let's believe the delusional card that thinks it's alive. Since they leave the avatar stuff as "familiar" it's vague enough to ignore if you don't really like it. Katarina even mentioned the possibility of being wrong (and may be a little unhinged). Plus, it's not like Heroes is canon.
  20. Yeah, the best we got was their dual warrior quotes. Even in the base game she didn't have one with Lyn. Also, no Cordelia and Minerva support? Come on!
  21. Or worse, Awakening characters supporting with Fates characters. Though we do at least have proof that Owain supports with Navarre.
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