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Everything posted by MetalAmethyst

  1. By process of elimination, I think we can see what next week's bios will be: Monday: Petra, Wednesday: Sylvain, Friday: Leonie or Marianne (it's a 50/50, honestly)
  2. I'm wondering if there are playable characters outside of the school at all. Especially since you only have 9 playable characters for each route.
  3. I am under a similar impression. Ignace would make sense if they are following the gender pattern, yet there are two female characters left for Golden Deer. Leonie would make sense to reveal before Marianne, as she would likely be the last to be revealed. I could be wrong, though. This is a "We shall see" scenario.
  4. 6 down, 2 to go for Black Eagles! I'm still predicting that Annette will be next for the Blue Lions. If not, then it's likely Ingrid. Golden Deer on the other hand, is a little difficult to predict. It'll either be Ignace or one of the female characters (Leonie or Marianne).
  5. So, I've been seeing a lot of people compare Caspar to Akihiko from Persona 3. After reading his bio... yeah, he's like Akihiko. With maybe a hint of Ryuji Sakamoto?
  6. My predictions are: Linhardt or Caspar for Monday, Annette for Wednesday, and Ignace for Friday.
  7. Spanish or Portuguese countries in Europe, sure. But, Latin America would be a bit of a stretch.
  8. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I was kind of hoping for one of them to get a bio before then.
  9. As much as I'd love to see Leonie's bio, I am interested in seeing Lysithea, Marianne and Ingrid's background.
  10. A case of been there, done that, but I wouldn't mind it. Kind of sounds like Rudolf to be honest.
  11. Okay, so Ashe and Lysithea are up next. Well, I was expecting either Ashe or Sylvain for Blue Lions, so Ashe was correct. I was expecting Leonie, but I was way off.
  12. I guess that makes sense. Same. There isn't really anything spoilery about that in comparison to whoever the green haired guy is.
  13. I have a feeling it will be the green haired guy who is usually seen next to Rhea, but if not, that would be really cool!
  14. I hope we'll find out more information as we go. Also, it would be cool to see if there are other recruitable characters.
  15. 4 more for the Black Eagles 4 more for the Blue Lions and 4 more for the Golden Deer And goodness know who else will be shown.
  16. They've all but confirmed Ignace to be male. And yet, if it is a "reverse Forrest situation", I can imagine some interesting possibilities with what they could do with the character.
  17. Hmm... honestly, I could see at least one of them as a noble, but I can't see both of them being nobles.
  18. I just found out that contact lenses were invented in 1887. It was made of glass and wasn't very comfortable, nor did it fit. I assume this was meant to be a joke.
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