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Fabulously Olivier

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Posts posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. 13 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Is Tevinter the setting this time around? That was always my big hope. 

    Pretty sure that's been confirmed for a long while now.


    The game starts at some point following the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition, particularly those of Trespasser. The location has been confirmed to be Tevinter Imperium.

  2. In terms of new announcement, I consider Expedition 33 to be the game of the show, and it's even coming to Gamepass. 


    Existing games wise, Dragon Age looks damn good, Metaphor looks better every time I see it, and I'm sure I'll have some fun with The First Descendant as a junkfood game.

  3. Honestly, there was nothing for me (that I didn't already know about).


    And I hate that Dark Souls has poisoned the modern action game climate so much. Now every single cool looking third person action game I see with big bosses (you know, the most generic thing), I have to ask myself if I'll even be able to play this, or if it'll just be more exclusionary trash.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Lord_Brand said:

    I don't follow Sony news ever since I disavowed them in 2020, but in the interest of being informed I looked it up. So...what's the problem, exactly? Girl's got defined booty cheeks?

    Essentially to boil it down, a half-decent NieR Automata clone has been made the center of attention because dwindling right wing content creators made up a fake controversy that people are so mad about this fanservice game (they weren't). And then the game got further controversy because the western release added slightly more fabric to some costumes, and removed a probably-unintentional ingame "Hard-R" reference.


    But like, it's not exactly unique. You can find plenty of censorship debates, including with Fire Emblem itself, and always based on fanservice.

  5. 13 hours ago, Randoman said:

    Between Sony being really censor happy with most games releasing on their console

    This is a non-issue that always says more about those complaining than it does about those doing the "censorship." The censored thing is never anything of substance. It isn't speech. It isn't philosophy. It isn't anything political - and indeed, a vocal minority of gamers loudly advocate for censorship of politics in games. No, gamers complain when vapid things are censored - namely, nudity.

  6. Alright, predictions time. I'm going to shotgun out 10 predictions. And since we just got one, none will be musous.


    1. Devil May Cry VI - possibly as the mic drop final trailer.

    2. Titan Quest 2 release date trailer.

    3. New Tales of game, releasing next year.

    4. Lord of the Rings PS2 hack and slash trilogy remaster/HD collection.

    5. Megaman Star Force Legacy Collection

    6. Star Wars Diablo-like (think Marvel Ultimate Alliance)

    7. Dragon Age Dreadwolf release date trailer

    8. Soul Calibur VII

    9. Borderlands 4, but it's probably a long way off.

    10. Marvel vs. Capcom returns

  7. Certainly a niche unpopular opinion, but I don't subscribe to the "Samurai Warriors is better than Dynasty Warriors" consensus. Hyper attacks make SW even more mindless and button mashy than DW. DW has far better overall character design.


    And DW has 3 (4) distinct, iconic factions. This matters because it makes the story easy to follow and gives you a team to root for. SW is made up of so many distinct factions, and most of them are literal-whos. The story only really cares about the Oda, Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa factions. The game has a massive Sanada bias. And you're probably only going to care about the Date clan if you're a Sengoku Basara fan.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Is that confirmed? Because an Oc being selectable alongside the other characters seems the more likely scenario.

    AFAIK, it isn't totally confirmed.


    I think the likely scenario is Story Mode - Create-A-Character OC, Free Mode - other characters.

  9. 16 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

    Nothing, State of play was a joke with nothing looking good. 2 more hero shooters? Why, nobody wants that. While I was hyped for Silent Hill konami once again ruins everything they touch.

    Maybe there is something good. The way I feel about Where Winds Meet is that if it has difficulty settings, it stands to be the AAA Wuxia game I've always wanted. (But if it's just more Soulslike/masocore guff, no thanks).

  10. With the Playstation State of Play today and SGF next week, it's time to talk about all the gaming news and predictions.


    What excited you from the State of Play, if anything? What do you expect to see next week?


    I for one am hyped for the high-effort Dynasty Warriors reboot. 

  11. Just now, vanguard333 said:

    Yeah, it probably does work better for Pokémon than for Fire Emblem. It has been a while since I played either game, so I can't really say which game I prefer. And yes, Mega Evolutions were a great mechanic; I really enjoyed it in both Y and Omega Ruby.

    I look forward to playing Alpha Sapphire. I am a gen 3 guy. Always have been. Everything about it just clicks with me.


    I reckon I should get Moon out of the way first, and I also have a copy of Soul Silver to play.

  12. 6 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    I understand.

    Incidentally, my thoughts on X/Y are similar to my thoughts on Awakening: both felt to me like games that were originally going to be a lot more weird, but something happened and they instead chose to play it safe and make a "Greatest Hits" game. A lot of Pokémon Y reminded me of Awakening; particularly in the similar ways in which both try to be "greatest hits" games for their respective series.

    I reckon "greatest hits" works way better for Pokemon than it does for Fire Emblem. Because ultimately, all people want is lots of mons, lots of content, and cool mechanics. And Mega Evolutions are such a cool idea that everything else short of monster fusion just feels like a step down.

  13. 18 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Yeah, there's a reason that, whenever I return to the Sinnoh games, I return to Platinum, not Diamond. Gen 4 is my favourite Pokémon gen and I have plenty of nostalgia for it, but I am not blind to its flaws.

    Environmental design, Pokémon variety, and the story are all greatly improved in Platinum, as is the level balance between areas, and I think the animation speeds may have been improved but I can't remember as it has been a long time.


    Oh, yeah; I remember that Safari Zone. Yeah; that really was not fun at all; I almost never used the Safari Zone as a result.

    Yeah, I get that 99% of all gen 4 nostalgia is explicitly because of Platinum. But Platinum unfortunately isn't the version I own, and Diamond was singlehandedly responsible for knocking me off of the series for many years. I was so jaded at that point that I didn't enjoy White as much as I probably should have, and didn't even resonate with X, which is actually an extremely fun generation as I'm playing now.


    It's kind of a weird milestone to go back and complete now, as I genuinely don't remember if I ever finished gen 4 back in the day, and it was important in revisiting the series. Will probably never touch it again because there just aren't enough appealing mons to make more than one full team.


    Every other gen was fun enough in its initial version, or at least not massively reliant on its third version.

  14. 7 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

    I dunk on this game a lot and I'm sure every Pokemon game is someone's first pokemon game, but I remember this being a difficult revisit. The slow speed of everything, the glacial pace at which they introduce new Mons, the HM spam (you need four to climb to the top of Mt Coronet, two more if you want all the items), really obnoxious encounter methods for specific pokemon like Munchlax and Vespiquen, and the bizarre lack of Fire Types (juuuuust Ponyta). All issues straight out of Gold/Silver, but no awesome, sassy soundtrack and brisk pacing to go with it.

    The real tone setter is when you step into your first cave in the first hour and face, what else, Geodude and Zubat. Pokemon was a ten year old franchise by this point. Then in later caves you're up against Bronzor which has the bulk of Geodude and the Confuse Ray of Zubat, wonderful.


    I have a powerful hate for Bronzor/Bronzong.


    And an even stronger hate for the Medicham spam in Victory Road. I just love going against a bulky mon with an excellent type combo that outspeeds most of my team so I can't run away from it, and it one shots most of my team with Hi Jump Kick.


    Also, I forgot to mention that Diamond has the worst Safari Zone in the series by far. Marsh tiles are so comically unfun to traverse.

  15. The only thing better than clearing a fresh game is going back and finishing one from way back. It feels like you're vindicating your past commitment to the game. And this month, I finished two big ones - an Assassin's Creed Syndicate playthrough with roughly 40 hours in it and a Witcher 3 playthrough with a whopping 120 hours in it. 


    37. Pokemon Diamond


    Cleared 5/6


    Bottom tier Pokemon but still decent.


    + The core Pokemon game loop is still fun, with all that entails.

    + A minority of the new mons are very good and iconic, such as Empoleon, Lucario, and a few others.


    - The core Pokemon flaws - EVs, IVs, lack of story, lack of difficulty settings, lack of save slots, random encounters, random retreat failures, etc. are still flaws.

    - Text speed, animation speed, and health bar speed are slower in this game and it is glacial even if you disable animations and speed up text.

    - Mon variety in each region is pathetic throughout most of the game.

    - Most of the new mon designs are lame, IMO, and this game marks the start of the trend with a majority of new mons being uncool. Gen 4 also includes stupid looking evolutions to some of my favorite classic mons, like Electabuzz and Magmar.

    - 7.8/10 too much water? Try too many caves. That's way worse.


    38. Quantum Break


    Cleared 5/16


    A solid shooter marred by the very concept that makes it novel.


    + Satisfying third person gunplay

    + Interesting story

    + Well-paced, episodes aside


    - Who wants to watch a 20 minute tv series after each mission to understand the whole plot? Not me.

    - The characters are mostly pretty lame

    - Platforming sections suck


    39. Final Fantasy XVI


    Cleared 5/19


    This game took up most of this month's time and it was time well spent. I put in over 50 hours, clearing the campaign, all side quests, and all hunts. It's hard to rate, too, as the game is a strong 10 at its best (often) and a 7 at its worst (also pretty often).


    + Incredible story and characters

    + Gorgeous visuals

    + Spectacle and bosses that would make God of War blush

    + Awesome DMC-esque combat

    + Plenty of agency over Clive's playstyle

    + Most of the side quests actually do help flesh out the world and characters


    = Soundtrack is top quality, but lacks in quantity/variety


    - There's a fair amount of busy-work sidequests too.

    - The open world is pretty devoid of meaningful content.


    40. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate


    Cleared 5/24


    While this remains one of my favorite entries, it also isn't as good as I remember it being.


    + Decent story

    + Jacob and Evie are great characters

    + Immersive city visuals

    + Strong soundtrack


    - Carriages ruin so many missions. 

    - Kidnap missions are not fun, at all.

    - Long animation locks

    - Ubisoft bloat


    41. Hellblade 2


    Cleared 5/25


    A slow, boring 6 hour walking simulator/movie. The combat is scripted, the puzzles are brain dead, and the game is multiple steps beneath its predecessor in every way. Except for visuals - those are superb.


    42. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


    Cleared base game main story 5/27



    + Top tier story

    + Wonderful characters

    + Impressive worldbuilding

    + Gorgeous visuals

    + Tons of content

    + Side quest quality tends to be really high

    + Meaningful choices in story and playstyle

    + Sublime music

    + Extremely immersive attention to detail

    + Gwent is arguably the best minigame ever made. (Personally, I prefer Vantage Masters).


    - Combat has a nice weight to it, but it's pretty shallow

    - Geralt's movement is pretty much tank controls

    - Excessive numbers of candles and interactables can make doing what you want difficult

    - Horse races in Skellige are much too difficult

    - Fast travel implementation is inconvenient.

    - Durability system sucks.

    - Excessive fall damage. I know Geralt is old, but does he also have osteoporosis?


    43. Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth


    Almost done



    Mechanically, it's a significant improvement on its already glorious predecessor. It improves on the already top tier combat, improves progression, adds even more content, and fixes skill inheritance from jobs.


    Story-wise, it's a lot weaker. It's still good, but not up with the best of the series.


    I'm currently playing Pokemon X, Immortals of Aveum, and Path of Exile.


    With FF XVI and the Witcher 3 down, I'm now in the home stretch of my New Year's resolutions. Only Dragon's Dogma, Path of Exile, Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes, and Tears of the Kingdom remain. And I've already decided to quit Dragon's Dogshit. So that's 11 down, 1 abandoned, 3 to go.

  16. 10 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    EDIT: I also believe that there should be more RPGs where the protagonist is a spellcaster rather than a sword wielder. The point of the game is to have the player experience a magical fantasy world; have the player character wield that magic.

    I want more protagonists with spears, fisticuffs, or daggers.

  17. 23 hours ago, Venger_06 said:




    Gen 4 had the best starters overall.

    Mine is (and I'm judging entirely by final evolutions)


    Cyndaquil > Charmander > Torchic > Fuecoco > Scorbunny > Tepig > Chimchar > Litten


    Piplup > Mudkip > Totodile > Squirtle > Froakie > Sobble > Oshawott > Quaxly > Popplio


    Rowlett = Treecko > Bulbasaur > Snivy > Turtwig > Sprigatito > Chikorita > Chespin > Grookie

  18. Overall, Gen 3 has to be my favorite batch of starters, with Gen 5 being the worst set. Gen 3 all look great in their 1st and 3rd stages (and I ultimately value 3rd stages completely). Treecko slightly edges out the others to be my favorite of the three.


    Speaking of which, when it comes to grass starters, it's a very tough fight between Treecko and Rowlett. They have awesome final evolutions. I suppose I'll give the slight edge to Rowlett for how conceptually awesome an owl archer is. My least favorite grass type is Grookie.


    Onto fire, my favorite is cyndaquil by a fair margin. Typhlosion is just a very cool final form. Charmander and Torchic are great runners-up. My least favorite is Litten, and I'm not a fan of Incineroar being picked for Smash.


    Water's one of my favorite types. And I like most of them, except for Popplio and Quaxly. My favorite has got to be Piplup, who has an adorable initial form and a very badass final form. Squirtle, Totodile, and Mudkip certainly put up a good fight though.

  19. I know people are worried for Ninja Theory, and perhaps this is totally tactless of me, but I'll be frank. If Microsoft had to shut down a studio, they shut down the wrong one. Tango didn't spend 6 years developing a 6 hour walking simulator/movie with rare instances of shallow combat and "puzzles."


    And uh, that sucks. Because Hellblade 1 was actually great, and I'm one of the few people who actually kinda liked DmC as its own thing.

  20. 45 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I'm not sure ''Grimdark'' is really a good description for Unicorn Overlord. Rather than being dark and edgy it seems to be the typical jrpg/Fire Emblem affair. Arguably even a little lighter since even the recurring bandit crews are nice guys rather than ones going ''Hurr! Hurr! I have you now pretty!'' whenever they see a female character. 

    Yes and no. The rockrats are nice guys, but it's pretty hard to argue that Diet Dr. Metodey is good when his gang participated in Elf-trafficking (unless we take this as the gang only doing this after he and Mandrin step down as leaders). One of the actual little story flaws is that Alain is annoyingly prone to redeeming transparently bad people, while some redeemable (or at least sympathetic) characters like Alcina cannot be redeemed.


    And then of course there's our bumbling orphan slaver/old lady magnet.

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