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Everything posted by MetalAmethyst

  1. I wonder who it could be? They revealed all of the names of the students of Golden Deer, so it'll definitely be one of them.
  2. I wonder who's next? I hope we get to see intros like this from all the students.
  3. A calendar system? I really hope that doesn't mean we have a limited time to do things like in Persona.
  4. The two other girls in Golden Deer are Lysithea and Marianne.
  5. Not bad. Not bad. 8/10 The Last Battle from Shantae: Risky's Revenge
  6. That would be neat. Hidden treasure spots and shops would definitely keep hawk eyed players on their toes. Also, love the use of Leonie as your avatar!
  7. Perhaps other characters can be recruited throughout the course of the game; students and non-students alike. We don't know what kind of story we're getting, so I hope for other recruitable units that aren't connected to the school.
  8. 1. Scarlet (Fates) 2. Selena (The Sacred Stones) 3. Galle, Brunnya, and Murdock (The Binding Blade) 4. Petrine and Ashnard (Path of Radiance) 5. Sephiran (Radiant Dawn)
  9. Leonie's design is my favorite, next to Bernadetta, Petra, Raphael, and Sylvain. And of course the main lords.
  10. After seeing the direct, here are my thoughts. 1. Three Houses representing three different nations, monastery, officer's academy. So, your not just being called a teacher, you are the teacher! At an academy, where you teach students (units) to battle with. Go on... 2. You choose one of the three houses in the academy, and the students become your personal units to use in battle. Limited, but sure! 3. The girl from the last trailer (the one sleeping on a throne) is named Sothis, and has some kind of mind-link connection, thingy. Okay, but is she a manakete? I'm betting she is, because of the pointy ears. 4. There are fist weapons now?! YES!!! 5. So, you can earn money by having your students train with other students? Are there other methods of monetary gain? 6. Is there a Casual mode. I assume there is one. 7. The teacher's father is a mercenary named Jeralt. And they're another avatar character? (btw, female version's kinda cute though) 8. Leonie's... pretty cute! As are some of the other character designs (some, not all). It'll take a lot to replace Scarlet for me, though. 9. Promotions involve giving characters assignments? Guess that's to be expected; you are the teacher after all. 10. There seems to be a day/night cycle. Hopefully your given all the time you need for preparations. Overall, I'm super hyped for this game! I can't to see more information about this in the future!
  11. Scarlet placed 153rd. Better than last year! I will be voting for her in the next one!
  12. Rinkah was another character I want to see in the game, too. I also wonder about character placements for CYL3. Scarlet was 150th place in the first event, and 180th in the second.
  13. I have finished! I don't expect her to get far, but I still vote for her anyway!
  14. Does anyone think anything can change in this event?
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