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Posts posted by Gregster101

  1. 2 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

    I'd be surprised if it was based on the White Heron Cup with how early in the year it is now, that's in December. It's more likely it'll be another summer festival akin to the 2018 banner. That and I really don't want another 3H dominated seasonal right after we just got one and on the heels of them owning CYL4.

    The dancer banner has never been in December

  2. 27 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    That was a couple years back, so I wouldn't put much weight on it now. But any positive signs are worth something.


    It could be that they are waiting for more new FE games to grow the brand. Because something tells me they don't actually care about Tellius or Elibe beyond the token lords that they "promised" for a sequel.

    I mean I still hope they include Tellius and Elibe characters after what they said about wanting to include Ike and Roy in a sequel besides the obvious Three Houses characters. Valentia characters too just so Celica is no longer alone X(

  3. JULIAN AND LENA! About fucking time these two were added. I honestly thought it was absolutely criminal that Julian and Lena weren't in the game at launch.

    Also, I know some of you will probably find this odd but..I don't hate Kris. More specifically, I don't have an opinion on them one way or the other. I understand why people hate them, and I agree they're an unnecessary addition to a remake of a game that didn't originally have an Avatar, but compared to Corrin, they don't make me nearly as angry. Although that is a discussion for another time though.

    Anyway, definitely try to get Julian and/or Lena in my free pulls, and then back to hoarding for Jill and/or Patty.

  4. 40 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I know you don't like him but he's pretty much the only major Awakening villian left to add at this point besides maybe Yen'fey and Say'ri kind of already took his weapon for herself. Plus if the next Awakening banner is Gen 2 characters Validar makes sense due to his connection to Grima.

    Didn't stop Travant from getting in without his weapon. Also Tybrosion said, they can still skirt around him with characters like Cervantes


    7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    I'd mention Excellus but I'm pretty sure he is even more reviled than Validar is

    Honestly I forgot Excellus even existed until you mentioned him. All I remember about him is him sharing Marth's OVA voice actor, and that should tell you something.


    41 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    (Happy to compromise though and have a Tellius banner except with Jill replaced by Hans)

    Do you have a death wish?

  5. 1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

    Not sure why people are thinking the next banner is Fates when we just got one back in April so I'm not expecting Fates to get another new heroes banner until next year. But I will say I'm expecting the next Fates banner to be Conquest focused with characters like Nyx, Dwyer and maybe even Charlotte and Benny on it.

    As for the last Awakening banner, I thought it was a good banner (though a banner with Anna on it is automatically a 10/10 banner for me). I predicted it was a going to be Gen 1 banner and they delivered. It focused on the climax of the Plegian arc and gave us important characters such as Emmeryn and Gangrel and tossed in a darkhorse boss in Mustafa and a character you can recruit around that time with Anna. Really the only odd one out was Say'ri (but she was one of the most requested character from Awakening not yet in the game) and Mirabilis (for obvious reasons). I predict next years Awakening banner will be the rest of the gen 2 units with Validar as our GHB unit.

    >Validar as the GHB


  6. 22 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    If I've learned anything in Heroes, it's that their banner choices will often find new and exciting ways to disappoint me. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was another Fates banner after just how bad that last Awakening one was.

    Touche. I wouldn't want another Fates banner so soon anyway just cuz of the possibility of them adding fucking Hans

  7. 1 minute ago, vanguard333 said:

    I suppose, though wouldn't it make more sense to go back to the series' roots? Or, at the very least, why not release a remake of the original or TTYD, see how well it does, and then use that to determine what to do with the series?

    Or maybe they could do what Fates did and release two games: one like the old games, one like the new games, and then a DLC that takes the worst of the old and the new?

    Shitting on Rev somehow always results in the best comments around here

    Anyway, I do agree that it would be nice to see them remake the original or TTYD and use that as a way to see if it's what people really want.

  8. 9 minutes ago, RomanFlour said:

    I haven't played Fates, but Iago imo was probably the best-used villain of the three - Validar was mainly in the story to re-tell some story beats from Awakening (which is fine but feels like a wasted opportunity), and Gharnef mainly appears in the story so you have someone to fight in the first World Tree. 

    I mean he still just shows up once and then just completely leaves from the narrative after his story chapter like the other two.

  9. 1 minute ago, RomanFlour said:

    I feel like many issues fans have with this game can be solved if this game got additional support and DLC (Not too sure if a full-fledged sequel is likely, but I think it's somewhat more probable to see a Legends-styled expansion and additional DLC). Mechanically, it's my favorite Warriors game thanks to many mechanics to it (such as stats adding more diversity between the cast, crest skills, the pair-up and support mechanics adding some fun inter-character interactions, as well as how this game refined many mechanics from Hyrule Warriors, such as weak point gauges being able to be revealed via certain attacks rather than needing to wait for them). Also, while there are clones, pretty much every playstyle is worth using.

    Koei has expressed interest in a Fire Emblem Warriors sequel, and they did say they were satisfied with the sales of the game, so it's probably safe to expect we'll get a sequel at some point rather than just a Legends styled expansion with additional DLC, it's just a matter of when.

  10. Honestly other than Gharnef, who I guess can stay cuz he is more or less the original main antagonist besides Medeus, they really should have picked different villains like Gangrel or Walhart for Awakening or literally any Fates character that isn't Iago. Having a villain lineup that consists of three sorcerer villains that are all clones of Robin and two of them being the biggest losers of their stories is just really deflating.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Light Strategist said:

    A skill like that would benefit Warriors for sure but Iago has a variant of the class designed exclusively for him in Fates.

    As a way to make that skill more ideal specifically, I'd say to add like an extra 5% healing effect so it has some reason to be on units that already have staves like Lissa or Elise.

    Then just give him a unique class name called Nohrian Tactician or something like that. Don't just give it the same name of a generic class that can't even use staves.

    And yeah, that could work

  12. 26 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I think that's the big problem. Its a celebration of Fire Emblem that takes the strange stance that large portions of Fire Emblem fans just aren't welcome to the party. If your main interest lies with Tellius or GBA games then the crossover simply isn't made for you. 

    Maybe it wasn't intended that way but the strange way the series developed has its effect. Many parts of the fandom entered Fire Emblem at different points when the series had different tones. People who started with the GBA games might hold the same nostalgia for Elibe as the Japanese do for Archenea yet their starting point got snubbed. Tellius has a very different tone from Archenea where everyone's a mute or the newer games were everyone is an anime character and people liked it for that. That sort of tone hardly having any representation might cause people to get really annoyed. Jugdral wasn't a game anyone expected to get a lot of representation but the huge effect it had on the series means any celebration worth its salt should at least give it something. Even Archenea which all too often gets preferential treatment was kinda snubbed. Sure it got included but only with the barest amount of characters they could get away with. 

    Its also worth pointing out that this game came out when the newer games were at their most controversial so having them get 75+ percentage of the roster while most games didn't even get a single bone thrown their way likely wasn't the message the fandom needed at the time. 

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not meaning to vent too much. I merely try to explain why the design policy behind this crossover was just very clumsy and bound to breed resentment. Whether that resentment is correct is another matter but the design process behind this game was bound to create such feelings. And it really didn't have to be that way. Even some minor alterations could have created a large amount of good will. If some fat in the roster was trimmed and replaced with a select few iconic characters like Roy or Ike, and if these characters were not merely a last minute addition like Lyn then this would already make a lot of older fans feel welcome. If in addition the creators just calmly explained that time and resources were limited, that they chose those game to have the biggest reach but still included some fan favorites because they love the older fans just as much then it would already be a lot better. I don't think many fans are unreasonable. They just wanted something and if the Koei made an honest effort to give them something they'd have accepted that. As it stands its likely many fans weren't even considered during the design process of the game which just seems foolish for any celebration of any series. 

    Yeah that's pretty much the problem with Fire Emblem Warriors, a lot of older fans simply didn't feel welcome in a game that celebrated Fire Emblem (and I say this as someone who's technically an Awakening baby). If they had given the newer fans either Awakening or Fates, the western veterans either Elibe or Tellius, and the Japanese fans Archanea, then there wouldn't be nearly as many complaints as there were.

    I'm still hoping for a Fire Emblem Warriors 2 with Elibe, Tellius, and Valentia characters, as well as the obvious Three Houses characters.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    If I'm going to keep guessing a Genealogy gen one banner to get things up to parity with gen two then I'll eventually be right....right? 

    I mean as much as I would prefer a Gen 2 banner just cuz of Patty and I'm still mad about her not being on the previous banner with Shannan btw, it does probably make sense for the next FE4 banner to be Gen 1 so we can get characters like Lex and Azel. Or best case scenario, a banner with characters from both Gen 1 and 2, though I doubt it. 

  14. 29 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    No, but he also isn’t the only one. Others include Bryce, Levail, Ludveck, Numida, that wyvern lord boss in PoR who dies to his own boulder traps who was enough of a meme that he got a Cipher card, and of course Lekain.

    You know I am surprised Lekain isn't a votable option in CYL considering he has official art unlike the other unvotable characters, as well as being the closest thing RD has to a main villain outside of Sephiran. I wouldn't vote for him, but still

  15. 1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

    Given that Shiharam isn't even in CYL, I'm going to say not likely at best. The presence of Altina and Bramimond grants him a chance of course, but I'm don't think that he is significant enough to have that much of a chance especially when Petrine is still an option. Besides, why should IS bother digging Shiharam up when they can just fuck Shinon over instead and make him the mediocre GHB unit?

    I'm still bitter and cynical after what happened to Haar, if you couldn't tell.

    Shiharim isn't votable in CYL? What the heck. How come Mustafa and fucking Brigand Boss are votable but not Shiharim?


    And yeah, I'm still mad over them butchering Haar as well.

  16. 3 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

    Mustafa has popularity behind him as a sympathetic enemy boss whereas Aran and Dadven have far thinner followings.

    Kieran would fit right in on a Crimean Royal Knights banner but I'd be very surprised if he shared a banner with Jill (assuming axes) or the Greil Mercs. Granted we did get a Catria alt on an Echoes banner for the army she wasn't in but it depends on whether they feel like it.


    1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

    Mustafa got a little over a thousand votes in the first CYL, while both Devdan and Danved do not even have a thousand votes all-time (only 768 and 517, respectively). They really will be lucky to even get in at all, especially since Tellius still has a lot missing (unlike Awakening). 

    Since we have Mustafa, what would you say are the odds of the GHB being Shiharim to go along with Jill?

  17. My prediction for a Tellius banner if we do get one is Jill as a green axe flier, Zihark as a red sword infantry, Shinon as a colorless bow infantry, and Ilyana as a blue tome infantry. As much as I love Marcia and consider her my second favorite Tellius girl after Jill, I don't know how likely she is. Then again, I guess since Ilyana is technically already in the game, someone else could show up on the banner instead of her like Marcia.

    As for the GHB, normally I would say Petrine, but after they added Mustafa, I'm gonna be bold and say I think Shiharim should be the GHB to go along with Jill.

  18. 19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I do think Jill ought to be an axe flier rather than lance flier. We have so many lance fliers already and the green pool is still smaller than the other colors.

    EXACTLY THIS! Please for the love of god let Jill be an axe flier instead of generic lance flier 5623478

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