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Everything posted by Symphonica

  1. First Summoning session Sniping every colour but red and 70 ish orbs later, I got my rate broken by a dupe Minerva (but now I have Life and Death Fodder) Finished the session and managed to get one of the focuses
  2. First 5* was Eirika followed closely by Julia and Camilla in the next 2 summoning sessions. Sacked Camilla for Brave Axe+ for Cherche who I eventually sacked for Death Blow Reinhardt so it was kind of a waste but oh well. I used the other 2 a lot once I got them and for quite a while afterwards, but now I don't use them all that often horse emblem for the win!
  3. Seems the game doesn't want me to get Ike. I think this is the 4th? banner he's been on and despite sniping reds looking for him, I always seem to get someone else. Got to 4.50% on the tempest banner only to get Ogma. The good news is he is +spd/-res. Decided to finish the session and also got Ninian(+res/-def) and Hawkeye(+atk/-def). I would of preferred different units as I already have all 3 of them, but I'll take it. I'll start saving orbs for the next banner now
  4. Used my usual horse emblem team of Xander, Olwen, Cecilia and Reinhardt to clear hard and lunatic but switched to an infantry team of Brave Lucina, Brave Ike, Eirika and Olivia to clear Infernal. Took 2 tries because I originally tried using Ninian instead of Olivia but I needed wings of mercy so I swapped them. Infernal Units: Brave Ike (neutral) Urvan, Reposition, Aether, Steady Breath, Beorc Blessing, Hone Speed 3 Brave Lucina (+hp/-spd) Geirskogul, Reciprocal Aid, Aether, Fury 3, Renewal 3, Drive Spd 2 Eirika (+hp/-def) Sieglinde, Rally Defense, New Moon, Triangle Adept 2, Drag Back, Hone Speed 3 Olivia (+def/-spd) Ruby Sword, Dance, Luna, Fury 2, Wings of Mercy 3, Hone Attack 3
  5. Decided to summon from the PoR banner one last time and managed to get Oscar. He's +atk/-def which is pretty good and I have a bonus unit for the arena and tempest but I probably won't use him much after them. From the death blow banner, free summon was a 4* Leon who is a new unit for me. Decided to do the full summoning session and I managed to get Celica! She's either +Def/-res or +res/-def which is fine as she is someone I've wanted.
  6. Spent 60 orbs and got a Mathilda. Haven't checked her nature but I'll probably use her for cancel affinity at some point. Should have stuck to my original plan and only spend 20 orbs but oh well, what's done is done. And with that, I'm finished with this banner
  7. Went with a horse emblem team (as usual) for Infernal: Leo, Olwen, Cecilia and Olivia For the quests, I used Ninian, Julia, Lilina and Sharena/Female Robin
  8. Spent some crests to get my Arena run done early and got my highest score to date in the Arena and AA. For Arena went with my core team of Xander, Olwen, Cecilia with Brave Lyn and swept through with ease for a score 4826. AA took like 4 tries for a deathless run because the amount of Brave Lyn and Reinhardt is disgusting but what can you do? Anyway, led with a team of Masked Marth, Nowi, Minerva and Valter and ended up with a score of 4832
  9. Bought a few orbs as I was at 4% on the bond hero banner as I wanted Ephraim. Managed to get him in the end, but he's unfortunately +spd/-atk. Coincidentally, that's the same nature as the Nino I promoted, maybe her doesn't want her to feel left out?
  10. Let's see, so far I'm supporting... Summon/Xander Xander/Olwen Reinhardt/Cecilia Brave Roy/Brave Lyn Eliwood/Roderick Camus/Eldigan Frederick/Leo Titania/Cain Summer Corrin/Minerva Valter/Palla Tsubaki/Narcian Zephiel/Sheena Effie/Gwendolyn Nino/Eirika Spring Lucina/Olivia Nowi/Masked Marth
  11. Running 2 teams for this TT: Lyn, Ninian, Brave Lucina, Brave Ike Brave Roy, Brave Lyn, Eliwood, Ursula Both teams can pretty consistently make it to the final map but horse emblem obviously has an easier time. Only Ninian has maxed HM and I don't think I'll max HM for anyone else this TT as it's only a week so I shouldn't need to change team comps, but we'll see. Definitely enjoying this TT more than the others so far
  12. Free summon on the new banner was 3* Cherche. Decided to do a full summon on the banner anyway and then call it quits and I managed to get 5* Eliwood. He's +hp/-res which is fine but I would of preferred -def
  13. Chain challenge 1+2 on normal has quite a lot for 30 stamina. I think there's around 10?
  14. Had 30 orbs left over from when I purchased some for the brave banner so I had a go at summoning Camilla so I could give a brave axe to Frederick. The game decides to troll me as none of the summoning sessions had green so I pulled a red each time and backed out. In the end, I managed to get a 5* Tharja who is unfortunately +hp/-spd. Going to train her up and keep her for now, but if another red mage cav or red flier is introduced, I'll probably sack her to one of them. Now, back to saving orbs!
  15. Got impatient and bought some orbs to try and get Lucina so that I have all 4 brave heroes. Got her in 90 ish orbs though she is +hp/-spd which is a little unfortunate. Also got a 5* neutral Merric in the same session, and with that, I'm done with this banner.
  16. Update for the CYL 1. Eirika (+hp/-def) 2. Julia (+atk/-spd) 3. Camilla (+atk/-spd) (sacked to give a Cherche Brave Axe+) 4. Olivia (promoted) (+def/-spd) 5. Olwen (+atk/-hp) 6. Rebecca (+atk/-def) 7. Spring Lucina (+atk/-res) 8. Olwen (+def/-res) (merged into my +atk Olwen) 9. Nowi (+atk/-hp) 10. Reinhardt (+spd/-def) 11. Odin (promoted) (sacked to give Spring Lucina Blarblade+) 12. Hawkeye (promoted) (sacked to give a Cherche Death Blow 3) 13. Xander (promoted) (neutral) 14. Ogma (+spd/-atk) 15. Eldigan (+spd/-hp) 16. Camus (promoted) (neutral) 17. Clair (+hp/-def) (sent home) 18. Masked Marth (reward) 19. Cecilia (promoted) (neutral) 20. Summer Frederick (+hp/-res) (merged into my +spd Frederick) 21. Rebecca (+hp/-def) (merged into my +atk rebecca) 22. Tobin (reward) 23. Leo (+res/-spd) 24. Summer Frederick (+spd/-atk) 25. Jakob (+atk/-def) 26. Odin (sacked to give Olwen Blarblade+) 27. Hana (sacked to give Olwen Life and Death 3) 28. Summer Gaius (+atk/-spd) (merged into my +hp Summer Gaius) 29. Summer Gaius (+hp/-def) 30. Summer Leo (+hp/-atk) 31. Klein (Neutral) 32. Minerva (+spd/-res) 33. Frederick (promoted) (+atk/-spd) 34. Ninian (+def/-spd) 35. Clive (reward) 36. Nino (promoted) (+spd/-atk) 37. Lyn (+atk/-hp) 38. Julia (+hp/-def) 39. Summer Corrin (+def/-res) 40. Cain (+spd/-def) 41. Valter (promoted) (neutral) 42. Roderick (promoted) (+spd/-def) 43. Brave Lyn (+hp/-res) 44. Brave Roy (+atk/-def) 45. Brave Ike (neutral) (free summon) No of pulled 5*: 30 No promoted to 5*: 12 No of 5* reward: 3 Got 3 of them already so I should hopefully be able to get Brave Lucina before the focus is over. Also almost at 20k feathers again so I can promote soon but I think I'll wait and see who the next GHB is first
  17. Added, name is Symphonia and lead is Frederick @Motendra Would you like to add me too? ID is 8483353835
  18. Went in with 80 ish orbs thanks to the new story maps so I had hopes in getting one of the new brave heroes. Ended up with 2 of them, Lyn (+hp/-res) and Roy (+atk/-def) so I chose Ike as my free summon. Now I just need Lucina and I'll have all of them! Other noteworthy pulls were my first Tharja, Fae and Mae
  19. Went with a flyer team of 4* Palla, 5* Valter, 5* Minerva and 5* Summer Corrin for infernal. Definitely needed positioning skills for this one as none of my units could 1RKO the infantry bow unit so I had Minerva weaken it, then used positioning skills to get out of the danger zone. After that it was pretty easy as Narcian moved straight down with Palla 2RKO him and then abusing the fact that my flyers could go over the mountains to seperate the units and pick them off one at a time
  20. Don't remember my exact score and rank, but it was in the top 400 so I got the sweet 10000 feathers and promptly promoted Valter and Roderick to 5*. As for HM thanks to the trials
  21. 1. Eirika (+hp/-def) 2. Julia (+atk/-spd) 3. Camilla (+atk/-spd) (sacked to give a Cherche Brave Axe+) 4. Olivia (promoted) (+def/-spd) 5. Olwen (+atk/-hp) 6. Rebecca (+atk/-def) 7. Spring Lucina (+atk/-res) 8. Olwen (+def/-res) (merged into my +atk Olwen) 9. Nowi (+atk/-hp) 10. Reinhardt (+spd/-def) 11. Odin (promoted) (sacked to give Spring Lucina Blarblade+) 12. Hawkeye (promoted) (sacked to give a Cherche Death Blow 3) 13. Xander (promoted) (neutral) 14. Ogma (+spd/-atk) 15. Eldigan (+spd/-hp) 16. Camus (promoted) (neutral) 17. Clair (+hp/-def) (sent home) 18. Masked Marth (reward) 19. Cecilia (promoted) (neutral) 20. Summer Frederick (+hp/-res) (merged into my +spd Frederick) 21. Rebecca (+hp/-def) (merged into my +atk rebecca) 22. Tobin (reward) 23. Leo (+res/-spd) 24. Summer Frederick (+spd/-atk) 25. Jakob (+atk/-def) 26. Odin (sacked to give Olwen Blarblade+) 27. Hana (sacked to give Olwen Life and Death 3) 28. Summer Gaius (+atk/-spd) (merged into my +hp Summer Gaius) 29. Summer Gaius (+hp/-def) 30. Summer Leo (+hp/-atk) 31. Klein (Neutral) 32. Minerva (+spd/-res) 33. Frederick (promoted) (+atk/-spd) 34. Ninian (+def/-spd) 35. Clive (reward) 36. Nino (promoted) (+spd/-atk) 37. Lyn (+atk/-hp) 38. Julia (+hp/-def) 39. Summer Corrin (+def/-res) 40. Cain (+spd/-def) 41. Valter (promoted) (neutral) 42. Roderick (promoted) (+spd/-def) No of pulled 5*: 27 No promoted to 5*: 12 No of 5* reward: 3 Not much noteworthy pull wise as I've not been summoning very much as I'm low on orbs and now that CYL will be a thing soon, I'm saving towards that. Anyway,thanks to the TT, managed to promote 2 units, Valter and Roderick. For my next promotions, I think i'll start focusing on some greens
  22. Got up to 15 orbs thanks to the new maps so did my first pull on the blade banner hoping to get one of the focuses. Free pull was a 4* Matthew who was promptly given to Nowi for Hone speed. Rest of the pull was: 3* Serra 4* Raigh 4* Boey 5* Cain Was surprised at getting Cain but he's a pretty good nature (+spd/-def) which I'm happy with. I already have Xander and Eldigan but +spd Cain reaches 35 spd I think so I can build him differently.
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