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Everything posted by Jonnas

  1. I see. If participating is all it takes to get Grails, then I'll do that. Hopefully it won't take long to get those missing units. Thank you for the detailed answer! Unfortunately, I don't have any of the flying archers, nor do I have Bold Fighter to spare (otherwise, my Jakob would be a good candidate). Furthermore, I don't think Brave Lyn needs it much (her base kit already stops DC and weakens mages). That really only leaves Cordelia (who currently has a Brave Bow), Noire (who's -Atk) and Innes (who works fine as an Enemy Phase unit). I'll have to think about it. Thank you, regardless.
  2. So, I've got two very different questions: 1. I've uninstalled the game back in early August (for various reasons, mostly time), but reinstalled it recently when the laguz debuted. I've been sporadically playing it ever since, while avoiding wasting too much time on extra modes, so I haven't touched Aether Raids. However, I'd like to buy at least one of each TT unit I missed out on (like Dorcas and Cecilia). Is AR the only way to get those Chalices? I also see Aether stones in the monthly quests, can I produce chalices out of that? 2. I happened to get a Faye as a pitybreaker recently. She's the second one I have, so I'm wondering whom to give the Firesweep Bow. Are there any particularly worthy units of that weapon? I do have the likes of Bride Cordelia and Summer Noire (though the latter's -Atk).
  3. Favourite is fliers. They allow for fun hit&run tactics (which often include the skill hit&run), and it's the only movement type where I'm confident running a team filled with glass cannons. Next is cavalry. Between the high movement and the surprising variety in stat spreads (bulky cavs, glass cannon cavs, mage-killer cavs, stat debuffers, etc.), there's a lot of options with which to build fun teams. Plus, terrain obstacles feel like a fair challenge. Least favourite is Dragons. I just don't see much playstyle variety there, as most of them are just different types of bulky, almost always to be used on enemy phase. I'm neutral on armours. On one hand, overcoming low MOV can be fun (Galeforce Effie is the most fun unit I've ever made). On the other hand, armours are so hilariously powerful, they trivialise a lot of maps.
  4. It's from Path of Radiance. Entrusted (Chapter 19) is the map where an overleveled Naesala comes to wreck your army, unless Reyson talks him out of it. Klein and Clarine are Hero of the Western Isles (Chapter 11A). Klein also starts in the bottom-right corner there. Ike and Soren are likely Flight! (Chapter 5) from Path of Radiance. The map resembles the bottom half where the boss is camping. Nephenee and Elincia truly stump me. My best guess is Clash! (Chapter 26) from Path of Radiance, especially since it looks like it connects to that Book I map as well... But even that's dubious.
  5. Didn't know about that. Kinda obvious in retrospect. It was a pretty farfetched idea in the first place, I suppose. If you're running a speed-focused build, why Quick Riposte? Seems redundant, and Distant Def would help a lot more in that situation. QR looks more appropriate for the +Res focus you mentioned, and would be guaranteed to kill the likes of Reinhardt or Celica (not sure about the armours).
  6. Her base kit is already pretty good for the role, so I was thinking of just adding a Distant Def 3 seal, Iceberg for her proc (even assuming you're not running Fortify/Ward fliers, Kagero can reach 38 Res with this build, 41 if she's +Res), plus the usual Reposition/Swap for the Assist slot. This leaves us the B slot, which can be filled with Desperation (she can still reach excellent speeds with proper Hone/Goad support), G Tomebreaker (if Nino scares you that much), Flier Formation (generally useful in flier teams) or Vantage (could be useful in specific situations, like proccing Iceberg on a bow user). [EDIT: It just occurred to me that Cancel Affinity is also an option, to deal with potential raven users] Alternatively, if you are running Fortify/Ward fliers, you could make her into a more all-purpose ranged counter by giving her the Iote's Shield seal and then Bowbreaker (or, again, Vantage) for the B skill. The obvious caveat being that she still loses matchups against Brave Bows. (Keep in mind I didn't run any simulations or anything. I'm just throwing ideas)
  7. I pulled a +Res/-Spd Kagero and, despite the unfortunate bane, she's been pretty good at baiting and killing mages. These roles are uncommon in all-flier teams (on a small budget, at least), so maybe a build focused on that would be worth mentioning.
  8. So, I already had a Zelgius who was +Res/-Spd, but my free summon in one of the recent banners gave me another one, who is +Def/-Atk. I'm struggling to figure out which one to keep. I managed to get by with my previous Zelgius thanks to the Quick Riposte seal, and his higher Res allowed him to face mages in a way that my Black Knight couldn't. On the other hand, the new one's nature doesn't look that much better, either. So, which one should I keep? And on a related note, who'd make good use of Fierce Stance?
  9. I think the only crackship I formed thanks to Heroes was Titania x Eliwood. I use them frequently on the same team, and after I noticed they were both widowed (in a manner of speaking), I thought it would be amusing if Roy's dad and Ike's mom got together. In a non-romantic sense, I often pair up Brave Lyn and Brave Roy in battle, and I started to think of them in a teacher/student relationship. This one paid off, as LA!Roy clearly took those horseback archery lessons to heart.
  10. So, I got repeats Gray and Fjorm a while back, and I want to inherit their skills. But I'm unsure how. So far, Marisa seems to be the best candidate for Wind Boost, and yet it feels like she doesn't need it that much. Are there any better candidates for the skill. Everybody else with high HP seems to either be super slow (like Tobin and Zephiel), or they already have a good A-skill (like the Black Knight and Victorian Eliwood). As for Fjorm, I'm nigh-certain I'll be giving Atk/Def Bond to somebody, but once again not sure who to give it to, since there are so many candidates. I'm leaning Masked Marth (what with the recent Refinery update), but I'd like to hear other opinions. Any particularly good candidates for the skill?
  11. Man, Marth really got the short end of the stick. I hope he gets a variant or two regardless, to make up for this. But still, I'm glad with seeing Celica and Hector winning (seeing as I voted for those two). And I couldn't help but notice that RD!Tibarn was the 23rd male and 58th overall! If the vote hadn't been split, both him and Soren would've outranked Kliff! Not sure where this sudden love for the best Laguz came from, but I do hope IS takes notice.
  12. So, I took a look at the comments for that Tweet of Soeda Ippei. Someone joked it looks like "Vote for Orcas" and he responded with... ...an awesome sense of humour.
  13. So, I managed to pull two Bride Cordelias. One is +Def/-Atk, the other one is +Def/-Spd. I'm probably using one to inherit Rally Atk&Spd, and the other one I'll level to 40, likely build into a Brave Bow user (maybe Firesweep, if I ever draw a repeat Faye). Since both of them have unfortunate natures, which one do you recommend I keep?
  14. While trying to pull a Brave Lucina (the only CYL character I don't have yet), I accidentally pulled a second Brave Ike (first one was +Def/-Res, second is neutral)... and I'm at a loss on what to do. I don't usually pull repeat 5 stars. Is there any character who would make particular good use of Aether or Steady Breath?
  15. Huh, just tried doing it, and true enough, they can't learn it. Weird limitation, I wonder why is it in place. Thanks for the tips. Taking these into consideration, I'm thinking Legion, Raven and Hinoka are the only units I have that would make best use of Galeforce. The first two I don't use much, and Hinoka would turn into a second Cordelia. All things considered, I think I'll go with Effie, anyway. She gains the most from that Brave Lance+, and I like the idea of making Galeforce work on an unconventional character. It could work well with a dancer on the team, as well as making her better in Tempest Trials.
  16. I actually drew Effie very recently, as a 4-star. I'm still training her alongside a +Atk Reinhardt I also drew. I have the Armour&Horse teams to support either (and the armour team certainly needs her), but they're on the back burner for now. Truth be told, the more I think about it, the more a Brave Lance & Galeforce Effie intrigues me. I'd be up to exploring that uncharted territory. (I'm already aware of the Astra thing, I have a spare Virion. Thanks for the reminder, anyway)
  17. I just drew a repeat 5-star Cordelia. This means I have someone with both Brave Lance+ and Galeforce. I have a +Atk/-Def Effie that would enjoy that lance, but not passing on Galeforce sounds like a waste. I can give both to Effie anyway, but I'm trying to find what other options I have. So, is there any unit out there that would make particularly good use of Galeforce? Klein and Reinhardt sound like they would, but I don't see it as a common skill suggestion.
  18. I suppose "incompetence" was a bit too harsh from me. The only faults we pointed out were his quick defeat to Bern (with no backup measures in place), and the fact that Lycia fell apart after his death. So, it's not "incompetence" as much as it is "not enough foresight".
  19. To be fair, I don't think Hector would ignore his responsibilities as a governor to go have fun, and he did raise his kid properly. So, Hector's fault was that he wasn't competent enough at a job he earnestly tried to shoulder, whereas Robert just shirked his duties entirely. (Also, I haven't quite finished Awakening yet, but that sounds like a good idea. Awakening seems to introduce some interesting ideas into its world building without fully committing to them, and that includes Chrom shortcomings as a potential Exalt) That's a good theory. I asked because he doesn't seem to lose his cool against Darin (who abandoned his own son and land) or Sonia (who he meets the very next night), but with Hellene, he can't even stay diplomatic for a few minutes. The explanation you gave does help a bit, but I'll add that he may have been more severe with Hellene than with the other two precisely because he expected better from her.
  20. You make plenty of good points, especially this about Hector. Upon thinking about it, it's pretty egregious that Hector, who had access to intel from a reliable spy network (imo, a more valuable institution than the Ostian Knights, certainly more reliable), as well as a couple of prophecies strongly hinting at it (from both Athos and Durban), did so little with the information that Bern would invade. Even Lycia was politically fragile, as multiple cantons betrayed Ostia the moment he died (including Ostia itself). Methinks he should've asked Eliwood for advice more often. And now that I typed that, I see a lot of similarities between Hector and Robert Baratheon. Which means Eliwood is Ned Stark, I suppose. As I was reading this, I couldn't help but remember the moment where Eliwood calls out Queen Hellene on her indifference towards the assassination attempt, almost ruining their mission. Upon retrospect, it was uncharacteristic of him, seeing as he could have saved those comments until after securing the information he wanted. You think that was an emotional outburst, or just a stubborn sense of honour?
  21. That is a great analysis of Eliwood's character. I guessed beforehand you'd focus more on the main story than the supports themselves (much like with Hector, Eliwood's strength as a character shows more there), but you even went as far as to include his role in Hector's arc. I already knew that loss was a central part of Eliwood's story, but even then, the video still managed to highlight a few nice details I hadn't noticed (like how his advice to Hector essentially boils down to "don't let your grief cloud your judgement", something Eliwood has had to do as well). Hector is still my favourite Lord (I do enjoy his own arc a lot), but I always thought Eliwood was a great character in his own right, so it's good to see some love for him, and for the Eliwood/Ninian pairing (which is also one of my favourites). (As a side-note, I was kinda hoping to see a reference to that Marcus/Lilina support where Marcus says Eliwood once travelled to Ilia just to climb a mountain and pick his wife's favourite flower. It wouldn't add that much to the video, but it's a detail I've always liked)
  22. I have two Roys right now, one with +Res/-Def and one with +Spd/-Atk. I understand neither is ideal, but which of those natures is preferable?
  23. Just a quick correction: Chrom/Sumia is not actually 100% canon. It's heavily implied, but not canon (much like Eliwood/Ninian). So, I guess Sigurd/Deirdre would be the next choice? Or maybe go for minor married couples like Pent/Louise, Cuan/Ethlyn and Largo/Callill?
  24. Makes sense, but the issue is that I don't need her to tank reds, as I often deploy her alongside Sharena or F!Corrin (who does have Triangle Adept), both of whom are better against reds while still being decent against blues (and amusingly enough, ever since I made that first post, Ninian was attacked by a stray Nino in the arena, surviving with about 25% health, so I'll take it as a sign that TA is not the way to go :P ).
  25. Which A-skill would you suggest for a +Atk/-Res Ninian? I know Triangle Adept is a popular suggestion, but it seems pointless, as she can already survive reds just fine, and it actively hinders her ability to survive axes (which she has done on occasion). I was thinking something out of left field, like Darting Blow + Moonbow (which would allow her to have more offensive utility against a variety of opponents, and possibly trigger Escape Route in the process). But I'd like to know if there are better alternatives.
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